Talk about GURPS.
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Random question: How apocalyptic should the apocalypse before your post-apocalyptic setting be?
Talk about GURPS.
Do it.
Random question: How apocalyptic should the apocalypse before your post-apocalyptic setting be?
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How would you stat the LAPD 2019 Special?
Let's say we go with the H3VR incarnation of it, which seems to make the most logical sense out of anything's interpretation of the gun.
So it's a five shot revolver, that can be fired as normal, but then second "barrel" above the gun is the mechanism for a railgun enhancer that helps to accelerate the projectile up to "three to four times it's normal speed" according to the devs of the game. A battery slots into a port under the barrel to power the railgun functionality and the bolt handle on the top of the gun opens up a port and acts as an ejector for a disposable thermal clip, which sucks heat out of the gun and prevents overheating when using the railgun firemode.
Each battery is good for about 15 shots at normal heat capacity. A thermal clip can safely absorb around 10 shots worth of heat before performance starts to degrade. Over 10 shots the gun begins to smoke, accuracy is made worse and battery life is decreased so that each shot drains about 10% of the battery, more than 15 shots and gun is glowing red, accuracy is significantly hampered and each shot drains 20% of the battery instead of merely replacing the clip, by this point one must be used just to cool the gun down, then replaced with a fresh one for normal operation, by the time you've fired 20 shots without replacing the clip the gun becomes yellow hot and it permanently damages the accuracy, as well as requiring two clips to cool it down to normal temperatures instead of a standard replacement.
How to Fix Gurps:
Beginning from the core (ST, DX, IQ, HT), I would make everything else explicitly modular. The core set would simply have multiple playstyle sets (with genres suggestions therein) played off the same 3D6 mechanic. Splat books would expand on the core playstyles and genres as well as add entirely new ones.
The "Classic" set would use the same Realistic Skills, Advantages/Perks and Disadvantages we all know and love. Point balanced with an edge toward real-world difficulty. It would be suggested toward Hard Sci-Fi, Midieval Fantasy and Modern. Combat would be a detailed, tactical affair with a large common set of maneuvers for all characters. This is directed right toward Gurps current fanbase and would be near or completely compatible with previous Gurps releases.
The Powers play style set would use simple skills, and game mechanic powers. Powers would relate almost completely to combat and the combat game's mechanical element. This would assume the use of a Hex grid. This would be designed to appeal to 'Game' focused players. The application of a character's unique mechanics is assumed to be exploited by players and combat is supposed to be the focus and main interest of the game. Suggested genre's would be Super Heroes, Dungeon Fantasy and Pulp. It would be meant to resemble D&D 4e and Savage Worlds type play.
The Genre set would use Templates, genre based Skills, Cinamatic/Supernatural Advantages/Disadvantages.
Obviously, the playstyle sets are all just a collection of rules modules. Many of the modules are based on things that currently exist in Gurps. As such, players could easily mix and match modules between sets. The main point is that each playstyle set is complete within a genre(s), can stand alone and that each playstyle plays differently from another at the table.
So, that's my long winded idea. Any thoughts?
It has several ammo types included in the game, Slugger, which is a standard heavy hitting round with lots of impact force, Fragmentation, which shoots mini-grenades, Swarm, which shoots small bundles of flechettes like a shotgun round, Turbo-Penetrator, which fires a spinning drill like target that is especially good at penetrating armor and boring through cover, and railgun mode increasing this penetration dramatically, and then Proxy Mine, which fires a slow short range projectile (probably because it has a low powder load to make room for a large payload and the electronics on the mine) that can be lobbed about 30 feet normally, or 120 feet in railgun mode, and sticks to surfaces, detonating whenever something moves within 5 feet of it.
Could probably make up some other neat rounds for it as well, such as gyrojet airburst rocket rounds and such, or electric shock rounds, incindiary capsules and whatnot, something to think about.
