Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)
Starships Edition
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Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)
Starships Edition
/pfg/ Link Repository (Pathfinder):
/sfg/ Link Repository (Starfinder):
Current Playtests:
Old Thread:
And for the sake of linking back,
How would your favorite meme game be different as a Starfinder game?
playing evil characters gets complicated.
What Starfinder class is the best to be a slutty gun girl who dual wields pistols?
Dragons would be strictly improved
OP I made a mistake this is the correct MEGA link
How could the power armor accommodate all that thiccness?
Cool ransomware Oniichan.
Setting info soon, please!
Woo been looking forward to this! You're the best.
Time to make my Firefly-class transport ship.
>Asmodean Helldrives
>Kuthite Shadow Engines
>PRayer-fueled cores of Iomedean Cathedral Ships
Anyone else so completely erect right now? Especially since Iomedae confirmed for 40k Cathedral Ships?
>22 bytes
Ahahahaha no.
As someone who is only mildly paying attention to starfinder until the full book drops, is paizo keeping their free OGL model? Can I throw a srd link at my players or are we stuck with pirated pdfs?
Hey did you know that if you forget to move the folder to the file it makes you a moron that sucks dicks? fixing it now
It's on the table of contents.
>This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with Starfinder.
Game Mastering
Now that is some beautiful cover art.
that's pretty rad
Ok this should be the correct link to the correct file with the folder in it sorry for spilling my spaghetti everywhere
Well yeah. What, did you think it'd be easy? You are probably not a bad person naturally, and to stay evil you have to do stupid shit that any normal person would probably realize wasnt a good idea in the long run.
If you're still evil midway through a campaign, you're either an idiot, playing in a game that railroads you into evil, or deliberately trying to find ways for your character to remain static and one dimensional.
Fuck you
that's okay, thanks for putting it all in a mega user!
Your welcome at least you believed in me Envoy-Chan
You are thinking Chaotic Evil
Lawful Evil is the same as Lawful Good. Paladin "I must sacrifice for the good of all" Non edgelord LE "All must sacrifice for the good of all"
NE is just banking and business taken to its logical conclusion
And now, we begin the final section of the book: The Setting.
Much based, LeakAnon. Now to find what the heck off-kilter means...
Off-Kilter is a status. It basically means you are floating in microgravity or 0g. You have to spend your move to right yourself and take other minuses.
Thanks much, Leakanon!
Will you also be posting the Glossary, Inspired Media, and Index pages?
>angry eyes and teeth painted on the nose of vehicles
Yeah after this, but that's 2 pages, so it's barely worth mentioning.
Huh. So the big Ysoki Edge is if you're doing a lot of zero-G work or facing enemy casters who favor the effect.
Fight for the God Empress?
Yeah being off kilter sucks ass. I just looked and it also gives you a flat -2 to attack and makes you flat footed(-2 AC / no reactions)
There is going to be both an official SRD on and an unofficial SRD run by the d20pfsrd people.
>Rats excel at fighting in vacuum
I can dig it.
Starfinder any good or more PF shit?
Does anyone else feel like preparing Starfinder campaigns will be a lot more work than preparing Pathfinder? Or am I just biased due to my lack of familiarity?
Why are there CR 20 goblins?
Nah man you are just scared cause of the new content. Its ok, we wont judge you
It probably just seems that way due to the system being newer.
Why not?
>Lawful Evil is the same as Lawful Good
Hi Luna. Shouldn't you be taking a nap?
I want luxurious quarters in the SS Love Boat!
Thanks you so much for all your work Leakanon.
You're a legend now!
Are you planning on posting or do you have the first AP in PDF?
Is there an update on DHB's Intrigue character? Is he ever actually going to submit it?
Wasn't there a level 20 NPC with one level in 20 different classes in Pathfinder? Besides, reintroducing a weaker enemy type at higher levels isn't unheard of.
It's both for me. Running a campaign involving space travel, and other planets feels really daunting.
I'll be starting my players off at level 1 and on a moon colony that they won't be able to leave for awhile, until we're more used to the system.
So, consensus on Starfinder? Anyone played a session yet?
Possibly, possibly. Plus there's also Ruins of Azlant 1, and Elemental Master's Handbook later this month.
This is why you should pirate everything.
Because there are level 20 anything.
Especially DSP books.
>tfw people are lining up for lewd Starfinder games already but you just want to hold out for nonlewd Dead Suns
I've even seen Starfinder games recruiting on F-List.
I wonder how Earth has advanced in Starfinder. What do you all think happened to it, considering the events of Reign of Winter and Strange Aeons?