Warhammer 40K General /40kg/

Rev. David, Retired Disabled Veteran edition

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>Grey Knights

>Konor Campaign: Chaos BTFO!!!

>Check your local store's contribution to the Campaign.

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

>tournament pack

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First for cutenids

r8 my new typhus Veeky Forums

Ave Omnissiah

I don't really think the concept of "Bodyguards" for a Chaos Lord makes sense outside maybe the Word Bearers because of their retard fanaticism.

Like, sure I'll be in your terminator honour guard boss, just don't expect me to catch a Melta to the face for you.

Guess you could just use aspiring champions, then chosen as your normal marines and cultists for spam
Deathwatch players used to get by with just sternguard and honour guard so why can't we


What changes would you like to see in the coming codexes Veeky Forums?

Quick Question: why would you go Chaos Renegades, they miss out on unique warlord traits, relics and stratagems. Even worse, one of the best stratagems in the game so far, Veterans of the Long War, is not useable by them.

More like "Sure I'll catch a melta to the face for you boss." Avoids all melta shots anyway.

If you take that melta blast for me I'll suck you off This was effectively Fulgrim's logic to Pertuabo of why his robot bodyguards were flawed

>it's an user uses models as 'proxies' to abuse crunch because he's a poorfag/10

Nicely painted, but at least give him an actual scythe.

Both is best?

Because we're not all WAACfags and are waiting for FW to update us on what Huron did after the Badab war

F for fallen friends

Because my warband isn't one of the traitor legions.

So honestly what are you guys thinking about 8th?

What don't you like, what do you like.

What do you enjoy being added, what do you want taken out?


Who needs unique warlord traits when you can get the MURDER SWORD?

haha, na. they aint selling typhus no more at G-dubz, + the typhus sculpt is old and ugly
thnx, my theory is that this sculpt was meant to be typhus, but they changed their minds

Sure but just use another Legion's rules.

This is the detachment for your Chaos Crew. Enjoy it.

So what purpose, lore wise, do Tactical marines serve given that they've been through several tours of duty to get there, but have the worst equipment loadout of anyone in the chapter?

Like, would it not make more sense to go Scout, Devastator, Assault Marine, Veteran? If they can make enough plasma, flamers and meltas for guard surely they can afford to properly equip Astartes battle brothers.

Same goes for Intercessors really: Those should probably be the heavy bolter equivalent to the hellblasters plasma weaponry.

Murder Sword a shit

Gr8 m8 8/8

Not that user but
> using shitcast TM manlet model instead of converting a cool new HUEG model


So how is the law supposed to be blind if you state all that you are, and does he own all those stores or did he form a league of wargaming stores, and why did the faggot scan it rather than type it up so it could easily be copied over
Just why, do people let you game at their house even

>Not that user but

Nice, table top standard plus one/10. Well done.


More fun psyker powers and a reason to use the spell familiar model I was pouring my work and love into.

Abbadon and friends when, also Press X to pay respects to BS5 units

Because you want to take a small balls to the nuts assault force with fast units and no shooting to speak of?

For my DG army I feel like Lord of Contagion is a waste if I already have Typhus, but I have been kicking around the idea of deep striking him behind their lines on round 2/3 after they spread enough for it to be nasty while Typhus babysits the poxwalkers. Would that be a huge waste of points or could he do some work? He has a pretty solid line up of saves, good melee, and nurgle's gift to help out

How do my Poxwalkers look from a distance? As in their overall aesthetic with the bases.

Dunno, seems like a great Gulliman counter.

guardfag here
conscripts being less annoying to play against
a way to get our vehicles to bs3+ , maybe some sort of invuln-esque save
gl being useful

My nigga.

O-oh. Okay then.

An actual game

That's what Death Hex is for.

looking good user. now you need 5 more twenty man squads

I think the fundamental thing questions like this forget is: lore-wise, the bolter is an excellent gun (well, most of the time, it does vary a bit by author). So deploying squads of dudes carrying bolters is actually a perfectly sensible thing to do.