I think it's probably somewhere between 10mm (which is about .40 caliber, the slugger round is described as 10mm Discarding Sabot Magnetic rounds) and 11.5mm (slightly larger than .45 caliber) but I'm not really sure what the two triggers does. In the original gun the triggers are a way of "setting the trigger" with one trigger being able to fire the gun normally, or the other trigger will be pulled and sets the main trigger to hair-fire mode where it has an extremely light pull and becomes very easy to fire, which helps with accuracy when fire aiming is needing, which sounds like a neat trait for a gun to have, though I don't know how to reflect that in rules.
What kind of stats should it have? I'm not used to statting guns.
Pretty much. The problem a lot of people have with it is their first encounter with gurps is novice gms who tend to kitchen sink it, they take all the options and allow them without considering whether or not it works in the context of their chosen setting or scenario. This results in an overly complicated system that feels unfocused and lacking.
GURPS is a toolbox, and moreso with the newest version. It is more of a toolbox of system options than a single, fully realised system. Just because there are rules that allow you to create a hyperintelligent pan-dimensional kumquat that fights with realised floating haiku text that does not mean those rules are suited to your low fantasy noir mystery campaign.
You can mix and match quite easily and you don't lose much at all by reducing the system down to its most abstract base of 3d6 and roll under.
I think /u/ViridianGames nailed it - is unpopular because it's a toolkit and not an out-of-the-box system. Okay, they mentioned a game world and I'm generalizing it to the system. However, it isn't like D&D, VtM, M&M, and so many other games where the world is defined by the system. Instead, the GM needs to know what setting they want to run and then set the rules and boundaries of the system. They can't say "here is the PH, make a character" but have to day "is a GURPS game with the following limits on the character design. Let's make characters for this first session." Ultimately this means the GM needs to know how the system runs in order to keep the game balanced the way they want, and most want to pick up the system and be able to run it.
Not totally correct. You can just hand the group the Fantasy and core books and they can make an "Elven Bard" just like in DnD. No fuss.
Around half of the Basic Set's Advantages have a little face symbol which means "exotic, requires GM permission". At the very least, the GM needs to issue a blanket ruling on which (if any) of these are permitted, and players need to ignore the many choices ruled off-limits.
If you just hand someone the book, you may well get an "Elven Bard" who can Mind Control anyone in sight, has skin tougher than plate armour, or is Unkillable. If all the Advantages are available, there's a real risk of losing the intended feel of a game (DR is notable for this, as it seems superficially reasonable, but is so cheap that it's easy to become almost immune to weapons in a low-tech game).
I like GURPS, but my experience has been that it requires more tweaking and effort than most people are interested in spending. The toolkit approach isn't for everyone.
If you don't mind cross polinating, Mutant Chronicles has some good stuff.
How much should cost gasifier, biodiesel and adapting vehicle to them by HT, not by that ATE crappy economic.
I like a light apocalypse myself. Something that causes a breakdown that isn't necessarily immediate but makes things like emergency services much slower, more regional authority, and growing resentment among people. It's pretty obvious that the old governments are on their way out but it's unclear what will step in. No mad max raiders but far more street gangs and breakaway movements.
Limited nuclear war works well, plague is always an option, but the best is systems collapse. See John Carpenter movies for a good tone.
I've had a lot of fun with a "soft" apocalypse where the world collapsed following massive climate change, with heavy weather and massive storms sweeping across the landscape every few months.
Less "Mad Max" then people fighting about if the government is a thing or not anymore and if they are trying to put things back together. People doing whatever they can to survive in a world where everything's changed.
I'd say one trigger is for standard mode, the other is to fire in hybrid mode.
Weight 3
Bulk -3
Basic Stats: 3d pi+ without booster. Shots 5(2i). ROF 3, Recoil 3, Acc 3, Range 150/1000
Gun/Electromotive hybrid mode:
Increase damage by 1d and gain (2) armor divisor, increase Acc by 1, +50% range. Reduce ROF to 1, increase Recoil by 2,
In Hybrid mode the weapon requires a charge cell good for 15 rounds and a coolant cell good for 10 rounds.
Fired without coolant the gun suffers -1 Acc and gains Malf 15, then -2 Acc and Malf 13 after 5 shots without coolant. After 10 shots without coolant the gun is reduced to Cheap quality.
