Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)

Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)

Why haven't you jumped ship to Starfinder yet? Heck, why not refluff it all into Pathfinder?

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/sfg/ Link Repository (Starfinder):
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Reminder that you don't have to throw away all your fantasy archetypes and images for Starfinder.
They are still playable considering the myriad cultures in space.
A hulking barbarian in spandex with a large ass greatsword is still playable.
Not everyone need to look like corporate drones or garbage dump fashionistas.

I'd rather have a Flash Gordon campaign in Starfinder than anything else.

We don't need another Mass Effect. We need the pulpy space adventures that Distant Worlds never delivered on.

Could someone please repost the Starfinder character sheet?


Could someone please repost the Starfinder character sheet?

Thanks mate

Say you have an Operative (Ghost), 10 skills/level. What do you skill, given that Acrobatics and Stealth are free?

2hu is unable to detach himself from Pathfinder math when he tries to analyze Starfinder

Are there established rules for lassoing in Pathfinder? I can only find a 3.5 supplement.

Fucking 13 int requirement on human feats is literally suffering. I keep wanting to play versatile front line classes like classes that use charisma for class features and I have no idea what to dump stat. If I was playing a Paladin dumping dex is an obvious choice but as a Swashbuckler I don't feel right dumping str, dex, wisdom, or con but I want the 13 int.

15, 14, 14, 14, 12, 7 is the pool I want to use, those are just the numbers not ordered by stat.

Survival, Sleight of Hand, Computers, Disguise, Bluff, Athletics, perception, piloting, sense motive, intimidate

Don't Swashbucklers qualify for INT feats with CHA?

Int based (COMBAT) feats. It doesn't apply to human racial feats.

>Prerequisites: Int 13, human. | Benefit: When you gain a level in a favored class, you gain both +1 hit point and +1 skill rank instead of choosing either one or the other benefit or you can choose an alternate class reward.

>Prerequisites: Int 13, Fast Learner, human. | Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all skill checks for skills you have no ranks in. Furthermore, you can use all skills designated “trained only” untrained.

>Prerequisites: Int 13, Fast Learner, Improvisation, human. | Benefit: Your nonproficiency penalty with weapons, armor, and shields is halved. In addition, the bonus on all skill checks for skills you have no ranks in increases to +4 instead of +2.

I realize I'm a literal whore for bad feats. I also want defiant luck and its associated feats. I'm not sure what feats I HAVE to get for particular classes though as I haven't actually played very much. Is there a resource that lists "You're literally a retard if you don't get these feats" feats?

>I’m not going to lie to you. Your characters are going to get wet during the course of this Adventure Path
Lewds of Azlant when

It really depends on your build, but you're already playing a swashbuckler, so I suppose setting your feats on fire and doing a little jig around them is par for the course.

Realistically, though, I don't think you should take these. Instead, if you want advice on what you should or what you need to take, i refer you to the guide to the guides.
It should have a guide to everything you need to know about your chosen classes, and the vast majority of the guides include feat and skill recommendations.

Whats the deal with casting spells in light or heavy armor now? Are there still penalties?

happen to have a pdf for us?

It's literally free for download on the Paizo website.
I'm not posting the PDF with my personal data in it.

Where is this?

2hu is unable to detach himself from Pathfinder math when he tries to analyze Starfinder


Oh. Now that he's out of the Discord, I don't get to see his autism when he links it.

So having gotten a look at the spells in the last thread just now, Implant Meme is going to be fun to use for a technomancer hacker character.


Ooh, does anyone have a Starfinder character sheet PDF?

Why even keep this thread if no attempt is made whatsoever to separate its contents from that of the starfinder general?

>2hu is unable to detach himself from Pathfinder math when he tries to analyze Starfinder

FUCK. If it's already written, let me buy the damn thing. Fucking dead medium slowing everything down.

Because there was a whole meme about it, and people are assholes who don't want to let go.

Friendly reminder that we now have a Starfinder Discord here:

Dumb question, but I haven't been able to find a definitive answer: Silence blocks spells and effects that involve sound and with the Sonic descriptor, but it does NOT prevent Sonic damage, right?

If I am the DM, I will ruled it prevent Sonic damage if the source is in the zone of silence.
If only the target is inside the zone, then it won't prevent any any sonic spells nor spoken words from affecting him.

2hucord and ran by Arkwright. No.


Literally who?

2hu's butt buddy

Shoo shoo witch hunter.

Do you know of any official wording on it? I'm the DM, too, and one of my players heavily relies on sonic damage, so I wanted to be sure of how it worked.

Duo-app as a married couple settling on Azlant to start a new life together WHEN?

What would YOU want to see out of a /pgg/ Starfinder campaign!?

