Anyone here into the LOTR/Hobbit Strategy Battle game? I wouldn't mind getting into it but can't really find noob info anywhere, like if there are good starter packs or editions etc
Lord of the Rings/Hobbit minatures
Hobbit is shit
LOTR was extremely good, but it's dead now
I'd probably prefer LOTR anyway, are there any good starter packs? Or would they just not be sold anymore?
>still have a bunch of models around that we used for fantasy rpg battle scenes but can't find my books anymore
I'm about to play some small battles with a friend to try out the ruleset, are there PDFs around? What is the best rule book for the skirmish game? RotK?
probably something from the time when you had the figures? RoTK book seemed good, I had it ages ago but no figures to go with it besides 8 men and 8 orcs
Yes, that was from before the wargame variant of the rules came out.
Ignore this tard. It's got a healthy community and new model releases and re-issues of the old models. Now is an extremely good time to get into it with a new rulebook coming very soon and battle companies being reintroduced.
cool thanks, any tips on what I should look for?
Any good non-GW sources for LotR minis?
where are you located? if you're in the UK you can find weekly tournaments all over the place. This weekend they just had Ardacon actually. A massive tournament/event. GW and Forgeworld have stands there. Are you looking for any particular army?