I need Swashbuckler elves. From duelists, to pirates, to rogues. I need anything.
Character Art: Swashbuckler Elf edition
Any swarthier folk of rogueish mien?
I've a need for an npc to make a splashy entrance (perhaps literally, they may be falling into a lake).
Full version of the OP.
I have three images of elves looking vaguely pirate-like and rogueish
But now I have a request of my own. I need young, noble-blooded looking elves. Non-anime, since it seems that the only images of elven children I can find on my own online are in that style. I'll take any art of elf children, but bonus points if it is a blond, pissed-off looking noble boy, since this NPC's picture seems to have been impossible to find for me
/r/ brown elves
sorry for the shit resolution
Can you give me more to work off of?
I found another pirate picture too. If you're asking me to be more descriptive in my request, I'll give it a go. I'm looking for solo pictures of elven children to use as character images in a campaign I'm running, so your typically character concept kind of art. Specifically, elven children. Any children would do, since it seems I don't really have any saved, but only 2 or 3 NPCs in this group of children will probably actually be interacted with for any long period of time, and they're nobles. One is a boy who usually looks pissed off as he chafes under the strict rules of elven high society. So the bonus points would be a young, blond elf boy with either cold eyes or angry eyes. Nice clothes are a plus there too
Pirate request from previous thread.
And that's it for piratey looking men.
Anybody got some female swashbuckling/musketeers to dump on me
Looking for pretty female mage/sorceress ghost/spirit (if possible, it should be visible she's transparent). Preferably human, but elf works too, shouldn't look evil.
Anyone have a knight with a big two handed maul?
Any art of an evil priest wearing a mask? Or just anyone wearing black and a mask. Preferably the mask covering their whole face.
Fucken saved
I swear that was a coincidence.
>Why is leg?
Sure it was, Satan. You can't fool us!
Thanks a bunch! These are great!
He looks like he just stubbed his toe.
Anyone have art of a younger, male, elf mage? I made an NPC that the party sort of... clung to, so now I've got to get a representation of the little guy.
Depends on how young you mean.
Ain' got much younger 'n this.
Well, there's also this I guess. Though I find it more creepy than cute.
anyone have other lady cavalry? I need pictures for members of a trade caravan.
i need some art of a middle aged human female necromancer. motherly if possible
>nobody posting Jarlaxle
I am disappointed
But now I know of him. What a sexy elf pirate.
Anyone got female dwarves that would fit into an Eberron setting? Ideally older ones (grey hair etc) but any will do.