>mfw I download the 3 core rulebooks plus two others just by googling "x pdfs"
>mfw I sent them to a shady printer and for 35 dollars I have them all printed, and ring bind yet the original books are 40 dollars each
>mfw you outsmart the Jews
Mfw I download the 3 core rulebooks plus two others just by googling "x pdfs"
>mfw I would have a shitbound book rather then support the game company who wrote my game.
>mfw I saves 5 bux this time
>mfw I'm a total dickhead
Don't mess with me op. I'll get you blacklisted from all games in 25miles
He saved $165 though.
Why do you care if I don't use an original book in your game? How much of a good goy you are?
Where the hell can you get that many pages printed and bound for $35?
Is he gently holding her massive tits?
Or you could have just used the PDFs?
If you google "filetype:pdf" instead of "pdf" it'll filter your results so that only direct links to pdfs show up.
I did the conversion wrong it was a bit more than that, still I saved more than 100 dollars total
Yes, you jelly?
all of it was 55 putting into google
>mfw when I just have PDFs and saved an extra 35 dollars
I don't like to use electronics at my table, at all.
Maybe because I am not a dirty GEN Z or a young millennial.
All you proved is you're too retarded to use technology without distracting yourself. My DM uses a laptop for ambient music and sounds and pdfs and it's completely fine and even gives a great atmosphere.
Except laptops take up valuable space if you have a small table. Not OP, but I'm with him.
I prefer having a physical book (or a physical copy of the .pdf) instead of a laptop, just because I find it more comfortable/handy. Yes, I'm aware ctrl+f is a thing, but so is indexes.
Also, sound, ambiance and music can be fixed a phone hooked up to a bluetooth speaker - I've used it on occasion and it works like a charm (excepting the fact that it takes a bit more time). Personally I prefer to just use my voice to describe and illustrate, seeing as I enjoy the pure storytelling part of GMing.
Electronical screens doesn't fit well into the atmosphere around the table seeing as we most often play in torchlight. It's very comfy.
Well, we're not playing a cyberpunk campaign by torchlight, and we have a pretty decent sized table. I will admit that if you have a huge laptop and a small table it would be an issue.
Not only they take up space, can't be shared, they are less comfortable to read and electronic screens kill the atmosphere.
But you will never understand it because you were born with a smartphone in your hand.
I didn't have a smartphone until I was 17 years old. Also, it doesn't kill the atmosphere to have a computer any more than having a book kills the atmosphere when I play a game set in space.
I suppose, but we're all basing our arguments subjectively here, anyways.
Cyberpunk? By all means, fill your tables with laptops and techno-junk to create the proper atmosphere, but inevitably some fucker is going to go on 9gag like the little shit he is and giggle because he saw an image macro. Then everybody wants to see that fucking picture and that laptop is going to be passed around for everyone to see. The whole process will take 5 minutes, at the very least.
This will happen several times.
It's incredibly frustrating as a GM.
I can only be thankful we haven't had that issue. I by no means advocate for players distracting themselves either. But laptop is a pretty invaluable tool for my DM.
> Spent $35
good goyim
>spent 35$ at shady printer that doesn't tax
>this appeaces the Jews
What did he mean by this?
it's just >le ebic anti-semtitic may may
being spouted off any time there's a dollar symbol, ignore it
your shit quality printed bind "book" also distracts me asshole. either buy the book or use the pdf. printfags are literally cancer.
If I don't understand this limitation of yours... maybe it's a quirk on your part, not mine?
Anyway, I'm sorry you're growing old, gramps. Chin up, 40 isn't that bad!
>large screen blasting unnatural light in players face
>sometimes slight sound of paper against metal
Hmm, which would I choose?
get e-ink then fag
So you have no music, no ambiance, no pictures, waste time not being able to search specific words, and, what, play by candlelight?
Something's wrong with you math. If they were 35 each you saved a total of 25, if it was a bit more than that you had to have saved less than 20.
Ambiances and pictures are strictly necessary for a game? I was not aware of that.
I mean, I make my own maps and print them out (or just paint them, they look better that way), and occasionally I'll make a portrait of a villain if it comes out good (which they most often don't).
I play music with a normal speaker taped to the underside of the table to keep it out of the way.
Also, we play in torch- and firelight because I've a really large yard in the middle of the woods.
Ambiances? Crackling fire and nighttime sounds of the forests, but yeah, it's not really fitting for some campaigns.
