Is Monopoly really as bad as everyone makes it out to be?
Is Monopoly really as bad as everyone makes it out to be?
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Orange street best street.
No one plays with the actual rules (like auctioning and shit), which lends to the shittiness, and the game itself even with the auctioning is pretty bland.
Fortune Street is the superior version of Monopoly, with districts, and stock shares and shit.
These days it is, what would millennials know about owning property, building houses and rent management?
i once saw someone get put into a hospital because of a game of monopoly
Monopoly isn't bad, family disputes are bad.
Monopoly is pretty fun when people stop taking it seriously.
If you're going to spend all that time playing a mass market boardgame with the family, why not play risk or something else decent instead?
how about Diplomacy?
It was design to be bad, to show you the dark side of capitalism. I played local version of it as a kid and enjoyed it but without homerules it's practically unplayable
The 1st gen pokemon board game was more fun.
It's very bad with optional or house rules. It's not much better without them.
This and most people don't actually play it right and house rule ways to get money in or actually buy hotels instead of causing a housing permit shortage to force less unfortunate players into a battle of attrition they can't win.
It's the leading cause of inter-family murder
It's not that bad, but eventually it gets to the point where two players remain with half the board each, all the development done, just waiting for the other to land on any of their properties to bankrupt them in one go.
Also, nobody ever fucking makes deals.
>No, I won't trade you this property because you'll have a monopoly, even though I will also have one or will have great leverage over another player to get one
And so it never ends because nobody gets to actually build up.
>just waiting for the other to land on any of their properties to bankrupt them in one go.
That doesn't really happen. What does happen is that the players will keep exchanging money with each other, waxing and waning in turn, until the player who drains money slightly faster due to statistically slightly more advantageous assets eventually wins out. This phase can take a few hours.
Basically yes
I'd have rather played Space Hulk growing up, but I've a feeling my parents wouldn't have appreciated it the way I do.
No. On a whole, the game is not as bad as people say it is, because most people play the game wrong, due to no one actually learning how to play it from reading the rules but rather from how their parents taught them to play it.
Does that mean the game is good? No, it's still shit. Just not as shit as people think.
>Monopoly isn't bad, family disputes are bad.
This. EVERY Monopoly game growing up ended in tears and/or yelling. To this day I refuse to play.
This is pretty much it. If you're playing with a group that can comfortably separate their game experience from how they interact with one another, it's a perfectly fine scrub way to facilitate everyone sitting at a table rolling dice.
Early game is too luck based. Late game is too slow. It's right at 4/10 for me. Worth a play if you've got some people and nothing else laying around
You kind of have to be a dick to be good at monopoly. You have to be willing to take advantage of people including close family members for any gain. You have to be willing to burn bridges and be deceptive.
It's an entirely luck based game where one person establishes statistical dominance and proceeds to grind out the hopelessly fucked opponents for the next three hours.
And no, the "muh auctions" people can go fuck themselves, this accomplishes jackshit. Anyone sane buys every bit of property they land on because it's all severely undervalued. It's piss easy with the starting cash, the passing start bonus and the existence of mortgage.
Just spend your family evening playing an actually fun game. Fucking anything, even charades. Or just stare at the walls blankly. At least you won't have to fiddle with the notes endlessly and listen to your 5 year old nephew cry for hours.
the free parking jackpot house rule is the real reason so many monopoly games take forever
>Monopoly is pretty fun
Might as well play Candyland. They're both simplistic pieces of shit.
because it prolongs the inevitable?
In college I played with a group of cute girls where we had a house rule that you could take off an article of clothing instead of paying rent, and even with tits it was still just okay.
The common house rules definitely make it worse, but it's not like the game is great without them.
I'm just glad this idea never occurred to my family. I'm sure it adds an extra hour to the game.
Monopoly is bad, but not as bad as pic related.
This "game" has been strangely popular in the germanosphere for decades already. I use the quotes because it's not actually a game at all, but rather a literal time-wasting procedure. There is no interaction. No decisions. Players just keep taking turns rolling dice until one wins. It's the most mind-numbing abomination ever conceived, and why it caught on even with the most dimwitted of children, let alone adults, is a mystery for the ages.
Forgot the actual pic.
