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>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>Do not buy CGL books
>And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon

Hot Trog edition

With Muscle Replacements, you don't need to stoop to trogs.

Why not both?

>Not going for Ork with muscle replacements.
>Having such pleb taste.

I dunno chummer, you ever seen those trids with Fomori actresses?

The smell

I didn't realise you wanted to fuck something both ugly and inevitably dying before you.

Chummer, elves aren't vegetarians anymore, dwarves aren't agoraphobic and orks don't have litters.
Lots of fluff was changed, some for the better some for the worse. This I consider for the better

But user, don't you know that trogs in the Congo live as long as dwarves? And don't you remember the quality that allows orks to live as long as humans

>don't you know that trogs in the Congo live as long as dwarves?

Only trolls - orcs are supposedly around human length in the same conditions. And if you think this is worth living in the middle of nowhere with no modern amenities, because apparently even the thought of metahumans not shitting in mud huts is enough to make mana poisonous to trogs, then you deserve to die of whatever easily treatable disease you get out there.

what ware is worth getting on a face adept?

Tailored Pheromones 3

I wanna include a rastafarian cult centered around an evil plant spirit (because I watched Major Lazer and it was the coolest shit ever). They should hide in the city and have greenhouses full of deepweed farms (or anything that is simular to weed I guess, maybe I should invent my own inhale-vector drug?)
Any Ideas?

Penile implant with rating 2 vibration ribbing.

You no fuck trog.
Trog fuck you.

Is the Ares Echo Unlimited worth the Nuyen or should I go down to a DR 4 deck? I'm mainly just interested in it because I wanted a DR5 deck and I mainly care about attack, so it seems way more cost effective than a Cyber-5.

Is there something I'm missing here?

Also, modern cyberdecks aren't all dinky little ipads right? There's still shit like pic related right?

that's -0.6 essence if you get them standard or -0.48 if you go alphaware
might as well buy it up to -1
anything else worth it?

It's a new strain of Deepweed, rumor says it was first pulled from deep (DEEP) in the Mariana Trench. By ghosts.
When inhaled, the user becomes MAD CHILL, and is down with whatever. Easy prey for a powerful spirit. Its dank cult fumigates entire sections of sewer and slums with the smoke, netting whole groups of new people at a time. There's a ton of them, but they're all pretty dull, and they all need re-dosing every duration to keep them captive.

I mean, they don't really need keyboards anymore since they're all controlled neurally, right? Having a touchscreen is just a convenience. I guess they could have a keyboard too, but it'd be just as redundant as the touchscreen.

Muscle Toner? Depends on whether your GM allows you to upgrade ware instead of full replacement. But AGI increase is always useful, if only for the Suppression Fire you'll most likely be using

Sup y'all. Can anyone tell me what the deal is with the Core Rulebook Master Index?

You probably do have a datajack, but it's not necessary to use a datajack. That's why they have interfaces.

You can change the form factor however you want. The default is a tablet, but you can turn it into a skateboard-sized keytar or a coat if you want.

It's the core rulebook, but with a master index.

Okay cool...
Like, what is a master index?

Do you actually not know what the word index means?

It is a index for all content in all released books except the most recent ones.

Ah okay. But no real additional content other than that?

It's just an organizational tool. It's still just the corebook.

So does the inComplete Trogg actually take up anything about how the Troggs themselves are working towards greater segregation by constantly trying to establish their own separate countries?

>does The Complete Trog actually do anything of worth with its racism themes

Anybody ever use that BattleRun crossover for A Time of War and SR 4e?

Am I the only GM who completely ignores this retarded bit of fluff and just have Orks get the same lifespan as humans and Trolls just a bit short due to biological constraints.

Like having a quicker age of maturity and a longer muscle-mass lifespan is fine, but them dying faster because CGL just wants to keep the idea of Orks being expendable is fucking retarded and completely illogical.

I fluff it as being an urban myth spread to justify harder law enforcement on Orks and Trolls. Which makes sense because they're tougher so cops legit have to use an amount of force that is less controllable and ergo can lead to a higher fatality rate.

Yes, in several places. Don't believe the memes

I actually say trolls live really long lives naturally, like almost as long as elves, but stay as "teenagers" well into their twenties.

So yeah, The Total Nigger is crap, but I will say the info on the Black Forest and those Viking raiders in SU is kinda neat.

Pretty much everything else is trash.

Yeah I'm with you on that. Honestly when I first saw the numbers in 4E I thought it was due to socioeconomic factors. I do like the whole thing about them maturing faster though, basically just hitting puberty earlier.

Trolls... I don't know, as far as I know, longevity generally increases in mammals with size. Feels like this dude might be on to something. Although I'd put their lifespan at maybe 100 on average.

Well, it was the natural element but also the fact that in folklore/myths giants and trolls are usually supposed to be able to be pretty ancient.

