Why are they such huge jobbers?

The Adepta Sororitas are really cool and the only way(other than Tyranids) GW has of attracting female players, yet all they have them do is lose and get curb-stomped constantly.


>other than Tyranids

They're elite enough to make things that beat them seem threatening, but they aren't the poster-boy marines that aren't allowed to lose.

Also, wehavethisthreadeveryday.jpg

A disproportionate percentage of the Tyranid playerbase is female. Nobody's done surveys, but the anecdotal evidence from a lot of different FLGS's seems strong.

Ignoring the issue of "women in 40k" draws less attention than a half-assed, half-supported solution like the Sororitas.

It means that GW didn't just "forget" about women, but they have THEIR SEPARATE SEGREGATED NICHE ROLE in the Imperium (and already the landwhales smell "oppression").
...And then that raises the question, what about feminine acting Orks, or female Necrons?

"Oops, we forgot!" Is way easier to justify.

I agree it would be really cool to have an all-female separated faction, it fits into the "Empire as a giant church" mood, but if GW wants to simplify all to "generic Halo ripoff for the whole family" it might be easier to one day introduce female Space Marine heads and call it a day.

Also there's a desperate need for a Necron Queen because it would look dope and appropriate, but that's a different story.

It is the strangest thing in the world, and for whatever reason also applies to stuff like zerg.

I think it's swarm mentality.

As explained by one of my friends, they are the perfect mixture of pets and abominable monsters. She even said that she could be the Crazy Tyranid Lady.

The idea of a crazed group of fanatical nuns with amazing faith-powers is so fucking cool but GW shits on it at every turn, who knows what goes throufh their minds

Why do some of them have wings?

I'm going to save them with fair and balanced writing not endorsed by Games Workshop.

This. If they actually had a range of miniatures to sell that wasn't twenty years old, I think they'd probably give them more.

I thought the same also applied to Dark Eldar?

None of them do. Celestine's miniature never depicted her with wings but official art did, for some reason. Her wings are mechanical now and part of her armour.

If they released plastic sisters I'd honestly consider getting into 40k

but then I look at the new trajectory and I have 0 interest in herohammer so maybe not.

People play Dark Eldar?

>actually wanting women to ruin your hobby
For what purpose?

Clearly to not have to deal with so much autism. Your post is just an example.

Because they only still exist due to an extremely vocal, extremely small minority. Almost no one really cares about SoBs that much one way or the other.

Autists are much easier to deal with than women. At least they follow SOME form of a logic.

> what about feminine acting Orks
Orks don't abide by gender roles, they are all the ork gender and applying male and female constructs on them is like trying to ask about tyranids that act human.

It's almost as if sacrifice is one of their core themes.

Clearly just a pisspoor justification to abuse women like the creepy shitlords that GW seems to be

r9k, pls go

Keep telling yourself that.

You first, tumblr

Go be cancer somewhere else.


It's not that strange.

It's something you see in D&D too. Women don't generally play the ugly humanoids, like orcs or ogres, but they're more likely to go for something completely inhuman like Thri-Keen or Wilden or whatever. The reason for this is the same reason they tend to play paladins over fighters, or druids over rangers, and the same reason they often like Tyranids. They don't often find the overtly masculine power fantasies of Space Marines and IG and Orks appealing, and see a lot of their stuff as ugly, but Tyranids are so inhuman that the same rules don't apply. Tyranids aren't masculine or feminine, and human aesthetic standards don't even come into the equation for them.

I'm under the impression that they honestly don't know what to do with them as a faction. Between superhuman elite space marines and masses of courageous underdogs like the IG, the Sisters sit awkwardly inbetween the two as a kind-of-elite army but not too elite, a sort of big military group but not too big a military force.

Their gimmick is faith, zealotry, and fire, but that's also ever present in every other aspect of the Imperium already. Just about every other faction has a monopoly on a particular niche within the franchise- Tau have the big crazy mechs, Orks the beardy bombast/comedy of the fa/tg/uy, Nids the scary omnipresent threat, etc, but the Sisters struggle to fill out such a role in the setting.

This isn't to say they can't- I honestly think they could be made into something more distinct with a couple further pushes, especially with the faith/miracles... I just doubt GW is willing to get off their asses and try when they can just keep pushing more sales with Marines instead of 'taking a risk' developing the SoB.

>They don't find the overtly male masculine power fantasies... appealing.
>they tend to play paladins over fighters
In what universe is a paladin anything other than the quintessential power fantasy?

>The class that relies on holy magic and belief is more of a power fantasy than the class that relies purely on muscle and martial fortitude

>Nids the scary omnipresent threat

Explain to me how being the best guy around and being given literal power by god isn't a power fantasy.

