It's Da Archive™ !
It Will Be The Best 9 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!
Short text version!
Remember, We are Better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and Good Manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.
It's Da Archive™ !
It Will Be The Best 9 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!
Short text version!
Remember, We are Better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and Good Manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.
Other urls found in this thread:
Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all.
Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.
If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, here is one way to clean it.
Contact our resident Transmutation Wizard and politely ask him to clean a pdf. He will set his scrying device to accept pdfs and then you ship it to him. Magic occurs, then the pdf is purified.
[email protected]
By the way, Thanks Mageguru, you're the Best!
Check out Da Curated Archive!
These are some Possible Candidates for Curation, based on modest size and perceived popularity.
Most are in Da Archive, in various degrees of completeness:
13th Age
3pp Iron Gods
7th Sea 2nd ed
Abandon All Hope
Aces & Eights
Action Movie World
Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2nd:
Adventures in Middle Earth
Against the Dark Yogi
Amazing Adentures
Anomalous Subsurface Environment
Apocalypse World
Ars Magica
Ashen Stars
Astral Empires
Antlantean Trilogy
Atomic Highway
My requests: pic related
Dungeon Planner 1 Caverns of the Dead
Dungeon Planner 2 Nightmare in BlackMarsh, both by Albie Fiore & Robert Neville
GammaWorld 1E blank B&W map of the USA from Noble Knight.
Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins™ who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread.
The first 5 pages of Da Archive have the most of the older ‘un -maintained’ troves.
The best thing is to go through them all soon and get what pdfs interest you.
Looking for Underworld Races & Classes for 5e.
Anyone have the third-party 13th Age book Nocturne and its Player's Guide?
fr.scribd com / document / 355752786/The-Spider-Playbook
Does anybody have any of the cinematic evirons from Critical Hit Publishing for D&D 5e?
I'm looking for the survival and aquatic depths books in particular.
fr.scribd com / document/355655906/The-Lost-Lands-Bard-s-Gate
Hello, I wonder if somebody can upload theses broken snip links from mageguru, that i'm looking for...
White Star - Zeta and Tuko
White Star - Scum and Villainy.pdf
White Star - Aliens Capsules - Book Two
White Star - Aliens Capsules - Book One
TSAO - 50 Wonders of the Reticulan Empire
S&W - The Price of Rebirth
Cepheus - World Guide Zaonia
Cepheus - From the Ashes
Hypercorps 2099 - Wasteland
Westward RPG - Premium Edition
TITAN 2100 - Encyclopedia
Through the Breach RPG - Til Death Do Us Part
Mistrunner the RPG
Exiled in Eris - City in the Mirage
Honour RPG - Core Rules
Honour RPG - Nihon & the City of Edo
Age of Infinity - World Primer
Astulae - Location Index
Dieselpunk in a Nutshell
snip li
From city of carse
If anybody has any of the following books I'd be most grateful.
For D&D 5E:
- Bestiary of the Beyond (by Lone Wolf)
For Pathfinder:
- Freeport Bestiary (by Green Ronin)
- Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Strange Aeons Poster Map Folio
Thanks, I saw his post just after posting mine, which is why I deleted it.
In previous post people said that Madcap Screwball was for the curators... Any news?
the fucking backer-locked Spire QS, anyone?
Diceless Dungeons anyone? Let's see how bad it is in reality.
The bestiary of the beyond is for Lone Wolf Adventure Game user, not 5e.
So does anyone have the pdf of Fire on the Velvet Horizon? I only just realized it had even (during a brief window of time last month) been sold.
Requesting the peridot zine issue #1
Anyone have the Achtung Cthulhu Dust crossover?
I'm currently looking for the GURPS Power-Ups series, particularly 6.
Check inthe OSR general, I know it's been posted recently.
tinyurl com / y8de2ab5
I uploaded it last month, it's in Da Archive Annex.
Requesting Active Exploits Take 2 : Special Edition.Be aware that I am not talking about the edition in the trove (which is only the basic 73 pages edition), the one I'm looking for is the special edition which is 158 pages long.
Precis Intermedia will shut down this thread if anyone posts your request, so stop asking for it. Dumbass.
This is a print-only product. Buy it yourself and scan it for everyone else.
One question though.
What is $nipli ?
nope tiny, an other shorter link
It's a URL: HTTP colon slash slash SNIP dot LI slash .
Go west, young man!
A bit of an obscure one perhaps, but anybody here who has, and is willing to share, the CORPS Rules Expansion by Applied Vectors?
Anyone have the advanced/expert rules for DnD0e?
Awesome, thanks.
osr trove or tsr trove
every thread till it happens
thanks !
Once again, I'm gonna leave this here to get it out of the way of the rest of the thread. The attached file is my personal wishlist of Savage Worlds PDFs still missing from my collection. It's organized by setting, starting with the settings that are missing the most files and going down to the ones that are missing a single, solitary file. It's been updated to remove the stuff people have shared in the last thread and I know for a fact that a lot of other people around here have been requesting quite a few of those books. I don't think any of these files are in any active Savage Worlds trove out there or have ever been shared before. If anybody here cares to take a look at it and provide anything - really, anything at all - from the list, I'm sure it would be appreciated not only by me, but by a lot of other people as well. Many thanks in advance!
