Some Florida swampnut tries hard to get some cash:
GW getting sued for 62.5 Mil. $
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I don't think he's going to win the Fraud charge, since it's based on "GW took heavy inspiration from these sources!!!". I'm willing to bet he'll lose that one on pretty much the same grounds that GW got smashed for Spots the Space Marine.
We all know that the american lawsystem is a joke an people sue each other for whatever amount they like, just because they hope to get an arrangement that avoids the accused party from negative press or long legal actions.
I agree, it´s just a fraud case.
It'll be interesting though to see if he wins the other ones, specifically the ones about how GW deals with its third-party retailers.
Though if he did win those, I wouldn't put it past GW to just cut support to the third-parties and just focus on their private shops.
>just because they hope to get an arrangement that avoids the accused party from negative press or long legal actions.
Reading the lawsuit, this guy doesn't seem like a gold digger/lawsuit troll. He's probably just plain insane.
>I wouldn't put it past GW
It's over sixty fucking million dollars. If the lawsuit actually got anywhere beyond being dismissed with prejudice because [the entire fucking lawsuit] then I'd consider it completely understandable for GW to never want anything to do with third parties ever again. Any other approach would be prompt business suicide.
Hmmmm....when it comes to business related crimes, the US can be a lot tighter that´s true. Though I´m sure that you´re right and GW will find a way to wind itself out of any responsibility and certainly find some jewish lawyers that might use the Chewbacca defence or something. Not that they would have to buy themselves out, as I think there isn´t much of a foundation in the first place.
Anti-trust and abusive/shady biz practices could get some traction.
Copyright shit is a little lame legally unless a damn good argument can be made to strip GW from its up rights.
Robin hood shit is laughable and makes the while lawsuit look dumb.
The bit about how he marks up wits products probity undermine the suit by muddying the argument with what looks like bitching and moaning.
I feel like this guy doesn't know how intellectual property laws and trademark laws work.
The guy is literally suing for the death of whfb.
this is butthurt to the extreme
Can some HERO copy paste the article so I don't have to give click bait bits a view? Or even just a summary of the points
clickbait is trash.
>Moore even goes on to say in the background of his Fraud complaint that Games Workshop may have even stolen Intellectual property of others to establish it’s Warhammer 40,000 game in the 1980s
no fucking shit
>He's probably just plain insane.
He IS from florida after all.
the pricing argument is funny as hell as he based his argument off of a single model that has one of the worst markup percentages.
what about $27 for 10 IG and some bits. $35 for marines and bits. even tanks clocking in at $50+ use more material than those squads and would come to about the same price point per ounce of material. which is not that ridiculous.
I find it funny he didn't try to use the pewter SoB squads as an example as it's over $100 a squad. but he must have discovered GW is making no money off of those, or more appropriately is losing money as the cost for the squad is the exact cost of the pewter per ounce.
GW wants to recover the cost of materials by selling their work to the fans instead of melting all those innocent sisters into pewter bricks. the monsters.l
yeah they like to scalp for the limited edition shit
plus everything needs to be checked, boxed, shipped to the US, and then moved to the stores, where it takes up inventory space in the store and the profits from which are used to pay the employees, at least in retail
it seems his argument is they don't produce enough models for new releases and then take all the profits online
this has been the base argument against GW since like, the internet began
he missed the fact you can't even buy FW stuff retail
Any anons with even half legal knowledge can tell us if GW is actually in any danger here?
>he missed the fact you can't even buy FW stuff retail
FW's independent, aren't they? He'd have no business bringing up their distribution in a suit against GW.
Normally, they'd be perfectly safe unless they did something completely retarded like not show up to court or admit guilt.
But this is taking place in Florida, so god fucking knows if it'll be sane and sensible.
I'd be more concerned about the guys who owned battletech honestly
I know nothing of the legal system in Florida and I know some people like to joke about the insane borderline Urban Myth legal cases in the US but we always assumed they were 1/100000000000000. What's the big deal for Florida?