Compare to the fighter.

The fighter relies in muscle. They are defined by their mastery of physical force. They are big, and tough, and strong - it's virtually impossible to make a fighter in D&D without giving them high strength and they're usually best with high con as well.

The paladin matches the fighter not through straight up brawn, but through valour, purity, and quintessential goodness. A paladin's power comes from their strength of will and heart. They are the virtuous romantic knight empowered with holy grace. Women overwhelmingly pick them over fighters when they want to play a tanky role because of this.

Because women are objects and the Imperium is a joke

Iron within iron without

>the class that follows the classic heroic archetype plus being a universe-enabled white knight isn't a power fantasy
Nigga if I could go out and save maidens while throwing around holy fire, I'd do it right the fuck now.

Nobody's saying the paladin isn't a power fantasy. They are both power fantasies.

Paladins are just less about brawn and brutishness and more about virtue and charisma.

>the fighter has to spend time training and maintaining physical perfection, the paladin just gets given power for being da bes person who erryone loves cause dey just so damn good
The paladin is SO much more of a power fantasy.

Would you tho?

They have that perfect combination of (theoretically) powerful, and expendable. Also GW seems to have a hateboner for them.

Nigga fuck off with this shit, I'm not saying one is more of a power fantasy than the other.

They are two different types of power fantasy. One is the power fantasy of being the strongest and toughest around, the other is the power fantasy of being the most valorous and pure around. Women usually prefer the latter.

>Celestine BTFO Aba-ding-dong


But one is more of a power fantasy. One has to work for their power, one is granted their power.

Honestly, being good and kind at all times is probably much harder than getting swole.

In a world of objective gods where even death isn't something to be feared? Absolutely.

Dude nobody is saying girls don't like power fantasies, they absolutely do, but they like different power fantasies than guys or they like the same power fantasies but for different reasons.

Like say in the realm of videogames, do you what's one of the most popular power fantasies among women? Fucking Bayonetta

Is it though? Being good in an RPG generally just means not going out of your way to be a cunt and helping the poor. Fighters can do the exact same thing and they still have to earn their power the exact same way as if they were a giant tosser.

The paladin has to be truly righteous and good to gain their powers, and has to continue to do so in order to keep them. The fighter can do whatever they want with their skill and strength.

The paladin is one of the few classes that can have all its benefits plucked away from them if they fail to act to a certain standard.

>Being good in an RPG

Well, getting swole is easy in an RPG too. All I have to do is assign the points.

And people still fuck up paladin morality even now. Why do you think we get so many threads about deus vult fuckers complaining when their DM takes their powers away?

>crushing evil underfoot with your god given powers isn't the literal definition of a power fantasy

Nobody's saying it's not a power fantasy. It's just no less of a power fantasy than being a super strong martial god who does whatever he wants and kills whoever he wants and swings around a sword too large for any human to plausibly wield like it's nothing.

They are different kinds of power fantasies.

>no less

*no more

Well, I disagree. I think it's significantly more of a power fantasy just based on the fact that their powers are given, not earned.

She got killed by Kharn in Shroud of Night.

They are earned, you silly billy.

Being genuinely selfless and courageous in the face of evil is not easy. There are a lot of Veeky Forums people who are completely incapable of that - hell, maybe even most people in general. The paladin doesn't just get given their shit, they have to prove themselves. And unlike the fighter, they can have all their power snatched away if they use it selfishly or fail to adhere to the highest standards of goodness.

Bayo is awesome, she's gorgeous, oozes styles, carries herself like a supermodel, she's smart, she's funny, she's confident, she's powerful as all fuck. Why wouldn't she be a popular power fantasy?

t. grill

One is a power fantasy based on being a naturally and trained muscle bound badass, the other is a power fantasy of having powers because you are dedicated to a proper and just cause.

And its bulshit said that Paladin powers are not earned. They have a whole shit of virtues and demands they must keep, a warrior only has to be sure he is swole, and even that can come naturally.

If a fighter loses a hand what happens? BOOM huge loss in capacity to fight.

If a paladin loses a hand what happens? BOOM nothing because he can probably just get a god to grow it back, not that he even really needs it because he can CALL DOWN THE POWER OF HEAVEN TO SMITE EVIL.

How much of a wanky power fantasy something is is not determined by what the powers are or where they come from, but what you do with them.

Where the powers come from is irrelevant, because it's a fucking fantasy. Anyone can fantasize about getting super fit and skilled, they're still not doing it. For all intents and purposes fantasizing about being an amazing super talented swordsman with superhuman skill and strength is the same as fantasizing about being a divinely empowered knight with healing hands and holy radiance. Neither is plausible and in both cases it's a fantasy, you're not putting any actual work into either.