Moving the goalposts - we were talking about laptops, not e-ink thingies (or whatever they're called).
>mfw I sent them to a shady printer and for 35 dollars I have them all printed
>for 35 dollars I have them all printed
He meant all of them, user.
They were 46 USD, for the 5 of them. In bookstores you can find them for 40 each(the 3 corebooks), plus the two smaller ones for like 30+.
I saved more than 100.
>mfw he doesn't support a developer who creates content he likes by buying their products
>mfw OP deserves to be poor
>So you have no music
I do not need a laptop for that, phone + speaker on the side
>no ambiance
?? What kind of GEN Z defines ambience by showing stuff in your laptop?
>waste time not being able to search specific words
What???? Why do you need to look for specific words? Do you not know your own language well enough?
>play by candlelight
So you use your laptop to light the room? What?
so instead of having top quality hardcover RPG books in your collection that you should pass on to your son or whoever, that will take up the torch in the next generation you settled for shitty black and white printed papers bound together...and you are proud of "saving" 100 usd. ok bro.
He's playing up you saying "no electronics" by playing on the wording and not understanding you mean no electronic gaming reasources such as dice roller apps and digital character sheets. It's a common tactic by the autistic to blow something out of proportion when context isn't deliberately spelled out in a manner that rivals the average legal contract.
It's like that kid who hears who say "I don't really like mushrooms on pizza" and suddenly thinks that if you so little as see a mushroom within ten yards of the kitchen it was cooked in you'll have a shitfit.
Fellow slav here, other than OP. In my country of average second world shithole any recordable media comes with "piracy tax" because it's by default assumed you will use it to store content dowloaded off the interwebs.
Government knows it's a thing but laws progressed so little since the fall of Union, there's no way, they can reasonably cover computer crime.
So they put this in place instead to at least make something off it.
Now that also means if people don't pirate we're not getting our money's worth.
>Except laptops take up valuable space if you have a small table. Not OP, but I'm with him.
Use a tablet. I prefer print myself, but that's because I'm a hipster faggot who only likes old tech.
>"Wait, let me look that up real quick".
>"Where was this chapter again?"
>leafs through the book for 2 minutes
Repeat every 30 seconds.
>"Wait, let me look that up real quick".
>"Where was this chapter again?"
>"Right, books have indexes"
>Find it in less than 10 seconds
Repeat every other hour because people know most of the rules of the game they are playing
>He meant all of them
Oh, alright then yeah.
>go to far back of book
>look at index
>exclaim: ah, 'twas page 76!
>read paragraph
Takes about 30 seconds, versus
>open up rulebook
>wait for it to render
>ctrl+f: mounted combat
>returned 4 results
>check everyone
>turns out mounted archery isn't part of mounted combat because devs are idiots
Takes about 5 minutes. Repeat every 30 seconds.
Alright, pretty dope set up. But for those that DON"T play in the woods by firelight, IE almost everybody, a laptop is gonna do a bunch of useful stuff without any downside.
Being able to hold your finger in a page, then flip to another page, back and forth easily and instantly, shits all over any good will that a pdf has ever had.
Well, except 50% of my arguments still stand.
Instant brain-to-computer functions has not yet been integrated in consumer laptops. Books still work. Dice can be rolled like you roll dice - with dice.
Ambiance is not strictly needed and if you for some reason do need it you can use other means.
It's not that hard to just go to the library and print out maps for 50 cents or whatever the hamburger equivalent of my currency is.
>muh obscure bookmark function
That's one theory, or maybe he said "No electronics at all"
>?? What kind of GEN Z defines ambience by showing stuff in your laptop?
Ambient SOUNDS user. Wind, rain, crickets, tavern chatter, that kind of thing.
> Why do you need to look for specific words?
To save you 2-5 minutes every time you have to look up something.
> you use your laptop to light the room?
No, I use electric lights. That was more a comment on the post saying unnatural light kills atmosphere.
>That was more a comment on the post saying unnatural light kills atmosphere.
But candles are unnatural too, real men play rpgs by sunlight.
Real men dance the lightning dance and have the thunder illuminate the table. It's also great for your figure.
>To save you 2-5 minutes every time you have to look up something.
I refer you to
Real men play rpgs by slaying large endangered animals instead of rolling dice which is also great for your figure provided something important doesn't get torn off.
