What are some red flags to avoid when looking for a group to play with on roll20?
I'd play with people in person, but everyone I used to play with has either moved away or doesn't play anymore, and the nearest FLGS is over an hour's drive away, so roll20 is seemingly my only real option.
What do you consider "avoid at all costs" when you're looking for a roll20 group?
Roll20 Red Flags
>you need a mic to play
Every time.
isn't that 99% of groups?
>text only
Every fucking time.
>Trigger warnings
No thanks.
Bump for curiosity. I'm trying to find a roll20 group since I can no longer justify driving 100+ miles for two hours to meet up at my nearest FLGS. I was hoping to find a group playing Shadowrun, but all my RPG experience is in WoD and D&D.
Anybody got that screencap of the /pfg/ roll20 game about "lewd" kitsune living on the back of a giant fox?
Roll20 red flags?
>pathfinder: not core-only
>5e: using any homebrew
>5e: without restriction to human elf dwarf orc
>pathfinder: not specifically listing 4-5 available races
>in general:
>having homebrew races that are objectively better than those already available
>altering rules for already existent races like elves
>having a setting based off of any kind of video game (i.e. dark scrolls, pokemon, skyrim, all that shit)
>running pre-generated adventures
>the DM is fat or has a fat voice
>the DM is a woman
>any of the players are women
>sex or sexuality is even MENTIONED in the campaign ad
>more than 2 paragraphs of world information
>GM spends first 30 minutes of session on meaningless exposition
>GM charges money for the campaign
>GM wants to turn campaign into a novel
>a popular or famous NPC is mentioned in the campaign ad
>wants video ad
>GM has children who make noises in the background
>GM has a wife
>GM is playing with a mix of IRL friends and randos
>GM plays music during the session
>GM spends forever making custom dungeon maps in roll20
>GM allows players any permissions except to move their own character's miniature
>GM takes forever to run combat
And of course the biggest red flag:
>playing on roll20 in the first place
You seem like a blast to play with.
I am. Mostly because I avoid roll20 bullshit.
You're mostly on point but I do have to contest a couple of these
>more than 2 paragraphs of world information
Hardly seems like an issue to me, unless it's like 20 pages or some shit. Even then, it's fine if it's explicitly optional. I don't see why you'd have an issue with this.
>GM spends forever making custom dungeon maps in roll20
If it's mid-session, then yeah, that would be a huge issue. Nothing wrong with preparing that shit in advance though
>gm has a wife
>GM charges money for the campaign
There a game store around where where the owner charges money for DMing the game of your choice, it's like $200/night (Four to five hours). What's worse is that I know of two groups who actually pay that, sometimes multiple times in a month.
>sex or sexuality is even MENTIONED in the campaign ad
Some of your post is bullshit but this one gets me every time. I don't know what these degenerates get out of jacking it to other fatasses pretending to be anime girls in a game of make believe.
It's bad on roll20 but any kind of sexual content is exceptionally awkward in real life games. One grown-ass male asks another if he can seduce a barmaid and starts talking about his druid's dick or whatever. Fuck that.
But is he a good DM?
Fair enough.
Women are parasites who destroy RPG campaigns.
That's fucking insane.
Sexual content can be okay. But in the campaign ad? Fuck. off.
I don't know, I don't want to pony up to find out first hand. The groups he has are repeat customers, so at least something's going right.
From what I read, it's $200 per night, the owner knows whatever systems/books his store stocks (Which is pretty much D&D with a smidgen of WoD, Pathfinder, GURPS, and a few D&D offshoots like the WoW RPG [which is what one of the groups is currently playing]). Max of 4 players, includes pizzas and soda from a nearby little caesers at the halfway mark. ERP not tolerated (brochure says talk to the ladies down the street if you want that). The GM crafts the individual session ahead of time and brings required materials such as dice and core rulebooks. You can pay in advance for multiple sessions if you want a full campaign, though there's a delay while he hammers it out.
He seems like a knowledgeable guy, but that's like $50 per person to play a night of tabletop.
Why is that a problem? People like talking to each other.
>Women are parasites who destroy RPG campaigns.
/r9k/ crossboarder, gtfo
>Women are parasites who destroy RPG campaigns.
My game is 2/3 women and they're all great roleplayers. One of them even kept her character's sex concealed from the rest of the party for months to satisfy his desire for Grey Fox-like anonymity as a thief.
Best advice, these are all solid points.
Fuck you! I can't imagine that your male human fighter is a busty elf if you're talking in a dude's voice!
You sound pretty angry my dude. I don't think I'd want you in my games anyway.
Thanks user!
>my made-up anecdotal evidence is valid
Strawman ad hominem, fuck off.
