What does Veeky Forums think of the Charr?
What does Veeky Forums think of the Charr?
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Arenanet doesnt know to do steampunk or magytech properly.
Pretty cool. Although GW2 being a massive step down from EoTN means I haven't really kept up with what they're up to these days.
They look cool. What's so special about them?
They aren't all that special, but still brerty cool. Militaristic steampunk cat dudes who caused several countries to commit magic suicide rather than lose to them.
Also they have rytlock MOTHERFUCKING brimstone, the best character in guild wars 2.
They are basically furry orcs, but at least they aren't furfaggot shit.
They're pretty cool, all things considered.
I didn't like that they tried to pull some "Charr dindu nuffin" shit w/ GW2 since they're playable, but all in all they're pretty cool. They've got some decent lore and some of the better zones in the game.
No peace with beasts, though.
>humans steal charr land because lolgod said so
>charr take land back with militaristic force
>humans get all butthurt and play the victim
yeah no
Well, the new xpack is all about stopping the evil angry white man so you'll get your decolonialization.
Honestly I wouldn't care. I played the game at release and for a year and while the game was colorful and adorable, it wasn't fun and downright infuriating at some points in the storyline.
Man Season 3 dropped the ball harder at the end then fucking Mass Effect 3. Core story was shit. Season 1 was extra shit. Season 2 was ok, HoT was lackluster. Season 3 remembered the kickass GW1 lore, was making progress, then went full retard on the last 2 episodes. Still salty as fuck
Honestly they managed to improve that aspect quite a lot by replacing most writers. Season 3 is downright decent.
Ask not the fa/tg/uy a question
>but at least they aren't furfaggot shit.
aren't they?
Depends on your definition of furfag shit, but they're pretty horrifying, not sexualized, and pretty adamant that love cannot bloom on the battlefield.
Why did they have to be cat people? Pretty much the lamest animal humanoid combo. They would have been a lot cooler as wolf people or something like that
Go to an RP server. Plenty of people want to fuck the Charr.
Aren't they more like cat-goats?
Thinking about it, is there even a carnivore with horns? Are narwhals carnivorous?
I don't know much about guild wars lore but they seem like complete mary sues, they're bigger, stronger and faster that humans, have better technology and armour, and all that stuff about them killing their gods and striving to kill the other races gods screams teenage fanfiction
They're cat people? They look kinda canine to me.
Some people want to fuck floor tiles or the entirety of the state of Ohio. Furries wanting to fuck a thing doesn't mean the thing is designed for furries to fuck.
>Implying you wouldn't fuck Rytlock
>Implying anyone with taste wouldn't fuck Rytlock
They did kill their gods in GW1, but the whole thing was their priest caste worshipping basically ancient elemental creatures. They're stronger and faster than humans, but not as magically adept (in a world that runs on magic), and their technology, while superior to most other races, is all made by one faction and often fails or isn't delivered due to factional infighting.
I wouldn't fuck Rytlock. Nobody with any taste would want to fuck Rytlock. Back to furrycon where you belong.
why is this website so gay nowadays
Three times faster than the others.
Mainstream exposure.
Veeky Forums's always been gay, why do you think we call everyone fags since the site started?
Haven't kept up with the ongoing lore, but shunting GW1 Charr into the evil theocracy that has been overthrown by GW2 was a dickless move. GW2 Charr still seemed a little ambivalent about the whole thing, which was nicer than remorse about your ancestors being fucking metal, but still not as hilarious as it could have been. Human salt about the whole thing was also great.
One of their nicer subtleties is that they're not trying super hard to be catfolk exactly, they're just a closer fit to cats than any other critters.
And yes, narwhals are carnivorous. I think some horn/antler things are omnivorous, but I'm not aware of any outright horned predators.
Probably the best 'beast' race to come out of vidya. Wish they weren't tied to an MMO - I'd kill for a good Guild Wars singleplayer RPG.
i do remember foefire
best day of my life, tribune aliv in ascalon
>not khajits
nigga you high on moon sugar?
Khajiit have some rad lore but their representation in game is poor and subject to Bethesda's laziness. Literally just a retextured human body with a tail and cat head in Oblivion and Skyrim - Cathay for days, when we could see something way more interesting.
This one is confused. Are you NOT high on moon sugar?
A narwhale "horn" isn't a horn it is an elongated tooth. There are plenty of reptilian carnivores with horns no mammalian though
They are neat
first beastrace that wasnt lizardmen i actually liked.
I realy like their military theme.
