Mirrodin edition
thread q
> in your opinion, what was the worst set/block and why
Mirrodin edition
thread q
> in your opinion, what was the worst set/block and why
Lorwyn, planeswalkers are retarded and unfun and have been shorhorned into every set since.
>chalice on 1
>neheb for edh
Threat q
Theros for seemingly pushing minotaurs but having the shittiest support. Why couldn't I get a good fucking tribe?
Also fate reforged, just because it was forgettable imo
And you know, Lorwyn was such a good set besides that. Really sucks ass how they ruined one of the last good blocks with their new card type.
The KANGZ block has been pretty uninteresting save a few decent tier cards
I can't see anything ending up as a staple in the format
That jeskai control list that top 8ed at syracuse
Not much actually
>Thread question
I really really hated bfz and ogw. Thoghtknot and smasher are cool and all but the top end of the set just felt so bland. Newzilek and sire of stagnation come to mind
Removal, counterspells, bounce spells
>thread q
Dragon's Maze was packed with shit cards nobody has ever or will ever play
Counters Company
Raspberry and echinacea tea
Why does everyone hate planeswalkers so much? Is it just typical Veeky Forums "contrarian opinions are cool"? Like most arent even playable to start, they arent doing obnoxious things like Blood Moon or Chalice, the only annoying one is Karn and thats cause theres these mistake lands, if those lands didnt exist Karn would be unplayed.
>Like enchantments but better and harder to deal with
There is no good removal for planeswalkers.
>Best Block
Depends on the theme im feeling, OG Ravnica and Time Spiral are closely tied, Kamigawa gets honorable mention.
>Worst Block
BfZ block, the Eldrazi ruined and continue to ruin Modern, it is the single biggest fuckup ever, the Eldrazi are so pushed and obnoxious.
Tfw won FNM with 8whack
Why are gobbos objectively the best Veeky Forums?
>it's a redditor who follows meme opinions
Wow dude, I bet you don't even know who Goryo was.
You cant attack an enchantment dude, not only that but red and black have planeswalker removal, you can Lava Spike/Lightning Bolt most walkers, Boros Charm the really large loyalty ones, and Black has Heros Downfall, RB for Dreadbore and GB has Pulse.
I wish Modern had Vindicate to give us just a little more solid permanent removal, but Planeswalkers are not an issue in Modern nor Legacy.
>Mistake lands
But the 5 mistake lands are already banned and have nothing to do with Karn, except maybe flavor-wise
Dont you have some reddit threads to be posting in?
>this "new" card is "broken" because of these "old" cards
How about this "new" card is broken because R&D can't do their fucking jobs?
Not that Karn is "broken" or annoying, it's just that you're retarded.
Other than that, pw's are hated for many reasons and it has nothing to do with Veeky Forums. They fucked up story telling, they occupy mythic slots, which means that if they're good they become a "must have" for standard or even other formats and if they're bad, they're simply occupying a spot where a different type of card could've been used, but instead we must get X mandatory pws each set. Furthermore they are harder to remove than any other threats and often are just "good stuff on a stick" as well as are entirely un-interactive, making them actually opposite of what WotC even wants to push with their narrative, NWO and other bullshit, but sadly they've long ago and multiple times admited that pws sell packs, so why not.
Finally, while originally pws were accepted quite well and were liked, all of the above made people dislike them, but WotC failed to figure that one out and continues to push their pw-based narrative in both game-design and story-telling. Often throwing in random planeswalkers just for the sake of having new ones, with practically minimal/no backstory, not that their neowalker stories are even remotely above tumblr fanfiction tier.
You can imagine how aggravating they are for the old fans who grew up/got into game with Urza/Mishra/Yawgmoth/Weatherlight/etc, or even those who prefered plane-based story telling.
This, basically. Even the old Tezzeret/Jace stuff was a touch interesting, because Wizards wasn't concerned with having certain walkers be The Good Guys at all times.
