So, no joke but how easy do you'd think it'd be to unite the planet and create the imperium of man?

So, no joke but how easy do you'd think it'd be to unite the planet and create the imperium of man?
I think no one would object to a united humanity, fully dedicated to spreading the essence of fuck you across the very cosmos.
I did draft a caste system for us humans with races as the basis.

Other urls found in this thread:

It would be hilariously hard.

People would object to a united humanity

>I did draft a caste system for us humans with races as the basis.

Oh, this is a troll thread...

How is, a united useful humanity using our natural and very pretty colors bad?

Gonna take the bait, this could be a fun ride. I think you revealed your hand a little to soon though.

The color thing was for you people, I honestly don't care what color my battle brothers are, only that they die standing.
Basically, heres the plan for stupid people, become American president, declare martial law, use super duper loyal soldiers to basically blitzkrieg the entire planet. Because America has military bases in every continent right?

>>basically blitzkrieg the entire planet
which then proceeds to nuke us into slag. Of course we return the favor, so now you've got planet slag.

Ever wonder why there hasn't been a great-power-on-great-power war since 1945? Yeah.

If you people would resist and kill yourselves instead of banding together to conquer the stars, then I say to the victor goes the ashes.
I guess there was a reason it was a unfication war.

You could make it a confederacy, but not an Empire. Unless you are readt to go all nuclear that is.

I don't want to get political, but the idea that all humans are exactly the same is laughable. There are 27 separate species of finches, each with tiny physiological differences. There are five separate species of gorilla, and seven species of chimp. The idea that you could have a population of 7.5 billion individuals and they would all be of the same species is ludicrous.

Short of murdering about 60% of the Earth's population and repopulating with tightly controlled castes, there is no way to establish that sort of control.

Do you know what a species is?

So is humanity that suicidal that it would rather nuke itself then accept the control of it's own dream?
I am not going to kill anybody,unneccesarily. But yes there are many shades of humans but most colors have certain atributies that give them just certain advantages over others, like I am certain that the first space marines will be my niggas.

Yes, people are dumb.

I have come to see that the hard way, and to think all I want to do is help you, people, too.
So do you think people are willing to fight for the future of the human race?

Just FYI, among higher-order mammals it's common for all or most of the species in a particular genus to be compatible breeding partners.

In fact, Europeans and Asians are the result of S. Sapiens interbreeding S. Neanderthalensis.

>So do you think people are willing to fight for the future of the human race?
Sure, that's not an issue. They're just not gonna fight for your future of the human race.

I think it would start with all the countries with nukes uniting (America and Russia are the two important ones.(

No you dumbfuck. They'll fight you to prevent this future, and in doing so, destroy america and you, and your armies. It's up to you to decide if you retaliate with nukes or go silently into that sweet night.

If you do, everyone's still fucked from environmental issues from nuking the USA into the stone age.
If you don't, they're fucked cause you nuked them back.

Then they will die, it's quite simply really.
Why do you people fight it so much? accept the star pill and pull your head out of your ass, theres a whole fucking galaxy, what are we doing rotting away on this shitty, hot, smelly, deadly ass planet? surely not prospering because, men are turning into gay little fairies and women have turned into the spiders that trapped us.
>Tfw no spider-gf to give me 4 hugs with 6 arms.

>Then they will die, it's quite simply really.

But so will you. And at the end we'll all have backwards from the direction you wanted to go.

Thanks for the sign, now I know I must fight on.

I choose to believe the OP is actually the Emperor troubleshooting his conquest plans with us. It would go a long way to explain the autism of the Imperial truth.

Great thread.

>Being a globalist cuck

Uniting humanity sounds like a good idea, but then you look at Europe and realize that you'd really prefer that most of humanity stay far away from you instead.

I have a better question than this obvious bait:

Let's say the Emperor came forward right now. Just reveals himself entirely to the world. His crazy awesome psychic super powers, off-the-charts intelligence, literally god-like charisma, just everything. Let's the world know exactly who and what he is.

Let's assume he doesn't use mass mind control (at least to get followers, but if he wants to fuck the shit out of the people actively working against him then go for it). Just draws followers using good old persuasion, creates his own military, and sets off to unite the entire planet and establish himself as our supreme ruler.

How does he go about doing this? How long does it take him?

1. Establish power base
2. Expand power base

His power and charisma should make both relatively easy. He could personally fuck up any force sent against him and there are plenty of disgruntled people in the world that could be taken advantage of.

The real question would be how willing to fuck shit up he would be. He's a super ruthless dude in 30K, but in the current climate maybe he'd show more restraint in order to preserve more of Earth's resources and industry. That would likely make his unification last longer, but also end up overall efficient.

>I think no one would object to a united humanity
Young. Naive. Inexperienced.

>So, no joke but how easy do you'd think it'd be to unite the planet and create the imperium of man?

The main reason you can`t unify the planet is economy, is what is happening to the EU. Then follow politics.

It would work just fine if rather than inviting the savages into our society, we just killed them and added their emptied land to the territory of our society.

We're currently playing techno-barbarian on easy mode.