May use barrier-blind AP "Turbo-Penetration™" rounds, dealing 3d(2) pi or 4d(3) pi in hybrid mode.
Swarm rounds deal 1d pi- damage with ROF x9, Recoil 1
Micro-grenade rounds deal 2d [1d] cr ex damage and are smart fused to detonate if a target comes within 5 feet, or if it passes within 5 feet of a valid target in flight.
Would it be a good idea to divorce Per and Wil from IQ, making them basic attributes in their own right?
>How apocalyptic should the apocalypse before your post-apocalyptic setting be?
I did kinda liked Gibson's take on Big Stink in "Difference Engine". Aside from that. I think one of realistic scenarios for light apocalypse is a country that became a failed state (after American intervention, as it always happens). Civil war, terrorists/moderate rebels, foreign intervention and so on.
How penalties will have leg sub-zones [shin, knee, thigh] and arm sub-zones [forearm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder]?
Or it is impossible to deliberately hit them?
Why do both bullets (physical damage) and diseases (metabolic damage) inflict HP injury?
Why do both frostbite (physical damage) and hypothermia (metabolic damage) inflict HP injury?
Isn't HP supposed to represent ability to resist physical damage, not metabolic damage?
- The Last Gasp is implemented, except FP loss does not reduce HT.
- All metabolic injury is applied to FP rather than to HP.
- FP loss below zero is NOT transferred to HP. Rather, FP can go below zero, and works just like HP: You get a roll vs. HT whenever you hit a negative multiple of FP; if you fail, you die. At −5 × FP, you die immediately. (A corpse has no FP, so it obviously can't go to −10 × FP.)
>Why do both frostbite (physical damage)
Why burns from high temperature should count as physical damage, but from low no?
>diseases (metabolic damage) inflict HP injury
Because bacteria release toxins that destroy tissues, and whole system is GENERIC?
>FP loss below zero is NOT transferred to HP
AFAIK per BS FP loss start drining HP after -1xFP
>Why burns from high temperature should count as physical damage, but from low no?
What? FP damage from heat and HP damage from burning are totally different.
>In severe heat stroke, there may be confused, hostile, or seemingly intoxicated behavior. Heart rate and respiration rate will increase (tachycardia and tachypnea) as blood pressure drops and the heart attempts to maintain adequate circulation. The decrease in blood pressure can then cause blood vessels to contract reflexively, resulting in a pale or bluish skin color in advanced cases. Young children, in particular, may have seizures. Eventually, organ failure, unconsciousness and death will result.
>Because bacteria release toxins that destroy tissues?
1 point of damage from toxins and 1 point of damage from a physical blow involve totally-different quantities of tissue destruction.
>AFAIK per BS FP loss start drining HP after -1xFP
Wrong. B426:
>0 FP or less: If you suffer further fatigue, each FP you lose also causes 1 HP of injury.
>−1 × FP: After this stage, any FP cost comes off your HP instead!
So, from 0 FP to −1 × FP + 1, you're double-dipping damage--but, at any other point, you take damage only once! How much sense does that make?
>How much sense does that make.
Quite a bit if you've ever worked to exhaustion and felt your muscles tearing and been laid up for a few days after to recover.
I imagine it doesn't make sense to someone who's never done manual labor and just sits infront of a computer posting on tibetan sutra board.
Maybe you're forgetting that this proposal includes The Last Gasp, which takes all this into account.
I actually forgot about this part of the article, so I guess HT reductions due to FP loss will have to be retained.
I don't give a shit about the proposal, I was responding to the ignorance of someone suggesting that a human pushed beyond their endurance wouldn't start taking physical damage as muscles tear, ligaments snap, and your bones begin to fracture.
Google shin splints for an easy example.
>suggesting that a human pushed beyond their endurance wouldn't start taking physical damage
I'm talking primarily about FP damage due to disease and hypothermia, which definitely does not correspond to any significant amount of physical damage.
Oh. Sorry, I didn't realize you were retarded. You do realize that diseases that drain your FP are pretty goddamn serious? Even flu kills people, and you vastly underestimate how badly hypothermia fucks you up.
