>never played a table top rpg
>really want to, spend lots of time reading about them, imagining characters, worlds and stories
>no idea how to find people to play with
>all the people at my local game store are gatekeeper as fuck
advice for a girl that wants to play but doesn't want to be harassed by neckbeards?
Never played a table top rpg
Try a text game or two before going for a voice one.
Look for the gamefinder thread on this very board, we could use more initiativeless idiots unable to think for themselves.
i believe she said WITHOUT being harassed by neck beards
Roll20 will be your best bet. Or forums dedicated to a specific system.
*heavy breathing*
I started online on the PbP forums at GitP. Haven't been there in forever though.
Well that's easy, all she has to do is not mention she's female. 90% of those games are text-only anyway.
Avoid voice at all costs, never mention you're a female or even better, game with any friends you might have. This is assuming you're actually a woman and not a Woman(male)
I haven't tried looking to LGS'es for finding gaming groups. All my gaming groups have been word-of-mouth in my social networks.
Like... hearing from a friend that their friend is running a game and is looking for players.
You need to put out feelers is all.
i'll run a game for you because the nerd in gamefinder ran away you must pretend to be my boyfriend
I found my current group through Meetup.
But user, the point of this thread was never to ask for advice.
It was to attention-whore with lies about being a girl on a forum full of grognards.
>>all the people at my local game store are gatekeeper as fuck
explain and give examples plz
best option is to get friends into it
failing that, best option is to continue reading about them forever and never playing
Probably this, either that or they're a Girl(boy). Tits or GTFO is a thing for a reason.
Do you know what that word means?
enworld.org player registry
facebook.com rpg groups
I'm gonna get a lot of flak for saying this, but literally play-by-post forums. Yeah, it's slow as shit, but it's better than nothing.
Hey girlie what color are your panties
Ranges from "Hold fast! Thou must pass my tests three before you may sitteth at this table." to "Normies get out REEE!"
It's the guy who wants to defend "his" hobby from the "riff-raff." You know, King Nerd the Fatass ruling over his petty domain with a flabby iron fist. Surely you've encountered one or two of these guys before? Everyone's run into one of 'em, I'd imagine.
Last encounter I had I thought I'd try a new system out and asked the guys running it. Fucker wanted me to "submit a character build for approval" in a system I'd just said I'd never played before, along with a detailed backstory for him to read and judge whether or not I was worthy to play in his game. I noped out, because those are seriously bad signs to me.
Probe friends. Find out who might be interested.
Colleges tend to have at least one gaming club.. Mine actually had a handful of people that weren't complete twats.
Good luck. I'm a dude playing as a girl and it's nothing but my party suggesting I seduce or get raped. I couldn't imagine being a real girl around these fucks.
>mfw running 3 games on Roll20 and they're more or less an even ratio of male and female players
>mfw everyone can play and have a good time like adults
>mfw still forever DM
I can post contact info if required, it's voicechat via skype with an all-male group but we have a teacher and a paramedic in our game, which cuts down on the 'hurr girls' stupidity
It is not that much unreasonable request to be honest. If you were an animu faggot or an edgelord he can weed you out by looking at your backstory.
Char creation part shows if you give enough shit for the game to sit down and put an effort for it.
Honestly, you might be better off rodeoing a couple friends and trying to learn together. I find friend games are preferable to stranger ones in general, and yeah, the FLGS scene, I'm sure it's alienating for women.
Roll20 Text games would probably be the best place to start. If someone makes you uncomfortable it's really easy to just ghost on 'em and never show up again.
It's where I play, and I've had female players in every group I've been in. Always without an issue.
> getting rightfully made fun of for being a retard is harrassment but only f you're a girl
but then how will she attention whore and ruin the group?
>get friends
>play tabletop with those friends.
If you're somewhere which has a university, see if they have a club, as those ones tend to be a bit more open. It's what I did when I started my studies, and I'm still in that group 5+ years later. hell, it's the same campaign.
Might not be an option but I reccomend it if you can as because of the nature there it's a bit less likely to be all closed off.
Playing a female character, duh*
*Warning: Not all female characters exist to whore attention and ruin groups. Exercise juicious though before judging a female character on the charges of whorishness and group ruination.
