The party must slay an immortal wizard who sends her consciousness back to the past whenever she dies. How do they do it?
The party must slay an immortal wizard who sends her consciousness back to the past whenever she dies...
just stab her
Use the Enterprise to travel through the time portal and stop First Contact.
Smash her in the face with an anti-magic rune-imbued hammer.
Or a blessed mace idk.
Flesh to Stone, Shape Stone, Drop Wizard Brick into ocean.
Well I've got a boner.
Stab it to the point of time when the wizard was learning magic then burn the book.
Send her so far into the future that it'd take a million deaths for her to get back to being an issue for your time period.
Send her so far back in time that the universe ceases to exist, so she is trapped in the timeless nothingness that came before.
Make friends with her.
Destroy the immortal witch consciousness, keep the empty immortal husk as spoils of war
kill them in such a way that they cannot use their magic to escape
[Spoiler]Ishi no Nai Tenshi wa Boku no Sei Shori Yougu | My Cumdump Is a Vacuous Angel[/spoiler]
You mean imprison then in such a way that they cannot use their magic to escape.
Make her suicidal somehow. She's not gonna bring herself back to the past if she wants to remain dead.
Got the right idea here; if killing her causes the re-set then perpetuating her life in a fashion that renders the chronoturge harmless and innert works out just fine.
Pray to the primordial deities who forged the world for a weapon or ally with which to battle her. It will exist no matter how far back in time she goes, until she burns in the fires of creation at the dawn of time.
>My Cumdump is a Vacuous Angel
Fucking Nips and their naming conventions.
knock her out, break her jw and cut out her tongue and fingers. She won't be casting spell then,
Keep her alive at all costs and torture her until her consiousness shatters, and then bury her under tons of rock with powerful magics to keep her alive.
If she ever dies, she will be insane.
Permanently Mind Control her.
Go on a quest to obtain a Time Sword that can cut in 4 dimensions.
Stab the wizard with the Time Sword, killing them in the past, present and future simultaneously.
The Paladin immediately falls because they killed an innocent child, and D&D's morality system is fucking retarded.
>The Paladin immediately falls because they killed an innocent child, and D&D's morality system is fucking retarded.
Well, to be fair, killing someone before they even do anything wrong is kinda of evil.
This happened in GARO, where a demon basically existed at multiple points of the timeline in order to fight every version of the protagonist (It's an inherited title) simultaneously. To her horror, she found herself being defeated by EVERY version of Garo at once, in each separate one-on-one fight.
Man, I really need to stop fucking around and watch GARO. In which series does what you said happens?
The fourth one, the one with Kouga's son, Raiga.
Flower of Makai?
Yep, that's basically the final battle in a nutshell.
Wish spell
Wish that she can't time travel / access previous incarnations of her self
Sever her astral cord
>stab her i guess
I've always wondered why wish spells aren't the go to answer more often. Just wish that gimmick away
Pithing Needle
better time travel use than Samurai Jack
>kill her
>she goes back in time
Problem solved? Since we're never going to go back in time we'll never encounter her again.
You are all like little babies...
>Mimic (???) x Theif (female)
>Griffin x Rider (passes Harkness test)
>Lady Sphinx x Young Male Wizard
>Oni (woman) x Shrine Maiden
>Necromancer x Lost Love
>Witch x Frankenstein
>Centaur male x Centaur female (male)
You do the next best thing to killing her; destroy the body and bind her soul into a item.
>gain access to Time Stop
>freeze her in time forever
I don't know all the details but that should work right
>an immortal wizard who sends her consciousness back to the past whenever she dies
>he isn't even capable of killing the Time Serpent
Just kill her painfully over and over until she becomes scared and neurotic about the next death and ends up killing herself for good to escape.
Just go back in time and murder her as a baby
Soul destroying magic.
Or pass the fact that she's a timefucker up my contact line in Imperium and wait for the inevitable.
Well if she's immortal then she can't die now can she
You destroy time itself. Try fleeing now wizard
Punch her til she dies.
Where does her consciousness reside if she is forced further into the past than her physical body has existed? Does she become a time ghost?
use ctrl+s next time
fucking el oh el.
problem solved, mate
What are the rules behind this?
Does the slayers conscience travel back in time as well?
Where does the Wizards conscience travel into? Her old body?
How does it work time-line wise? Does it reset, adjust or does she go into timeline B?
Because if i know Players they might just kill her and are done with it, her being yesterdays problem.
>figure out how far she goes back when you kill her
>trap her
>wait as long as needed to kill her so she goes back to a point where she was already trapped
>go on with your life while she's trapped in an endless loop
Stab her anyway. Langoliers or The Fossil King's dinosaurs will kill her if she leaves the present.
