So, what did everyone think of the Pockle Rick episode?
Do you really plan to stop people on Veeky Forums from posting Pepe?
No. It's a litmus test
Frogposting should be kept to the shit boards, and let's not have Veeky Forums be one of those.
Keep frogposters in /b/ and /pol/ and the other shit tanks.
I mean, it works well to convey facial expression.
You're not one of the people that only associate it with the fucker of /pol/, are you?
Because it's a stupid replacement for individuality only used by idiots like yourself? What? You really think memefags are anything but the absolute bottom echelon of Veeky Forums?
Go find something that wasn't spammed by idiots in order to convey a facial expression, and maybe people won't think of you as just a dumb frogposter.
Ok, first I litterally never posted Pepe.
Second, individuality? So, if I use Pepe, I am "LOL, look I am a rebel/nazi"-fag?
I can't just like the fact that the image convey and add to the text like it's supposed to?
If I may, you should stop seeing everyone as a troll/retard and start to view people as genuine, honest poster. Even if you don't FUCKING agree with/understand them.
(+ Stop taking /pol/ seriously, they're fags \o/ )
Because frogposting is the cancer killing Veeky Forums. Memes used to have life cycles - someone would post something clever or funny or stupid enough to become a meme, it'd slowly become ubiquitous, then we'd get tired of it and it'd die. But now we won't let memes die no matter how stale they are. We cling to rotting memes like drowning men, too afraid to try and be creative any more.
Posting a thread consisting of a single line of greentext and a facial expression is the laziest form of shitposting.
>shitting on alignments by default
one of my players plays a chaotic evil bard
its a slavic alcoholic that could be described as a saturday morning villain: coward, inept, liar, boisterous, unapologetic, rude, racist and with nothing beneath him. His only saving grace in-game is that he is actually really competent, fights well when he is assed to, doesn't fuck with the rest of the party and the hilarity of the bad russian accent
he is by far the most liked character of the group
Why'd you go on a dumb rant when no one mentioned /pol/?
Why would you want to create something that people are just going to shit on?
It finally clicked: Pepe is Veeky Forums's equivalent of this. Both of these should die.
>unapologetic, rude, racist
So, he is hero, then?
Pepe movie when?