Demand jury trial and not trial by combat, being a kung fu master and such.
>What's the big deal for Florida?
Florida doesn't have laws that keep certain records private like the other US states do. That's why "Florida Man" type memes are so common; literally all you have to do is bebop onto a records website and read around until you find somebody who did something ridiculous.
has anyone searched up the Plaintiff's email address, the results are... interesting
>What's the big deal for Florida?
It's full of florida men.
Who needs kung-fu when you can shoot mind bullets?
Disclaimer: " Sifu doesn't make any CLAIMS - he just lives and does what he does - OTHER PEOPLE can make claims for me. Sifu 'claims' nothing."
Would really be just a case of jealousy. Battletech is a niche game with 1980s rules and horrid 1980s models
And a history of getting screwed over in the courts in Intellectual Property cases where they were unabashedly in the right but the judge fucked them anyways.
Well, maybe they could try being succesful
Real shit?
>comparing GW's pricing policies to Turing pharmaceuticals fiasco
Now that's just desperate
he's trying to sue a toy company for 62 million dollars, of course he's desperate
I don't speak legalese but a lot of what I'm seeing is just plain retarded.
>Monopoly on sci-fi/fantasy wargaming
battletech, warmahordes, the starwars and startrek wargames, malifaux, Infinity...
>battletech vs... warhammer 30k?
It specifically states that both games take place in the 31st millennium, but the horus heresy era being playable is really recent. If they mean warhammer 40k, how did they get the year wrong? It's literally in the name. Not to mention that battletech wasn't exactly unique when came out *cough cough macross cough cough*
>space marine term
They misspelled Heinlein's name. I can't even. Oh, and some of their points also end with an exclamation mark! This does not make it look any more professional!
>So, [gw combined different ideas from different sources]
Ehh, kinda. I mean, 40k's titans and dreadnauts look pretty unique compared to battletech's battlemechs, and marines in space is a pretty open concept, but sure, let's roll with it.
>...Geiger's Alien
This one's tacked on to the same point as before, which is weird, but pretty much it says that nids rip off xenomorphs. To be fair, they have their similarities, but I wouldn't call them "rip-offs", which it literally does, also quite un-professionally.
>So: Heinlen's Space Marines battle Geiger's ALIENS - in GW's game - just like in Heinlen's original Starship Troopers! Never legally paid for!
This is nothing but repeats. You repeated starting the point with "So", though this time with a colon instead of a comma for whatever reason, you continued to misspell Heinlein's name (twice in this point), basically summarize a couple of your previous points, and continue to use exclamation points!
>110% rip-off
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA was this written by a 12 year old? Or maybe some fat black lady on the Maury show?
>also steals from dracula, frankenstein, werewolf, and mummy
I have no idea what they're saying GW copied from them
>Terminators VS "FASA's 5 man elemental star"
I tried to look that up and couldn't
If the owners of battletech have any sense, they should distance themselves from this loony as soon as possible, or they may not own battletech for much longer
Correction: They didn't say 31st millenium, they said 31 century. As in the year 3k, not 30k. What game are they talking about? 1987 is when they released rogue trader, which is still 40k stuff
>It specifically states that both games take place in the 31st millennium, but the horus heresy era being playable is really recent.
Technically speaking, Adeptus Titanicus was released to compete with Battletech, and it does take place during the horus heresy.
it's still pretty ridiculous to even mention all that shit, though
It's also extremely apparent that pretty much all of his "Claims" fall under fair use
>Terminators VS "FASA's 5 man elemental star"
>I tried to look that up and couldn't
also I do not recall Battletech calling their mechs "titans" not in MW3:Mercs, or in MWOnline
Talking about misspelling names: it should be H. R. Giger, not Geiger. Geiger is the guy that invented the eponymous counter.