Don't get me wrong, there's always going to be the Elspeths and the Gideons and even the Sorins, but guys like Koth and Garruk need to be allowed to exist as well.
From a crunch standpoint, it's because Planeswalkers as a type are slowly replacing creatures as threats, which is an odd state to be. Look to most control decks these days. BW, UW, etc., are all running walkers as wincons.
Nice ad hominem off to a great argument. Anyways Karn would not see play if he wasnt castable off 3 lands, Wurmcoil wouldnt either for what its worth. Karn was designed as a 7 mana walker, not a 3 mana one and is perfectly balanced at that cost. Now we come to the mythic argument which is more of a critique about mythics then Planeswalkers, I agree that Mythics are a mistake because they become very expensive if playable, but any good mythic will become expensive, a creature, a sorcery etc not just a Planeswalker so the problem lies with the Mythic rarity and not the card type.
They are not hard to remove, you are just bad. Most walkers go down in one swing, Red can burn them, Black can outright remove them. Also walkers only get out of hand if left alone for 3 turns or more and Moderns so fast that they should be dead if that happens.
Finally the Urza story is not as good as you think, and the company literally told Maro to knock it the fuck off because the story was going on forever and was killing the game.
"broken" in the context of Magic means a card needs to be banned. Karn does not need to be banned, ergo, he is not broken.
Strong yes, but not broken. Learn your lingo.
>Nice ad hominem!
>Ends his post with ad hominem
Ah, I see we have another illustrious member of the /pol/ School of Debate. Try again from a different angle if you want to have an actually discussion instead of just shitposting.
hook line and sinker
i dont even watch this show but it was on /tv/ for a bit
Anything is objectively the best. Goblins are probably the fastest most aggressive deck, and a lot of decks can't respond to the raw power they can put out in three turns.
Calling you bad at the game because you cant beat the 3 playable Planeswalkers in Modern is fair, its only LotV, Karn, and Ugin.
>spreads and disseminates the idea that a show is the epitome of reddit
>Haha! Look at my baiting skills!
You're still thinking at the surface level, and you're still posting without using new ideas. Improve yourself instead of celebrating perceived victories.
alright ill post the Veeky Forums approved version
>That jeskai control list that top 8ed at syracuse
I like that list, I brought almost the same thing to syracuse, but didnt fair every well.
if you turn sword of the meek into an artifact creature can you equip it to itself
can you equip it to other shit?
Dreadbore is arguably better than any enchantment or artifact specific removal, and 'walkers also get hit by Vindicate and co. The problem is that because they're basically spells on a stick, even if you remove them right away, it's not a one for one trade. Powerful artifacts and enchantments, like Blood Moon, Phyrexian Arena, and Crucible of Worlds, all trade cleanly with a Disenchant, but Planeswalkers will always generate some kind of value.
>UW control player taps out for an Elspeth Sun's Champion and ticks up, he has a Snapcaster down too
>Heh, nice try kid
>Play Stormbreath, bring her to 1 loyalty, and Bonfire for 1
What's the best color for Dragon Shields?
I prefer them with Esper decks personally.
>Control player taps out
Well... I mean if he's playing a control deck for the first time ever... maybe.
The mattes are nice. I like the Matte Sky Blue, Ivory, Umber, Jet and Orange and Yellow
>BFZ worst set
>Eldrazi ruined modern
Are you fucking retarded?
that was broken beyond releif when artifact lands were legal
Because they're so boring these days and pushed so hard. Design space for some of their abilities could have been shifted to other card types like enchantments or artifacts to be somewhat interesting. They were never part of the original design of the game and rules had to be warped around to make older cards work to interact with them.
In old past Standards you were looking at maybe about 10 planeswalkers with 5 each per block, if your deck could run them it was alright, you didn't have to build around it or slap them in just because you had the colours to do so. They were usually just something you might want to play on curve. Current Standard right now has THIRTY Planeswalkers. If you were to just count Kaladesh and Amonkhet alone that is NINETEEN.
>Design space
Gideon doesn't take up much space. I mean you only need 2 abilities.
