Hi Veeky Forums I know people have already asked for and got pretty bored about it, thinking it's bait and all, but i'm geniunely willing to try MYFAROG and the coming. Now, i've bought the coming, which is dirt cheap (3€), and i'm wiling to look up for a printing shop to scan it and deliver, but i don't want to spend 12€ for MYFAROG, a game i'll probably play once and get it over with.
Tl;dr need myfarog pdf, and i'll deliver the coming pdf.
Anthony Miller
Search in the archive, and you'll not only find it, but you'll discover how much of a faggot spammer you'd have to be to give two shits about such a shitty system.
You do know how to search the archives, right? You're not some retarded newfag, right? Now delete your shit thread.
Benjamin Thomas
You sound more butthurt than a /pol/ browser.
Is it so hard to just point me to the Da Archive? Now that i got it i guess i'll just deliver The coming sooner or later.
Btw why does it suck? i know almost nothing about the game if not that people say its a dull copy of D&D, but the conspiracy shit of "the coming" got me interested, does it change the game?
Blake Barnes
Veeky Forums hates it because it's right wing propaganda by a delusional reject of society.
Oh and the crunch is really bad.
Owen Turner
>it's right wing propaganda
Benjamin Hill
ok but i dont care if a prisoner or a feminist made it, if the game's good fuck it.
What do you mean with "the crunch is bad" ?
Jeremiah Butler
It wants to be Lamentations of the Flame Princess, but its author is too crazy and incompetent. You'll see when you read it.
Robert Evans
What's with the gas mask, I thought myfarog was supposed to be medieval
Leo Stewart
It's a bloated, badly designed mess, and it's Not original enough to pkay for the novelty.
Matthew Martinez
ok so i guess the game itself sucks balls, can you guys advice me a good post-apocalyptic game? Hard mode: based off weird conspiracies too it's an add on to myfarog, it's about a post-apocalyptic world taken off by all those consipiracy theories (bankers, freemasons, illuminati, all those tinfoil hat shit)
Joseph Ortiz
I Think converting unknown armies to an apocalyptic setting could make for a very interesting and weird game.
Matthew Perry
ooga booga, ouacowa bohica I've played like 5 separate Unknown Armies games (most wound up being 1-shots because we couldn't bring ourselves to play it again for another year or two). I'd like to say that yeah, the rule system is shitty and does not enable fun play, but at least the setting is awesome... but I still have no fucking clue what the setting is supposed to be since I haven't gone to teh forbidden pages. Mostly it has been a modern setting except I have no idea how things interact.
The skill system is definitely "Set sail for fail." We mostly don't use it for any checks, as recommended. Except for important stuff at which point we expected to fail and met those expectations at every turn.
The most endearing thing about the game was that we called it "Army Surplus" rather than Unknown Armies because we couldn't remember its name when we first took it out for a ride. Kind of a low point that that was the best thing about the game.
Colton Moore
What kinds of systems do you enjoy playing?
Isaac Robinson
Recently, a friend introduced me to a Fantasy Heartbreaker called Within the Ring of FIre. I've been involved with RPG's since the beginning "little white box" of original D&D. I've got to admit, I didn't hold out a whole lot of faith that a new RPG could give me the old school feeling again. But this game did it. 206 pages of crunchy goodness. The setting is darn near unique (although most people will think of Discworld first). The combat system is fairly fast, and the "exploding" dice (which reminded me of Rolemaster) was a great touch. The 8 character races include some different touches, and each race was given its due. The advantages and imperfections sections reminded me of my long time favorite, GURPS. Moderate list of skills will not overwhelm a new player. The weapon skills are divided nicely, and will help guide players to the weapon(s) that they want. Weapons lead directly into Combat. The setting, however, sets this book =way= apart. Almost 50 pages to detail out the world, and there's plenty left to explore. Friends, reward youlselves by trrying this book out. Try the PDF if you're not sure it's your "cup of tea". I am proud to say that I have all four of the books about "Within the Ring of Fire" and I will say categorically that if another hardback is released, I'll be the first in line. The PDFs are in the Archive for those interested in having a look.