Your loss, idiot, I'm probably the best GM you'd ever have.
>character wears a mask
Never again.
Hotheads, out.
>I'm probably the best GM you'd ever have.
I'm glad you have a healthy ego.
>over an hour's drive
People drive that every day to work and you can't do it once a week? You're just a baby.
Huh, well he must be doing something right. Honestly he sounds like a smart guy. He keeps them happy with food, in addition to providing players with what is probably the most integral part of a campaign that most people do not want to undertake.
Just wanted to make sure you knew that you would never be happy playing in games until it's with me. But text only!
>>altering rules for already existent races like elves
Fuck you, humans being the "everyman" race is complete horseshit and doesn't make sense from a developmental perspective. I'm going to write new stats for them, and there's nothing you can do about it.
>Looking for GM
That applies to finding real life games as well.
The guy who uses gross generalizations shouldn't be accusing others of logical fallacies.
>if your pc dies, you're out of the campaign forever
>2 hour long wait to insertion
>taken aside for a talk about how "etiquette is very important" when in-chara talk isn't poetic enough for the dm
all happened to me. And that campaign was shit
>promoting core-only PF
One line in and I'm already upset.
Sounds more like you are the problem
So you never play with anyone? Not that anyone would want to play with a retard like you
>Playing: Pathfinder
Biggest red flag of them all.
Roll20 is a fucking mess, it's always been hard to find a good game but today you have to deal with so much bullshit.
Your best option is to find a campaign based around a pre-made module, like Storm King's Thunder for 5e.
are you the guy who was posting in /5eg/ about how women ruin everything when the problem in the story was 1) almost entirely imagined and 2) largely your own fault anyway
because when the thread pointed out his story didn't match his conclusion (that women ruin RPGs) he devolved into "all women are whores" too
honestly I feel like you picked a bunch of obviously unarguable options like "DM charges money to play" and "using overpowered homebrew races" to make your madness seem more reasonable.
which I guess means you know you're insane, but that's only step one of the process.
People HAVE to go to work you fucking child
>Strawman ad hominem
Yes I too did read that chart
>we're looking to have some good fun
I am planning to use Roll20 to find the very first game I'm ever going to play in, how beginner friendly is the community?
>bitching about the way of playing
I don't like text, but you don't see me bitching about autists playing that way, faggot
it's honestly not that great in my experience, I have a few horror stories that I'm too lazy to type out fully but
>young newbish DM gives very lax chargen rules to allow high level play
>two players joined at same time, are IRL friends
>other player is female, friend of GM, new to RPGs as far as I could tell
>both have dirty smug euro accents, the type that you can only barely understand and makes you want to kick them in the jaw
>despite already lax chargen rules, both cheat immensely and make their characters stupidly overpowered
>speaking to high priestess in middle of holy city's chapel, one of them tries to flip her dress up
>shortly after, the other Alter Self's into her, undresses, and begins masturbating in the middle of the main chamber
I felt terrible for the DM, since he seemed fairly new, though his campaign hooks weren't that great. I apologized on behalf of the shitty players and left.
I ran recruitment a while ago, biggest turn offs were awfully written apps. One beginner received votes by the virtue of being a beginner, because players enjoyed the idea of introducing people to the hobby. In the end the guy wasn't picked though, because his app was ugly and there were better choices available.
As long as you know the rules decently enough not to disrupt the game, you should be fine.
Know the rules and know how to write an application and you'll be alright.
Reasonable points
>pathfinder: not core-only
>5e: using any homebrew
>pathfinder: not specifically listing 4-5 available races
>having homebrew races that are objectively better than those already available
>altering rules for already existent races like elves
>GM takes forever to run combat
>GM spends first 30 minutes of session on meaningless exposition
>GM charges money for the campaign
>GM wants to turn campaign into a novel
>a popular or famous NPC is mentioned in the campaign ad
>wants video ad
>GM has children who make noises in the background
>sex or sexuality is even MENTIONED in the campaign ad
Unreasonable points
>having a setting based off of any kind of video game (i.e. dark scrolls, pokemon, skyrim, all that shit)
>running pre-generated adventures
>the DM is fat or has a fat voice
>the DM is a woman
>any of the players are women
>GM spends forever making custom dungeon maps in roll20
>GM is playing with a mix of IRL friends and randos
>GM allows players any permissions except to move their own character's miniature
'WTF are you high fag'-points
>GM has a wife
>GM plays music during the session
>more than 2 paragraphs of world information
Stop reading right there, Pathfinder ITSELF is a giant red flag, and anyone who even suggest playing core-only PF should be removed instantly.