I want to run a Dredd RPG but all I know is 5e and I'd prefer something with more of a tactical scifi SWAT feel to it. Is there anything like the newer Xcom games but in Veeky Forums form?
I want to run a Dredd RPG but all I know is 5e and I'd prefer something with more of a tactical scifi SWAT feel to it...
>anything like the newer Xcom games but in Veeky Forums form?
You mean turn based combat simulator? D&D 4th.
Actually I toyed with an Apocalypse World XCom thing, OP. But alas I just toyed with that.
(so, tactical, but not really game-y- Loved XCom, but people like to play characters in RPGs)
Sorry I can't help you user. The only system I would think to use is probably too rules heavy for you.
Delta Green or any other BRP variant
Unisystem (Classic) or any other simulationist modern game would probably fit well with a small amount of homebrew (Dredd's gear, change the names of some modern tech, etc).
>making him beg for it
just name it while I check these trips
40k dark heresy, arbiters only, they're literally based on dredd
This, Dark Heresy runs a lot like Xcom in terms of combat as well
Why not use the Judge Dredd RPG? It's based on Mongoose Traveller, which is pretty tactical sci-fi shootan' good.
Ok, anons, everyone else is going for systems that are good, but more complex than what you need.
Use Savage Worlds with the Sci-Fi supplement. Get rid of the Wild Die, and limit the number of times a dice can explode based on their point total, this will give you better control over the system.
>Mongoose's Judge Dredd
Try Hero System. It's 3d6 roll-under, combat is segmented into twelve second rounds, uses hexes instead of squares, metric instead of imperial, and has an intuitive collection of combat maneuvers. Lots more than what I'm saying here but have a look down below.
Oh and it let's you build whatever power you want. It's the original RPG to do that. Dredd's gun is a perfect example of a Multipower.
> Hero System 6th Edition Trove
> Hero System 5th Edition Trove
Dark Heresy
I've been thinking the same thing.
Just take out/modify the lore greatly. I think the mechanics, weapons, and feel is really good for it.
I have to ask the question that should be answered in a thread like this.
having only seen the movies what are the Must-Reads in terms of Dredd comics?
what is the core mechanic of Traveller?
I have not heard of or extensively researched that yet.
>pic passing related
how easy is it to random-assemble things in either setting?
Guarantee you he's going to say GURPS.
Core rolls in MGT are 2d6 vs a target number of eight, add on relevant stats, skills, modifiers. Simple, and straight to the point. If Mongoose has one sin, it's that their splats tend to be a little too free with the modifiers, but the core book is fine.
You can check it out in the Traveller general's archive. I think it's under Mongoose Traveller 1e/Other Settings.
Cursed Earth series, Judge Child series, Block War series, anything featuring Otto Sump.
Also read some of the Anderson:PSI-Division stories to get a feel for how psychics work in the setting.
awesome, followup question.
either movie, do they reflect the setting well?
(NOT THE CHARACTER of dredd, just Megacity 1)
at first it sounds a bit like D20 but with a different die...but then I remembered the solution space for 2d6 is significantly different than 1d20.
I may like this as a general system. does it run other genres fine?
how well does it randomize?
Different genres? Pretty well. I've heard from a fa/tg/uy who used it for 18th century riflemen to great success.
The tech system scales nicely, so you can have cavemen throwing rocks at guys in spacesuits out of the box.
I'd consider it usable it for any gritty tactical type RPG where life is cheap and characters don't rapidly become superhuman.
There are sourcebooks for all sorts of stuff, including cyberpunk and magic. Mongoose's own stuff tends to range from fairly decent down to totally lousy, though, but there's a lot of good third party stuff.
Or there was, until Mongoose screwed third party supporters with MGT 2e's crooked licensing.
Most of those folks have jumped over to a clone called Cepheus Engine, and there's a ton of stuff coming out for that lately.
Mythras Imperative is what you're looking for.
There is a paper fallout rpg based on the classic game. Trailler has a good simple tech combat rule set.
Aesthetically the Stallone movie is more in line with the Big Meg.
It is quite good at random assembling.
I haven't heard of that one. I know that there is a D20 (is it the OGL d20) based one. So it's a 3.5 tie in but apparently one of the better ones. Not that is saying much.
Personally I think the Dark Heresy is best. Universe is practically the same at least before Games Workshop started taking it's too seriously and the combat is on the grittier side with without been too complicated.
>Different genres? Pretty well. I've heard from a fa/tg/uy who used it for 18th century riflemen to great success.
>The tech system scales nicely, so you can have cavemen throwing rocks at guys in spacesuits out of the box.
to hear the bitching of fans of the series over that movie buried the lead pretty hard...I'll have to go give it a look again some time.
is there any setting-learning value to the other movie?
The Stalone movie is shitty but the aesthetics matched the comics very well. Dredd is good settings wise too because it shows how shitty it is being a regular citizen.
>to hear the bitching of fans of the series over that movie buried the lead pretty hard...I'll have to go give it a look again some time.
The Stallone film has some of the look, but everything else is just so wrong and it's also a pretty bad movie. Dredd 3D has a more grounded look but captures the vibe of the series very well.
Leave the old movie alone, you will gain nothing that a flick through the actual progs won't do infinitely better.
thanks for the suggestions guys, got a lot of options now :)
4thing Dark Heresy
or...you know......you could play the JD RPG......
Strike! was literally made to be the (modern) XCOM RPG.
It uses the same cover system and everything.
I'd recommend it for all your tactical combat needs.
Stop shilling Strike!
Why does Veeky Forums keep shilling Strike!?
Wow, this looks a lot like what I was picturing when I made this thread, thanks, also gonna check out Dark Heresy too.
