Want to make the primary creator deity of my setting female

>Want to make the primary creator deity of my setting female
>Want to make the 'satan' character a male who was supposed to be wed to her in cosmic marriage, but he was evil and so she rejected him and gave birth the world alone, free from the touch of the dark god
>Dark God is enraged and wants to make all living things suffer and fall under his iron rule because he was denied the first women
>Dark God fathers all monsters by raping/breeding with animals and mortals and their twisted children grow into the various evil beings in the setting

Does this make me sound like an SJW?

why worry about it? If you think it'll work go for it

Not unless you make it sound preachy.

ur a fagt

Not really. Its pretty typical for "Creation" and "life" Deities to be represented as women. There are plenty of myths about gods being so spiteful that they pull some pretty horrific shit and a lot of monsters exist because someone couldn't keep it in their pants. Just don't make it super preachy or pic related and you should be fine.

>women good
>men evil
>does this make me a SJW?

Add in some good male deities and some evil female deities. Problem solved.

why rejected?
She loves him, he loves her, he just happens to be evil and shit
They both made the world, him the bad parts and her the good parts. He ruins good shit because he's jealous of how much she cares for the world and wants to be the only thing she loves.

Nature is evil. She makes women slaves to the moon, prisoners in their own bodies, and she subjects men to endless frustration and restlessness until they dash themselves to pieces in wars, capsizings, crashes and suicides. She kills all in sudden floods, mudslides, pandemics, and melts our bodies back into the collective filth and goo

God, Allah, Yaweh, Jupiter, Tengri, the Emperor, the Sky God is evil in a different way; his followers are so driven to cut away nature that they kill anything that is "decadent, degenerate, base, creeping", i.e. rotten: overly, unhealthily natural. God has always been a fascist

Sorry but I've got to agree with here.

You made the central female figure of the setting literally everything good in the world and the central male figure everything bad. You are an SJW.

If you added more deities, made the creation of monsters an unintended consequence of consensual sex because of mortal animals/women can't handle divine essence. Hell if you made the male god's reasoning something other than "ragh, this woman didn't let me have sex with her, now I'm going to destroy everything" it would go a long way to unfucking your setting.

skip the rape part and its perfectly fine
ignore fags like that hate all creativity

In reality, the guy being evil would make her wet. Thus mankind was born, and everything in history following naturally from that fact

So if he made the central male figure good and female bad what would that make him? Besides making both characters genderless, what other way is there to deal with it?

In response to OP, don't over think it. I guarantee you none of your players will point that sort of thing out, or care that much about it

Maybe he had a reason for saying that other than hating creativity/women?

Sounds cool

Literally the worst thing you can do is ask the internet for feedback. You've already poisoned the well.



You know, as a side note, girls love bad boys. As a female PC, being a setting with manly rape monsters could actually be a lot of fun. It's the whole Persephone / Hades thing, or the Bride of Dracula thing, a goal a girl might actually aim for.

A retard.

Don't act like a robot

sorry but there's no other explanation for a knee-jerk response like that

I'm bad

So, uh... what're you going for here?

I like this. I had originally planned to make the world-mother die in childbirth but her still being alive means this still works.


Doesn't mean you are one, but it does sound a bit like some an SJW would come up with.

OP I'm a cis het white male and I think your idea sounds cool. If you like it, roll with it.

It depends how much emphasis you put on it.

If everyone and their grandmother knows and espouses that the female god is the god of goodness and good things and that she's so good and holy and good and all good things come from her innate female goodness, while the male god is the god of all evilness, and all evil things came from his evil ejaculations of evil where his evil cock throbbing with evil spewed evil everywhere and did evil things with the evil his evil male essence eviled-up, then yeah, that'll come off poorly.

If you mention it as background knowledge, don't have a majority of people feel all men are evil just because the god of evil happened to be male, or, if you do, don't put them in a positive light, you should be fine.

Checked. But you're still retarded.

As log as you have his cultists screaming "REEEEEE" as they attack the party it's cool on my book.


Do not look to the sky, or the earth for answers.
For only the inquisitor shall know the truth.

If this is the plot that came to your mind then you don't sound like an SJW, you are one.

The Emperor Protects ;^)

Make the evil character a little more sympathetic, perhaps despite being betrothed by their families earth mother had already found love to another being (sky, time etc)

Chaos is the only true answer.

Zug zug.

why not both?