I personally don't ignore it but change the numbers.
So yeah, most orks suffer from Methuselah's syndrome and won't reach 50 due to rapid aging. But a small amount of them are born without and reach normal human life-spans (80 years). I'd say that 3-5% are born without the syndrome.
As for Trolls, yeah they mature far faster at the beginning, but don't change much into old age. A 30 y.o. Troll and a 50 y.o. Troll are similar in vitality. Only in the last 10 years does their system break down.

My GM does the same. Orks have regular human lifespans, though their tendency towards violent lives skews the figures. Trolls also age normally, but are prone to developing heart conditions as they get older.

Oh yeah I'm not against the idea of having trolls living for several hundred years, it makes sense out of the folklore/myth perspective as you say. I just personally tend to tone a lot of the extreme elements down in my Shadowrun. But you did inspire me just now to up their longevity to my previously mentioned number, so kudos on mentioning it!

My setting has some fluff homebrew parts that I guess would be called complete abominations according to those who prefer following the setting according to the books.


So new art for metavariants when?

Quick Chummer question; Is there a way to change the stats of the Roomsweeper to the flechette version?

6e, if you're lucky.

Is that ent looking motherfucker supposed to be a giant in the last panel?


Que? Loading flechette should change the details, with exception of the ranges, which I need to tinker with.

Well that's just awful.

The bark skin aspect of Scandi giants bothers me more than anything. Trolls are made of rocks/turn into rocks, not wood. What the fuck were the authors smoking?

>What the fuck were the authors smoking?
The thing that made them make Naga talking snakes? Or make centaurs have horse heads? Or have mermaids be fish people and be vampires?

Who makes this shit art? I swear, I could probably make something better.
Fuck man I would even do it for free just so they get this disgrace shit outta there

>Centaurs with horseheads
>Mermaids are fish people vampires

Centaurs only have horse heads so that the player can be the special snowflake misfit centaur who has a human head.

I can't find an option to load flechettes, but I'm running a slightly older version of Chummer, so Maybe it's been added semi-recently.

There is a part that mention their skin as being "leathery, bark-like" so I just use the leathery part. And you know then there's the part of Giants being 0.5 m taller than baseline Trolls, weighing on average 170 kg more, but they have the exact same Str and Bod attributes.

Run Faster is kind of a mess overall. Just a lot of really questionable choices.

Honestly don't know why they didn't just ask the guy that made the art for the others. Pic related

you didn't know?
>A centaur is a mammal of the equine family, and one of the
>few that breaks the usual rule on number of limbs. Its lower body
>resembles that of a horse, with four legs ending in a four-toed
>foot (three of the toes are vestigial, only present in the leg, while
>the fourth toe forms a hoof like a modern horse), while its upper
>body—where the head and neck would be on a horse—resembles
>that of a primate, with long arms ending in three digits and an
>opposable thumb, and a vaguely equine head with an extended
>cranium perched on an long neck. They typically stand 2.5–3
>meters tall at the shoulder and mass 300–600 kilograms.
Runners companion p. 63

>With its humanoid upper body, tapering torso, and slender but strong
>tail, the merrow vaguely resembles the mermaids of classic fairy tales.
>Its long forelimbs end in three-fingered hands with opposable thumbs.
>A long mane covers its neck, and a series of extended spinal vertebrae
>runs the length of the torso. Despite the dermal bone that armors its
>lower body, the merrow’s tail is remarkably flexible. Merrow are known
>to use simple tools, and many parazoologists believe them to have me-
>tahuman levels of intelligence.
20th Anniversary p.300

I take most of my information from 4E runner companion though. Which just makes it worse that they dump out a new edition but don't try to rectify any of their past questionable choices, but instead just copypaste most of it. And the changes they have done are even more questionable.

>remember kids, just beign a talkin horse isn't special enoug, now you can be a socially stigmatised, by other horses, talking horse,

Oh and I forgot something:
First, there's an actual mermaid species in SR

>Merhomo illecebrae
>Habitat: Temperate, subtropical, and tropical oceanic waters
>Range: Global
>Frequency: Common
>Identification: The mermaid is an Awakened variant of the
>California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Its lower body and
>head closely resemble that of the mundane species. However, the
>animal is clearly distinguished by its mane of flowing hair that runs
>down its back. Mermaids are also characterized by a pair of arms
>which end in four-fingered webbed and clawed hands that replace
>their front flippers. Both male and female mermaids possess
>pronounced mammae. Specimens are up to 210 centimeters in
>length and in excess of 350 kilograms in weight.
They hunt fish and mollusk but take on bigger animals if needed, biting them and shredding them with their claws. They kill metahumans by dragging them underwater until the prey drowns.
Pictured on the left.