And heavy armor + muskets works realy well.
Generaly a good race. Also one that managed to bled various animals into one species without it beeing retarded furshit.
>Catfolk race
>Not sexualized
>Not primitive
>Not just humans with feline features
Seems dece.
Foo on Warcat!
Boo on Warcat!
Quaggan is not too polite to admit Quaggan is superior! Warcat is giant Skritt!
Quaggan are the best thing that's come out of GW2
Deer are known to eat meat, even human
Palawa Joko is the true and rightful ruler of Elona.
>they're bigger, stronger and faster that humans,
Boohoo. Are humans mary sues when they're the dominant race in a world? Fuck off.
Why would a giant cat man not be bigger stronger and faster than a human? Do you complain about Werewolves as well?
Quaggan thanks you, user.
They didnt kill their gods at all. That's propaganda they have been building over the centuries. A fucking group of humans, the player characters, killed their gods.
When you think about it, humans are the elves in Guild Wars. They have close connection to the gods and used to rule the world.
And a once great empire that got fucked over by themselves.
I like chimeric beastfolk, so they're pretty cool for that role.
They did nice at pulling off not orkish militarists and their overall ideology is very close to one of my most beloved races in homebrewn setting. Played GW2 as charr exactly because THEY SHOT DOWN THEIR "GODS" WITH HUGE GUNS AND MADE USURPERS MASS SUICIDE, WAGED FULL WAR ON FALSE GODS CULT that's 10\10 balls of mythril.
I don't like how they groom their children, and don't like that they are borderline furry. They lack sophistication and things like ancient traditions, unity and really nice magitech, for my taste.
But still, overall, would totally ally.
Always Remember this.
Norns Exist in GW2.
Norns are literally a race of Nomadic Hunters who only settled down into a City recently.
When the Charr, Absolute in their Victory over the Flame Legion Shamans and conquered all of Ascalon looked to the Shiverpeaks, they invaded with full force.
And were utterly decimated so badly by the Norn Hunter bands that the Charr signed a peace accord with them; the first time the Charr ever thought of anything like that.
Don't fuck with half Giants who keep Grizzily Bears as puppies.
Norns are easily the most boring race in the game, though.
>big humans, but they're animist/shamanic vikings
As awsome as that sounds, may I request source for it
Norn are not humans. Humans are aliens.
That's only because the Shamanistic aspect is literally dropped and the shapechanging is a literal worthless skill.
Look up History.
I know, just showing the Charr are not Mary Sues because they lose to the most unimportant Major race ever.
Wasn't exaclty a peace treaty, considering neither Charr nor Norn can read or write. They just worked out territorial borders through good old-fashioned barbarian warfare.
from that one videogame i never played
Guild Wars
Wait, are you saying that Charr have both advanced technology and are illiterate? How does that work.
I was just making fun. Both species do have literacy. Though during the Flame Legion, most Charr were illiterate.
They did have ciphers at that time though. Relatively crude ones considering how easily gw1 adventurers decided then, but still
At the danger of veering into speculation here, I think that reading was mostly reserved for the priests, and the officers in charge of the warbands.
That article says the charr could have easily conquered the norn if they wanted to, they're still the ''unbeatable, so cool!!'' mary sues of the setting
If the entire Charr Warmachine dedicated itself to fighting the Norn.
You know, the same Charr Army that took on three Human Kingdoms.
One human kingdom got nuked by evil magic, the other nuked itself with evil magic, and the third was in a civil war. Not really an impressive feat.
I picked this game up, leveled a thief to the max and quit a few months after. Can any anons tell me if the game has actually improved? Is there more to do now? There was 0 endgame at launch it seemed
I look forward to when the great grawl crusade begins and they retake their homelands in Ascalon from the humans and the charr.
Season 1 was pretty good to me, though maybe it's just nostalgia. I appreciated the fact that as wasteful as it was, not only was new content being added, but frequent alterations were even being made to preexisting content, as opposed to most MMOs that just add new zones or instanced areas and call it a day. Season 2 was enjoyable and had some good missions, Dry Top and Silverwastes were great zones. Season 3 was pretty good up until the final two episodes, I liked 1 and 4 a lot. Shouldn't have been all this god bullshit, should've just exclusively been about the White Mantle.
It's gotten better as time has gone on - better encounter design and class design, more instanced content, raids and some hardmode missions - but it'll always be a casual game at its core.
Did the same thing.
>start playing mesmer at launch
>get to max level
>immediately quit playing because there was nothing fun to do