Apart from the rape this is pretty classical in jrpgs
>only God is a benevolent goddess that everybody worships
>You have to kill the male demon lord, the source of all evil
It just depends how much you focus on specific parts of the story.

Make the evil god's second in command a demoness who's head over heels for him and only wants his undying love

Or have the earth mother get the dude fired from his job as a god for making a dirty joke, and then divorce him and take 3/4 of the heavens. He can only influence the mortal realm weekends, so now he drinks. "Don't you know there ain't no devil? There's just God when he's drunk"


Yes, but you're bad in the 'I'm shit' kind of way. Girls are looking more for the 'Mr. Grey' kind of bad.

I can't tell if you're being serious or not

I'm bad like the movie Attack of the Clones

As long as there are no humans and only nephilim, it'll work.

Warhammer 40k's has such longevity in part because the struggle of a literally or spiritually armored man (Space Marine) against the tides of nature (Tyranids), degeneracy and corruption of form (Chaos), benighted barbarians (Orks) and eastern stagnancies (Eldar, Tau) perfectly embodies the coldness and severity of the Western mentality since antiquity

If I recall correctly it was well done in Sláine comic with Danu and Horned God. Look it up for inspiration.
>Does this make me sound like an SJW?
Most of times it always boil down to how you represent such plot elements.

Why should that matter to you?

It sounds tame... by greek mythology standards. "SJW" is not something I would take seriously because I only ever saw people complaining about them.

The >Dark God fathers all monsters by raping/breeding with animals and mortals and their twisted children grow into the various evil beings in the setting
Sounds a bit much. Might create controversy without really gaining anything, although this depends entirely on your intended audience.

May I suggest that the Dark God can't really father anything because he lacks the power of creation? So he is limited to corrupt the goddess' work, be it land, flora or fauna. Some become a specific beast, others perpetuate an entire race of monsters. In this setting, evolution itself might be the Mother creating new things to counter the corrupted forms made by Father.

I can't help but see that the ideal resolution for this setting would be finding reconciliation and balance. Yin and Yang need to make up. This would require that the Dark God grants and/or represents some positive quality that the goddess hasn't: agression, iniciative, strength, power or perhaps change itself?

I guess it doesn't you're a shithead spewing the sort of exaggerated caricatures I'd expect from r9k

have a good day then kys

He's not wrong that divorce and child custody fights are really shitty for guys, but that's more an indictment against the Judiciary and it's lack of accountability.

If it's just the origin ur pretty much set. If you go and make every individual male evil and every individual female good then ur gunna run into people feeling heavy handed message pushing.


It sounds like you're both an SJW and you're pulling players into your magical realm.

So, sounds fine. Go for it.

>Satan is evil so all male character in game are automatically bad
Not going to say that you think like an SJW, but you do

Tips fedora?

Fascism is the highest expression of the human spirit.

>but he was evil
The gayest thing. This means nothing and explains nothing. Where did the gods come from, and why were they "supposed to" create the world together. and didn't notice their differences before? And make the reason for the falling out more concrete, such as "We shall walk the lands together and take pleasure and rule as we see fit" vs. "Let's make something beautiful and independent and watch it from afar"

No good god would create humans.

Up until the rape part it was fine.

You just sound like a fucking reverse-SJW. Stop sucking so much dick you fucking faggot.

you've got an evil god of the underworld, that's typical. you've got a good god of creation, that's typical. the only bit I'm concerned with is the rape part but that's common in greek mythology so whatever


In all honesty, reverse-SJWs are better than SJWs. The former are simply arguing for sanity and common sense, while the latter are arguing for batshittery. It's like if Guy A wants to impose a dress code, while Guy B wants to put on a dog costume and hump your leg. Obviously Guy A is the reasonable dude.

Skip the rape part, the dark god could just create things, or corrupt the primordial mother creations, add some male demigods, sons of the primordial mother on the good side, some female demigods on the evil side and it will be fine.

You could make them an actual couple, since evil is necessary for good to exist, kinda like an Yin-Yang kind of thing. The people worship her and despise him, guided by the priethood, when they are actually two sides of the same primordial life and not knowing that by hating him they make him stronger, since he is evil and shit.

ReverseSJWs aren't anti SJWs.

Person 1 wants everyone to have a dress code.
Person 2 wants to wear a dog costume and hump your leg.
Person 3 wants anyone who owns a dog costume or a dog to be shot.

