Do you guys wear utility belts filled with gaming supplies?
Do you guys wear utility belts filled with gaming supplies?
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No, I'm not a fucking blue-collar deplorable proletariat peasant.
Nah, backpacks tend to be enough.
A belt doesn't hold books or paper.
No, why the fuck would I? I'm not gonna have a god damned spontaneous gaming session. The fuck am I, the batman of tabletop games? Jesus Christ.
I am, but I still don't because it would serve no purpose
>The fuck am I, the batman of tabletop games?
Should i ever get ridiculously rich, that's exactly what I'm gonna do
If you mean gaming as in shooting immigrants and gaming supplies as in bullets, then yes, yes I do.
>I'm not gonna have a god damned spontaneous gaming session
Not with that attitude.
>Mugger is beating up a woman.
>A d20 flies out of nowhere and get his attention.
>He picks it up and laughs
>"What am I supposed to do with this, roll it?"
>"No, you don't get a chance to roll for initiative."
>overweight nerd leaps out of the shadows and slams him into the ground and starts screeching and pummeling the mugger
No, I don't want to be beaten when I go out.
Nope, mine's filled with booze.
>The nerd stands triumphantly over the mugger
>The woman comes up to him
>"Ohmygod, thank you so much, I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come!"
>d20 rolls on the floor again
>Lands on 1
>"Y-you too"
You're a socially inept retard. You can't see in them at all. I wear them all the fucking time because I work in the construction field and no one bats an eye.
I thought I was for a moment, but then I realized that tape measure didn't do metric.
we sit while playing so the belt would be awkward.
Yeah but that's for work in construction. An overweight neckbeard squinting in the sun on his bi-weekly trip out from the basement is going to look fucking stupid with a belt like OP's half hidi under his gut.
I used to carry a chain pouch full of dice and random things. it looked like a silvery metal scrotum as it hung just left of my crotch from my belt. I was very artsy in hs and college. I wore a bunny hat trough my last two years of hs in a shitty dangerous school. never got bullied because I was scary.
Use a fucking backpack like any non-autist person, Jesus.
"Okay, Bryce, roll to see if you hit that beholder. I have to tell you that at your level you're going to need a natural twenty to do it."
"Jesus Christ. All right, stop fucking yelling. I'll say you hit if if you jut shut the hell up, you moron!"
"The Gamesman wins again."
It looks nice, but I would carry actual useful tools for something else if I had it. TTRPGs require just some dice, pen and paper. I can carry that shit in a pocket if I really need so little.
It's still a nice utility belt.
I have a 6d6 and a pen in my fanny pack.
That has happened before.
The typical "don't piss the school shooter" tactic I see.
we got an aristocrat here, my lads.
I carry dice in my laptop case in case a game breaks out.
But if it saw a girl with that pouch and gaming supplies inside I'd fucking spooge right then and there. Closest I've seen so far is a gamer chick who open carries.
The chastity belt for the modern age.
You spelled garter belt wrong. This thing is fucking sex on wheels if a girl wears it around a gamer.
>Flaunting a firearm actually turns you on
Fucking yanks
>utility belts
>laptop bags
>fucking backpacks
Satchel master race coming through. Talk to me if you get out of puberty.
>fanny pack
He's going to look stupid AND disgusting, regardless.
>glorifying weakness and subservience
fukken bongs
So... guns make women equal to men in your country, and I'm being subservient? To who exactly? The women who are supposedly inferior due to their lack of guns? I don't even know what argument you are trying to make here.
He's fucking with you, but to clarify a little: he's not saying you're subservient, but that you're glorifying the idea of women that can't take charge. With guns, the great equalizer.
But hey, I get it, that's not your thing. You're used to a world without guns everywhere, and I can't imagine one without them. If there's one thing I've learned from my time interacting with Europeans, as much as people continually riff on the fact that Americans don't understand Europeans, you guys really don't get us either. And that's fair, even if I don't like how our noses get rubbed in it.
