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Previous Thread: Are Kobolds draconian or canine in facial appearance?
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Previous Thread: Are Kobolds draconian or canine in facial appearance?
Draconian, for sure. Gnolls take the 'humanoid canine monster' niche in my games.
I believe you can thank Pathfinder for turning Kobolds into little dragon men.
They were like that in at least 3rd, but I believe they were Draconic in Baldur's Gate as well.
Goblinoids are Frazetta men in my game, the only thing that really changes is that they get taller and more hirsute. Kobolds are tiny Lizard people and I just sort of expanded Gnoll to mean 'Canine beast guy' as kinda did.
My game is vaguely eastern european and not!Baltic inspired.
Draconian. The old canine bolds get too close to goblins and have little to distinct themselves. At least the dragon thing gives them a bigass napoleon complex to go for.
Kobolds are one of the few things Pathfinder did all right.
How quickly we forget Dragonlance Draconians.
Between Dragon Born and Draconians and lizard-men what niche do draconic Kobolds fill?
Dragonborn and draconians overlap far more than kobolds ever could. If you add one of those races to your games (I personally don't), then kobolds are to them what goblins are to orcs. Lizardfolks, apart from being reptilian, are their own thing: saying all the reptilians are the same would be the same as saying all mammals are the same, and that's ridiculous.
Still posting my links to the classes I'd like feedback on. It's some new ones I cobbled up in ACKs, and a few modifications of a previous one I did a while back.
>Are Kobolds draconian or canine in facial appearance?
Neither, obviously. They're horrible little dwarfs, as the name implies.
Are there any rules that make B/X poison less retardedly overpowered?
Nah but you could easily invent something if you're a wimp. Keep in mind though that a typical blow on level 1 will kill a PC on average, so on level 1 poison is actually weaker than other attacks, in that it grants a save before you die which an ordinary sword chop doesn't.
Draconian, of course
>Between Dragon Born and Draconians and lizard-men what niche do draconic Kobolds fill?
Between goblins, xvarts, orcs, and gnolls, what niche do canine kobolds fill?
>Are Kobolds draconian or canine in facial appearance?
They're dracanine.
Make it deadly but with delay. Im Argentinian and in the north of my country, if you got stinged by a scorpion, better you get that poison neutralized in less than 6 hours. Fucking bugs
But in a game, six hours is a good time for creative thinking. If you dont get the antidote or be magical healed, then you die.
I'm trying to work on a universal one number magic system for MUs that goes something like this.
Whenever you want to cast a spell, define the effect you want to achieve and then roll a d20 + magic bonus. Your magic bonus improves as you level. If you meet or beat the DC, the spell succeeds.
DC 10
>Curing a very small wound (1 HP), levitating small objects, creating a one second phantom sound, refreshing a spent torch, conjuring a handful of a single element; thrown on someone this deals 1d4+int modifier damage.
DC 15
>Curing a slight wound (2-3 HP), levitate an object of one load, mend a single tear in a simple fabric, make a flare that illuminates a room for 3 combat rounds, conjure a ranged bolt of an elemental dealing 1d6+int mod damage.
20 DC
>Heal a moderate wound (5-6 HP), make an object glow as bright as a candle for one turn, meditate to discover secrets, mark a door or circle or line and creatures of a certain type have to make a save to cross it. Conjure a blast of an element that deals 1d10 damage close range.
>Rote spells
If you do the same general spell effect 3 times, like turning yourself into an old woman as a disguise, write that down on your character sheet as +1. You get +1 to rolls for that spell, and further research will let you make it a +2 or +3. These spells can be learned from other Wizards spellbooks.
Every single time you cast a spell, you get -1 to all future spell rolls until you can return to your tower or temple.
How does this look as a single roll magic system? I attributed most of it from the 'clerics just use turn undead to do everything' idea posted before. I'm also wondering if I should restrict the theme or type of spells that each spellcaster can cast, but at that point it might just be easier to use spells.
I like it Draconish.
But with doggy faces they are more effective. You can't kill that puppie-eyed bastards. Or what kind of monster you are?
What kind of cards could you pull from a Deck of Mangy Things?
1. All clothes you wear become shabby forever
2. Everyone you like gets mange
3. You become king but everyone thinks you're dirty
4. You summon a poorly made mansion, it is yours forever
5. Ghosts of shmuts scare you
6. You fellow players are forced to play a mean trick on you
Kobolds have Canine faces just as Gary intended. This thread is full of younglings that weren't around in the olden days.
t. grognard that can't accept that sometimes new ways have the old ones beat
Gnolls have hyena faces. Hyenas are of the Feliformia Suborder. Thus, hyenas and gnolls are cats.
>canine bolds get too close to goblins
The fuck. Canine goblins?
Trolls have mossy hides. Moss is of the Plantae Kingdom. Thus, trolls, gnomes, and gnolls are ferns.
