>Blood for the blood god
Since Khorne want bloodbaths, does this mean he doesn't enjoy fighting the Necrons?
Blood for the blood god
None of the chaos gods enjoy fighting Necrons.
No one likes Necrons. They are unloved and alone for eternity.
Nah, since his follower's blood works just as well as anyone else's
Khorne can't get any blood flowing from the Necrons
Slaanesh can't fuck or seduce the Necrons in anyway
Nurgle can't spread disease on the robotic death machines
Tzeentch can't tempt them with any ancient knowledge
Tzeentch can still manipulate them though. And I'd be really surprised if Nurgle didn't have some sort of metal eating bacteria he could inflict on the deathbots or something.
>Metal eating bacterial
a weapon to surpass metal gear
The problem with that being that 1. They don't feel it and 2. It would take a cryptek like a day to cure it
>implying anyone enjoys fighting the necrons
beep boop robots are fuckin boring
This, just what I was going to say. Now you must die horribly 54745054!
Does malware not count as a disease? Why couldn't he just give them a computer virus and call it a day?
>(metaphorical) BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD
The blood is just a metaphorical warp thing and doesn't have to possess a counterpart in the real world. just like the emperor
Khorne would be happy if he could at least get them in a rage or to enjoy killing and slaughter. All they feel are the echoes of the deep, caustic, hatred for all things happier than them that they had when they were alive.
Yeah, I don't really buy Tzeentch not being able to tempt them. Isn't Necrons wanting to go back to their flesh like a thing? At least for the faction leaders that is.
Necrons have skulls. Bloodletters were spotted in the fluff carrying around and stacking tons of claimed Necron skulls from a conquered Necron world.
Also Necron use techno-sorcery which is a form of sorcery which is offensive to Khorne.
>Tzeentch can't tempt them with any ancient knowledge
Not with that attitude
>just like the emperor
We aren't too fond of you either.
Because The Celestial Orrery is fucking bullshit.
Look at his face user.
You can see his disappointment beneath the helmet.
He woke up feeling the rush of rage. The excitement of battle. His day job, his one love in this shitty universe, is taking skulls and spilling blood in his bosses name.
Then he shows up to the battle. But the enemy isn't engaged in a glorious fountain of gore or glory. Is dull robots who don't even scream.
>Is dull robots who don't even scream.
What? Necrons scream when they are killed. They even grunt from pain.
"Techno-sorcery" is literally just science. Crons don't have psykers or sorcerers, they're just that much more advanced than anyone else.
And they like it that way.
The thing is is that Necrons don't have souls, and don't really have emotions to manipulate either. Even their plotting is just going through the motions of ancient designs, not true spontaneity and change.
I'm totally alright with Chaos not being able to tempt or really mess with Necrons at all. It's good to have something that Chaos doesn't have its grubby hands stuck in.
There is a short story that deals with this exact situation. It was called Cold Blood.
A warband known as the Blood Lords, who had a literal addiction to spilling the blood of others, assaults a cold Imperial outpost only to find it being overrun with Necrons. The Blood Lords crushed through all that they could, but the lack of physical spilled blood was driving them crazy, and not in a good way. The need to spill blood got so bad that their captain crashed their starship into the planet, unleashing the Lord of Skulls they had kept locked in their hold. The Lord of Skulls, wishing to spill blood as badly as its captors, actually manipulated the warp, creating blood inside remaining Necrons, thus letting the warband revel in the spilling of blood. And they all lived happily ever after.
Except for the transcendent C'Tan that devours them all