Hmmmm..... you got me user! Too smart to fool.

>reddit spacing
>impyling in the fluff every unit of guard has armour of the same quality and one plas per squad
The majority of the forces a space marine will face will be lightly armour/no armoured infantry, bolters destroy these in 2 shots in the fluff. They can even break rhinos
So that model isn't used for anything is it now, only Huron's familar matters
sounds like a distraction carnifex so why not
I'd give them a wash and
user are you in GW reading, because the paint desks are right next to that terrain table

>So how is the law supposed to be blind if you state all that you are
I'm not sure what you mean? Are you asking about why he gives a description of himself in the parties section?

Good to see we've come to an agreement

More support for:

carapace armor
rough rider steeds (mounted command squad option, mounted commande)
Salamander Command Vehicle
towed non-vehicle-based artillery
more arty pieces (Colossus, Medusa, Griffon back)

Sooo GW is getting hit for a 62 million dollar lawsuit???

so what happens if they lose??? (unlikely)

the suit also covers breaking GW's ip copywrights.

>to abuse crunch

wat you meen?

Pic related

No good judge will care that he's a reverend and a disabled veteran.
He's not even a lawyer, only has an LLM (Masters Degree for Law).
GW will easily get this case dismissed.
Not sure about his ownership of the stores.
It seems to me like one of those people that loves to think he knows the law but really doesn't, and also doesn't know the way to go about filing a suit properly.

All of that on top of the fact that the complaint is poorly written and contains minimal, if any, legal precedent.

The Reverend just seems ass-blasted.

The law is supposed to examine whether someone is guilty or innocent, blind to all other matters, otherwise the murder of some paedophile serial rapist would be thrown out. If you start the proceeding by saying HE A GOOBOI HE HELPING KIDS WITH CANCER AND DOWNS then that could bias the further proceedings.

>he doesn't know about 'oh really' pepe

Newfags get out! REEE!

Cutedar will always be superior, but you won't agree with my silver tongue.

Picture was Taken at Warhammer Tottenham Court Road.

yeah, I just want something for him to do instead of looking fancy on my desk, but for his pt cost I could field another heldrake or helbrute which is why I am waffling

I think at parties he calls himself Sifu Lama Rev.Dave Moore, apparently he can catch arrows out of the air and move chopsticks with his mind

Which is nice I guess

all great additions
non vehicle based arty is fw though so i doubt we'll get that
i'dd love to see the salamander come back (not just for it's 1+ to hit rolls either) simply because it's so common in a lot of novels
and rough riders desperately need new minis i can't even bring myself to buy 2nd hand cause the old ones are so ugly

>I think the fundamental thing questions like this forget is: lore-wise, the bolter is an excellent gun (well, most of the time, it does vary a bit by author). So deploying squads of dudes carrying bolters is actually a perfectly sensible thing to do.

Except their supposed role is tactical flexibility, and no matter how you cut it they're worse equipped than assault marines and devs. Hell, even scouts can still take bolters, but can also swap to other loadouts dependent on their mission.

It works fine with Sternguard, because they have specialist ammunition for a broad range of scenarios and can swap out more members of a team for specialist gear. My argument is Tacs are completely redundant in lore to Sternguard.

You might have missed the previous thread, but the lawsuit is the kind of frivolous batshit insane ramblings that wind up being laughed out of court.

Cutenids will ALWAYS be above cutedar
Face the facts and realize you're outcuted by locusts

You know they can punch through walls, have anti infantry and tank grenades, can eat brains to see memories, can spit acid, and are equipped with micro molecular combat knives

Can you mix and match legion tactics in the same detachment?

Is there any way to get the Citadel Moonscape terrain pieces nowadays?

ATTENTION OUTSIDE user! Don't share your Veeky Forums posts on Facebook! That is all.


no, have to take seperate detachments

Ah, now that's a different issue. Sternguard ammo is said to be difficult and time-consuming to manufacture, so they can only equip their veteran squads with it.