>tfw go 4-0 as tron
>tfw go 0-3 at the very next event
I don't get it. Six out of seven matches were bad matchups.
Not the guy who posted that shitlist. Was simply defending a card that honestly isn't as terrible as you may initially perceive it. It's not crazy, it's not busted, but it's not bad. For 3 mana, you can reasonably get 6 damage out of this card without spending equity building around it, not to mention casting multiple spells in response to itself, and also not mentioning fringe cards that cheat on cmc (flame javelin, assault/battery, rift bolt)
The card, much like Uncage, disapoints, but after stewing on those cards a bit, they don't leave me as sour as they did initially.
tldr card isn't bad. Naga Harrier, Enlightened Aesthetic; Precise Strike/Kindled Fury (strictly worse than Crowd's Favor); these are bad cards not worthy of the cardboard they're printed on (but muh booster draft vanillas)
the new jet and mint are really nice
>Gideon doesn't take up much space. I mean you only need 2 abilities.
Alright you kinda got me there on that one. He's a very boring planeswalker as well in general. It's like all he does is always attacks.
Ravager has nowhere near ruined Modern to the point of the BFZ block Eldrazi. Not only did BFZ almost kill Modern during Eldrazi Winter but it completely ruined what was originally a good lore setting(Zendikar) that also ran with good cards before. BFZ is by many the worst set in ages.
>tfw want to buy Oboro and Minamo for monoU turns because of autism and as a hedge against Choke/Boil but they expensive as hell
>tfw running islands instead has been a larger hedge against tec edge and fulminators
>still want them regardless
#1 Reason: Planeswalkers aren't fun
>pushed so hard
This is my reason why planeswalkers fucking suck. There are 43 cards dedicated to the Gatewatch, not including cards that feature them in the art or flavor text.
I'm tired of seeing these assholes, MTG is becoming less about various worlds filled with different creatures and cultures and more about generic capeshit
tfw MTG lore has devolved into just being a fantasy version of The Avengers
Also when you see new worlds you are seeing them through the eyes of the Gatewatch, which is boring.
I really liked the look of Kaladesh but the only reason we went there is so Chandra could see her mommy.
Well, maybe the rest of Kaladesh could have been interesting? Oh wait Tezzeret was twirling his cartoon evil moustache the entire time so the Gatewatch had to come in and intervene to execute all the consulate for ??? reasons.
I liked when characters IN THE FUCKING WORLD influenced THE WORLD. I can't even recall one non-planeswalker-related character in the last few sets that was important to the overall story of that plane. Instead every set is Jace and pals go on vacation to X land and realize that they have Y problem and try to solve it all by themselves, usually by just burning everything.
This is purely from fluff side of things, but my biggest problem with planeswalkers is that the players are supposed to be planeswalkers, drawing mana from lands to cast devastating spells and summon powerful minions to their aid.
Idea that I just used mana to summon another planeswalker that doesn't use any mana, is less legendary than a fucking legendary creature (2+ of same can exist at same time) and somehow, even when they lose their "loyalty" to me, they don't fuck off, but go to the graveyard, as if they're a simple spell or whatever annoys me.
Not to speak that planes/sets/blocks before neowalkers, especially the ones that had seperate stories or barely connected stories to past blocks allowed for better immersion too - as if you're the one vising that plane and seeing the story unfold, participating in it to an extent.
They don't fit the narrative/design standpoint of "roleplaying". I know this doesn't affect game play to any extent and I am long past the point where I should care about MtG past "is this card good?", but still - fucking hate them because of all of this.
That's what happens when you let a bunch of SJWs take over a company. Everything becomes Harry Potter and comic books.
This thread stinks
Post trashheaps to make it stink less
Theres literally nothing wrong with the Planeswalker card type. Its fine. Planeswalkers in the story are a completely different thing and may be irritating that they ruin worlds but im not into the story just the competitive play.
If I have to see gideon one more time I'm going to vomit to be honest.
