I saw an article about Miss Universe and it got me thinking: How would a beauty pageant in a galactic civilization with multiple sentient species work? Would the victory of a particular individual affect the standards of beauty all across the universe? How would they choose judges that are aware of what makes particular species beautiful?
Miss Universe
It depends on how the species look and what their standards of beauty are.
If there's a common ground to stand in and if the species are similar enough, there would be no major issues with it. If the species are wildly different, it just wouldn't work.
What about inner beauty? What if I told you that the brown skinned girl dedicates her free time to helping autistic children?
What if the show is produced and watched by sexual deviants that are capable of finding alien physiology attractive?
>What if I told you that the brown skinned girl dedicates her free time to helping autistic children?
she visits Veeky Forums?
Good thing you're the first person to ever think of this idea.
Also, I'd guess several categories something like:
-Highest overall score (i.e. popular vote, or judge's panel)
-Weighted average (each species' votes weighted the same)
-Best within species (i.e. only from vote within the same species as contestant)
>How would they choose judges that are aware of what makes particular species beautiful?
It's a beauty pageant, user. Even at the galactic level, these people are going to be breathtakingly-shallow celebrities with nothing better to do.
This would be a genuinely amazing political campaign.
>The party is from Earth
>they have to get their contestant to win to set the intergalactic beauty standard for the next five galactic standard time units
>since Earth is new and young in space this would be a huge boost to its political prestige and maybe win it some big-boy friends in the galactic senate
>party has to go sneak, cheat, stealth, lie, bribe, and assassinate their way to getting her to win
Doubly good if the entrant is one of the party to begin with.
I honestly don't see how an intergalactic beauty contest would work, given the vast array of different standards different species would have. They'd have to split it up into categories-"insectoid", "Squidthings", "humanoids", "reptilians", "grays".
From my perspective, the biggest common ground they'd find is "has parts that can deliver and produce healthy offspring". Even in that case, that's something that asexually-reproducing organisms might not get into, unless there's a specific part that pores come out, or a specific appearance that indicates "I'm ready to split in two".
>Would the victory of a particular individual affect the standards of beauty all across the universe?
I think this is a pretty interesting idea.
>INB4 a Borg-Like race specifically designs itself to win a beauty pageants in an attempt to encourage assimilation
>How would a beauty pageant in a galactic civilization with multiple sentient species work?
Ribbon would win.
>Good thing you're the first person to ever think of this idea.
I came here to post this.
>INB4 a Borg-Like race specifically designs itself to win a beauty pageants in an attempt to encourage assimilation
What are asari?
Well if it's far enough in the future (and after being in contact with these species) I'd assume everyone's beauty standards would have warped to accept a lot of different shit. Otherwise there probably wouldn't be such contests with multiple species outside of the token Blawganor
Wait, have The Simpsons not done something like this before?
Did those situations adequately explore the sociopolitical impact of the winner's species? I can't get off otherwise.
What about transgender aliens? There's bound to be a Cayytlin Jenner somewhere.
Na mate, SJWs won, genders don't even exist in the future
i still want to fuck her
Sure, but we all know they would have a final round pitting the best-of-species against each other
Then how are we in space? All scientific funds would be reallocated to gender studies
Space is a tool of the patriarchy
By forming a very rigid set of rules as what is considered beautiful that benefits the dominant/richest planet, set in place by said planet. And then judge everybody based on those beauty standards.
>very rigid set of rules as what is considered beautiful
such as?
One of the judges should be a human. Human men don't discriminate when it comes to alien women.
It strongly depends on who the judges are, and what's their bias. Picrelated.
It would probably be just like euro vision.
Yuck. She looks like a monkey...
>Someone unironically chose this instead of all those cute blonde finnish girls
I read a short story once where ome fat chick learns magic and summons a demon to grant her wishes, her wish is to look like miss universe.
She enden up as a very sad lizard/slug thing never knowing that there are trillions of beings lusting after her.
You fapped.
Familiarity breeds contempt. To you, those Finns are, in some way, "exotic."
Easy, they hold the pageant for each race that fits a generalization of form.
So we have the Humanoid contest, bipedal contest, the ones on their feet or legs context, and then the extraplanar aberrattions who driv eeveryone mad, with the celebratory party summong Shub-niggurath to grace everything with her NTh dimensional THICCNess and bless the winner