I'm Australian, and make no mistake, we get you. You're very focussed on the idea that the government is a force that constantly needs to be checked, and you're very big on personal liberty. The biggest example of both of these is guns. The trouble is that you consider other countries' definition of 'liberty' as wrong somehow. No, we don't have guns. We don't want guns. We look at your society as a prime example of why we don't want guns. This is not a government decision, that's genuinely how most average people feel. We like the freedom of not having to worry about getting shot every time you go out of the damn house. And what we don't like is Americans telling us that that definition of freedom is wrong.
No, I'm sorry, but you're saying exactly what I was talking about. You're used to a world without guns and can't get why we'd want guns, and only see the downsides, like the dangers of armed criminals. We're used to everybody potentially having guns, and we only see the beneficial idea of everybody being able to defend themselves. That's watering it down, since obviously not everyone is going to agree like that and the arguments and viewpoints are more complex, but it works for a general example.
It's not that anyone is trying to tell you that your system is wrong - it works for you. It's a difference in perspective. I've had Europeans tell me that they think the US would make more sense if it was like the EU. That makes sense when they're used to the EU, and don't understand that the relatively small cultural differences between states and regions isn't enough to form different countries over - there's not the same difference of identity and history between Alabama and Connecticut as France and Lithuania. But the EU still isn't wrong - it still works well enough for Europe, even if now there seems to be more argument about it.
I played magic once against a guy who had his deck in a drop leg holster with an umbrella strapped to it. It was summer. Pic semi related but I dont think it was monster branded
Speaking from the middle here, no, there isn't much of a misunderstanding. I spent the first 25 years of my life in the US and the most recent 10 in Australia. Australia gets America, they just disagree. They had similar gun laws until one unhinged dude killed a shitload of people and then they, as a country, decided "Nah, fuck this, everybody's disarming" and it worked. Roughly speaking in Oz you can still have guns, you just need to belong to a shooting club, be trained in their use and have a space where you are legally allowed to use them (such as a large farm property or local gun range).
The problem is not the presence or absence, the problem is the attitudes. To the rest of the world America looks like a country filled with semi-insane ancaps who won't stop ranting about the free hand of the market and how other people want to take their guns away.
>We're used to everybody potentially having guns, and we only see the beneficial idea of everybody being able to defend themselves.
And that's what we don't get. No-one will budge or compromise for the sake of the greater good of society. Mutually assured destruction seems to be America's chosen path on this issue.
no, closest we have in our group is a chick who has her phone in a leather case that clips to her belt
she made it herself and it's kind of neat, but only useful for fucking massive phones like the one she has
satchels and backpacks work fine for carrying tabletop junk.
go and stay go.
Problem with that line of thinking is that Murricah is huge.
Australia is an island, it is self contained. The United States of America is bigger than most of Europe, and Europeans fail to realize this.
This is why anti-gun laws are a really bad idea in America's current state, because they could not reliably be enforced without martial law. While highly dimished, states still have their own powers, and enforce them as they see fit. Trying to control America from the top down is like the EU, everyone largely agrees, but at the end of the day, everyone is still soverign unto themselves.
summer umbrella is called parasol
Is there a way to dissolve super glue without fucking the model or paint
What material is the model made of?
paint will most likely have to go either way
I keep the bulk of my 5e player stuff in an olive messenger bag like that one. Only it's from a vidya game and I put pins on it
>The woman notices that the nerd is wearing a trenchcoat....And nothing below it.
>The nerd wheezing as he is and excited from the first physical exercise he got since middle school starts clutching his coat after suffering from a heart attack.
>The woman confused by his actions, thinking that he'll strip decides to make a run for it.
>The mugger still on the ground pretending to be unconcious is waiting for the right chance to make an escape when he notices the huge shadow looming over him.
>''Make a Dex save''
Canadian here
>inb4 A FUGIN LEEF Xddd
We get you guys too. In fact, compared to much of the world, Canada has somewhat permissive gun laws. But what we don't have is a culture that sees the need for extreme personal ownership of weapons. You guys are the ultimate individualists. Of course this varies from place to place, with more rural, frontier cultures in America having a greater emphasis on such things and others not so much.