You'll have to excuse me, this is the first time I've met someone so sheltered and ignorant on Veeky Forums that didn't immediately appear to be trolling. Please tell me you're trolling. 80pts guy, is this you?
Yeah? And from the conversation chain they were talking about FP loss from physical labor. Stop being a goalpost moving twat and just play the game or homebrew your own crap if you're unhappy.
This 'Reeeeeeeee everyone else is WRONG' when you're clearly the fucking idiot is not something people want to deal with with a hangover on sunday you fucknugget.
>You do realize that diseases that drain your FP are pretty goddamn serious?
Did you not read my first post? - FP loss below zero is NOT transferred to HP. Rather, FP can go below zero, and works just like HP: You get a roll vs. HT whenever you hit a negative multiple of FP; if you fail, you die. At −5 × FP, you die immediately. (A corpse has no FP, so it obviously can't go to −10 × FP.)
In this system, you can die from FP-only loss, regardless of whether or not you lose any HP from it.
I did. Did you not read my post where I called you a retard and disagreed with you because excess exhaustion does cause physical damage? If not from stress, then from your body cannibalizing itself to make energy.
You lack a basic grasp of biology and are attempting to reverse engineer and 'improve' a system you clearly don't understand.
1 HP heals once per day of full rest and decent food with successfull HT check.
1 FP heals once per 10 mins of rest, and extra 1 with decent meal while resting. And FP loss from dehidration, strvation, cold and heat heals at normal rate when you rest with plenty of food, water and comfort temperature range.
Also you can just simple eat or drink some drugs to recover FP, like drink some red bull, eat speed or smoke some rock
>1 FP heals once per 10 mins of rest
>The Last Gasp is implemented
>diseases (metabolic damage) inflict HP injury?
Because they directly destroy your cells rather than just exhaust you.
>hypothermia (metabolic damage) inflict HP injury?
Cold only causes FP damage until you reach 0 FP. As I understand after that point your body cannot resist cold anymore and your cells start dying.
>Isn't HP supposed to represent ability to resist physical damage, not metabolic damage?
HP is about any kind of injury.
I am not sure what's your issue with current system and what the heck are you trying to "fix".
You do get that FP loss turning to HP loss during hypothermia represents you losing vitality and then -fucking freezing to death- after, right? Frostbite is a thing.
>Frostbite is a thing.
Frostbite is a separate rule (High Tech) that directly deals HP damage.
'How to fix GURPS posters' are clinically retarded, more news at 11. The only good suggestions I've ever seen were things like separating IQ and Per, or numerical fixes for techniques. Anyone that has ever suggested anything further has outed themselves as a clinical retard within 2 to 5 posts. GURPS is no perfect system, make no mistake, but I wouldn't leave it's 'fixing' to anyone but SJG.
Okay, and? You can still fucking freeze to death without getting frostbite you aspie.
Is there a way to improve things like gyro-jets in a higher tech level?
They are TL 9 and I am TL 10
I don't think so, they're kind of superceded by homing projectiles out of gauss/rail weapons or launchers at TL10.
If you can get your GM to allow mag-launched gyrocs to help mitigate their close range penalties, they might be useful.
Can you combine very fine and superfine for +4 to cutting damage?
I'm pretty sure Superfine is a grade above Very Fine, so no. There are TONS of other mods to stack though, don't really need it.
TL10 warheads?
I just read the warheads
Holy crap they are terrifying, especially with the tiny rocket launcher(64mm) that weighs nothing
If i have Broadswords-25 [DX+15] (80-pts guy yeah), then my 2H Sword [Defaults: Broadsword-4] will have 21 as base level, as relative skill level or as effective level?
Can I have hyperdense and superfine on the same sword
Seems legit
Sword, made out of the best possible stuff (like orichalcum /adamant tier), Hyperdense, Superfine, Balanced, giant-sized. Don't even need enchantments, there's your slaughter sword of legend.
HP loosely represents systemic damage that reduces the fitness of an organism or object. The more durable the object, the more of this it can suffer before it begins to fail.
>What's enchanted with master swordman?
>Cutting real gud.
Just need to be super humanly strong to wield it.