Planeswalkers are almost universally designed to be completely uninspired high costed value machines. Unlike any other card type, they're only good in two archetypes, midrange and control by their very nature.
/pol/tards actually think this instead of thinking 'hasbro wants more money from children, which is their only business model'
A more accurate statement would have been "Hasbro wants more money from everyone they perceive as being a possible audience, which is the business model of basically everyone"
just my 2cents but feel free to dismiss. your decks are dank.
I would trim 2 servitude 2 scorpion for 4 hollow one, this seems like a sweet deck to include that meme. I'd also maybe swap a map for another push, you have a lot of cycle to find the crypts.
Hollow One would mess with the sideboard Madcaps, but you could run 4 maindeck Bloodstained Mires and reduce the sideboard Blood Crypts to 2 and even cut 2 other sb lands for something like 4 Collective Brutality to swap out all your mb artifacts for.
anyways excellent deck my dude
Infinitely worse than living end and the angel is terrible side tech
Not parent, but I think it's hard to deny WotC has been hijacked by SJWs.
here's the mods i've done to your creation, have yet to test it but I feel like hollow meme compliments the vile manifestations well.
on second thought would cut a canyon for a second angel, the sb plan being -4 hollow -4 council -1 map -1 servitude -5 swamp, add whole sideboard.
the sideplan i think is for RiP etc, splashing white for counterhate is okay but seems like a less ideal plan all than transforming into a madcap meme. Relic spam is difficult to kill properly and a RiP off the top can be devastating regardless of removal.
Anyone here have some spicy build around cards I can brew around? An user a few threads ago gave me a solid list but I brewed off of most of them already. Pic related was my last brew
You mean aguished unmaking? who is running that?
I meant Vindicate and all similar spells. Anguished Unmaking, Maelstrom Pulse, Detention Sphere, and so on.
Who in r+d do i have to blow for a T0 response to hand destruction that isn't leyline?
Return to the battle for zendikar will have a trap just for it don't you worry ;)
now zuck :d
He's talking about urza lands you autist
Tron lands are fine. The problem is Wizards making Colorless into the huge creatures color and giving the old, pre-colorless distinction cards so much new material to play with.
BfZ has been shitting up the format since release.
the """problem""" is a) karn, literally urza's homeboy, costs (((7))) which happens to be assembled urza land mana... not to mention ugin, and b) the op af speghetti monters and the temple they flew in on. daily reminder that R&D almost made reality smasher cost CCCC but said it was "too difficult to cast"
wow dude, we're literally on the same page.
Your "a" is fine alone, and your "b" is fine alone. But the moment people jam both into the same deck, things start breaking. Turns out, making so many things Colorless was a mistake, because a distinction between Colorless and Generic was a mistake.
Friendly reminder that Tron specifically refers to the Urza lands only.
Karn+Drazi isn't really the problem. Karn has always been a huge pushed dick. Drazi in general are pushed as well, and with Temple it makes it much worse. The fact that ancient stirrings, flavorwise, is like a search for either land, an artifact, or their new dank non-artifact colorless aylmaos. Karn is perfect flavor. Sanctum of Ugin+Ugin+Titans is perfect flavor. They even made a standard useless Sylvan Scrying reprint for added flavor. I think R&D are smarter than you think.
>card type: whatever
>format: modern
>list by highest rated
You'll learn a bunch of neat cards that way and find plenty of inspiration on your own.
This will never not piss me off.
They created a transgender character in a society without gender roles. The ultimate special snowflake.
I LOVE MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am more bothered by the vague way they defined what transgender actually means in Tarkir.
Magic surgery is very unlikely to exist. Just at the basic level of not having refrigeration to even allow organ donation of any kind. There is no infrastructure to allow that, although I don't doubt some kind of magic-scalpel effect exists that could remove a penis. But that raises the question of why even bother if there's no womb to implant in.