B/u/ccaneers in space.

With everyone saying the envoy is shit tier

I kinda want my first char to be an envoy that actually brings something to the table that another class can't as a sub par min-maxing project

what's the best way to go?

As far as I can tell, the "one true optimal build" of the envoy is a halfling with maximized Dexterity and Charisma; Longarm Proficiency and Weapon Specialization (longarms) for feats; and Clever Feint and Get 'Em in either order at 1st and 2nd, Clever Attack at 4th, and Improved Get 'Em at 6th.

Such an envoy spams reasonably high-damage attacks while buffing the party. Despite this, it is still the worst of the classes by far. "Attack bonuses are important" logic does not quite hold up when those attack bonuses are meager, and having another dedicated full attacker or trick attacker on the playing field is just as good, if not better, a means of killing the enemy side.

Serpent's Skull (/ss/) would actually be pretty good in Starfinder!

The most memed game ever everybody wants to be part and for it to be a bamboozle so that I can nourish myself with the tears of anguish from the poor bastards who thought that it wasn't a boozle.

Is there a Barbarian Archetype that is thematically similar to Unbreakable for Fighter?

Look at Invulnerable Rager.

Updated with some alternate racial traits. Attempting to find them a bit more of a role in a sci-fi setting rather than just being a 1:1 translation of the pathfinder version.

>the thread is now literally talking about two separate RPGs

Why didn't you stop it? Why did we have to remerge back into /pgg/?

PLD in space

Be the change you want to see in the world. Break us free again brother.

But I'm not Vult! And I don't know how to make it lewd anyway!

Thanks for the help. You're right, a different class would probably be a better addition in combat especially in the later levels.

We're starting at level 2, and I'm hoping I can do something in the skill-monkey end to stick out and be useful.

If not, I'll just convince the DM to let me class change to Operative.

Is 6'6" unreasonable height for a human with 14 str and 19 con? I'm not sure what type of statline I should have for that. I'm thinking I should have higher strength. What size is closer to 14 str and 19 con?

>class change
>implying you already started play with an envoy

You poor fucking dupe.

PM him! He will teach you his ways

And then he will app to your game with an above average but un-meme-worthy app

6'6 is absurdly tall, and height is not really keyed to Str or Con. 14 Str 19 Con can be anything from 5'6 to 6'6.

It actually favors 5'6, there's only a few people like Shaq

But Pcs are rulebreakers

Starting Session 0 on Tuesday so not yet. I have an entire day to come up with a build.

Don't underestimate tiny blaster fire.

It's okay friend. We'll just suffer through Envoy together. We're gonna make it.

I'm making a character for the Hell's Rebels adventure path and it sounds like the adventure path is essentially an espionage, game of thrones, political city-adventure. A couple campaign traits caught my eye's and I've decided on playing a son of a noble family that basically got ousted from being the firstborn family heir because he's a gigantic, ugly, man. I'm taking the noble scion feat and having a scion of war family which makes me use charisma instead of dexterity on initiative checks. Then I'm taking the Child of Kintargo players guide trait. "The Noble Scion feat (see the sidebar on page 11) does not have a Charisma prerequisite for you. In addition, you start play with a noble’s outfit, a signet ring, and a single additional nonmagical item worth no more than 200 gp." Overall this is mainly me wasting a feat, and grabbing a flavor trait just to get a more interesting character because my charisma is a simple 10, and my dex is an 8. I'm going to try and play him in a complex way instead of simply fitting into the dumb brute role though. He's smart as well and I'm going to try and make up some of the lack of natural face abilities with specific skill in those areas.

Operatives aren't damage dealers. They're support.

Not a whole lot of other characters who can spend 2 resolve to heal a party member for 80hp plus charisma modifier and grant all allies a +2 bonus to smack everyone on the battlefield. Or drop that much healing and give enemies a -4 penalty to hit any ally in the same turn for only 1 resolve.

Errr... Envoys.

I was trying to say two different things and forgot to erase the first word. >.>

In that case, pack on the inches!

HP damage is a last resort and Resolve Points are a rare currency. You can't just spend them like candy.

And the attack penalty improvisation is really niche and shit.

You don't know much about cultures if you think someone illiterate is getting into space.

Because when there were two threads, people talked about starfinder anyways? And the starfinder thread was super slow because of that?

Sorry. Not HP. SP. 80+ SP. Though that's at max level. Still getting used to the split!

But yeah. It starts out at twice level, then goes to 3 times at 15. And you can drop a Resolve to increase the value by another multiple. And while resolve is a resource, you'd still drop 60+cha without spending it.

