Times that players have made you cringe, or something they do, or even applications you've seen like pic related
Cringe Players
Shameless Self Bump
Almost everytime I've ever recruited from the game finder threads and thus played with Veeky Forums.
Ya'll usually either end up being pedophiles, nazis, or fuckers who pitch a fit if you can't play as you anime waifus (as in like literally the actual character, not somebody like the character).
I never had that problem with game finders.
On the other hand, nobody ever shows up on the agreed upon time and they all just disappear or are mysteriously permanently offline from then on, no matter how well it was going between people up until then. Doesn't matter if I'm playing or GMing, too, always ends up the same, I gave up on this thread.
>inb4it's my fault somehow because I was there everytime and it happened
There is literally nothing wrong with being a nazi.
Please, we just got done with a Barneyfag thread, let's not get into this.
>ebull nazis
Discriminating against players for their political beliefs is fucking dumb as shit. Grow up.
Plenty of things wrong with being a nazi. For instance when you lose the war you get imprisoned for treason by your countrymen while the international community probably wants you dead for whatever you did on the eastern front, so the only options left are fleeing to South America or joining the FFL, and when you do the latter you're send to French Indochina or Algeria and nobody in your family ever hears from you again.
A dude in my family was a literal nazi.
is this pic a joke
RIp thread, he only got to 4 posts, why do the good die young.
As long as you don't spout your politics I don't care.
Did that fucktard throw a titfit over someone acknowledging the existence of a kid's cartoon again?
>discriminating is dumb as shit
pick one
>2 warforged bards named daft & punk
I'd allow it
>throwing villains off of large buildings and elbow dropping their soon to be destroyed bodies
Nazis are incapable of shutting up about their politics, though. is proof.
Anyway, cringiest shit I've ever put up with was a fifty year old man who showed up to a game the GM described as "realistic modern horror" with a gorgeous, claymore-wielding, improbably-youthful spec-ops soldier. Our GM was too much of a wuss to say no, so any pretense of horror dissolved in a flurry of over-the-top stunts and creepily detailed descriptions.
Needless to say, I'm not in that group anymore.
1. Being a nazi is dumb as shit
2. Why do you have to be so vocal about your idiocy on Veeky Forums? Nurse your rage elsewhere nazi.
>take a player's spot at a long running table
>apparently she ragequit
>have to run her basic bitch fighter while my character is developed
>try to be true to backstory and character
>develop my own character and switch over as he is introduced to storyline
>original fighter player begs her way back
>she is a hon level tranny level 20 crazy bitch
>spends entire session trying to lesbian rape barmaids with her fighter bitch
>does IRL shit like throw food at me when she hears I have allergies
>winds up melting down and having a screaming rage fit and rage quits again
I got kicked out two sessions later for not playing my character heroically.
>does IRL shit like throw food at me when she hears I have allergies
That ranges from aggravated assault to attempted murder. Get that psycho in a cell.
Not too bad since he's a good player otherwise and partially my fault for indulging him, but here's one of mine:
>Elder Scrolls campaign (inb4 ree go to ES general)
>Player running a generic Nord warrior to get used to the system
>Writes in his backstory that he has a disturbing voice
>We all forget about it and he talks normally for the entire campaign
>At one point he has a conversation with a shopkeeper in a really fake "fancy" voice (really elongated vowels, high pitch, like how cartoon millionaires talk)
>A week later looks over his character sheet and remembers the disturbing voice thing
>Asks if he can make the fancy voice be his disturbing voice
>Try to explain to him it doesn't fit his character at all (he's a fucking viking basically)
>He says he knows but insists on doing it because he knows it annoys his friend who's also in the group
>Eventually convince him to actually roleplay as his character in this roleplaying game
Ya both are dumb. user, wasn't posting that he was a nazi, he was just referring to the habit of emotionally under-developed individuals to label people who disagree with them as "nazi".
Of course, no one should expect a couple summerkiddies like y'all to understand nuance.
He wasn't the one to bring politics into this, are you unable to follow the chain of replies?
>got kicked out two sessions later for not playing my character heroically
What the fuck does that even mean?
Is Lawful Good the only allowed alignment?
Tell me more about getting kicked
not much of a story
>party traveling
>come to random bridge in the middle of nowhere
>dandy NPC is charging tolls
>offers single combat
>fighter jumps out before my character
>NPC is edgelord built with every parry skill plus some homebrew parry shit
>fighter can't hit him
>NPC does touch attack on fighter and goes "HAHA I WIN!"
>meanwhile other half of party has caught two invisible thieves using the whole thing as a distraction to rip off our little caravan
so my guy jumps the dandy because I think it's a fight and I'm the only one who can deal with the "parry 11 times" bullshit. I proceed to beat the crap out of him in the first round using no lethal damage screaming something like "who is winning now you turd!" (can't remember it was appropriate to something he'd said) and calling non-lethal damage for each attack. The weird thing was he didn't parry, the worst part was I rolled so shitty I didn't even knock him out.
>two days later
>get email from DM forwarded from another player who wasn't even in the fight
>this guy had emailed every other player besides me asking them to kick me for playing my character un-heroically and had emailed the DM claiming nobody wanted me at the table and it was ME or HIM
>I was like
1) shouldn't we have worked this out as characters in game
2) I'm not going to force myself onto a group who won't bring this shit to me to discuss
The next announcement looking for players had a whole paragraph about how we are only looking for heros who want to play their characters heroically and shit.
It's been a few years so the details are fuzzy but I still don't really understand someone who wouldn't even bring it to me (real life, in game, email whatever) but got so bent over another player not playing the way he wanted.