Anyone here into the LOTR/Hobbit Strategy Battle game? I wouldn't mind getting into it but can't really find noob info anywhere, like if there are good starter packs or editions etc
Lord of the Rings/Hobbit minatures
Hobbit is shit
LOTR was extremely good, but it's dead now
I'd probably prefer LOTR anyway, are there any good starter packs? Or would they just not be sold anymore?
>still have a bunch of models around that we used for fantasy rpg battle scenes but can't find my books anymore
I'm about to play some small battles with a friend to try out the ruleset, are there PDFs around? What is the best rule book for the skirmish game? RotK?
probably something from the time when you had the figures? RoTK book seemed good, I had it ages ago but no figures to go with it besides 8 men and 8 orcs
Yes, that was from before the wargame variant of the rules came out.
Ignore this tard. It's got a healthy community and new model releases and re-issues of the old models. Now is an extremely good time to get into it with a new rulebook coming very soon and battle companies being reintroduced.
cool thanks, any tips on what I should look for?
Any good non-GW sources for LotR minis?
where are you located? if you're in the UK you can find weekly tournaments all over the place. This weekend they just had Ardacon actually. A massive tournament/event. GW and Forgeworld have stands there. Are you looking for any particular army?
Historicals mostly? Saxons for Rohan?
Now I know this is controversial to defend GW business practices, but the LoTR minis are some of the best that GW produce. Even the prices are somewhat reasonable, since they don't expect them to make money so seel them at old prices.
The Hobbit killed the game. It's only played by min/maxing lore killing shit now.
A lot of people will throw out the argument about the old 24 per box minis. but to be frank, with how few models you typically need for an army, it's still cheap. especially for GW.
don't be a tard. if you don't know what you're talking about, don't speak.
Only reason my army was a bit pricey was because I wanted to make a really fluffy elite Harad army, using Watchers of Karna and Black Numenorians accompanying the Betrayer. Any of the main armies can make good armies with two or three boxes, and some kitbashing of heroes.
indeed and you don't even need to kitbash really. there were so many versions made of the main hero's you can pick them up on ebay for pennies. the only time it gets mildly expensive is when you're making rarer armies like yours. and i'm building easterlings at the moment, so that's a touch more expensive.
You are the tard you goat chariot cross bow shooting son of a lore killing bitch. Enjoy your shitty CGI flick but fuck off defiling Tolkien legacy you consumer fuck.
Yeah I grabbed some of the Easterling Cataphracts to kitbash into Serpent guard, cause my local GW had some harad warriors and Cataphracts left on the shelf for some godforsaken reason. Really nice models.
grow up child. if you're talking one unit out of a forgeworld specific army that very few people are going to afford, then you're being a twat.
indeed so. easterlings seem to have had a surge of popularity at the moment. they kataphracts only came back into stock last night and seem to have gone again. Amdur as well i noticed.
I just dont like plastic minis. Maybe I'm retarded but I've broken too many minis to be bothered with that shit anymore
Then price ain't the problem for you. You won't find non-GW minis that aren't plastic, and the metal ones are inferior to what GW offer and more expensive. Build a hyper elite army, using special models that cost alot. Hell, run a "The 9" list, or a Fellowship list, using the metal models.
Everything from the hobbit is relevant to what I said you now-boomer.
here's your last you. now fuck off and bait some other thread.
Lmfao if bait is calling out the toxic bullshit in the alleged 'community' then it proves the point.
there's always got to be some faggot who tries to derail the thread, isn't there?
He's not entirely wrong, hobbit is objectively worse then lotr.
we're not talking about the movies, we're talking about the game. and the game is in an extremely good position right now.
I'm in aus, and I guess if there's any good starter sets? Are the armies still gondor, rohan isen and mordor? I'd imagine there's a lot more, would probably like to do Gondor (since I like aragorn and boromir) or Mordor
I am talking about the game, it's not as good.
>no more volley
>no more model limit
>army building more constrained now
>no more army lists, everything is just cramped together
>the special strikes are for the most part worthless and only slow things down
I hope FW fixes that but given GW's track record I really shouldn't.
I'm aiming to play with friends, is there a good ruleset to use?
aus has quite a large scene if my memory serves. you're best off looking at GW's site. all the army books are back in print and pretty much every army can either be run on it's own or broken down into smaller factions.