I like this. It's kind of a TL 8.7, a .44 magnum with lower recoil in normal mode and the booster puts it competitive with TL 9 guns. Utilitarian but not crazy.
I don't know how armor divisors interact. Loaded with hollow points with the booster on would it deal 4d pi++ with no negative or positive armor divisor because (.5) and (2) cancel each other out?
How would you deal with a big mek from 40k making a shoota?
Let them make an innate attack with points equal to 10xdistance of success(with gadget modifier)?
>big mek
He probably quick gadgeteer, and also have high armoury skill.
So I'd probably ask him how much looted garbage he have right now and then he just made that garbage to money as ~$1 (and possibly more if he has some working tools, say 10 with real ones and 4 with improvised) per lb (~1% of full cost per pound of any non-shoota weapons he will salvage for his shoota) to reinvent and create as shoota per qiuck gadgeteering rules any weapon he wants with project cost of $[weapon cost/100 x 2d] and weapon weight lbs of garbage
and also 1d+4-MOS bugs or malf as 10+MOS, need thinking.
Like he wanna Twinlinked FN MINIMIs Shoota (5d pi, acc 5 800/3500 50/14 rof 48! shots 400(5) ST22B† Bulk -8 Rcl 3 $6600), so he need $[66 x 7] or $462 worth of loot, he have improvised toolkit, so his garbage will worth 4 per pound, and he need at least 50 lbs of garbage, which he have ($200), and also le have Laser Carbine (5.6lbs $4600) ($230) from some imperial guardsmen. He finds around additonal 8 lbs of garbage ($32) and complete his shoota.
>rof 48
Why am I yelling?
Twinlinked doubles rof.
I'm yelling in fear user if I do remember how that correctly works.
Is that not why you are afraid?
Let's just say you shouldn't give a shoota to 80p in guns.
Why would you? He doesn't have enough points left over to afford buying one, or the skills and advantages to build his own.
So if I spend points on a equipment granting patron, can I start the game with equipment granted by patron?
Would you consider it cool to buy cybernetics with just money?
In a supers game?
In general, I'd guess no because it's supers and supers gets weird with powers vs gear, but really that's a question for your GM.
Are you starting en media res in the middle of a sanctioned mission?
In a supers game, no. In a cyberpunk/transhuman game...yes.
Just starting out,
The issue is that my character isn't rich, he belongs to a TL 12^ group of scientists and inventors with access to a dimension of antimatter
I'd say yes, but remember that you don't get any say in what you get. It's all determined by the GM, so don't expect anything too grand.
So I'm making a ritual adept for my supers game and it's coming up stupid(pt 1000)
I have IQ 20 and Magery 10, and ritual adept.
All of this costs(plus other things) me 550 points, so two questions
>Is it worth getting all of the paths at 20?
>what other stuff could I add to this?
Might as well. Having everything at 20 or higher gives you a ton of flexibility.
As for other abilities, magical powers/advantages in the form of internalized rituals and bound spells? You're 1000 freaking points, man. Bust out some Sorcerer Supreme shit. The only other alternative I have is from the Alternate RPM article from Pyramid that combines RPM and Realm-Based Magic where you can buy advantages that cancel out Greater effects.
Are you at a cybernetic market/hospital with cash in game?
That said, in general cybernetics with cash is cyberpunk games. I've heard of getting rid of all bonus points and having all advancement done by buying cybernetics and skill-programming tapes with money.
Is there any way to make semipermanent creations with RPM?
Does it have to be a variant duration like permeant until dispelled?
I made this dungeon for this campaign im GMing but Im having a road block
I wanted it to be something they passed over, were warned not to go to because its very dangerous and if they went to it, there would be guardians on the path so powerfull that it would make them rethink the attempt.
The idea is the following DF-Esque world
Players are inside a spiritual city complex abandoned long ago.
The temple-city was build by a great ancient elven theurge (what we call someone who is a wizard and a shaman). Eventually he added a prison in it (which is the only part of the complex the players explored, aside from the abadoned city).
There are 3 wings, the prison wing, the spirit gate wing and the dreamgate wing.