That means cat-like, it doesn't mean cat.
>Are Kobolds draconian or canine in facial appearance?
So... they're just goblins?
Kobold is more of a classification than an actual species.
>kobolds are the ugliest, the least unique version imaginable
No indeed.
For what purpose
So OSR games are usually based on gritty high fantasy. Then there are some that take those same ideas and put them into science fiction or science fantasy, modern day or cowboy gunslinger dungeon crawling...
What are some other ideas and concepts that could be used for OSR? Any ideas for Super Heroes?
>Hussiefaggot likes fuckable kobold
Not surprised. I bet you do halfass troll "cosplay", too.
>high fantasy
you're wanting more out of a pretty niche and specific movement than it can provide
what flavor of super heroes are you looking for?
The actual Heroic kind, not edgy modern day vigilante nonsense. You get 1 xp per innocent person you save.
OSR superheroes would probably end up being not very super at all, like some sort of gruesome gritty-realistic Watchmen/Miller-Daredevil game. Accomplished capes getting beaten to death by some lead-pipe-wielding junkies in an alley due to pure bad luck, constant bitches in fridges and dead sidekicks, infinite slums and crime lords, your main reward is cash. Ultimately you feel like a mobster yourself. It's all a joke. A big joke.
Guardians is the OSR superhero rpg
Is Metamorphosis Alpha (1e preferably) in the trove? I've been looking but can't seem to find it.
Nevermind. I found it under Gamma World supplements (which is a bit backwards).
Actually, that face is vaguely pug-like......
What you can tell me about lamentatios of the flame princess?
Decent system, gory art, a few nice adventures, a couple worthwhile sourcebooks. In all, worth a check.
The replies to will give you a good idea.
Your pic is from AD&D 2nd Edition Monster Compendium Vol I. GTFO. The OPs image is from the original AD&D Monster manual. Retcon much?
For a OSR thread there sure are a lot of Kobold revisionists.
>using kobolds in the first place
Because my players are all goblinoids and they need something small to krump.
Then have them encounter brownies
I like Ten Foot Polemic's system. I'd link to it, but pic related. Article's called "De-Fanging Old School Poison" if you want to go find it though.
>You will NEVER perfect your homebrew
Kobolds are THE classic "fuck your shit up if you don't make a mad dash down a tube or chute" monster.
Remind: when rearranging dungeon bits, occasionally switch which pitfalls are shortcuts and which are death.
So I understand why people don't use skill checks in OSR games, you're trying to encourage player skills instead of character skill. But what about things that the players have no way of being able to know about? Like lore or knowledge checks?
As long as my group likes it, it's perfect.
If it's reasonable* for them to know it, they know it.
Otherwise, they can throw ludicrous dosh at a sage and come back in 9 months.
*as with everything, higher level dorks get more leeway
Just tell them if you think they should know based on class and level and other factors. If you don't think they should know, then they don't know.
>Are Kobolds draconian or canine in facial appearance?
A bit of both I guess?
Huh. I tried like four or five different times to post that.
Probably the problem was that my link had .co.uk instead of .com since that's what I had bookmarked.
If you're going to arbitrate it so freely, then why not just have them make a roll for it? With a bonus based on their MUs level?
>You're satisfied with everything you homebrew
>what about things that the players have no way of being able to know about? Like lore or knowledge checks?
Class factors, level factors, stated background factors, INT check in a pinch if I can't decide.
Because a lot of people here like 'mother may I' gameplay. There's OSR skill systems out there that let dice arbitrate these things.
Its on sale already. Et tu?
Dice only need to come out when randomizing results actually adds tension or excitement to the game. Knowledge rolls are not exciting.
Or if you're having trouble deciding. Most decisions should only take a split second.
I like lizardy kobolds but I do have a soft spot for the canine kobolds from the Mystara arcade games. (this is the best I could find of the little guy but its all their poses at least)
I mean yeah. But 'would you reasonably know that' shouldn't be that tricky to adjudicate. In a lot of ways, knowledge is like perception: Don't make them roll it, just tell them everything they need to know because *somebody* is gonna pass so rolling's just busywork.
MageGuru got that dank Kara-Tur Trail Map TM5 up on the Trove now as per my demands. Thanks are given hereby.
In my game, Fighters can do FEATS OF MIGHT which is a roll to do some incredible feat of strength or endurance. Rogues get FEATS OF SKILL which let them perform acts of great coordination and performance in the case of playing music. Technically anyone can do these, it's just that these guys get a bonus based on class.
What should Wizards get? I was asking about knowledge checks for FEATS OF LORE but what else could be used?
Feats of magic to buff up spells you already have. Magic Missle becomes a Kamehameha, Fireball becomes an Inferno Sphere, Levitate becomes Fly, etc.
