Rolled 6 (1d10)

Rolled 6 (1d10)

To help you

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Rolled 9 (1d10)

pdf boi

d100 for recruitment criteria

Rolled 88 (1d100)

Gangers. ok, thats more fitting of a Penal Legion but that works

d10 for nature of recruitment.

Rolled 10 (1d10)

Nah man, Gangers know what's up. These are just patriotic gangers.

well, if you say so.

standard conscription. they just pick up any other ganger off the street to the cultist van. 2d100 for the homeworld and its terrain

didnt we just do this last night?

yes but it died as soon as everyone finished rolling and development ended

Rolled 87, 8 = 95 (2d100)

Rolled 53, 41 = 94 (2d100)

Gimme some good kuck

>a shrine agri world.

this is fucking hilarious

d100 for core units

Wait, missread that. a shrine jungle world.

still sticking to Shrine Agri world because of how hilarious that is

Rolled 56 (1d100)

Tank regiment get!

Rolled 10 (1d100)

PDF gangers from a shrine agri world... So rednecks?

Combining both results

>Mechanized Infantry



And then they ride around in their beat up APC's and shoot at grox and squigs whilst drinking illegal alcohol. It's good to be in da guard

d10 for specialization

Rolled 5 (1d10)

10 get!

They aint doing this for the Emperor, remember, WE BE TRAITORS!

>Trench Warfare

This is getting better and better with ever post
d10 for loyalty

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Trench warfare. Cause they are to tired and shit to bother with actual warfarte

Rolled 7 (1d10)

1 get!
>mfw Loyal guard fighting these redneck traitor guard


I have the biggest shit eating grin rn. d100 for equipment.

Rolled 39 (1d100)

Surplus guns. Plese

>Exotic Mounts

Nope. d100 for creed

Rolled 74 (1d100)

What do rednecks ride, besides corodiles? I can't seem them in anything other then beat up trucks (or apc's, whatever)

they ride Croco's ridding bikes

>Best of the Best: The regiment believes itself to be elite and constantly strives to prove itself.
d100 for alies

Rolled 74 (1d100)

Rolled 31 (1d100)

Ofcourse they consider themselves the best.

Or for their mounts: Swamp boats

ok, that works better.

>A other group of...
>a rogue psycher cult

ehh, starting to lose by hype boner. d100 for Imperial enemys.

Rolled 61 (1d100)

Naw, that works man. Rogue psyker cult. They are all like faith healers and all sorts of other stuff. Only the faith is chaos

well we'll see.
>Imperial Guard
simple. Intrested to see how we'd fight them in trenches with Swamp boats.

roll a D6 for chaos gods. 5 will be chaos undivided and 6 will be a surprise/

Rolled 6 (1d6)

It's trench warfare, with dykes and levies. The rednecks make a swamp, in trenches. Then use their boats to show those emprah loving asses who da best!

More like those evangelistic, doomsday yelling madmen who spreads The Word and further fueling zeal of our rednecks.


Now someone make a write up. in the meanwhile lets think of the name of this traitor regiment.

Looks like if the guy who draws Disturbed album covers played 40k.

So... An agri-world gets a chaos invasion problem, the PDF falls and the outback fuckers starts going nuts, hating the Imperium for failing to defend them, hating chaos for invading them?

Golgotha Border Patrol

They kill all those loyalist bastards that try to cross the border

>doesn't worship the emprah
>worships the One True God who stands against chaos

>rides horrible demonic crocodiles
>experts at trench warfare, probably through hatfield and mccoy-style ancient civil wars across the planet
>swamp boats and cobbled together ground vehicles made for traversing mud

>believe themselves to truly be in the right worshipping Malal against all others and wanting to kill any outworlders

More like "fall into lies of the subverted local cult by a psykers and hating outworlders, xenos and queers for their misfortunes".
After all, they are ZEALOUS.

Correction, they kill anyone crossing the Borders.

The Planet of Golgotha has homed Chaos Cults ever since one of the Black Crusades reached the Borders. however the Chaos Fleet left a hand full of cultists behind and now only the Border Patrol to keep both sides from killing eachother.

This too.

Ok, hear me out, ok?

We got what are basically a redneck criminal militia who are fervently religious to Malal, the Chaos god of Chaos fighting Chaos

Here's my suggestion.

Ancap Teaparty Secessionists.

They're fighting the Imperium because Tithe is Tyranny, they fight all other Chaos because they violate the NAP. This here it THEIR bayou, and freedom ain't free.

>Brother, why did you not kill the loyalist bastards that ran back?

Because, brother, we if some survive, they will tell the stories of our great victories against their weak wills and bad climbing skills.

>Could we not just yell at them like we used to?

What are you, Sober?

>Yes, brother

Drink this then. Regulations, maggot!

Were gonna make chaos great again!

>Hate the Imperium and it's tyranny
>hate the aliens and their faggotry and communism
>hate Chaos and it's degeneracy
>live in an Anarcho Capitalist paradise ruled only by the NAP
>All trespassers will be shot

basically this

only after worshiping Malal did they manage to get control of the planet

they want to defend their FREEDOM from both Chaos and their new freedom from the Imperium

things aren't too different from a normal Imperial world in that there's witch hunts for chaos worshipers, but it's all done in Malal's name instead

"now im nahwt judgmental aw anything, but the rest av them chaos cults are just too unified, we ayn' the rest av the boys are a-goin' ta show them pissy bastards just what real chaos is like!"

no, remember Malal is the chaos god of FUCK CHAOS

they probably don't even consider themselves chaos worshipers

So what are their colours and markings?

not OP but give me 1d10 and I'll generate a color scheme for this regiment

Rolled 7 (1d10)





Both of these.


Sargeant 'Banjo' Bubba Brown, master of guirellia warfare. Swims like a champ. Louder then a tuba. Shotguns and explosions abound.

"Bomb fishin' is da best way to fish, boys!"


the rebel yell

So are there weird Malal Demons dwelling within the Swamps of the planet? where do they get there mounts from?

The 1st Libertarian Irregulars

I like it

Our flag is proudly floating on the land and on the main,
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!
Beneath it oft we've conquered, and we'll conquer oft again!
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!

Golgotha forever! She's never at a loss!
Down with the eagle and up with the cross
We'll rally 'round the bonny flag, we'll rally once again,
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!

Our gallant boys have marched to the rolling of the drums.
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!
And the leaders in charge cry out, "Come, boys, come!"
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!

They have laid down their lives on the bloody battle field.
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!
Their motto is resistance – "To the tyrants never yield!"
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!

so these guys are a Regiment made of Gangers, right? that means the planet is still stable somewhat. how do they get recruits? just grab anyone who's closest?

you have a psyker cult summoning holy visages of their One True God

the swamps are full of remnants of the previous chaos incursions and these Holy creatures want nothing more than to hunt them down and murder them

I'd assume their sort of elevated gangers, considering they were originally the PDF

so how much of the planet in into the cults activitys? Is it a HP Lovecraft sceneario or what?

Lets leave it that the Gang and the Psychic cult are all in on it while everyone else is just sorta oblivious to the whole thing

hell, they probaly think the Demons the Psychers are summoning are just domesticated swamp things.