In the dreamgate wing theres a portal that leads to a random location, some good encounters, some neutral, some bad, all of them offer a way back.
The spirit gate leads to a fixed destination in the spirit world, which would be an abandoned temple on top of a mountain (the smallest in a mountain range), overlooking a small village and a vast desert.
I have designed the adventure having in mind that their actual destination would be the village, where desert spirits would be able to sell them goods, services and give them an optional quest that would further the main plot (but that is not necessary in way way for it).
On the way to the city there would be a fork in the mountain path, leading to a huge Wizard's tower (think karazhan in side). There will be an NPC to tell them not to go there, ever. But what if they want to enter the tower?
The tower was supposed to belong to the same guy who made the city complex, but is now full of traps, constructs and aberrations (mostly beholders).
Nope. There are two options.
1. Give the spell the longest duration you can manage (which should be quite a lot), then re-add the duration repeatedly until you get a final duration of a couple centuries.
2. Use the rules for learning from study but put those points towards advantages. Every 200 hours of focus/ritual/meditation = 1 character point worth of abilities.
What is the best way to get a large energy reserve?
More Magery?
Basically. Having Paths at 30 combined with high Magery means you can do damn near everything.
Can I buy a cosmic energy reserve to move it up the super abilities chart?
That's a question for your GM.
Put in a fuckoff-huge sign carved deep into stone, deliberately as ugly, cheap and heavy as possible. The sign itself is of no value and would be difficult to vandalize.
"This is not a place of honor. No esteemed deed is commemorated here. Nothing of value is buried here. There is extreme danger ahead. Do not dig here. Do not enter the tower. If this warning is difficult to read construct new markers of lasting materials. This warning was left in the 2045 year of the Common Era."
Then a quarter of a mile later, another sign.
Then another.
Then a pit, lined with jagged rock.
Then another sign.
At this point, if they enter it's sort of their own fault.
How many races is a good amount of races and how to make them feel unique? I want to have them be mostly human-like but with some distinct differences.
I have an avian race that can fly, has sharp vision and talons (which gives them clinging as long as its a rough surface and they stay in one place, and a bonus to climbing) and penetrating voice and mimicry as racial talents. Though they have a vulnerability to crushing damage because hollow bird bones.
As of the current moment that's the only race I have mostly statted up but I want more variety.
Current ideas are a dog like race which would be the jack of all trades type race mostly focusing on scavenging and fighting as a team. Will probably have discriminatory smell and tracking. Maybe extra FP or something? Human equivalent in D&D terms I think.
Cat race that would be more scholarly and acrobatic, probably have enhanced hearing as well. Elf equivalent.
Horse race that is strong and big. As in a size modifier class larger than the other player races. (Which actually means they are size modifier 0 since everyone else is SM -1) Not sure what else they would really have besides size. Kind of a half orc type archetype I guess.
Pig race, which are the dwarf equivalent, the tinkery race, clever, stubborn, stout, enhanced taste and scent senses.
Goats as the gypsie like outsiders, with an included unusual background and magical talent, horns and, of course, cast iron stomach.
It's a bit of a chinese zodiac theme with a few changes like cats being the stand-in for tigers, goats instead of sheep, and birds in general instead of the cock. I think monkeys, rats and rabbits could make interesting races, but Ox would probably overlap with horses a lot, and, being a novice GM I'm having trouble making racial templates for the six ideas I already have. I don't really feel like snake or dragon would lend itself well and other than avians I want my races all mammals.
Coincidentally I have on a seperate occasion decided a year in my setting is 225 days, divided into nine 25 day months. So dogs, cats, birds, horses, pigs, goats, rats, rabbits and monkeys would give me nine zodiac animals to correspond with the nine calender months.
But I dunno, that feels like a lot of races to have in a setting.
If there is a point where a man has "enuff dakka" he might be near it.
Also because stop it, you are not doomguy and a heavy machine gun isnt also a sniper rifle.
>heavy machine gun isnt also a sniper rifle
Heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If you add long barrel, slow full-auto to semi-auto or HCCB, and slap optics on top...
Is that for when you have to headshot the entire g20 but only have one sniper?