We don't have the same level of individualism as you. Most people here see guns as tools. We don't see civilian owned guns as being for killing other people. And it works out pretty well.
America doesn't have a gun problem. They have a shooting people problem. Your culture sees guns as "MUH PERSONAL LIBARTAY/SAFETAY". It also encourages cowboy fantasies of going Rambo on the "bad guys". Hardly any other nation on earth has so many well off, otherwise normal people itching to shoot other humans.
Sounds like some faggy student communist
that's a cute fox
Swooping down on people in alleys to give them an impromptu game of X-Wing, Sweeping chess tables in the park and replacing the pieces with MtG mats and decks, kicking in the local synagogue doors yelling "I'M THE YAHWEHDAMNED BATMAN, ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!".
Shit, that's my new life-goal if I win the lottery.
>proletariat peasant
these two words don't go together
I would if I'd look as sexy in me as it does in her.
>Do you guys wear utility belts filled with shooting immigrant's bullets
Thanks? I guess?
But seriously back to /pol/
>He doesn't like chicks with dicks and guns
Breh so gay.
>messenger bags
Choose one and only one.
I hear you. I know if I put it on it would just make me look even fatter.
Gun control is not for the "greater good" of anyone, firstly. And secondly, we've been doing nothing but "compromising" forever. Back in thr 50s, gun control was so lax a 10 year old suburban kid could mail order a military-grade mounted machine gun from a catalog and it was completely legal. That may sound profane to European ears, but that time period still had one of the lowest overall crime rates in our history. Now, look at current year. There are cities like Chicago where it is illegal to own a gun within city limits, period. It is no mere coincidence that Chicago has the second highest rate of gun crime in the country right after L.A. (which has similarly draconian laws).
Even counties that make it illegal to own firearms have gun crime. Why? Because criminals, *gasp*, break the law. If a man with enough cash or connections wants to get a gun, he has the means to aquire one. Guns don't just magically dissappear by the power of state legislature.
I suppose shooting MIGHT be considered a traditional game? Probably more of a sport.
I live in America and I enjoy shooting as a hobby. I collect firearms, shoot at the range, and hunt occasionally. I'm not hurting anybody. I don't understand where non-Americans get this idea that you can't leave your house without fear of being shot, and I can only assume it come from a general lack of understanding of American culture, which has already been discussed in this thread, and a fear of firearms.
People here say "we get America", then in the same post say "they can't wait to shoot each other". While I admit there are a vocal group of crazies here that like to pretend they are the only protectors of human rights, the VAST majority of gun owners are simply folks who enjoy shooting guns. And they carry one because they can. It doesn't hurt anybody, and may even save somebody in certain situations, but according to everybody i know who carries, myself included, the last thing the average person wants to do is have to use a gun defensively.
Freeze it in the freezer for a couple of minutes.
Acetone will work for metal models but it fucks up plastic
>the last thing the average person wants to do is have to use a gun defensively
This. Even on /k/, when I talk about how I'm willing to protect anyone other than myself, I get retards yelling "SHEPDAWG SHEPDAWG" like they're making a point and that the only one you should ever want to protect is yourself.
I don't want to kill people; I'm just prepared to do so. That isn't a bad thing.
the world needs a new plague. we're hiring for patient 0, are you interested?
You have to go back.
Higher total gun deaths but lower gun deaths per capita, so those laws seem to be doing pretty good.
I would if I had hips like that
what's a Shepdawg ?
wow you sure told him user!
I usually have a bag to haul my shit around. Something not unlike (albeit more professional)
However I always have a d20 at work to take important decisions.
I miss the good ol' days when you could solve all interpersonal conflicts via Egyptian magic card games.
I am a DM, and utterly obsessed with having physical copies of any and all rulebooks, monster manuals etc, and I have about a qubic foot of dice at this point.
Unless the utility belt is a portal to fucking hammerspace I can't possiby fit everything in there.