Cameron Butler
This review was copied, word for word, from a review on drivethrurpg
Wyatt Russell
If the thread is still live when I come home I'll upload the pdf for you
Angel Moore
The book is 335 pages long, and has an introduction and 22 chapters. These chapters are further divided into four “books” and supposedly you can get by reading only some of the books in the book depending on what kind of game you're playing. Spoiler alert: that is a fucking stupid idea, don't try to do that. This puts us in kind of a bind, as we can't really cover a book of this size in 5 posts, and I will be damned if we're going to drag this out for 23 posts. It's just in inconvenient chunks to review. So what we're going to do is try to do this in nine posts. Each post will be half a “book” so it will be 2 and a half or three “chapters.” The in-your-face layout is the kind of thing that people did (and continue to do) when they got access to all the magic of InDesign, but I wish they wouldn't. Not sure if 3rd is going to be any better, but the kickstarter was sucessful atleast.
Ryan Evans
Is this more copypasta from reviews?
Nathan Adams
Thanks man, but i've already found it in Da Archive, i'll upload the coming tomorrow when the copy shops will open... why so hasty about closing this? I've given the book a quick read and i don't see anything offensive about it.
David Green
The journal entries ultimately turn out to be written by the guy who explains to the protagonist of the story a little bit about how magic works. Well, he doesn't actually explain shit about how it works, but he explains and demonstrates that it exists. All of the diary bits are written before the main story starts and almost all of it is about the character obsessing about an obscure 90s pornstar who has a secret name and is trying to become a mini-goddess or something. Then on the last page he finds a photo stuck to his shoe of the cult leader and decides to hunt him down and kill him. Yeeeah. Also, the game is highly anti-Semitic, though that seems to be what he was going for.
Evan Peterson
What journal entries.
Xavier Lee
Hail & well met, a sworn foe of my brethern introduced me to an Elfgame called Within when Ring of FIre. I've been involved with RPG's since when beginning Dungeonworld of Tradgames. I've got to admit, I didn't hold out my hand that a new RPG could give me when retroclone feeling again. But this game did it. 206 pages of crunchy goodness. when lost chronicles is darn near unique (although most people will think of Burning Wheel first). when combat system is fairly fast, and when "exploding" dice (which reminded me of Rolemaster) was a great ripost. when 8 specist flagella include some different ripostes, and each ember was given its due. when advantages and imperfections sections reminded me of my long time favorite, Circle of Hands. Moderate list of skills will not overwhelm a new flame-bearer. when weapon skills are divided nicely, and will help guide flame-bearers to when weapon(s) that wheny want. Weapons lead directly into Combat. when lost chronicles, however, sets this book =way= apart. Almost 50 pages to fluff out when world, and whenre's plenty left to explore. sworn foe of my bretherns, reward youlselves by trying this book out. Try when PDF if you're not sure it's your "bananna pancake". unfortunately to say that I have all four of when books about "Within when Ring of Fire" and I will say categorically that if anowhenr hardback is released, I'll be when first in line. when PDFs are in when Archive for those interested in having a look.
Austin Miller
Now someone put everything here through a Markov chain, I would but I need sleep.
Juan Gomez
If you're interested in trying out any of Vargs games, and don't have an aversion to social media, hit up the MYFAROG Facebook group. We run games regularly via Skype, Google Hangouts, and Twitch, among others. GE Leto does introductory oneshots to the coming often, and the group as a whole is quite friendly. Hope to see you there!
Landon Smith
For those looking to add more to the Coming, have a look at Twilight 2013, which has pretty good survival rules, with slightly different ones for foraging, hunting, trapping, and fishing, though they're all pretty close to "Roll your skill, you get an amount of food that depends on what you're doing and your margin of success in an amount of time that depends on what you're doing, and the area you're using gets depleted and gives a penalty to subsequent checks." There are also farming, urban scavenging, water-obtaining, water-purifying, and shelter-building rules, and a fairly detailed fatigue system that affects healing times and such. Plus the disease and injury rules are fairly involved. Using them in The Coming would help to add a more realistic feel to survival, instead of just making a single skill roll to forage.
Sebastian Evans
Thanks, friendly bear, do you guys make sessions of The coming too? If so, hook me up for one.