Hey, GURPSgen
When writing setting how you define how much information about setting is enough?
Like, i have written race block, couple of reskinned cars, helicopters and guns, two power and two magic systems as four individual supernatural sets, and around 5k words about setting story and current situation. And i feel that information is too shallow and even if i try to run campaign on this my players would feel themselves in shortage of setting information (not game/campaign info) with which they can complete their characters.
Just because you have nine races doesn't mean you need nine templates. Let's play with some ideas...
Broadbacks (Horses or Oxen)
Lifting ST +2 (6), HT +1 (10), Hooves (1), Fur (1), DR 1 (Tough Skin -40%) (3), SM +0 (0), Restricted Diet (Herbivore) (1), Taboo Trait (Lowered ST) (0)
Total Cost: 22
May take either of these two Meta Traits: Oxen (3)= Mind Shield 1 (4), Stubbornness Quirk (-1) or Equine (Acute Sense of Smell 2 (4), Chummy Quirk (-1)
Small Ones (Rats and Rabbits)
SM -1 (0), Teeth (Sharp) (1), Night Vision 2 (2), Silence 1(5), Reduced Consumption 1 (Cast Iron Stomach -50%) (1), Fur (1)
Total Cost: 6
Well, you get the idea.
That said, there's a lot of options for how much you want to make these races worth. 50 point races are going to look quite different from these ones.
Hey, those are pretty good. Thanks for the advice, I was thinking of meta traits like that but was unsure. I guess not every race has to totally unique and original, they're there to add flavor to my setting in a universal system.
That's why we still don't have GURPS Furries!!!!!!
Thats a good idea. Thanks!
Hey GURPS Gen. I'm really interested in moving to GURPS from DnD. I'm definitely going to buy the Dungeon Fantasy box when it comes out, but I am reading some things before hand. I've read GURPS lite and like it - what else should I be looking at? Especially regarding Magic. I've heard lots of mixed things about the different magic systems.
My current DND game also has some cosmic horror elements - are there some good books for that?
Thaumatology is your book. In general it's a book about tailoring a magic system to fit a genre, and there's suggestions that might fit your needs, like a corruption system. It also has a few alternate magic systems, though they're light on content - the expectation is that you'll make the spells yourself. There's other alternate systems with more content, namely RPM and Sorcery, that aren't found in that specific book. The standard Magic system is also perfectly serviceable, if you like it reading through it, there's no reason not to use it.
For straight up horror, there's always GURPS Horror, I hear it's invaluable for the genre. I find that a good read to make a good campaign in a genre is to read good books of that genre, I'm sure a few more pages of Lovecraft won't hurt your campaign at least.
Adding to that, you could also distinguish oxen and horse by their symbolic meanings.
With some quick google searching, an Ox represents industriousness, but lacks wisdom.
Maybe oxen have high HT, will, visualization, and single-minded to tenaciously pursue goals, but are tempered by mottled IQs, curiosity [Doing things just because they can], and other naivety disadvantages.
Horses are symbolically trail blazers, but have a weak sense of unity.
So horses have a driving urge for action, and an impatience for those that don't fall in line and share the load.
They probably have advantages like Intuition since they think they know what's best, talents for finance (maybe jigger the Business Acumen talent around a bit) and Daredevil because they like risk taking.
On the flipside, they probably have disadvantages like compulsive risk taking or gambling, impatience or overconfidence. They might have a odious racial habit of rushing through planning and strategy sessions to beat feet and actually do something instead of sitting around being power point rangers.
Thanks user. I'll have a look if someone else has converted 5E spells to GURPS...
I'm a bit hesitant to pick up Magic straight off as I've heard it can be quite unbalanced compared to magic as Advantages - I don't want to repeat Linear Martials Quadratic Spellcasters.
Thanks for the advice.
If you mean Cosmic horror like Lovecraftian stuff by the way, and you are interested in Dungeon Fantasy, Dungeon Fantasy 14: PSI deals with espers, elder things, and beings from beyond time and space.