The best way to unite would to have a common enemy from outside the earth. A real threat that cannot be negociated with or defected to.

We also need something equivalent to the Emprah. Any other kind of leader can be easily killed or ignored. A super psyker that can kill you with mind bullets if you stray to much is one hell of a stick.

This, different environments produce different selection pressures which prioritize different traits for survival. Humanity is divided into many subspecies, each with fundamental physiological differences, and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't know why people are so hung up on the concept that it's bigoted to apply darwinian logic to the human species.

I'm just going to except our eventual alien overlords, since there's no way in hell I'm dying for you idiots.

Guys I think my brain broke for a second. I'm sorry I called you all idiots.

>mfw military cucks believe that fighting for invisible borders and made up countries is the way to go to protect their feefees

When the ayyliums come, I'm going rogue/AWOL/traitor/defect and putting my lot with the best, the rest of you enjoy your servitude and fallen kingdoms

Shit dude, I wasn't getting political. I just wanna fuck an alien woman before I die. Assuming it's the humanoid kind of alien.

The only true way for all of humanity to unite is against something that would seem to bring us nothing but death.

So unless an Alien warfleet arrives over Earth soon that's just not gonna happen. The valley of division between different groups of humans go far too deeply.

Or something like the movie Arrival.

>I did draft a caste system for us humans with races as the basis.

Good luck implementing that kid

Not true, even that would not be enough to "unite".

It's not that it's bigoted, it's just wrong. Races are thing that feels like it should be true to people who don't actually know a thing about genetics, but is laughed at by any anthropologist worth their salt.

At best we'd all act like Ancient Greeks, standing together when the Persians come, but start beating each other up the minute they're gone.

A unified humanity is not desirable. Unification is a destructive process, not a creative one, and making space mankind's bitch isn't actually necessary or important compared with allowing normal people to live their lives like normal people, which will be a lot easier once this meme dies.

>I think no one would object to a united humanity,
Aaaaand you fail right at the beginning. Plenty of people object to a united humanity, because all those other fuckers are wrong.
And heathens. And possibly terrorists.
Even so-called civilized countries fight over the stupidest shit, literally right now.
We can't even agree on a solution to stop poisoning our own planet ffs.

Except that savages come to our society because nobody wants to live in their land, not even them.

>Good luck implementing that kid
It's not like there aren't countries who have that right now. India comes to mind.
Hell, technically we have it even in our "civilized" western societies which are separated into classes by wealth and circumstance of birth too.
We're just not calling them "caste systems" because that's not politically correct right now.

>Hell, technically we have it even in our "civilized" western societies which are separated into classes by wealth and circumstance of birth too.
No we don't. Caste and class are not synonymous. If anything the western society is fiercely opposed to any attempt to enforce endogamy and social membership.

>Except that savages come to our society because nobody wants to live in their land, not even them.

No, they come here because they're too retarded to use their land properly. Just look at Rhodesia: breadbasket of Africa with one group in power, destitute wasteland with the other.

>most colors have certain atributies that give them just certain advantages over others
Blackies can deal with sun better
Whities make more vitamin D

It was called "Colonization" and "Imperialism" and we're not allowed to do it anymore :(

t: brit cultural oppressor.

Also the standard deviation difference in IQ.

This thread was disappointing. I expected some shallow bait followed by over the top roleplay but instead I got OP trying too hard and looking genuinely stupid.

>Except that savages come to our society because nobody wants to live in their land, not even them.
At one time, the north american continent was "their land." Our ancestors took it from the locals and the nation we created there has suppressed our ancestral homeland of europe.

Easy if you had Thunder Warriors.

Tho only feasible way for this to happen is if America Russia and China all band together and take over.

Take out America and everyone else would fall in line. Largely depends on how long that would take, Thunder Warriors would shit all over conventional infantry and armour, but he'd need to negate the USA's air power and destroy it's blue water capability.

I imagine he'd build up his forces in the more impoverished nations of the world where an autocratic saviour would be more readily welcomed, invoke societal reform and reorder those societies using his super-human intellect, enable him to build the required air power and naval capability.

Once the US Navy is defeated and the USAF can be effectively engaged, an invasion and a handful of battles against US ground forces would probably be all it'd take to secure US capitulation.


Oh and nukes, though I imagine that'd be effectively neutralised by just mind-controlling anyone who tried to push the big red button from the other side of the planet.

I imagine he could just as well neutralize the missiles in flight. Or just put his own people in power there.

Really, any overt attempt at global unity would be preceeded by several years or decades of covert work and behind-the-scenes positioning.

Yeah. He can instill fanatical loyalty via gene-engineering/hypno-conditioning, no reason he couldn't place thousands of Manchurian candidates in regimes all over the world.

Y'know, I can't wait until someone comes along and does that shit to you.

people even want a united fucking europe. and people have been trying that shit in some form or another for about 2500 years.

gigantic empires just can't last. the logistics of having a single unified econemy, a single unified set of laws etc get more and more impractical across larger distances.

>a caste system for us humans based on race
so CHUDs like you would be no the bottom rung?

>no joke
you outed yourself.

>t. butthurt savage