One rulebook with the legions model limit. It's sublime.
volley was redundant. no one used it.
what model limit?
not really. everything can still ally with everything.
what are you talking about? every army has a list and in the new rulebook every faction will get army bonuses that reward you for making themed lists.
special strikes are getting redone as is magic.
>volley was redundant. no one used it
Speak for yourself, I made great use of it with my goblins.
>what model limit?
not really. everything can still ally with everything
Gone is shit like Harad being Far Harad, and serpent horde, and fleet masters of umbar, and Gondor bring tower of Echtelion and Minas-tirith. Different lists that can ally with different lists (for instance minas tirith has more allies and can field kings of men but it lacks named heroes since it's Gondor before the films). The lists were already themed to begin with, you didn't need to be bribed into not being a waacfag.
Wait, for realsies (not the guy you are replying to).
I haven't looked at new releases for LotR in a few years. For some reason I had heard the game was literally more or less dead and no longer being supported/getting phased out by GW. A new book that cleans up some of the retarded shit introduced by The Hobbit (game) would be nice.
Our group played a few games when the book released, then immediately switched back LotRSBG rules, then stopped playing. I still have three armies lying around, some Moria and a couple decently sized Free Peoples armies. One good sized dwarf force and another mainly Lothlorien Elves. Would like to play again, but my group was the only one n my area and that was only like 5 people. (I'm in USA, for what it's worth. I imagine the following is much greater in UK)
Here, have an old pic of my Iron Guard warband.
Oh hey, this thread pertains to my interests.
LOTRSBG is really thriving in my community. At the last tournament it actually had more players than Age of Sigmar and was the second most popular game there.
I got into it recently, buying a friend of a friends Easterling army for $200 bucks. I've been having a ton of fun playing it, even if I'm not very good. I find myself being drawn to cavalry heavy armies but my friend is saying that they sort of suck compared to archer heavy armies.
I've decided to fluff my Easterlings are being dragon obsessed to the point that they're worshiping a dragon that ended up in their lands. Since I don't like the LOTR dragon model I decided to pick up a Carmine Dragon from Forgeworld as a proxy. I managed to magnetize the base of the dragon so I can remove it and put it back on its original circle base if I ever want it for AOS.
Let me know what you guys think of the dragon, I'm really proud of how it turned out.
the game was almost dead, but then based roundtree came to power, renued the licence and shifted it over to forgeworld with a dedicated team.
but there's a new book coming this year rebranding the game to middle earth strategy battles. have a look at the great british hobbit league on facebook. it has alot of american players too. as well as the dc hobbit league.
I sold all my lotr models because none of the retards in my city plays lotr and its completely dead. REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>had more players than Age of Sigmar
I don't think that's really much of an achievement
take AoS shitposting somewhere else
That thing is a shitpost by itself.
Oh, great, I live in the greater DC area, though I rarely go up to DC proper or NoVa. Traffic on 95 is hellish that way and I've been lucky enough to have a couple LGS in my town. In fact, the longstanding one in town closed recently and TWO opened to replace it, it's a decent to time to be into Veeky Forums stuff.
I'll let my other LotR people know about the DC league and the other communities, thank you kind user.
no worries user. it's important to make sure the actual good games get support.
Last I checked, the Fredericksburg area FLGS had a thriving LotR scene. 95 being hell keeps me out of NoVa as well.
>tfw you live the whole country away from most other players
Disregarding the community, which rulebook should I buy and why? I think I've heard Two Towers is good but not sure
I used to play against people who were in the actual movies. There was a guy who was an Uruk at Helm's Deep who collected a grand army of Isenguard. He wore his helmet to some games as a good luck charm. Spoke about how Aragorn kills him 7 times onscreen.
The one rulebook.
wait for the new one that comes out in a month or so
The game needs a new starter set and those start collecting things.l
>start collecting Harad
>that's it, fuck off
it's with forge world now. start collectings ain't going to happen. new starter, possibly.
What makes LOTR ruleset so good?
>Spoke about how Aragorn kills him 7 times onscreen
Man, and some people say Sean Bean has all the bad luck.
If you're an extra in LOTR, you're going to die a dozen or more times to make it look like there's more enemies then there actually are.
Also that guy got one of Legolas' arrows from his shield surfing scene.
Oh yeah, it's a common thing in action scenes for people who've been killed to get back up so that the scene always looks like there's stuff going on.