Beyond that, I suppose there would be the cultural consideration. Perhaps Alesha decided she wanted to be a bottom. Strange behavior for the chief warlord. I can't imaging giving up the ability to penetrate would go over well with establishing dominance. More likely, even if her organs have been changed to feminine somehow, she would still be the dominant partner. I guess there's the question of pleasure, but I can't imagine someone bothering with an organ change unless Tarkir natives don't have an anus.
With all that being said, there just isn't a reason I can see that would mean Alesha has female genitalia. Working from the card art isn't great. I can't tell if she has breasts, or if her waist-to-hip ratio is within the typical female range, or if she wears makeup.
That last point is interesting. I can't imagine the Mardu wear makeup at all. Warpaint surely, but makeup never.
So we have someone who declares himself a woman, uses female pronouns, but visual has nothing female or feminine about herself.
I'm genuinely baffled by whatever culture Wizards is implying exists on Tarkir.
The best I can do is that, as the trace elements of lore implies, Alesha has simply adopted her grandmother's name, but in all other ways, continues to live and exist as a man, not even attempting to be female or feminine.
Is that even a trans?
I don't want to jump ship and start talking about the Mexicana religion, but they have parallels with male ritual actors "becoming" a goddess, except it's not trans because the actor ceases to exist.
I remember when they were previewing mirrodin, they said artifact lands would be counted as basic lands. That didn't last long.
Daily reminder if you play Latern you're a total faggot.
>b-but it's so much fun to get the lock
when really that's just pussy talk for
>I'm so desperate to play this game I need every single game to last 30 minutes.
What's ironic is that they went with that instead of just making her a female warrior who's an accomplished general on the battlefield
Just goes to show how much WOTC likes to virtue signal to the BLT community
Pic related
>can't beat a low tier 2 deck
Stop playing midrange. That's actually what the deck preys on.
>virtue signal
>I have no idea what this word means but /pol/ says it means I win!
back to your containment board
>he says, while posting a tumblr pic
Google is a thing
Please don't be intolerant to my beliefs...these microaggressions are making me feel unsafe!
Daily reminder if you cry about Lantern you're a total faggot.
>b-b-but it takes 30 mins to win
If you don't concede when they have a full lock and take several minutes a turn then sure. The only reason the deck takes any sort of time is because people slow play once they get locked out because they're salty cunts.
>"I am totally not from tumblr"
Nice """virtue signalling"""
>critique is not allowed.
They specify skin color for artists even for spells (new FoW was meant to be a black girl, enter the infinite meant to depict a black male, the ghost assassin planeswalker was meant to be a black female and so on).
They made transgender, gay and autistic characters without any real reason and by real I mean that it played no role in story-telling, world-building or had any kind of other reason to be revealed.
That's same as making Dumbledore gay - it served no purpose for the actual story. Mindlessly trying to appeal to extremely vocal, yet extremely minor groups is a terrible idea, as it can often end up pushing your actual target audience away with no actual benefit.
Please do make gay, transgender, autistic, PoC, w/e characters - but for a reason, use proper story telling, make it serve a purpose, as it should be done. Don't just mention it randomly to piss off a bunch of neckbeards.
Good call with Dumbledore. That one always bugged me since his sexuality was never relevant in the books. It was blatant pandering and that kind of thing feels extremely phony. Unfortunately, many still buy into these kind of business minded PR stunts.
This whole thing began with someone saying liberals turning everything into Harry Potter and now you faggots are talking about Harry Potter again!
Holy shit, the deck I usually play with and haven't really upgraded from is a Mirrodin equipment deck. I'm probably as beginner as it gets in regards to MtG and its current state, but what's a good set to mingle/upgrade with my previous Mirrodin deck?
So what does Veeky Forums think will get banned/unbanned in modern if anything this month?
What do you want banned or unbanned?
>urza's Power Plant
>street wraith
>stoneforge mystic
Don't get my hopes up like that
I do it so I can force a draw rather than lose. It's a legitimate strategy against the deck.
Ultimate pleb, the post.
NewMirroding had some good cards in your theme, as obvious as it sounds.
Mox opal
Ensnaring Bridge
Chalice of the Void