You know, if I had to pick between 2 or 3, I'm still sort of leaning towards 3.

mindfuck the players by having them meet another culture that worship the same goddess/god but reversed, so the goddess is dark and the god light.

and they are both right!

Ayyy. That third one is me. Though also 1 and 2.

Hades was a nice guy compared to others, if you want a bad boy go for Zeus or Apollo. Even Aphrodite was far worse than Hades.
The only bad thing he did was take Persephone by force, but he did it once, while the other gods did it a bunch of times.

>being offended by a setting because it has at least one good female character and at least one evil male character
>"I just want sanity and common sense"
These statements do not match.

creating and being loyal to your own ideals is the highest expression of the human spirit

You want to force everyone to wear dog costumes and shoot each other?

Female Rape Monsters would be quite nice too.
That's why I like Slaanesh, gods should not be held back by human animal's biology.

That entire creation myth could be an argument between gods that can change their sex regarding to who would be the women.
Somehow this sounds even more SJW with the added gender bendingness fluidity.

>One evil female God and one good male God
SJW "There has to be a quota for good female gods"
>One evil male God and one good female God
Anti-SJW"There has to be a quota for good male gods"

Sound like whiny faggots to me

Yes, yes that's where I was going with that. Good job.

Hades was weirdly monogamous for a Greek deity. Also a lot less prone to pettiness, though maybe that comes woth being Lord of the Dead.

>primary creator deity is male
>'satan' character is female who was supposedd to be wed to him in cosmic marriage but she was evil and so he rejected her and masturbated and ejaculated the world, free from the touch of the dark god
>Dark God is enraged and wants to make all living things suffer because she was denied the dick
>Dark God mothers all monsters by spawning them from her vile tenebrous cunt

>Female Rape Monsters would be quite nice too.

That sounds a bit like Lilith

Well, they say hell hath no fury...

/d/ makes me want both on the same monster

No, you sound like a man with a fetish.

You'll have a hard time though due to your PCs seeing the Big Bad Dark God as anything except a whiny beta virgin bitch. I mean, seriously, he couldn't get with the ONLY woman the dawn or creation? Nigga clearly has no game.

not really, but only because an SJW wouldn't use rape in their story anywhere

If you're worried of appearing like one enough to ask, then no. A true SJW would brag about it.

Why does a deity even need a gender. Make them have feminine or masculine qualities sure, but assigning them a clear gender seems needless and preachy

I'm thinking of something along the lines of:

>creator deity is a female. she plans to give birth to a "good" world

>she gets raped by the evil male deity

>she gives birth to a world where both good and evil exist

Beyond stupid. Stop making gods, start making religions you fucking low-minded cretin. Have a single fucking ounce of creativity.

My only suggestion is do not make tgis about goof or evil because a god should be above such concepts

>t. ATF

I'm not even OP; I'm genuinely trying to understand what the fuck you're trying to get across, but you're way too far up your own ass.

You seem to think that what you're saying has more meaning than it actually has.

Beyond SJW


Stop making pantheons, divine fanclubs, these stupid fucking little 'gods' and 'mythologies'. Make religions, root them in philosophy and culture. Recognize that the origin of divinity is assignment by worshipers, not innate. A being of power, no matter how significant, is not divine until someone decides to treat them that way. This stupid little anthropomorphism is agonizingly juvenile and trite. Be even the slightest bit fucking creative and do something with your setting so that it's at least remotely believable and relatable. Just, fuck, take yourself seriously enough to do something worthwhile instead of just shitting out the lowest-common denominator DnD-ready-schlock.

Beyond foolishness! Stop playing D&D and write a novel instead. Fuck it, stop writing novels, that's pleb shit. Write a philosophy book and illustrate it yourself. Grow beyond this "having fun" bullshit and start your own cult in a American midwest, like a real man.

isn't this essentially a gender-reversed story of Izanagi and Izanami from Japanese mythology?

>that tale in which some nymph hoe was all over Hades's godly dick
>but he still went "No way, fag" because he is a married man
>the nymph ended up so friendzoned that she cried herself to death
>bitch was so pathetic that even Persephone, the very same chick that she tried to cuck, took pity on her and turned her on a plant or some shit

>Look at this weeb he played persona 4

Nah, Izanagi was legit a faggot who bailed out on his waifu.

Yes, it does.

>Its pretty typical for "Creation" Deities to be represented as women
Very few mythologies have the creator deity be a woman.