>just keep taking turns rolling dice until one wins
monopoly is about the same with the added caveat of trades and a few wildcards, which basically say: "if you are winning but want to be merciful then give your opponent this." Which most people don't do, and then the losers get butthurt about it
At least the choices between buying and not buying, or building and not building, allows a player to influence their chances of winning. Auctions, too. But in Mensch Ärgere Dich Nicht (God, what a horrible name), you can't decide *anything*. You can't change *anything*. Just roll the dice, follow the rules, until its over. Like a flowchart with dice.
Don't get angry, friendo.
Say that again after being forced to play it with your younger cousin. And then once more. I dare you.
The strangest thing is that it's sold as a 4-player game. It's actually for 0 players, because it's on autopilot from start to finish. And the self-aware mockery of the name is the icing on the turd cake.
no, we have fun playing it as a family.
tho upon reflection we do tend to make up the rules as we go along, and it's not considered cheating unless you get caught.
Blue street best street.
I see that and raise you
>you think the games over
>but down a snake you go;
>more dice rolling for you
Monopoly, twenty-one, checkers, and chess (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
>In the original game the squares of virtue are: Faith (12), Reliability (51), Generosity (57), Knowledge (76), and Asceticism (78).
>The squares of vice or evil are: Disobedience (41), Vanity (44), Vulgarity (49), Theft (52), Lying (58), Drunkenness (62), Debt (69), Murder (73), Rage (84), Greed (92), Pride (95), and Lust (99).
Oh my God, it's Chińczyk. "Chinaman". Beats me why we call it that on this side of the Oder-Neisse line, but fuck me what an atrocious piece of shit this is. I wish I could hate it out of existence just so I'm never asked again by some kid in the family to play it. It's so bad and mind numbing it would be awful even as a gambling game.
At least all those other roll-to-move generic board games end mercifully quickly. This one just does whatever it can to prolong the suffering.
>Is Monopoly really as bad as everyone makes it out to be?
Pic related...
play it and find out
see you in a year
It's an objectively bad game by any standard, but my family and I have a blast playing it. Everybody knows it's bullshit, so we just treat it as a beer and pretzels game and let the trash talk fly.
Don't blame them, its generation x that grew up and decided to buy the baby boomer's houses and build condos regardless of them actually being filled.
Because when nobody owns their own home...profit?
Is there a better board game than candy land?
Is there a monopoly rpg?
The electronic banker version is fun and fast. Each game is like a little over an hour as long as people aren't autistic about handling the device.
Part of it is the homerules everyone plays with (free parking, no auctions, and unlimited houses are the three big ones that slow the game down), but the other part is that the meta has been so well defined that which properties are good and which aren't is just common knowledge, and the game's mostly down to luck.
>Monopoly inevitably leads to family disputes
>Family disputes are bad
monopoly is bad
I love this game. It's an ubiquitous source of cheap boards to paste P&P stuff onto.
Oh hey, it's Trouble. Except the die isn't trapped in a plastic bubble.
>literally communist propaganda
>somehow became the most popular board gamein the United States
Explain this shit.
Dokapon will never catch on, it starts too many fights.
Georgism is not Communism.
'Intra-', shurely?
Most people were taught wrong.
It's still not great, but it's not half as bad as it is when played by people using those house rules.
>Germans are evil because they lead to Nazis
good read
I see nothing wrong with this reasoning.
The game is won on bases of who lands on the best spots fisr to buy them. It's a shit game with shitty unbalanced rules for family game night that shold be replaced by anything, and i mean anything, a peace of shit on a stick is better than monopoly
Thats because you have a shitty family
Because it perfectly reflects capitalist mentality, duh.
You never played the version with exact landing, have you? Every time you are about to finish with your current figure, you got a 5/6 chance of wasting the turn and potentially get back out of the finisher zone so that other players can screw you over.
The only possible choice you can get in this game is which token to move if you got a few lucky 6s. And even that just makes it more likely that other players fuck you over.
Ludo has a middle-game where you decide which pieces that are out to move, it's not much of a middle-game but it is there.
I'm pretty sure Dokapon would cause actual wars if it was mainstream.
Actually, there's strategic ways to play this game to the point where good players can win against some random that's never played before easily 95% of the time.