Gatekeeping is a female term that they use when they feel offended that people don't take them seriously when they say that they are fans yet lack any kind of knowledge about the subject.
>referring to women as though they were some kind of seperate species
>sexual dimorphism doesn't affect the brain
"woman term" sounded wrong in my head, which is why I chose the other option. In my language you use both words interchangeably
Literally just invite your friends to sit and play. Free rules for D&D are available online.
Try and join a game with a friend (male or possibly female), if two people join a campaign it'll be easier to get into the game and people won't single you out.
Or find a girl GM, or a gay GM. Girls will occasionally join my game because I give them the same treatment as my guy players.
Get interested in some avant-garde narrative storygames instead of "miniature skirmish game" type of RPG, like D&D. There is big chances that you will encounter hipsters instead of neckbeards.
Well, desu it doesn't just have to be narrative storygame just avoid
>D&D and it's direct derivatives like PF (obviously)
>Shadowrun (it's basically D&D with guns and panders to the same target audience)
>WoD (edge&cringe)
>GURPS (sim autismo)
>Anything 40k (basically the same tier of neckbeardery as D&D)
>Star Wars (for sake of safety. It's popular so it's playerbase probably sucks as well)
And you should be fine. Other games usually have chill, dedicated communities devoid of most cancer the mainstream games have I can clearly vouch for my game of choice, The One Ring, in this context
Play with other girls.
Play with people on a text-based client.
Play with reasonable adults.
OP said that "she" reads the books so the free rules might not be necessary. I DO agree that the best course is just to grab some people go play. It will FEEL frightening because you dont know all the rules but the sad fact is that many of those men in the shop also dont know all the rules. You don't need to know alll the rules. Learn the basics of game flow and expect things to be a bit slow at first as you and your group figure things out.
>just avoid anything with any modicum of popularity
Wew, she'll never find a game that way, good idea user if she never plays she'll never get creeped on.
>implying hipsters are better than neckbeards
Hipsters are effeminate neckbeards with the delusion that they are high-quality breeding stock. If anything, they're worse than the guys who know they're not worth a girl's time.
I thought WoD was rather popular with women?
>new capchas
Never had one like that before
Rope in your other friends to play. Ive had way more fun with the friends I got together to originally play Age of Rebellion than the local club group.
Glue a beard to your face neck beards have never met a woman so they will never notice
Grognard is a common colloqiualism for tabletop gamers due to the hobbies origin in historical miniature battles.
If you mean like it's actual definition Grognards were veteran soldiers who served under Napoleon, "Old Soldiers"
Just play online
Do not use voice
I'll run for you fgm . I'm wanting more gmplayers as they seem to better at playing
I hate unigames. Full of lolzranm and magrelmers
what systems you run
i'm a gmplayer who has been avoiding gming for my crazy group
i love them all but they're so much work to gm for
I mean, is asking you to be familiar enough with the game to be able to create a character really that crazy?
What's wrong with "hey, I see you're interested, why not sit in with us for today's session, and if you're still down at the end, maybe one of us can walk you through building a character?"
Or alternately a nice, straightforward "Nah, we're full."
Demanding like eight pages of shit upfront from a guy who just said that he'd never played it before is bullshit. It's hard enough to build a character that will fit in to a party without knowing the other PCs at all. Adding on the fact that he's unfamiliar with the world and is trying to learn the rules for the first time is just bad. Not to mention the implied "if I don't think it's good enough (whatever that entails) then you're out."
Sometimes it feels like certain nerds got picked last for kickball every time, and now they can't wait to do it to somebody else for a change.
People only get to play tabletop once or twice a week at most. They're probably seeing you as someone who they would have to waste time teaching the game. Or alternatively they may just not want another person, some groups have been together for years. And the gm requiring you to build a character with backstory isn't unique to you, everyone else has had to do the same thing. GMs can afford to be somewhat exclusive, and regardless it doesn't sound like any of them told you that you couldn't play, they just wanted you to put the effort in to make sure the game ran smoothly.
You don't need to let them know you're a girl.
>King Nerd the Fatass
>Sometimes it feels like certain nerds got picked last for kickball every time, and now they can't wait to do it to somebody else for a change.