You need a cleric to do that shit.

>BOOM nothing because he can probably just get a god to grow it back

To be honest, in D&D, the fighter is just as likely to be able to do this. Or just get someone to heal it, or give him a badass magical simulacrum, or whatever.

>not that he even really needs it because he can CALL DOWN THE POWER OF HEAVEN TO SMITE EVIL

You're thinking of Clerics, bruh. Paladins generally don't shoot lightning, they carve through evil with their sword, which is guided and bolstered by their inherent goodness.

>women aren't people

Thats why your mother was howling last night.

>she's hot i wanna be like her
How profound

>ignores smart, funny, confident, powerful

I wonder who is behind this post...

One would imagine that the Sisters would be tailor made for them, seeing as how their whole thing is holy warriors who get by on faith and miracles where Spess Marines get by on brute power.

You're arguing against something nobody has actually said. Stop sperging out already.

I believe the main reason is because they don't have much of a table top presence but since they have stats there're real enough to count unlike Arbrites plus they represent the faith of the Imperium so if you need to attack that you kill them, non combat parts are less impresive so killing priests in large numbers doesn't count.
This is also true, GW seem unsure what to do with them and until we have reason to believe that sisters are not going to get a load of bad codexes a lot of people will be hesitant to buy them.

Sisters have ugly outdated models.

Women do often like them quite a bit though. But, much like OP, they don't want to play a punching bag faction full of incredibly outdated models.

>hes buff i wanna be liek him
Right back at you, buddy

The concept is awesome enough, the power armour corset and crazy faith bitches has enough potential.

Hell Slaanesh suffers from that too.
>freaking bondage tit demons! YES!
>oh... those are the models... screaming ugly bitches...

What are the tactical applications of sisters on stilts?

Why does the sister superior choose to use a single stilt?

>so new it hurt to read

2nd ed models suffer a bit from weapon choices... The rules allowed for silliness with twin plasma pistols... why only give her one?

When your power is reincarnation, you can lose infinitely with the only casualty being your credibility.

What's wrong with wanting to be swole?

what's wrong with wanting to be hot?

Because GW would rather you drool over its big burly men in power armor and project a male power-fantasy as the main selling point than try and write more than a few token books about a good female-only army.

because they crave that bulk limited run plastic model and official color paint money more than they do any kind of long-term book revenue.

>mother jokes

Orks have no concept of gender but they also have no concept of football and yet they're clearly based on British football hooligans

>female 'crons
muh dick

The key words here aren't "power fantasy," they're "masculine" and "male"
Also, paladins totally are a power fantasy, don't get me wrong, but they are always beholden to a higher power and are therefore incapable of the kind of pure dominance you can pretend a fighter has(even if realistically, fighters lack cosmic significance)

Probably a feminist.

There's a Necron Phaerakh in the fluff, just no official model. More than a few people have made their army's Overlords female in the past.

Women have a unified dream of giving birth to millions of horrible monsters and spreading their progeny to stamp out all other life in known existence.

I call it the "Hi Mom" effect.

Honestly, as a girl the one army I'd really want to build is Lost and the Damned
That, or Adeptus Mechanicus, or maybe crons
But I'm salty as heck that the Lost and the Damned don't have rules

tyranids attract women? why? what the hell

>Honestly, as a girl (male)


The "cute critters" effect. Basically Tyranids can read more as pets than soldiers which seems to appeal to women.

No one has actually done a survey or anything, but really often anecdotally women in the shop play Tyranids, at least far more they any other faction, except maybe SM / CSM. Hell, even the one women in ours plays a Black / Green Brood.

Something about Broodmother fantasy probably.

What can I say, nids are cute

Yeah. dark eldar actually have pretty decent models.

Your dick is not effeminate, regardless of what /gif/ and /soc/ tell you. Just grow up and accept that you're male ffs.

very interesting i didnt know that

Huh, guess that explains why my wife plays Wolves.

She wears heels, displays a non-plus size HAES body, and was designed for the male gaze (by a female designer with clearly internalized misogyny).

Bayonetta is the embodiment of patriarchal privilege and toxic masculinity at its finest.

They did a good job with them in gathering storm and are figuring it out. Pushing Living Saints makes a lot of sense as it's a feature that's almost unique to the Sisters and plays into their position as symbol and marital force of the Ecclesiarchy.

For a while with the Witch Hunters book they were pushing their Inquisition ties, but I think the army of faith and miracles works far better.


Most women don't care about that at all.

but tyranids are evil incarnate

Bayonetta is whatever you make of her
All the lesbians I know are fans

Because putting the sex that is seriously physically and psychologically unsuited for combat into the field will result in them getting butchered 9 times out of 10.