That's mostly only if you play 2vs2, though, in my country there's oficial competitions with professional* players.
*Not actually people who get paid to play, more like people who train at playing the game better than others
there are a couple ways to play strategically that'll give you a good chance to win the game.
at least one of them is deliberately designed to be as obnoxious, mirthless, and time-consuming as possible, so the people you beat with it will never play monopoly again.
Germans are evil because they like moving abstract bits of wood around tables without pretending to kill people.
where did that shitty house rule ever come from?
as a game Monopoly I never found especially fun, except for wanting to rub your short lived success in the face of family members at the risk of being butthurt over losing. As a lesson on economics however it has some value
But how?
That's literally the point if monopoly.
It was brilliantly designed to cause bad feelings and strife.
It's meant as satire, to teach children. that rampant monopolies and cutthroat capitalism is bad.
Because it's a meme and saying you lived the meme gives you street cred.
if Monopoly makes you cry you need to grow the fuck up.
fucking monopoly isn't that bad the worst Experience I've had was a game that went to long and everyone just wanted to go to bed.
monopoly can be very fun if you mix it with drinking and you don't take it seriously
I found monopoly boring. I'd rather play Stratego.
>can be very fun if you mix it with drinking and you don't take it seriously
That is true of anything short of maybe freezing your nutsack solid and having a go at it with a cheese grater.
And even then it's really down to personal preferences and amount of alcohol involved for some.
>It's meant as satire, to teach children. that rampant monopolies and cutthroat capitalism is bad.
Whatever you say you fucking communist.
Laissez-faire capitalism tends toward monopolies, and monopolies are the death of competition, which is the death of the free market.
There's nothing communist about desiring a free market, you fucking crony.
>flips board
I don't want to play anymore!
Piece of shit games thread?
>Implying Monopoly is communist
>He hasn't heard of Georgism
Games like Monopoly and Ludo (what the seocnd game is called in my country) are the reason people think board-gaming is a strange hobby.When you say you enjoy playing boardgames they think of these two games and the boredom and frustration and go " uhm, cool I guess, Ive never really been into boardgames myself"
No you dumbasses. It's was quite literally intended to demonstrate the value of the Land Value Tax and nothing else. See here:
There's a bright side of capitalism?
I thought the game was to show that monopolies were a bad thing?
Too bad they never explain that monopolies cannot sustain themselves without government support :^)
I dunno, the technological progress and general quality of life improvements that it brings about seem bright to me. Just look at phones these days. Phone companies competing with each other has caused those bricks from the 80s to turn into laptops in your pocket. Meanwhile Russia is still suffering from problems caused by even TRYING to be communist.
Except that really has nothing to do with the original point of the game.
>and monopolies are the death of competition
Not so on a free market where the monopolies aren't protected by the government or some other institution. Buying out every single upstart competitor or trying to freeze them out of the market by suddenly cutting all your prices is nothing but an express ticket to bankruptcy unless you offer a product or service to match.
In fact, the situation where one company is in a clear lead in a market can be beneficial both for conusmers and competitors. For the former because companies that already have a large majority of the market are very eager to not lose that majority and so often act even more competitively than companies that share their market more or less evenly with one or more other competitors. Anf for the latter, because it can turn out to be very lucrative for entreprenours to start small businesses and then sell them at a huge profit to the market leader.
You Germans have a strange sense of humour.
The real question is, how did almost everyone grow up on the same set (with variations) of terrible, boring games? I'm from Singapore and grew up playing monopoly and ludo.
Could it be (((them)))?
>white text on black background.
Fuck yourself into eternity.
munchkin is a good game
yes, its stupid but that is kind of the point for a game called munchkin.
Scary part is that Monopoly has its own tournaments too. Like why?
The "don't buy Railroads" meta is too strong to pass up.
yes it's a contest of who's the bigger masochist
LOL user
Monopoly isn't the worst game in the world, but it definitely deserves its reputation. I'd play it over non-games like War or Candyland, but I'd much rather play a well-designed modern game.
Munchkin is a fun ten to twenty minute game which almost inevitably ends up stretched into an hour long ordeal.
It is a lot of fun as a strip game, though.