I ususlly have to haul it all around in a small car.
>That isn't a bad thing.
Yes it is. Killing a person is a power only the governement can be trusted with and thus allowed to possess.
Given how many American children are killed by guns each year, if you people REALLY wanted to defend children, you'd give up your guns. A lot more children would still be alive and it would cost you poeple nothing except for a few hunks of metal and plastic. But you people love those hunks more than your children, so you won't.
I don't know if you were trying to be funny but for some reason I fucking lol'd. Thanks.
>I wear them all the fucking time because I work in the construction field and no one bats an eye.
If someone walks into my office and sees me wearing a hard hat, they're going to either get nervous about the ceiling collapsing or think I'm a retard.
Clothing is situational.
>I don't understand what "per capita" means
This may be the stupidest thing I've ever read on Veeky Forums.
>Killing a person is a power only the governement can be trusted with and thus allowed to possess
If you can't trust yourself to carry a firearm without shooting someone on a whim, then you have some serious problems you ought to address.
>if you people REALLY wanted to defend children, you'd give up your guns
Why don't we go ahead and make murder illegal while we're at it?
>If you can't trust yourself to carry a firearm without shooting someone on a whim,
I trust MYSELF. I don't trust YOU.
Which means you shouldn't have the "right" to carry the gun, because there's always more of everyone else than there is of you. Groups are more important than individuals.
>your rights end where my feelings begin
More people are killed in car accidents than by guns. Does that mean we should simply ban cars and make the government drive everybody around? Because people can't be trusted to drive on their own?
>Does that mean we should simply ban cars and make the government drive everybody around?
Civilized countries have mass transit, so, well...
Also, there's no legitimate use for a firearm except for killing another person (which we've already established is a perogative soley of an accountable government and thus doesn't count), while there's a ton of legitimate uses for cars. So your comparison is invalid on its face.
And no, hunting is not a valid use. Sport hunting is animal cruelty personified, and game hunting is superfluous. Go to a supermarket. Better yet, eat less food. You all could stand to lose a few dozen pounds.
>which we've already established is a perogative soley of an accountable government
Wrong. It's a human right preexisting governments.
Source: the USA's founding documents.
Speak for yourself, I'm an Aussie and I want less strict gun laws so I can have some of the more fun guns
4/10 for half a second I thought you were serious.
A poor spelling of the word "sheepdog". As in, the dogs that protect herds of sheep from wolves and also herd them around because, to the sheep, the sheepdog isn't too different from the wolf. It's a pretentious title for a perfectly normal viewpoint.
>an accountable government
So, something that has never and will never exist?
>hunting is not a valid use
I'm Australian who doesn't even particularly want guns and even I think you're being stupid. There's a reason farmers have those things, because sometimes boars, rabbits and foxes just need to fucking die. You hunt to defend your stuff and cull the local pest population because if you didn't they'd fuck up the ecosystem.
And game hunting is a whole lot less cruel than the horrible shit most animals in the supermarket went through.
Firstly, the last thing a hunter wants is to cause unnecessary suffering to an animal. Secondly, hunting isn't cruelty it's nature. Thirdly, agriculture is one of the most destructive things humans do to nature. Fourthly, I think you need to take a long, long trip into some "fly-over" country and get equated with that what lies beyond the golden walls of privilege and security.
>there's no legitimate use for a firearm except for killing another person
Marksmanship is a sport, as was stated earlier in the thread. It has been since the advent of firearms.
What you are refusing to face is the fact that if someone wants to kill someone, they will find the means to. You can make a gun out of a piece of pipe. And people do. By banning legal gun ownership, you are not only making illegal a very popular hobby and all the aspects that go with it (manufacturing jobs, gun stores, gun ranges), but also taking away means for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves aginst people who would do harm to them.
>game hunting is superfluous. Go to a supermarket
this is where you lost me. 8/10 my dude, good run.
Yeah it really does only look good if you have the body type for it.
Speak for yourself. I'm an Aussie with a gun license and multiple firearms an definitely want less strict firearm regulations