Oh and here's something for centaurs, same book
>A centaur is an equine-like species. Its lower torso
>resembles that a horse, with four legs ending in hooves. Its upper
>torso, where the head and neck would be on a horse, resembles a
>primate with long arms ending in three digits and an opposable
Guess the artist didn't count their fingers when drawing it.

Please don't bully the artist. He was hired to draw, not to do math.

But for real though, the mermaids are fabulous and terrifying, and I love that they're in the game. The Loreal Seal.

And for those wondering why vampirism isn't mentioned in the description I posted:
Apparently 5e made it that Merrow can contract HMHVV.
Yes, the disease called Human-MetaHuman-Vampiric-Virus, now affects not only humans and metahumans, but also sasquatches and Merrow.

>Both male and female mermaids possess pronounced mammae.


To be fair, Sasquatches could already contract it in 4E, and they are mentioned as possibly being related to a common ancestor of metahumans. Merrows though... I don't think there's an excuse for that.

On a completely different note, I give the Minotaur metavariant Satyr legs. Should I be sued?

Oh boy.

>Identification: The mermaid is an Awakened variant of the
>California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Its lower body and
>head closely resemble that of the mundane species
Sounds like a goddamn selkie or some shit.

God, why do these creatures always have the head of the original for no damn reason?
Is this some kind of crazy author fetish?

Selkies? Never heard of them. /Sarcasm

Buy flechette ammo, stick it in the gun.
Also dropbears.

aren't they just carriers, just like koalas are carriers for a ton of diseases? Because AFAIK merrow can actually be infected, as in transformed by it

Yes, just so you can have your shitty troll waifus

Let's be honest: Has it ever occurred, in any game? Has anyone said "You enter a room full of trolls. Make a Composure test due to stench"?
Or do you never even mention that fact?

Only retards leave ork mortality as it is.

More importantly, mammae is plural. Did female trolls have 2 sets of tits?

How much of a faggot would I be if I ignore most of this and have it so Nagas are more like Lamias, Centaurs are actual horsemen, and mermaids are regular mermaids?

That's what I do.
Because jesus christ shadowrun is being intentionally retarded here.

These two hands, omae. Bastion and Morrigan are from a third edition game when I was a youth.

>How much of a faggot would I be if I ignore most of this and have it so Nagas are more like Lamias
You mean have nagas be more like nagas. Nagas are snake-mermaids in mythology/folklore already; Shadowrun took a hard left turn with them. Lamias, on the other hand, have traditionally held a diverse and fairly random assortment of different monstrous appearances; it's only in recent years that Lamia has become a second name for Naga.

Got any more of them, chummer?



>metahuman level of intelligence.
Wonder if there would be a way to make a Merrow runner. Parapalegic quality, need a drone with a fishtank on top to move around?

Any liminal body would be enough, plus someone with a squirt bottle to make sure you wouldn't dry out. They're seals, rather than fish, after all.

man I really want to play this.

based on this block print from many years ago.

Good to know chummer, regardless of their name I'm letting them have arms and cyberware. I just need to find that tweak someone made in one of these threads so they're more balanced for arms.

I'm also making narataki and other snowflake metavariants a little more common.

lol you saved that???


There is literally no reason not to make them more common.
The only reason they are as rare as they are is so you can be a special snowflake with them. Also because shadowrun writers cannot into sustainable population numbers math.

I pump all the rare shit up a lot to make them less rare.

Some historical drawings from Naga myths depicts them as half people/half snakes so that's just how I do it.
Except I don't roll with it as "It looks completely human except for the animal lower body". It looks humanoid, but it's distinctively different.

>Nagas are snake-mermaids in mythology/folklore already
I mean it is kinda 50/50 between snake-mermaids and just huge snakes. Actually I'd say a larger part of depictions of Nagas are huge snakes. But yeah, I see no reason why they'd go with the full snake instead of snake mermaid when both are valid.

Large snakes with multiple heads.


Are those sticks of butter?


they were literally just snake based shapeshifters in the mythology.
Either make them the modern snake-maids, or just let them shapeshift.

Processed soy food. He's not made out of money.

This seems like an unsustainable lifestyle. Even for a runner, I dont think someone can live eating only butter and apathy.

Merrow are not mermaids in SR they are there own thing
THAT SAID what mermaids actually are is even more stupid.
In Running Wild Mermaids are literally just Sea Lions that are awakened and have boobs.

look, we all know shadowrun is incredibly retarded when it comes to anything even similar to this.

Awww shit, I forgot that little detail.

In which one of them? The thing is there are a whole bunch of different versions of Nagas depending on the culture. We're talking about using the prefered one, because none of them is really "fact".

>what mermaids actually are is even more stupid.
Please don't smacktalk the l'oreal seal.

In the vast majority of depictions. And in the scholarly writings about those depictions. And in every definition on what a naga is.
They're fucking shapeshifters, yo.