What are you guys playing I like this deck but needs more remove board wipes and draws what do you guys think
MTG Standard Thread
I haven't played Standard since Origins came out. Is it good? I've heard it's been a total garbage fire recently.
It was a garbage fire.
The new set shook up the dumpster and ignited a blaze of RDW decks.
But the jury is still out on how the meta will settle.
RDW is stomping standard right now.
A friend and I won several FNMs before the pro tour with Monored Desert. Even if Wizards have the stupid idea of banning one of the pieces, the prizes were worth the cost of the deck (some cards has now skyrocketed).
>RDW stomping standard right now
>Got hated out online weeks ago
>Got hated out at this weekend's GP as top tables were nothing but black based decks
format is healthy
Its natural that happened. People were now expecting more RDW decks and had their sideboards ready.
I am still stomping decks at my LGS.
Not even sideboard. All the black decks naturally have Grasp of Darkness, Push, and Kalitas already maindecked.
>What are you guys playing I like this deck but needs more remove board wipes and draws what do you guys think
That does not compute. I think you need to stay in school.
Stopped by the LGS that's worse for events, but closer to my house today to pick up another couple Collective Defiance to deal with Kalitas, showed up just in time to see the last match slip for the game day turned in. I didn't even know there was a game day on Sunday, feels bad
Thinking of making B/R Zombies, go with Earthshakers, Crashers, a Hazoret or two, and enough field hate to keep Zombies in check. Torments and venoms can probably do it, but with double black, it's prolly better just to run push.
why would you play those shitty black cards when fatal push and grasp are better
Earthshaker isn't legal in Standard, or even good
Earthshaker Khenra senpai
If you had 100$ to mess with this deck what would you do?
Went 2-3 with RDW on game day
>Lost hard to a White lifegain deck Round 1
>Won against GR Pummeler Round 2
>Lost to BG Delirium Round 3
>Won against B Zombies Round 4
>Lost to BR Aggro Round 5
Kinda deserve it for not practicing at all and no knowing what the meta is like. Will probably use a jank deck next time since half of the people in that LGS run jank or unfinished decks. Only got pissed off in Round 5 as my opponent kept making misplays on cards and not knowing what the fucking stack was.
I'd put some Gontis in the sideboard. He's sick
Picked up a planeswalker liliana today to show someone mtg, cracked a Hazoret the Fervent from one of the boosters, last card I needed for RDW, feelsgoodman
Good idea. I'm gonna try dropping a Bone Picker and a Gifted Aetherborn to mainboard 2 of them.
>RDW whupping ass
This makes me happy. Last deck I played was a super fast red shitbrew, but that was back in DTK days
How was Gameday weekend for you, Veeky Forums?
Got 1-3'd at Gameday Standard and 1-2'd at Gameday Draft, but pulled a Nicol Bolas in draft (That I didn't get to use - got him on the third pack), which I promptly sold and got enough money to buy a playmat.
So, on the end of the day, I'm still happy (Never had a playmat before).
Anyone won?
4-0 here with Monored Desert
Dont know why there werent many players today. We normally reach 60+ players at FNMs, but today there were only 14 participants using control decks, meme decks and monowhite agro decks.