I am stupid.
is wrong, meant:
>thunder illuminate the table
You live in a different world. Begone and never enter this plane again.
>Instant brain-to-computer functions has not yet been integrated in consumer laptops.
Neither have brain to book function.
>Dice can be rolled like you roll dice
Never said I don't use dice
>Ambiance is not strictly needed and if you for some reason do need it you can use other means.
Other means that are less efficient.
>It's not that hard to just go to the library and print out maps for 50 cents
sure, but you also don't have to.
You don't need a laptop for tabletop games, but banning them on principle is silly.
And yes, we use cents.
Why are you opening and closing the PDF each time?
Why didn't you just Ctrl+F "mounted archery"?
>Neither have brain to book function.
Did not imply it nor mean it. I meant that they are not more efficient than books when finding specific rules and such.
>Never said I don't use dice
I was not referring to you, just some other user that brought up digital dice rollers.
>sure, but you also don't have to.
Okay? Then what?
>mfw just opening them on a tablet
>they are not more efficient than books
Debatable. They are, at worst, as good.
>Then what?
Personally, I keep a picture of the map up, and draw it bit by bit as the players explore it.
Because everyone is human, user. You cannot expect everyone to be perfect. You're just going to end up angry and frustrated if you assume everyone else is going to live up to your standards, user.
Holy shit slavs are hilarious. We all know you're poor as fuck, you don't have to tell us.
>Outsmarted the jews
There isn't enough money in RPGs for jews to care though.
not true slav, need more nokia
>Debatable. They are, at worst, as good.
Not really. Have you ever had to help your grandmother/grandfather/old person/ex-amish/person not used with computers/etc with a computer? Remember how completely ass they were at operating it?
That's the lowest point the computer has in this scenario. However, literally everyone has used a book before - everyone. Almost everyone knows what an index is because they're not total morons.
A penny saved is a penny gained. Well done OP.
>bookmarks don't exist
>leaving the book open to the right page doesnt exist
>actually learning the fucking rules doesnt' exist
>even giving a fuck how long it takes
The time difference is negligible compared to the joy I get from just being away from technology for a few hours. That's what I get out of it. Also there is no way figuring out a rule takes that long, it's arguments over a rule that take forever and slow down games because the GM is too pussy to just make a ruling. Also I forgot that all of Veeky Forums is playing Dungeon World where they just make up rules because if you look something up in the rulebook you paid money for, then you are not having fun because looking at rules is not fun. Why do we have rules at all then? Shut up faggot that's badwrongthink.
How long did it take OP to save 5 dollars? If it's more than 45 minutes he's working for sub minimum wage.
>actually learning the fucking rules doesnt' exist
If you actually learned the rules you wouldn't need a laptop in the first place.
>If it's more than 45 minutes he's working for sub minimum wage
Even if you don’t do anything at all, that is still counted as working hours. So just sit back and relax.
OP mentioned being a slav. Minimum wages work differently in slavlands.
I saved like 130 dollars.
Exactly. I am arguign against the use of laptops at the table.
Ahh multiple book okay never mind then. Seriously though just use a tablet, learn the rules, and make some reference cards to use at the table. Takes a few hours and it's much cheaper.
>even this doofus with his weak-ass chin and ridiculous haircut can find a titmonster
End my fucking suffering already
>50 cents or whatever the hamburger equivalent of my currency is.
$10? If I'm printing maps at $10 a pop then they must be some big maps.
I'm very unfamiliar with american currency. I know that your dollar things are green, but kinda only that.
What do you GEN Z do not understand? I like physical copies, I hate to look through books with a screen in a computer or a tablet.
What the fuck.
We understand. Your way is less efficient, but you do it anyway out of personal preference. That's fine, not gonna tell you how to live your life.
What country are you in? $10 is just shy of 8.5 EUR
Oh shit, I'm retarded. I just got that by hamburger you mean American, not the price of a burger.
wtf "jews"? are you being racist?
It's a good way to make sure new games don't get made.
>he thinks he outsmarted the jews
>even though he paid out the nose at a printing shop for maybe 10c worth or materials and labor
The jews are everywhere you mong
Except he did it at a shady printer in slavland - that is not taxed.
I fucking love that this has become a thing.
Dem tiddies
>>large screen blasting unnatural light in players face
the fuck kind of shitty lighting do you have going on that you can identify the light from the screen?
>new games