Magnus vs Renegade Knight vs Lord of Skulls

Who is yours LoW choice? Why?


Yeah, as far as I know familiar models don't really have a use at the moment. There are so many good possibilities for fun little familiars too, like the little spare brimstones from the Lord of Change kit or the avian skulls from the skull kit that I could reward my exalted sorcerer with too.

What is this new meme and why does it suck ass so much

Haha, baited this isn't even a picture of me. Some Scottish dweeb called Mandrew.

>multi ???
You type just like Moore did. It ain't happening. There is legal precedent as well that works in GW's favour. Nothing is going to happen of any relevance. You can't sue people for pricing their content at "50,000%" of the cost. This guy thinks that if a model costs $0.06 to make, then it should be sold for $0.06. Forgetting that GW spent money on a sketch artist to design it, an artist to make it on the computer, a company to make the mould, money on the machine to make it, money on the factory to house it, money on the staff to use it, money on training said staff to use it and money on shipping and dozens of countries different tax and legal requirements.

tl;dr it sounds like this guy is either mentally unwell or is doing it for shits and giggles.

lord of skulls because its khorne and goofy and 40k and MUH DICK GUN

Reminder that Nob with Waaagh! banner is the best thing Orks have received in decades.

Which is why we'll lose it in 8th

Releasing all the codices at the beginning of the new edition instead of dragging them out over the course of years.
Maybe next time.

Did GW just remove the post about the 30th Anniversary Space Marine? Can't see it on their facebook page.

Chaos daemon engines need to be unleashed to the extreme.





So are literally every other member of the chapter. Still doesn't excuse a guy with three full tours of duty under his belt up to the fourth level of advancement being, no matter how you cut it, the worst equipped.

Whatever Ben.

In addition to being blind her dress is pretty loose

boring. i'm disappointed that gw put out a game named silver tower but didn't bother to make an actual silver tower

>Primaris Marine


I expect that to be in TS codex.

>genius designed 8th rules

By RAW this unit on the bastion, assuming you're using it as a normal piece of terrain, is entirely immune to being charged by any unit in the game. This is because a unit at the base of the bastion will never be within 1" of the units on top and cannot move on top themselves as they can't fit on the bastion itself and you can't move through other models.

This applies to any terrain that elevates a unit above 1" that you can fit a unit into. Nor is this only applicable to infantry units. If you can fit or balance your walkers/landraiders/knights/predators etc on high terrain they become immune to charges too. Glorious!

Well here they are, my homebrewed vespids for my mechanised Tau army


I like how streamlined everything is.

Except the Fight phase for vehicles. It's fucking stupid. Tanks should just be able to run people over.

Magnus of course. He won't do any wrong for me on tabletop with how strong he is.
I wish GW made an actual silver tower too, even if just as a terrain piece. I'd love something like that.

>Not having a fake Facebook account for social media portions of sites

Haah waaw

Are you a cringe enough dude to wear these puppies outside?

I know that one is still up but it looks like they removed the post from the 40k page. It was getting quite a bit of backlash.

If you can survive with that why use more resources than necessary, next you'll be asking why the Imperium doesn't have female soldiers besides the SoB
it's an ultra heavy terrain piece user, it's more than 1/4 of a board

Weak core system. I've been running an all single model unit army just to ignore the subsystems I don't like.

I like the colour scheme (assuming you're keeping it as that)

>The law is supposed to examine whether someone is guilty or innocent, blind to all other matters, otherwise the murder of some paedophile serial rapist would be thrown out.
Ok, you may think that's how it is, but it's not. At all.
The very nature of trial by jury means that that is not how it works, questions of character, past activities, state of mind and so forth are used in court all the time. That's just basic rhetoric, convincing someone to side with you by relying on such things as "yes she killed this guy, but he was a horrible person while she's a saint, you must acquit." Because people are convinced by pathos and ethos just as much as logos, sometimes even more.