Which edition of Warhammer 40k had the best art?

Which edition of Warhammer 40k had the best art?


Good answer

"Ahseh, ahseh black powa!"

A lot of the 8th edition stuff has been very, very baller.

I'm partial to 4th, but that's also when I got into the game.

When I was a kid, I didn't like the art of John Blanche, but now I love it.

What does this mean?

Taste. Its very common with music, art and food. Alot of stuff you cant stand on first contact leaves such a strong impression that you either associate a nostalgic memory with or mull over in your head so much that it starts to grow on you

Also kind of being old enough to appreciate the context of it. It looks all disturbing and grotesque when seeing it as a kid. But now it kinda has a cheeky/heavy metal look thats super dickensian/british and so much richer stylistically than the now-standard PG13 Blizzard-toon semirealism.

>Which edition of Warhammer 40k had the best art?

Do someone knows the artist?I like pictures like these,looks realistic but epic at the same time

But this painting is from 1st edition

Forgot to post the pic sorry

People bash current art but It can still be good


Artist name?

You just gave me cancer.

I much prefer the modern art but 2nd ed. is straight up maximum. In fact, I now think I think both are best in class tbqh.

It's not my fault if y'all have no taste!


That tyranid's vagina has teeth.

>"Did I do that?"
>laugh track*

>those crimson fists

Be still my beating heart.

>"How do you do a heroic last stand and still consider it a commanding victory?"
>"we will find a way!"

digital layered bullshit.

Evolution is beautiful

Karl Kopinski

Every iconic Warhammer art is done by Blanche, Karl Kopinski, and Adrian Smith

But that art's fucking awful though.

don't forget Paul Dainton.

literally looks like it was pulled from some amateur's deviantart

>"Deviant Art can be good"

The problem I've noticed with digital art, sculpting too, is that it's easy to get away with shit that you normally would not be able to get away with. A good artist will be able to pull off great work either way but digital allows baddies to produce polished turds

yes, precisely where I'm at. I got into this around 2000 and the standard Kopinski/Dainton/Gallagher art was what got me in and Blanche's stuff was just so stylized and weird.

Skip forward to now and it all clicked. I can have these vastly different art styles still cohesively represent the same setting.

It's hard to stomach the WoW art you described. It's not art influences crazy conversions. It's models dictating the art.

Not sure which edition, but I've always enjoyed this one

The main problem with nu art is it's all produced by randos.
Even when relatively technically competent the fact that they have abandoned the small group creating a relatively cohesive artistic vision in favor of generic as possible 100% on model and clean no artistic licence illustration is what kills the new look

This is probably one of my top 3

I love the verticality of this piece and others like it.
They have a monumental quality. Imposing. Inspiring. A glorious totem that encapsulates the Imperium.

2nd to 4th, before the whole "truescale" nonsense really took off, but after they properly figured out the artistic feel of the universe.

Yeah that's bad. Artist has good rendering and lighting skills but the composition is shitty and is trying to cram like 100 things in the frame. Why is he having em face off on some shitty mound 100 yards away?

The recycling of the Rogue Trader cover is not lost on me. Still the most iconic image in 40k as far as i'm concerned, and maybe the single best cover artwork of a new gaming franchise.

1st can't be the best because of the problems most 80s game products had, shitty interior art. Pic related.

>Codex Imperialis

Best books ever made for 40k. Between those two books you could get fully emerged in the strange, dark, yet wacky setting of 2nd edition. I miss those days when 40k was a little grimdark, but still had a little silliness.

Agreed, it made me want to play Templars. First thing I bought after battle for Macragge was the old champion blister. Always reminds me of

mah niggah, i loved that rulebook, most of it's pages are ingrained into my brain lmao

The problem with the new art imo is the lack of artistic license. For the sake of "protecting the IP" the new art has to basically resemble the model's themselves 1:1- the artists aren't allowed to add their own stylistic quirks to help shape the tone and add some soul to the image.

That's a problem because the 40k models are pretty much the worst representations of 40k. They're too clean and too good in their proportions to do the setting justice.

Too *goofy* in their proportions.

>forgetting about wayne england and mark gibbons
late 2E/early 3E had a huge variety of good artists in the stable

Whichever one had this one. I don't get why people like the really old art except for being hipsters, it looks too goofy to me.

7th ed is meh-tier, too over the place for my taste and kinda generic, but not shit either.

I rate 8th edition art the lowest because it's literally non-existent. Seriously, did GW decide to stop producing artwork all of the sudden?

>It's models dictating the art.
I was looking for a way to articulate this

>except for being hipsters

Some of the old art is very evocative. Stirs you up on the inside if you let it.

The good stuff maybe. The average of RT era art is fucking garbage tier.

>humans and orks more or less getting along

I like to think this can still happen. When they're not full on WAAAGH mode orks could probably live around humans, as long as there were humans tough enough to give them a good scrap from time to time.

4th edition codex cover and i believe codex covers were all original art, so 4th edition.(though i might be wrong and it could be 3rd edition recoloured for 4th)

i think your pic is 6th eidtion, i believe 7th edition coloured arts were cleaner and it definitely is not from 5th or before. (i might be wrong and it could be 7th, but if you say you don't likely you probably already know it isn't i guess)

Not really a fan of the more comic book looking stuff but I'll still take it over the WoW trash.
Yay I helped

No, that tyranid's teeth has vagina.

I have this book

>You will never again live in an era of Wehrmacht Orks, Chaos Warriors, Ambulls and rubber moss patches.


How do you do fellow time traveller?

I've always enjoyed the art FW puts put

A lot of its been way too cartoony and solid

4th to me was pretty perfect, was a good level of art combined with gritty gothic horror of 40k