What is Veeky Forums's opinion on this?

What is Veeky Forums's opinion on this?

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Dude sounds like a bit of a crank. I hope he's got a good lawyer.

I don't know, why don't you check the 3 other threads that are currently up about it?

>one continual adjustment to Loss

I spent a solid two minutes trying to figure out the combo before I got it.
I am not a clever man.

The thing about Loss is that it can, and will, be found absolutely anywhere.


He has an argument in regards to restraint of trade. If he can prove GW is doing intentionally to harm the market and create a monopoly, then it will win, but that's a hard cookie to eat.

The fact that they're being outsold doesn't help that claim


The guy has a snowball chance in hell to win this, and he sounds like he is assblasted. While i would like to see GW drop their prices, the faggit dose not understand that they could just stop selling in non-gw shops in the USA and take out like 30% of all LGS

Already a thread

It's literally irrelevant actually. Intent is what matters, not success.

He really doesn't seem to get the idea, but he could stumble into it. Stupid people have done worse to bigger companies.

>that they could just stop selling in non-gw shops in the USA and take out like 30% of all LGS

That would actually be the exact thing he is accusing them of, only on the extreme end.

>Price Fixing

s'bout time

>"In America we have a Free Enterprise & Free Market system of law spikeybits.com/?page_id=197155&preview=true different than the socialist-base of Europe"

lol, calm the fuck down Americans

It'll be very interesting to see how this pans out.
It's even criminal, so the State or even the US might get involved directly.

It seems to me that the predatory way GW does business might very well violate some principles of law.
I'm excited to see whether something changes or their iron grip on stores gets stronger.

This COULD be a big deal.

>America we have a Free Enterprise & Free Market
i thought you guys were sucking down soft socialism like the rest of us.
not that it matters much, i want bread and circuses and that's about it

I have been told by friends in the business/law community that GW is seen as particularly shady/convoluted to outsiders.

>In America we have a Free Enterprise & Free Market system of law . . . different than the socialist-base of Europe.
>asks the state to interfere with free market operations

I didn't know the Digital Homicide brothers ran a physical games shop.

I don't get it

GW have the money so they'll probably drag out the case so he eventually runs out of money. The NHS do that

So basically, some autistic retard will waste all his savings on trying to sue GW?

note the structure
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!! | !~

I want the courts to acknowledge GW's market monopoly in Scifi/Fantasy wargaming.

i know nothing about that company...

...but how does it keep " a monopoly" on scifi/fantasy wargaming?

if another companies invents a new scifi wargame does GW sue them/buy them/undercuts them/engage in unfair marketing against them?


>how does it keep " a monopoly" on scifi/fantasy wargaming

By being the biggest and the bestest.

it's still not technically a monopoly.

That's not a monopoly you dingbat. Warmahordes and Infinity are both competitors.

So why was Microsoft declared a monopoly when competition existed?

It was because they were shipping explorer for free with windows, right?

I'm saving that.

>It was because they were shipping explorer for free with windows, right?

I think that's what it came down to. And I think they were ordered to split. All that came out of it was some court mandated upgrade that put a popup about other browsers whenever I started IE, and which got reinstalled every time windows updated, no matter how many times I put it on the "do not install" list. Just like that fucking Windows 10 ad.