>What's the biggest war ever fought in your setting? Who fought it? Why?
While other wars in the region do have significant scale, the conclusion or the Second Warring States Period is otherwise known as the Unification war 1894-1923 marked the expansion of the Lazinatoese empire with the planned goal of the restoration of the Akai Dituate under the Lazin dynasty. It was exceedingly brutal, mirroring many elements of the Warring States Period with vast armies clashing in highly mobile combat.
Outside of Akai, the Great Republican Uprising in Tuthina probably outmatches everyone else with some 50 million dead.
>How common is war in general? What level is most war fought at (skirmish, "Flower War", Total)?
No war is especially common in recent times although Akai has undergone five wars in the 20th century. The longest period of peace was brought by the Xionghe Ditu whose reforms broke the back of all those who could resist the central government.
Outside Akai war is fairly common.
>The two largest factions in your setting are now at war. What happens?
>Who wins?
Within Akai, the Order of the Sea and the Order of the Field wage war, and the country is basically nuked by one another in order to secure the destruction of the other.
Outside Akai, chaos.
>The entire Roman Empire as of 110AD invades your setting.
Gets curbstomped by the 3 million strong Akai armed forces with modern equipment. Probably just carpet nuked.
>Then the entire Kingdom of France under the Sun King.
Probably ditto but easier given smaller numbers.
>Then the Empire of Japan circa 1940.
War probably would be a difficult thing but the Japanese would be broken through superior firepower and equipment along with less military autism.
>Then the entire Imperium of Man from WH40K.
Curbstomped by the Imperium. Less they get Orion space orbital missile platforms which might actually do some damage.
>Who wins each of these?