Just steal the stunts from Flying Swordsmen RPG
Might be interesting? But I kind of want anyone to be able to do it, so maybe it's Amy magic spell or item, like commanding a magic flame to split so you can pass through unharmed, or piloting a magic carpet through a perilous canyon.
So you might add Wisdom or Intelligence modifier to the roll, and MUs get a bonus as they level.
Despite it's non-relation to OSR, is Warhammer 1e or 2e good? Or is it some bloated thing like 3.x? I like it's aesthetically darker tone.
Its more like brp but better
2e is fine. It's a little clunky, but does the job well enough. To be quite honest, though, I find Zweihander to be a little better overall than it.
Gamma World
Ruinations (LotFP hack)
Other Dust
Mutant Future
Crawling Under a Broken Moon (DCC)
Mechanations of the Space Princess (LotFP hack)
Crawljammer (DCC)
Traveller (?)
>Old West
Boot Hill
Black Powder, Black Magic (DCC)
Mazes & Minotaurs
Pink Mohawk (Dungeon World)
Silent Legions
LotFP (to an extent)
Wolfpacks & the Winter Snow (LotFP hack)
The Warhammer Fantasy Role Playing Game Second Edition mega-adventure "The Enemy Within" is secretly one of the best "osr" adventures ever made (but /osrg/ doesn't know about it yet).
The campaign has been widely praised by fans of WFRP, including being voted the best RPG campaign of all time by Casus Belli magazine.
Got a PDF link? I'd love to scope this out.
I dunno where they are at the moment, got them on DC++ back when RPG material was freely shared in hubs. So I don't know where they are on local drive nor on internet. The titles are listed on the Wikipedia link so they should be able to be located.
>voted the best RPG campaign of all time by Casus Belli magazine (edited by François Marcela-Froideval, heir to 1E AD&D® with Mentzer but blocked by Lorraine)
>a good portion written by Carl Sargent of Night Below fame
Fun fact, after Night Below Carl Sargent was hired to run Shadowrun over at FASA and while boarding the plane from Scotland to the US he faked his own disappearance and hasn't been seen since. Got too big.
As someone who first was exposed to D&D through Baldur's Gate, canine. fucking kobold mines.
look up Hideouts & Hoodlums for a Super Hero OSR game(incidentally it's pretty much the only class based Superhero RPG I've seen which wasn't awful)
also if you want a good semi-modern setting for an OSR game, take a gander at Weird Adventures
That's a rumor, there's also rumors of car accidents and nervous breakdowns. One thing is certain: he sure as shit doesn't want to be found.
I find it hard to believe that anyone is 'too big' in tabletop. It's such a tiny community with so little money flying around.
He's the only person to have been graduated by Cambridge University with a PhD in parapsychology. His research indicates that he had unlocked his own psionic abilities. He's Shadowrun IRL now.
>fuckable kobold
Projecting much?
Small Brute:
Large Brute:
>Orc, Hobgoblin, Bugbear
Small Dogbeast:
Large Dogbeast:
Small Reptilian:
Large Reptilian:
>Small Dog beast
>Small Reptilian
I want to own one and feed it treats and give it belly rubs
what do you think of cantrips in OSR? you know casting fireball every turn and things like that?
I'm fine with them, at least assuming that any damaging Cantrips are relatively weak in terms of damage output(anything over say 1d4+1 damage is probably too high for an unlimited damage source), also most of the time damaging cantrips should be roll to hit(unless it only does like 1 damage), what makes Magic Missile a good spell isn't it's damage, it's that it auto-hits, so you want to protect that niche it has
I hate 'em a lot and prefer wizards use literal smoke and mirrors, molotov cocktails, poisoned needles, and similar to enhance their tricky dick game, and use regular weaponry to enhance their combat game. Blasting reliable magic rays each and every round, even if they're no more dangerous than a thrown rock, is something I want to see superhero wizards doing, not OSR wizards.
Being able to constantly shit out magic via cantips strikes me as a lazy copout for problem solving and deincentivizes using the environment and stuff rather than being a self-contained do-everything collection of character powers.
So I'm toying with this idea I'm calling Scrollcasting.
Rather than prepare spells, a character can cast a spell from a scroll a number of times per day. Maybe it's Magic Points, where you spend one to cast from the scroll, maybe it's level, where you can cast a number of spells from the scrolls equal to your level. My hope is that this'll make magic more Dark Souls-y, where you've got a bit of wiggle room in your spell selections, but still have that OSR feeling. I may also be able to remove magic-user as a class entirely, and let people juggle around roles a bit more, via this system.
Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?
Xvarts are just blue dudes, not canine. What did he mean by this?
Obviously it doesn't have to literally be scrolls, but some form of item or equippable that "contains" the spell in some nature. Maybe it's "materia," maybe it's talismans, whatever. Just, you know, to preempt anybody shrieking about scrolls being one-use items or whatever.
Roll against the stat that makes the most sense. INT in this case.