As to the attack penalty being niche: I disagree. Any time you've got more than 3 attackers that's a massive decrease in incoming damage.

Unless your DM puts you up against solo-monster encounters a lot, the -4 to each target is pretty great. Especially since you can be behind cover when you use it.

Though you could heal someone for 40+cha as a move action and still shoot your gun, as well, if you grab quick inspire. 60+cha with a Resolve dropped.

So you spend two talents on Not in the Face and Draw Fire, you use your move action AND your standard action AND 1 Resolve Point for it, and the enemies can run up to you and smack you.

Slaves are still valid cargo and they are put on regular ships all the time. What makes you think certain people wouldn't want live ones shipped to them via space boat?

we're family and we want to stay together user

why're you trying to tear us apart?

Inspiring Boost is kinda sad. It's basically just a combat heal from Pathfinder, which wasn't that good either.

I want to own a PC slave!

Also: At level 20, an Envoy CAN spend Resolve like Candy. Any time they'd spend 1 Resolve on an Inspiration they spend 0 Resolve and get the full benefit.

If it requires 2 or more Resolve, -then- they have to pay. So a level 20 Envoy is just throwing out 60+SP heals and Attack Buffs or Penalties without a care in the world 'cause it costs them nothing.

What kind of shit GM would do that
>"oh the player debuffed their shooting, better disrespect that and make the shooting squad charge in to teach him better"

Because one part of the family is a newborn with Downs

So every barbarian PC has to be someone's slave?

>level 20
Fucking please.

Can elves have herpes?

You know what would be cool? A system where in you play your debuffs like face down trap cards and don't reveal them till they're relevant

>At level 20


Yes, why do you ask?

Aside from the raging thing, human bararians with or without racials like heart of the fields make good slaves. Big HD makes them healthy, good fort save makes them hearty, low will save keeps them pliable, garbage skill list means they can't learn skills conducive to their escape very well.

They could... Uhh... Be a slave to their passions?

>Any time they'd spend 1 Resolve on an Inspiration they spend 0 Resolve and get the full benefit.
Only on one Improvisation of their choice. Pathetic.

Because they know their shooting is debuffed.

Never mind that Draw Fir e costs ANOTHER Resolve Point.

You can't just burn through Resolve like candy for fuck's sake.

>Herpes for thousands of years.

Your post is unbelievable
It would take too long to elaborate on phone

Look at the point you missed.

Aaaaaa I want to be another PC's slave!

Nobody does narrative like this

Apply as halfling slip based on Samuel L. Jackson's character in Django Unchained for Fiendish Intrigue

But didn't someone else already do a similar character there? How can I get in if there is too similar competition?

The names of the unskilled workers may change, but the need of moving unskilled slubs from one place to another doesn't. Automation of certain roles such as strip mining an asteroid exist but why put up with the start up costs involved when you can just make the equivalent of a space mining town out of a cheap vessel and make profits hand over fist?

Just because you are in space doesn't mean you know the first thing about the tech that got you there. Just like how being on a boat doesn't mean you know about sailing.

I'm confused as to WHY you can't burn through resolve points like Candy...

A halfway decent Envoy is going to start out the game with at least 4 of them. By level 20 they'll have around 16. 16 freaking resolve per day!

And that's not even including any they recover based on their or whatever other recovery mechanics might be available in the game (We haven't seen the Game Mastering section of the book and I kind of expect resolve to be a minor mid-story reward when certain important things happen).

I honestly don't know why you guys think you need to defend your resolve like precious gems. They're designed to be spent, and apparently fairly quickly, judging by the number of mechanics that allow, or require, their use.

>level 20

Not this shit again.

Nah that character is trash and uses a literal 2hu pic.
Also is an aasimar for no reason.

Hmm, I'll consider the Django thing.

Mofo I said -by- level 20.

By level 5 you should have 7-8. By 10 you should have 10 or 11. By 20 you'll have 16 (And rarely use them).

Yeah, most games don't hit 20. Woopdie damned doo.

You're still going to have lots of resolve by mid-game. And unless you're taking 9 freaking 10 minute rests to recover Stamina Points or dropping to the ground like an anemic marathon runner every other fight you'll have plenty of Resolve to spend on important shit.

Plus any recovery mechanics.

Depends on the slave you plan to make, user!

It occurs to me only now that a major limitation against using a hover drone for fighting is that Tiny weapons cost twice as much. That could very well mean that, as implied,the combat drone is the best choice for a drone mean to kill people. It is admittedly quite inconvenient for such a drone to be attacking with ranged weapons with a mere Dexterity 12, however.

Not him but I want to be a fiery bombshell who is kept on a kill collar like suicide squad. Hyper competent gun girl

Except only insane in the sack