Are the Eldar conventionally attractive to humans?

Are the Eldar conventionally attractive to humans?

Or are they disturbing space elves who hit uncanny valley for human eyes?

Lore-Eldar are alien and spooky, Marketing-Eldar are sexy elves.

They are considered beautiful, but unnaturally so, and often cause humans to be uncomfortable for that reason.

they're what happens when waifus become real and become 9 feet tall

it's the uncanny valley effect

Eldar are nine feet tall?


Pretty much.

>Are the Eldar conventionally attractive to humans?
>Or are they disturbing space elves who hit uncanny valley for human eyes?


Try to imagine, first of all, someone perfectly symmetrical, with perfectly shaped features, a high and delicate bone structure. They're amazonian, 6 to 7 foot tall, and they move in a way that is impossibly fluid and graceful - if you've ever watched a hunting cat like a panther prowl, that is how they move. Everything is measured, controlled, fluid, muscles rippling.

It's the movement that really does it. They don't move like anything human. They can explode into motion so swift your eye can't follow. They have coordination you can never hope to match. It's unnerving but hypnotic.

>if you've ever watched a hunting cat like a panther prowl, that is how they move
Do they flop over like cats when they decide it's time to take a nap?



Catgirl eldar when?

He's incorrect. Eldar average somewhere between 7 to 7.5 feet tall. They're huge compared to humans.


>Eldar will never be hideous, gangly, twitchy human-like monsters with black soul-less eyes stalking the corridors of your ship to murder you

Is there any fanart of lore accurate Eldar?

>lore accurate
I don't think even GW has decided on how they are supposed to look. I guess what you want is Beckjann.


They've got those bug-eyes and their men look like spindly pedophiles naked.

There's also that sweet ass "Is there a fucking Autotune/Snythware device in your fucking vocal chords Xeno?" That makes them sound slightly off compared to most people, and in some cases, sexy or rather making people think if their mouths noise vibrations stimulate a cock that much more compared to a non Eldar Blowjob.

>their men look like spindly pedophiles naked.



Someone at GW has a topknot fetish.

They're horrifying. If you read Dan Abnett's books, the Eldar are universally creepy as hell. They're described as 'wrong in every proportion'. The Dark Eldar explicitly look like Cenobites.

I'd be fine with that. I'd still fuck the pink out of these eyes of course.

We 8e now, bitch

Attraction is mostly a societal construct , in a society like the Imperium where xenos are treated as abhorrent beings that need to be purged then there's no way anybody would find an eldar attractive beyond the odd freak outlier.

What's it feel like to motorboat an Eldar?

Probably like nothing, they barely have any body fat, or whatever their substitute is.

Nope, this is Abnett describing how an Eldar farseer would look to humans.

>In their eyes, she was a woman, far above average height for a human female, slender, and majestic. It was a ironic joke of the Cosmos that Eldar and human were so physically alike. Her perfection would have triggered wars of lust and driven human males to despair.

The inhumanity of Eldar is supposed to be in their movement and thinking, and every Codex repeats this. The ayy lmao look is just some artists interpretation.

I think that it's so inconsistent you're better to go along with whatever the writer thinks is right. Sort of like the fact that sometimes humans are shown understanding what Orks say (mostly in the vidya) sometimes they can't (mostly in the books).

Then what are Eldar breasts filled with? Muscle?

>No body fat

Gee boss i dunno

Probably eldar milk, which is what breasts are for. To be serious, I don't know, I said "barely", you idiot. Udder tits on Eldar only exists on fanart, what do you expect me to tell you?

I'm just saying that's kind of gross, and Eldar do seem to have breasts so we can't say they're all flat. Perhaps the body fat comment is in relation to areas besides the boobs?

Don't worry, the waiting to murder you part is accurate.

It's from xenology, but later Dark Eldar codex refers to Haemonculi as having removed their body fat so take its canonicity as you will.

That's what the Farseer is thinking, however. She's also pretty dumb: She dies at the end.

If you've read Brothers of the Snake, Unremembered Empire or Legion, even Space Marines are repulsed.

>even brainwashed sociopathic barely functioning killing machines

Nah, she just has a nosebleed from Erebus's warp stuff.

Space Marines are repulsed by anything, but you won't find normal humans who see Eldar as ugly in Abnett's books.

I prefer my Eldar race to be horrifically beautiful.

Vect just has scantily clad human women waiting on him in his house and daiz. Just waiting bored out of their minds until he takes them to the rape dungeon again and I guses he's too bus with them now to be fielded.
Truly a monster race.

Posting lore-rape alongside your greentext doesn't really help your argument.

>Try to imagine, first of all, someone perfectly symmetrical, with perfectly shaped features, a high and delicate bone structure.
Yes sir!

>They're amazonian, 6 to 7 foot tall, and they move in a way that is impossibly fluid and graceful - if you've ever watched a hunting cat like a panther prowl, that is how they move.

>Everything is measured, controlled, fluid, muscles rippling.
C'mon, my penis can only get so erect!

Tbh I always figured they looked like elder scrolls elves, fits the descriptions perfectly.

Space marines are just brainwashed killing machines with a love of killing anything they don't like. Like aliens.
Except for the tau because "they're more human than some humans". Yes, that was an actual quote from dark imperium.