Should have all the current releases + some playtest stuff.
It's a very light game, most of the rulebook is taken up by modules and alternate rules (or varying quality).
Thanks, if you had posted 30 seconds later I would have been down $15
I sure hope you support your indie devs, that make all the cool games you like, Veeky Forums (after checking a pirated PDF to see the quality of their product and playing a few games of course).
Yeah, if I like it I might buy the hardcover, at least the pdf, I'll always try before I buy if that's an option though.
You are a good guy, user.
I played it sporadically for a year before I bought all the pdfs
There is a Dredd RPG for Traveller.
I'm finding the pdf quite a lot of info to absorb, do I just have to keep studying this until I know it all? I was looking for examples of it being played but I couldn't find anything on youtube. I know a friend who learned DnD entirely through watching every ep of critical role for example and now he's our rules lawyer.
It's definitely on the simple side, the editing/layout is just klnda bad.
I didn't watch any youtube of it myself, so I can't attest to quality, but PDF related has some. Most discussion that goes on about the game is in the something awful topic this was ripped from.
I recommend checking the player/DM aides on the website, they distill the information.
Also, feel free to ask any specific questions, I1ll try to answer.
There is indeed. Its compatible with Strontium Dog too, for all your Mutant Bounty Hunting / Human Rights Dissertation needs
/file/g53dn9 - Strontium Dog Core
/file/7ptwgn - SD bounties and warrants
I've probably got a link to the ancient GW one around here somewhere too.
whoops, forgot the link to the site
It gets some things right, such as the density and grime, and Mean Angel and the ABC Warrior are phenomenal, but like says there's quite a few other issues and the film as a whole just isn't very good. Some things you might not even notice (like hover vehicles everywhere instead of gigantic freeways with massive, ludicrously fast and heavy vehicles, Aspen Prison Colony rather than Titan), some depend on personal tastes (helmet styles, spandex and codpieces) and others which ruin everything (Rob Schneider). Dredd 2012 was really obviously filmed on a much lower budget, but it was made with love and care. The thing to do is to watch both alongside reading the comics, imagining some of the aesthetics of '95 with the feel of 2012 One thing the comics have sometimes joked about is that the '95 Dredd is an in-universe film about Dredd blending some of the events of his life with total fiction. Old Stoneychin doesn't like the genre very much.
The making of the 90s one is quite interesting, I've got the book at home. If I get any spare time I might try to scan some bits of it.
Judges in the Megacity.
However, the game is not tactical in the slightest.
Can anyone help me locate a pdf of this?
Its also right here, with Strontium Dog.
Isn't there a new Dredd RPG coming out soon?
So ive heard, with supplements for other 2000ad series.
>It's based on Mongoose Traveller
Ooh, wasn't aware of that. Does it still have a juicy character creation process?
Was actually going to say:
GURPS Basic Set with Tactical Shooting is the definition of SWAT. Throw in Ultra-Tech as a catalog for fancy weapons and gadgets and you're good to go.
This sounds very interesting, I'll check over the core rules of GURPS too.
Judge Dredd had an RPG made using the Traveller system.
Apparently I slowpoked.
It does have a character creation process that follows Occupation like Traveller, but it's based on studies in the Academy of Justice. You can be a number of different types of Judges as well, Psi-Judges, High Threat Response, Medics, etc.
Fair warning, using Tactical Shooting out of the gate is probably too much for new players and GMs to handle. I recommend the following:
>Read GURPS Lite first, just to understand the general flow of the game and combat
>Read the Basic Set (Characters and Campaigns), ignore chapters that won't come up and headings for rules that aren't important to the game (Magic is probably irrelevant, Vehicles can be too if all you want is them as transportation from A to B).
>Skim Ultra-Tech for some cool stuff, skim Tactical Shooting. Start the game using only Basic Set (with select gear from UT) and slowly add in Tactical Shooting after everybody gets the hang of combat.
Templates help speed up character creation greatly by providing a structured series of choices for players that result in an effective, well-built character. You can open GURPS Space for these, since it's full of character templates. The free GURPS chargen program, GURPS Character Sheet, already has them as a library, as well, which will make chargen even faster.
Dark Heresy
Or if you want super Judges use the rules from Deathwatch
>Use Savage Worlds
Okay good-
>get rid of the Wild Die and limit dice explosions
aaaaand you fucking blew it
>aaaaand you fucking blew it
Getting rid of the wild die is retarded, but capping # of explosions to their Rank (Novice = 1, Seasoned = 2, etc.) prevents things like d4 abuse where you spend a single point in a bunch of skills and ride the ridiculously common explosions to victory. Also helps to prevent insta-gibbing, which can destroy the tension of an encounter that you've built up.
>d4 abuse
d4s only explode so many times if you actually have ones that roll and don't just drop them on the table like a retarded chimp
That's what bennies, cover and not being a mongoloid in combat is for
>tfw no Devlin Waugh
honestly my favourite guest protag
Yes. It's being made by the folks at enworld. It's going to be the fist setting for their universal system WOIN Rpg.
Exquisite taste, user. That said, he's really more his own man with his own series.
Had both swimming in blood and red tide through the mega collection, I hope there's more to come.
i wish they had held back on the 2000ad collection until the dredd collection was done now i have like 8 months of paying £40 a month until dredd finishes
From the outside Shadowrun seems to have be the most developed. The system is supposed to suck. DP9 made a D20/Sil mecha compendium.
GURPS, Strike, Delta Green could work, or the actual Dredd RPG that is based on Mongoose Traveller.
Don't use Dark Heresy, the game is a mess and combat is a clusterfuck. It's amusing at first, but after a shootout or two it drives you to the drink.