Gee. I can't imagine anyone wouldn't want to play a game with you. I mean it couldn't possibly have anything to do with you being an enormous cunt and assuming people's intentions.
Touched a nerve there, huh?
are you possibly suggesting these people should use social skills without magic
Try not being incredibly self-centered. These guys don't get to play very often, so when they do, they don't want newbies who will slow things down. By creating a character with a detailed backstory, you show that you are dedicated and willing to put effort into the game and aren't batshit insane. Most gm's use character backstories as a way of screening out nutcases.
First post is best post, as always.
OP might also want to look for games with married members. People who are married with kids tend to me more socially respectable. Just be aware that this can also make their schedule more vulnerable.
Go to cons, you can usually get to know local players there.
This. Finding friends you already have who might be interested is the best way to go. You already get along with them (mostly, at least) and you can learn mechanics together.
Online randoms are a crapshoot.
I think it depends on the game- they're a lot more open than a grogs setup, and you can still find good groups or people there - even if a game isn't that good, find the best people from it you gel best with, see about sorting another gorup maybe.
why are you using a tripcode
My suggestion would be to find out if there are any gaming clubs that meet up every now and then. Most of the time, it will be board-games and/or Magic, but there are times when there will be a smaller group within the club that plays DnD or whatever.
Just express an interest in learning the system and I'm sure that you'll get plenty of help making your first character. I'd suggest getting your own dice though, as some players have supersitions regarding their dice. I tend to get upset if someone takes my dice without me offering/them asking and that's considered mild. As for which dice to get, I'd say a few d6's, one or two d8s and d10s and at least one d20. If you've got some spare cash lying around, get a d12 so that it doesn't cry itself to sleep at night.
I'd also suggest doing some theorycrafting of characters. DnD at least has the basic rules available online, along with blank character sheets. Make up some characters to see how chargen works for you. Find another site to put your new characters up on to get some critique on your theorycrafting. I wouldn't suggest posting the characters here, mostly due to GIFT.
Everyone keeps saying that they won't find out she's a girl at roll20, but don't most games over there expect you to use your cam and mic during play?
First step in not getting harassed by neckbeards and gatekeepers is not asking advice from Veeky Forums.
Second step is to try and get a group of friends together to play, use the D&D 5e starter set or something and be DM. If you need more advice on how to DM then search up Matt Colville's videos on youtube, he gives great advice for newbie DMs.
If you can't get a group of friends to play then try Roll20 or text based rp as others have said.
there's a lot of text only games, most games expect some sort voice.
Video is rare, been playing for 4 years now and Ive only been in one game where people used cams, and that was for youtube.
Why not ask some of your friends if they're interested?
I started playing DnD because some friends asked me to DM and since then most of the people I play with are people I knew anyway.
*Do not* hold out for a game in person if you don't already know people who already do it, and you already know are creative and cool
*Do not* hurl yourself into a random Roll20 game.
Snoop around various communities, forums, etc. Find a group who you think is cool, creative, and interesting.
Pretty much this . The fact that your response to not immediately getting what you want is to start insulting whoever didn't give it to you, complete with imagined flaws for you to look down on him for, is a serious red flag against you.
And as others have said, it's not like a group's interests would be served by just letting in absolutely anyone who asks without hesitation, male or female.
My advice would be to go for games that you think you'll enjoy and be ready to sit down with the GM to discuss what you would like to see in the game and the tone of play.
You might also be able to create an example character with the GM and perhaps play that character as an NPC as a sort of introductory session with the group, to see if you would mesh well with one-another.
Did you explain that you didn't know the game system/world particularly well and ask if the DM (or one of the players) could go over character creation with you and give you a hand?
Communication, in all things, is key. Never assume other can infer your thoughts and feelings - or that they can understand anything not explicitly said.
I run a game on Skype on Saturdays. Looking for one new player.
Used to be, back when WoD was actually popular.
Honestly, I think it was a guy and not OP who posted that one. It's the sort of observation a more well-adjusted guy would make.
Go get some friends and learn the game together, or try to find someone you actually already know and join their game.
>there's a lot of text only games, most games expect some sort voice.
So most games will have voice but there's still a decent amount of text only games?