How much gameplay does it take to satisfy you in one session Veeky Forums?
How much gameplay does it take to satisfy you in one session Veeky Forums?
4 hours is a good session for me, but I prefer 6.
Yes, I am in college, how did you guess?
I tend to run shorter sessions but I like a good 4 hour setting. I don't mind 2 hours though. What I do hate is when the other person who GMs in our group, whose campaign we are really attached to, decides to run his game for 1 hour or half an hour at a time before he has to leave, then comes back and wants to split up his 2 hours of free time between his campaign and another one. Just what the fuck. I think his attention span has been totally destroyed by the internet. I mean, so has mine, but I piece it back together for once a week gaming.
>Yes, I am in college, how did you guess?
No one asked, no one cares.
3-4 hours. Anything bellow is shit, and anything above is shit for me. Longest was 16 hours continuous session with players kinda taking turns sleeping, longest combat was 8 hours.
I really hate long sessions.
4-5 hours. Nothing more nothing less.
4-6 hours.
Perhaps it's the fact that my group is pretty inefficient, time wise, but anything less and I feel like we accomplish fuck-all as a group.
nice hiss
oh and uh 3-4 hours. can't do more than that.
8+ if possible, usually not.
Since my group is completely worthless at keeping times, staying on focus, planning and generally not being a bunch of assholes our sessions need to be at least 8 hours to get any meaningful advances.
I'm just thankful nobody actually sits on their phones.
10 hours with two- 1 hour breaks. my group is pretty efficient, so i get through 2-3 encounters and some time for notes in each of the first 3 hour blocks and time for a big boss fight followed by exposition and planning for the next day's game.
We play 5 days a week (we are older now and have been playing together for 3 decades and we live off of retirement and investments) and have done so for a couple years now. It's like a book club, but better.
And we are not all that old, though I realize it sounds that way. We are in our early 50's.
Seriously 'mirin. Mid-twenties is suffering, half my player pool's 18year olds that perfer going out and drinking and the other half's depressed 25year olds.
that's pretty sad
We got into TTG's when we were in our 20's during the early-mid 80's. I met my wife through my hobby and have had a couple of life long friends that also enjoy it.
I went to an LSG awhile back with my wife and the owner thought we were grandparents of someone looking for gifts. We proceeded to school him with our combined might and knowledge of the subjects and I run a game once a week there so players can experience older systems.
Kids today suck. My kids are in that age group as well and suck accordingly.
Why is that sad? We have a hobby that we have enjoyed longer than this userbase has been in diapers. We worked hard, made good investments and now I get to spend time with friends and my wife. She paints models and holds a class once a month at the LGS.
>Kids today suck
When you were in your 20s, those in their 50s thought the same thing
because you spend most of your life playing pretend.
>Kids today suck
Big blanket statement there gramps, there's good kids out there.
Take notice of where you are.
Ontopic, how much of your session is wasted in any way?
How much is warm-up time (letting the players chat about IRL before the game)?
Personally, very little is wasted in any way and I give players about 30min-1hr to chat before the game. I have 4hr sessions so we have an hour or a few after the game too if they wanna stay over and hang out.
I am aware of this fact.
Most of my life was spent working, only now do I spend the majority of my time doing something I love.
It was meant to be a blanket statement. There is a disproportionate number of gen z people that are remarkably self-absorbed. This is based on personal interaction with people of that age group. I have met many respectful kids that age, I have met many more who scoff at someone who enjoys gaming at my age.
Call me what you will, but I find it difficult to believe that you simply aren't lying about this, if only because retiring at 50 is not something that happens all that often, so the idea that all of your gaming group has strikes me as odd. (For reference only one of my parents has retired, which he did at 56 - which he got to do on ill health grounds.) It's certainly not impossible, I suppose, but I do find it incredibly unlikely.
Let's get that out onto a tray
You sound like a bitter friendless bitch desperate to feel superior to someone lol
> nice
2-3 hours. We're all dipshit millenials with bad attention spans.
That looks decent.
5h is the sweet spot for me.
With my 5e group of people my own age (late teens/early twenties) I can't stomach more than 4 hours
With my 2e group that consists of 4 grognards and 2 other people my age that are way into it, I could do 10 hours
usually ~4 hours, though I also like game marathons of 8+ hours