Forewarning that it might be a bit of a dive in the deep-end (well, not the deep end, more like the bit where the water starts getting deep enough that you gotta stand on your tiptoes) for novice GURPS players/GMs; it's simplified enough that it is very useful by itself, but it really shines if you have enough system knowledge to leverage the contents of Basic Set and GURPS Powers.
That sounds perfect! I'm fine diving at the deep-end. Why GURPS Powers though, isn't that a superhero thing?
You might find the spells you're looking for. You might not, maybe, but DnD has some pretty generic spells out there, certainly nothing as convoluted to stat up as M.U.N.C.H.K.I.N.
Magic has it's problems, but the martial-caster divide exists in GURPS only to the point that the GM allows. Disallowing spells or entire schools of magic, capping spell skill levels and Magery levels, enforcing restrictions on magery itself, etc etc etc. It definitely takes a certain 'feel' for GURPS to know how much is not enough enough or too much restricting. But if you ask around here you'll get plenty of suggestions.
>Magic has it's problems, but the martial-caster divide exists in GURPS only to the point that the GM allows. Disallowing spells or entire schools of magic, capping spell skill levels and Magery levels, enforcing restrictions on magery itself, etc etc etc. It definitely takes a certain 'feel' for GURPS to know how much is not enough enough or too much restricting. But if you ask around here you'll get plenty of suggestions.
Thanks. I suppose this is where the "GURPS is a Toolkit" bit comes in... On that note, would love to hear other player's experiences/suggestions.
In long ago forgotten thread user made conversion from book of weeabu fightan magic
Nah that's GURPS Supers. Powers is an expansion in advantages in general--nearly everyone can get some use out of it.
Ah. Thank you. There are quite a lot of books to look at (which is great.).
DF has a good balance level, so start from there. Somewhat restricted spell lists and martial abilities that are solidly in the cinematic realm mesh well enough, especially due to Magic's casting times and FP costs.
How unbalanced would it be to allow ranged attacks to use All-Out Attack (Double)?
It is allowed.
Which book says that? B324 says the only AoA options for ranged combat are Determined and Suppression Fire.
Check Tactical Shooting or Gun-Fu.
If they allow rapid stike, then AOA should be allowed too
I really recommend you read thamatology and its companion, Thaumatology Magical Styles.
There you will find other spell systems, and many ways to improve the existing one. As well as cool perks that really make each caster more unique and some that make the game easier and more fun (such as, imho, the staff attunement perk, which lets you use anything as a magical staff)
Dungeon magic - magical styles; for cool unique styles and ideas for secret spells, mass buff spells, etc.
Magic - Death Spells; always good to see what is considered 'balanced' in terms of instant kill spells
For this same reason I recommend the pyramid 3 - 25 Epic Magic, specifically the essential magic part (p14) as it has many new and more powerfull elemental spells
But regardless of that, the two most important things to have in mind (in terms of balance) when getting into GURPS as a GM is the following (again, imho)
1 - Skill caps. Limiting how much someone can spend in a skill to an arbitrary value, such as 40 points, will give you a nice control over the skill differences that exist in the game and make attributes worth more. If you place no limits, attributes are still pretty worth it, but now players are incentivized to find one specific "I win" skill and dump all their points in it. In our table we use system where a player needs to spend a certain ammount of points in a few other skills to be able to level up their biggest invested skills, with a hard cap of 40.
It has worked fine, and I think it could be used in all tables to achieve better GM control and balance
I forgot the second important thing, cest la vie
Is there any crunch for weaponsmithing?
In the post-apoc setting I'm getting ready to run, the people planet-side got fucked when the sci-fy conflict went nuclear and everything got bombed to hell.
Now the inhabitants of these planets scrounge together parts from the previous war to craft lazers and shit, however the resources to do so are minimal as there aren't very many scientists/engineers around; point being they have to use mining equipment and go back a few tech levels and use Metro 20XX style makeshift firearms.
Should I just stat weapons as their modern tech-level counterparts, or is there a weaponsmithing article for characters whom want to go through the trouble of making their own signature Excali-Blam?
You're looking at Inventing, preferably with Gadgeteer and skills in both Engineering and Armory.
If the whole 'inventing and crafting' things seems generic, well...that's what GURPS is.