Time is cyclical, so all we have to do is make one person immortal and geas them to destroy her before she can enact her own immortality clause in the next iteration of reality.
kill the wizard. now the present and the future are safe from it, the past has already happened, so what's the problem?
See, this is a bit of a non-question, because in terms of the party's perspective, they only need to win ONCE.
If every party, in every timeline, can win just that once, then the wizard will never be able to make it past that moment in time.
It's not a matter of ending the threat permanently, it's a matter of trusting in yourself to be able to win when the chips are down, no matter how many times the fight is repeated. The party are the guardians of the rest of the timeline, the jailers keeping this threat locked in a prison made from the past.
If I remember correctly, find the relics of the Eight and then have some dude give you the blessing of Talos.
She gave you that hamner. She is the one thing it doesnt work on. In fact, it heals her.
Kill the bitch and go on with my life.
Dealing with her a second time is some other timeline's problem.
>if fucking you is confusing as murdering you
what the fuck, am I retarded or does this shit not make any sense? What is he trying to say?
Makes sense to me. Murdering her is confusing to him, because she keeps jumping into the past. The joke is that fucking her is an even more mindfucking experience with her jumping through time in the process.
So although she threatened him, he says he'll stop because he doesn't want to put his dad through that.
>How do they do it?
With love. Kill her with kindness.
then shouldn't it be "if fucking you is AS confusing as murdering you"?
sentence missing its first 'as'
Killing her is confusing.
So fucking her must be just as confusing.
Judging by his reaction the slayer's mind follows her into the past. Though I'm not sure how becoming the guy's mom would her continue the fight.
Phoneposters gonna phonepost.
It's because they don't put blurbs on their dustjackets.
The eggs pushed me over the edge
Don't kill her, just pacify her with a magical coma or whatever
>Those last few pages
Fuckoff to /d/ with that shit.
Yup. I was down when it looked like she might wake up, but... those eggs...
you have to eat all of them
Well that wasn't as bad as Ive expected
Convince her that she's doing Bad Things (TM) to her own perception of time by constantly hopping into the past and convince her to start hopping into the future again.
Worst-case scenario, she goes back in time to brainwash the party (in which case we are no longer enemies), or TEARS OPEN A PORTAL IN TIME, AND FLINGS US INTO THE FUTURE, WHERE HER EVIL IS LAW.
Go back farther than her.
Or forward. Yeah, forward. Keep going forward until we're back.
A steady diet of rice, fish, and radiation will do that to you.
You have to eat all the eggs
I will go back to the past myself and abort her mother for good measure.
You cant beat a 4D being
Think of our reality as a video game that you beat. You know how it starts and ends. You can load up a save anyway along the way to alter the story. You still know whats going to happen and if you fail you can just try again. Thats what our universe is like to a true time travler
Shove eggs down her throat til she's too fat to move. Then you roll her so she's facing a corner. Problem solved.
You don't have to tell me what happened.
The pregnant angel is full of eggs.
He pulls out the womb, puts his mouth to it, and swallows the eggs as they come out.
>Being this new
>Being this vanilla
You came to Veeky Forums too early user, you are not ready.
sauce? cant find it on image search.
Mark Millar was a fucking mistake.
The Authority, after Warren Ellis stopped writing it and it turned to shit.
If course
That's a nice consciousness you have there...
Yeah, but using an innocent child as what amounts a phylactery is still the sort of thing one of those anti-paladin GMs would do.
>You can either let babbies die and fall, or stop the weapon which will auto-kill babbies with no save and fall harder because you actively participated in this option.
Because unless you use Wish for the listed uses, it will always bite you in the ass
That's the point
You do the logical thing to get rid of any immortal being. You cripple it, keep it barely alive in a prison made especially for it and located in a really hard to reach, inhospitable place so it spends the last couple centuries wishing it was dead.
back over her with an ambulance
Become an immortal wizard who sends my consciousness back to the past whenever I die.
flesh to stone, rock to mud
Just steal her spellbook and put her in a cell. Wizards ain't nothing without their book.
Time doesn't exist except as a measure of the change in one thing in regards to another.
You put her into a state outside of time where there is complete entropy or the things measured are not able to affect each other.
Basically if the universe is an infinite empty room with all the stuff in the middle, you shove her so far away that gravity, dark matter, and subatomic particles bouncing around the universe have no effect on her.
Capture her and kept her bound for the maximum time she can travel and then kill her in a foolproof way. She'll time travel back into confinement forever.