I Think we can add Enascentia and other stuff from GGStudio
I am looking for the adventure Ghost Ship of The Desert Dunes for AS&SH Thanks in advance.
Actually, there are quite a few more settings that I decided to leave out of the list for the time being. Not included: Shaintar, the Suzerain settings, the Shadowed Earth universe settings and Mercenary Breed, Low Life, High-Space, Enascentia, Hope & Glory... Quite a lot of books from these settings haven't shown up around these parts yet. I just decided to keep the list relatively small for now, just to make it easier to read through and not seem so overwhelming. Once I managed to cross a few more items off of it and reduce it in size, I'll add the stuff missing from those other settings. something for you...enjoy!
Check it out!
on ss
Check it out
on ss
The link for Sparks of Light in Da Archive is broken, can someone reupload it?
Get your sparkle on, bro...
Thanks man
Looking for mithgarthr core
Thanks... Let's wait for Pip System Rulebook
Anyone have the Southlands Campaign Setting by Kobold Press?
Requesting "Dungeonesque" once more
Looking for Spirit of the century. The link in Da Archive doesn't work.
Also, thanks for the good work.
Reuping the request for the Fantasy AGE encounters that were uploaded a while ago and are now dead in the archive. Also Six of Swords for Fantasy AGE Blue Rose.
also in fate trove
Da Archivist, put this in the list
It's the final (as of now) The One Ring Trove. With everything official and pretty much anything unofficial.
A very fine hobbit user put that for us in the last thread.
Thanks a lot man. I've been hoping someone would upload these for a while.
SOTC plus a few extras...
Does anybody have "Skill Challenge Handbook" for Pathfinder by Rogue Genius Games? I've checked the 3PPs in the PF Troves.
Anyone have a pdf of Pendragon Book of Battle
preferably 2nd edition but either is fine
Does anyone have any of the DnD 4e books?
WotC trove upthread?
Somebody here wanted files to Neuroshima, am I right? Which specificly do you want?
Does anyone know anything about Towers Two for LtFP?
Does anyone have a copy of:
Robert Kuntz's Garden of the Plantmaster? The original 1987 version not the 2003 release for 3rd Edition.
The Dark Eye Bestriary, The Vampire of Havena and Ofering from Heaven module, in English
Mythic Rome
Green Devil's Face #6 (Hah)
The Storms of Yizhao (for Godbound)
Heroquest Eleven Stars
-Deadlands 20°Anniversary
-Deadlands reloaded: Good Intentions
-Deadlands reloaded: Paradise Lost
-Deadlands reloaded: Perilous Parcels
-Savage Worlds: Fear Agent rpg
OSR Stuff I've never seen
Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox Compendium
Raiders of the Lost Artifacts
yes, please can we have the newer pendragon stuff
It's in the OSR general's Trove, or should be, since it's been scanned quite a way back.
And yeah, it's exactly what you'd expect from the frontman of GWAR. It's awesome.
A classic land, twenty years dead...
Good Intentions and Perilous Parcels: All The Purty Little Horses are in the /SaWo trove.
That was me. It's $nip L!
No need to post the M3ga Key, please.
I'm also the same guy running the Hackmaster trove, the link to which was updated to:
The Curated Archive still has the old URL and the old request list, which can be deleted at Archivist's leisure.
Aw, I feel like that request had become a sort of fixture around here. The Little Request That Could. I'm gonna kind of miss it.
Requesting the 3.5 adventure book for "Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land", as well as any other official adventure book dumps people are willing to do
Single OCR'd pages (warning: LARGE file)...
Finding your core stars in the above book rules!
Is it not in the WOTC Trove or the trove?
Anyone got the AS&SH Adventure books? been looking a long time for them
Ghost Ship of the Desert Dunes
The Mystery at Port Greely
Forgotten Fane of the Coiled Goddess
Beneath the Comet
Rats in the Walls
Requestin Rolemaster Classic books, they arent in da archive
Sorry my SOTDL trove has been down for a week.
snip dot li
(If anyone has Pull of The Stars for it, I'd be appreciative)
Found it. I spent nearly 4 hours looking through that last night, and I have no idea how I missed it. Thanks guys!
I'm looking for Shadowrun: Shadows in Focus: City By Shadow: Metrópole.
Yes they are. Somewhere in one of the big collections.
Fiction - The Cycle of Nyarlathotep
snip li
from CoC
Requesting Harlem Unbound.
Anyone have "Skill Challenge Handbook" for Pathfinder from Rogue Genius Games?
Somebody fulfilled my request for the 13th age bestiary 2 last thread, but the thread died before I could thank them. Thanks, person who did that, you fucking rule.
Larps from the Factory
Norwegian Style Anthology
Looked through every active trove I could, but couldn't find "In the Company of Rakshasa", by Rite Publishing. I know it was in the old TornadoCat trove, but it now appears lost...
If anyone has it, muuch appreciation shall be awarded
I must have missed it. Thanks for the direction pointing!
Thank you very much!
Okay, thanks to satisfying my curiosity
Does somebody have a download for the Dresden Files Accelerated book? I want to know what changed.
Does anyone have Misummer Wood?
Anyone have the raw text pdf for Delta Green: The Role Playing game?
You're most welcome! It's not often but I'm glad when I can help someone out.
I think this is in the PbtA trove