The line is from Xenology, by a magos biologis dissecting a male eldar, who obviously wouldn't have breasts. Also he may have starved during captivity and therefore have unusually low bodyfat content.
Xenology is kind of a questionable source when it comes to fluff, though. On one hand, it has some of the most in-depth descriptions of the biology of 40k races, on the other it has a lot of obvious mistakes (like the artist forgetting that tau have hooves instead of toes).

Breasts are made up of fatty, fibrous, and glandular tissue. Even in humans, there's women who have "dense breasts" which are mostly the latter two and not much of the former. So that's what Eldar have, except moreso.

>crew cut calgar
>vanilla ice sicarius
>long locks dante
>generic mcviking logan
characters with topknots in 40k are pretty much universally faggots

that's why celestine and greyfax are better waifus than yvraine

>brainwashed sociopathic barely functioning killing machines

He's right though. The entire fucking point of space marines is that they're actually zealous murder machines with no actual empathy or regard for life most of the time.

One thing for sure, they prey on young humans.

Celestine is 2pure4u and Greyfax is an anime character.

You're confusing them with Fantasy's wood elves.

We don't know what wood elves do to them either. They might as well sacrifice them.

Don't fuck Banshees, they're screamers.

Also half of them are men.


Why do smutfaggots have such a high disdain for the actual lore?

Why do nerds always gets triggered by other people having fun?

Breasts are not filled with milk you fucking virgin lol



that's bad?

>muh fun
>using nerd as an insult
There are probably other normalfag sites for you.

N-no sir. I was just! I was just... uh... doing reconnaissance on the xenos for the next engagement.

Because the lore is shit.

They're really, really loud. The kind of screamer that gets noise complaints.

For your ears and soul, yes.
Nah, I like being here.

Well, then it's nice that you are here with us to talk about the lore you waste your precious time on.

that's even better ya fucking virgin
screamers are the best, especially the ones that dirty talk and call you a "slutty mon-keigh monster dick"

Link to more?

Search for Flick the Thief (name of the drawfag)

>Bootless feet

is probably the board that for you. This way we can coexist in peace.

thanks, m8.

Eldar are really considered beautiful because there armies field troops that are beautiful(wyches)

They have a more beautiful average than we do, but are far more unnatural.

A guardsman would be blown away, but a battle hardened ordo Xenos inquisitor probably can tell attractive eldar from average ones.

>Implying finding eldar cute it is the same to be into /d/ shit.
The level of desilusion user!

Finding them to be cute is one thing. But I bet you want to hold their hands, you filthy degenerate.

>implying finding Eldar cute qualifies you to contribute in any meaningful way to a discussion about them on Veeky Forums
I bet you can't even name a single male Eldar without googling.

Vect but not him

>Are the Eldar conventionally


>attractive to humans?


Every single description of Eldar stresses that they're extremely beautiful by human standards, and can be mistaken for highly unconventionally attractive and fey-looking humans until they move. It's not until the uncanny grace of their movements becomes apparent that they're obviously inhuman, and even then they're still described as alluring to humans.

They're space elves. Elves are beautiful.

Oh wow, the guy that was named in this thread.

Eldrad, Rohan, Vect, and that's it.
As for the other side there's Lelith, Taldeer, and Macha. So about even.

>They've got those bug-eyes

I like the black eyes, but they're only present in a minority of art and their eyes are never described to look like this. It's mostly just a Beckjann thing.

Something starbane, the GW punching bag for the Necrons.

Also not him.

>Every single description of Eldar stresses that they're extremely beautiful by human standards
Not really.

Eldrad, Veldoran, Ronahn, Yriel, Visarch, Uthan the Peverse, Kyre, Khaine, Nemerian.

>and their eyes are never described to look like this
Please read

Yriel, Vect, Sliscus, Drahzar, Eldrad, Eldorath, Asurmen, Fuegan, Baharroth, Maugan Ra, Karandras, Korlandril, Ahra...

Why would you ever make such a dumb easymode request? Everyone knows the Phoenix Lords at least.

He was named in this thread?

And I totally forgot about eldrad, which is anouther one

Point being it's ok to like lore and fan-fiction. Im actually and working on some fiction that is lore consistant


I guess....?

Marines are repulsed by pretty much everything, they are the tumblr of the 41st millenium, except they are armed and have jurisdiction to kill everything that triggers them, which is, a lot of things.

>Why would you ever make such a dumb easymode request?
Because it was a taunt. Most of these answers came way too late to not have been googled anyway, except that one mention of Vect.

Space Marines are programmed to be disgusted by anything alien.

It be canon that humans find Eldar of either gender attractive to a bewitching degree.

They are most around 7ft tall, they stand as tall as a space marine.
A more correct picture would be kid barely reaching their stomachs. which makes it creepier.

Cute Eldar waifu that prowls in the boxes or pillow forts?
With agility and flexibility?

Where do I sign for one?

Mate, not everyone here is reading the thread at the same time, don't be retard.

If you think anyone googled Eldrad or Maugan Ra you're just being silly. Both are basically Veeky Forums memes at this point.

Go back to Horus Heresy.

Be a rogue trader, get an invite to commorgah, then just buy one

I mean loyalty is basically none existent, but if you got a soulstone they don't need suffering


They're almost never shown as quite as tall as Marines. In fact, Mehreens generally tower over them by a fair bit in art, and they're only ever stated as being "usually taller" than humans, which means they're in the range of plausible human height but on average taller.

6'5" seems more realistic.