How much technology are the T'au allies allowed access too?

How much technology are the T'au allies allowed access too?

Would it be lore-friendly to have humans in battlesuits?

Only a single human being has ever achieved such a rank in the Tau empire. Otherwise they end up as average joes with a slightly better living standard to be conscripted into the Tau army as not!imperial guardsmen.

>Would it be lore-friendly to have humans in battlesuits?
not really

Depends on the sept.

Sept V'iet probably lets whatever allies they have share in the what supplies they have.

No. For the same reason there aren't girl space marines. Theres a tau somewhere nearby that could use it instead

You probably get a pulse rifle

We already know the equipment given to most tau auxiliaries, and it's usually tau adaptation or upgrades of their own existing technology for familiarity, brought up to standard. Ex. Kroot Rifles.

In the codices, Human Auxilliaires (Guevesa) as described as recieving fire warrior carapace armor, and a mixture of pulse carbines as well as las guns of their own manufacture. No, humans do not get battle suits - Battlesuits are expensive and valuable, and not to mention designed for t'au physiology.

You could easily do an IG army of Guevesa, slapping a yellow coat of paint on everything and making it look Tau'ified.

That OP image is really fucking cringey.

To be fair though, it embodies the cringey weeaboo faggotry that is Tau, so, good job I guess?


Too bad. It's here to stay and the kids love it so you'd better get used to it.

>No. For the same reason there aren't girl space marines

I'm still surprised when I find people who don't understand that 40k allows anything and has already done everything.

>1st edition

Best edition

I'm still surprised when people post that picture without researching it.

Its not official, its from a third party magazine that came out after the space marines being all male was put in to cannon. Its basically fan fiction someone published.

>Third Party

heh heh

You can rightfully state that it was retconned almost as soon as it was out, but let's not pretend that female space marines weren't canon at the start.

Is GDW not a third party?

Actually no, at the start they were theoretically possible, but not canon, as there is no reference of any kind to a space marine being anything but male until they were called out as being all male.

This is how you trigger an IG player into killing each and every single one of your guys, filthy xenos lovers with no bayonets


>but let's not pretend that female space marines weren't canon
Challenge magazine ain't GW, and the creation of a space marine was published before came out. There's no retcon, boss.

I know it seems weird to people living in today's world, but you could just publish your own scenarios for other companies games back then.

Sorry I forgot that it's Veeky Forums that's the one who's obsessed with mary sue katana faggorty and not Reddit.

Yeah, yeah, my good little baby r*ddit boy. Despite how new you are, you're very special here and totally shouldn't go back to r*ddit. Here's your (You), run along now.

>people caring about being lore friendly
Something becomes "lore approved" when it sells a lot of models. GW doesen't care, why would you?

>designed for t'au physiology
I'd break my legs in several places if it meant I'd be able to pilot a battlesuit, to be honest.

This is why I painted my primaris as tau and fluff them as gue'vesa battlesuits.

>No, humans do not get battle suits - Battlesuits are expensive and valuable, and not to mention designed for t'au physiology.

Nope, in the novels at least one human wa given a suit. A Gue'vesa'O. Humans were also given all the gear of fire warriors + Devilfish transports.


Simple answer is no, but as always, your army is YOUR DUDES.

Typically however, Gue'vesa never get higher on the ladder than typical fire warriors.

As always you are dumb enough to get it wrong, you piece of shit.

We had an example of a Gue'vesa in a suit commanding a team of fire warriors. What do you say to that? You are the reason why racism exists in the world.

I'm sure there used to be some fluff somewhere that said that due to the height difference the one time they tried to stick a human in a battle suit FOR SCIENCE (and probably the greater good) they got the top half of their head cut off by the machinery and the tau decided that there was no reason to justify the cost of modding battle suits for humans when they could just give them army surplus rail-riffles and send them off that way.

That's the worse lying post I ever seen for a while. Congrats.

>But the universe is a big place...
It really wouldn't be that out there particularly if it was a newer Sept that was really pushing human integration.

It should be noted that he was an Inquisitor turned Guevesa, and that that's not even remotely common at all.