Aw he missed the fact the Space Marines in "The Moon is a Harsh MIstress" shot rocket ammunition.
Battletech nerd here
Elementals are tiny super-heavy power-armoured infantry, and a star is just a clan name for a squad
So basically the fact that they have five-man squads is apparently an IP infringement now...
Call him nutty, I don't think you're wrong, but I think deep down we'd all like to see this go somewhere.
Florida takes no legal stance to stop the public from seeing what legal system is up to or what your fellow citizens are doing.
As far as court rulings, anything major is a coin flip in Florida unless there is some form of undeniable proof someone did something and even then it can be manipulated if your dad knows the judge.
Take my hometown which holds that state facility that had all those unmarked graves the state covered up. A 28 year old, who had run someone off the road before, ran over a school board employee while drunk and fled the scene to his father's house. Because his dad was a state attorney, he received no punishment. Crippled a woman to the point she was unable to focus on anything near her early death and no penalty. The only reason he is in jail at the moment because he got drunk again, rammed a Florida Highway Patrol officer's car and fled to the hospital in their main office town and the officer caught him before his dad got there.
This place is nuts and gets worse when you actually start looking into the shit.
I think it the heat
It doesn't matter who you know because his actual filing has no legal standing.
He cannot sue on behalf of the estates of injured parties because he sunders his own pro se representation.
He alleges RICO violation which is a criminal proceeding. You cannot bring criminal proceedings in a civil case.
There is literally not one iota of actionable language in his filing. The fact that it was posted about by spikeybits and BoLS is an indictment of their editorial process more than anything else.
Yes - he's a fucking nut job.
Yeah he isn't gonna win this.
GW is going to get some top Jews to defend them.
They literally don't need a defense team. The filing has no standing - it cannot proceed.
What is this chewbacca defense you talk about?
Easier to read, breaks up paragraph into easy to read blocks.
This case is nuts and the things the guy is asking for are ridiculous.
A legal strategy in which the aim of the argument seems to be to deliberately confuse the jury rather than to factually refute the case of the other side.
What's the likliehood that one of the parties he claims to be suing on behalf of gets crushed by GW's legal team?
That's only for criminal court though, but the civil courts in Florida are pretty okay unless you're having to deal with child support.
That is the lamest excuse I have heard for shitty formatting in quite some time. Not that user, but you don't actually know how to properly use paragraphs to separate subjects, do you? This was shit that we learned in high school.
If they are at all intelligent they will stay as far away as possible if this actually makes it to court.
GW has lawyers that are actually good, so pretty damn likely.
If that were how it worked, everybody would be suing themselves by proxy for terrible reasons while mentioning their competition, then crushing their straw lawyer to injure the competition.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I know this guy and have met him when he lived near my LGS. He's been involved in a few other major lawsuits in the past. He's been involved in a lot of questionable things, but the Kung Fu master thing is terrifyingly legit, there's old videos of him catching crossbow bolts blindfolded and we've seen a few crazy things in the past.
Better question is: Did any of his lawsuits succeed?
The one I know of he wasn't actually filing the suit, he was just involved in an FBI case over the sale of the "Golden eye" Diamond, he was a party involved with the seller.
only problem therein is the case is filed in federal court, those rules are the same across the country, state law does not supersede or trump federal law.
Someone should just crowdfund him for a ticket to the UK and go punchercise the entire GW office
Bonus points if they can strap a go pro to his head
perhaps you should have paid better attention in grade school.
Well you see, this is Chewbacca. Now, Chewbacca is a wookie, wookies are from the planet Kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on Endor. Now tell me, what in the world is an 8 foot tall wookie doing on a planet of 3 foot tall ewoks? That just does not make sense. Bringing up Star Wars as a legal defense does not make sense. If Chewbacca lives on Endor you must acquit.
Sorry, too hard to read for me. Can you break it up into blocks?
No. Seriously. Fuck that retarded formatting.