>$30 for one primaris marine
>Not even different from the Dimperium monopose marines
Does GW even care anymore?
BoLS article:
>$30 for one primaris marine
>Not even different from the Dimperium monopose marines
Does GW even care anymore?
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Mk X helmets are shit
Okay fuckstick, let me tell you why you are wrong and stupid and this is the BEST fucking Primaris miniature EVER MADE. If you don't buy one the minute it fucking drops, then I don't know what to tell you Faggot McGee.
1. It has EXTRA LONG purity seals. That's how you know this fucker is extra pure.
2. He has a KNORD on his back. It's not a fucking knife, like those fuckboy Reavers. But it's also not a tiny-penis-compensator sword like those faggot HQs swing around. No, this is a true man's weapon: large enough to get the job done, but small enough to be a professional about it.
3. He has a FUCKING ROPE on his shoulder. Do you know how useful rope is, mother fucker? You're on Veeky Forums so I better fucking hope so. If you ever play a character in a PnP and he doesn't have a goddamn coil of rope in his inventory, then you need to stop everything you're doing, go down to a hardware store in real life, buy yourself some rope, then HANG YOURSELF.
The Calth armour (mk!V?) is the ugliest mark of all the armours, even thunderwarriors look better and they look fucking retarded.
Why in the fuck GW decided to go with their most forgettable and bland helmet designs for their new run of marines is beyond me. What's wrong with the aquila helmet? Or Corvus?
Good thing I have a nigh infinite bitz box for helmet swaps.
You know, irony gets old fast, and we have long passed that point.
Don't buy it then
I'm saying it may be indicative of the future model style of one of my major hobbies, so I think I have every right to comment on the product line of a company I give $100 to $300 bucks a month.
eat shit
That would have been insulting/annoying if literally anyone except an anime poster had posted it.
Good thing weebs aren't human so they can't hurt my feelings.
he's much better than the two monopose sergeants, who are both going full retard
not $30 better, though
Why does everyone hate MKIV? I love MKIV.
That's a lot of words
They look too much like Eldar already, the face makes it more obvious.
Holy shit, I never noticed this.
>30th Anniversary
>Celebrate not with some kind of cool throwback, but a fairly generic line trooper from the newest pushed Marine subline
Fuck the cost, that's inline with all the other single minis they do now (and thus a separate issue). This is just bland. Like, fuck, do new Drunk Marines. Or new versions of the weirdos like the Death Squad marine or the Communications Officer, or one of the guys doing the crazy saber swing or something.
Q: What's the difference between the 30th Anniversary Primaris Marine and a regular Intercessor?
A: About $25!
mk4 already had that face plate.
Laughing all the way to the bank. t. GW
wait until the 30th anniversary of the RTB01 kit
Might as well compare the range to landspeeder, tactical squad, assault with and without jetpacks
Yeah, but they had 7 other marks to choose from.
MK4 came after first striking scorpions, also the first mk4 looked very different from primaris.
We could have gotten Johnny
the new assassin models are such excellent beef
I wonder who sculpted them
the first striking scorpions looked very different mask to the current ones as well.
Or hell, do a version of one of the original Chaos Renegades to use with the new Chaos/Death Guard codexes.
Tactical are not one weapon squad like intercessors and avengers, assault marines don't fly.
MK4 example.
The Aquila helmet looks like a shitty darth vader ripoff, that's why.
Everybody knows what the real best helmet is.
their one weapon like legion tactical squads.
You're a big boy, aren't you?
The Corvus is my favorite helmet, but apparently it seems to be Skub, as a lot of people hate it for reasons I cannot and will not comprehend.
I've never heard someone go "wow, these mkIv's look really cool!"
MkIv have quite a few people who like them.
Really? I've yet to meet one in real life.
the new space marines aren't based on the eldar
lol, do one for all the races please.
Yes, really.
Doesn't really work, not every race has a hover vehicle.
I'm sure you can come up with some vague connection.
Why would you not choose the best armor though?
Prove it
Mark III? I have no idea why they didn't choose the best armour variant which is mark III.
Post that poll in hh general if you actually care so much.
I don't care that much, but now I'm interested to see what kind people like.
You are coming across as quite aggressive the idea that people would like that mark
Xenoslets when will they learn
Striking Scorpions look nothing like Mk IV. It's the generic Eldar helmet but with some slits. Helmet slits aren't unique to Eldar.
I don't mean to.
It may be a symptom of autism.
>not wanting gundam face.
>too heavy to have jump packs
You are weak
should be multiple choice, you can like several different marks
That defeats the purpose. Pretend you have to buy a tactical squad and it can be of any mark. Which mark do you buy?
I would want to have squad mates from several different marks cause only having one mark gets boring.
You're being obtuse on purpose.
You must be terrible to game with.
>not having one favourite makes you bad to game with
No, but refusing to answer a question does.
I answered it user, I would want to have several different mark designs, why's that such a difficult concept?
Because that's not a valid answer to the question.
You don't get to write in an answer because the multiple choice answers don't fit you, this isn't the gender selection field on OKcupid.
It's same shit as what's your favourite movie. I like a bunch im not going to choose one and say, yes this one is the best and I only want to watch that one movie im going to say a couple of movies that are my favourites.
Mixed marks is best mark.
Lol just ignore the little fag who cries over the copious amounts of money he's wasted.
Somebody shop bolt pistols to his cheeks and give him a top knot
*Jump packs over*
Psh, nothing personal, kid
Might I interest sir in a matching set?
>he doesn't like BALLS
the studded armour is nice.
Loving that happy skellington on top.
MkIV was best mark until it got a plastic kit. Then it was MkIII, until they also got a plastic kit. Now it's a toss between MkII and V. Whichever gets a plastic kit first makes the other the best mark.
So you're a super hipster
They don't care. As far as they're concerned, they've won their fanbase back with some cursory gestures because they spent the last decade setting the bar so low we've lost any set of standards.
>Alright Girlyman, i'll revive you, but on one condition...
>Dalek Marines
Actually wait, that's exactly what GW ripped o- I mean, was inspired by when they made it, weren't they?
>hating best mark unless you're an IW with hazard stripes
o-oy vey goy stop complaining and buy our models no matter how shitty they are you aren't a poorfag right?
No, that's a description how it went. It was funny to watch people first be all "MkIV is the best, all other marks can suck it." and after BaC came out "MkIV is babby's first army tier bullshit, MkIII is what real men use," etc.
t. manlet
hi virgin hahahahahaha
got the 25th anniversary one, the 2016 one and I will get this one, Im not a poorfag so I don't care.
stay mad poor people
So go and get it?
It's still a bland intercessor regardless if you pay 5,25 or 100 dollars.
>"What's wrong user, too poor to afford human shit!? LOOOOL"
>only 100 to 300 a month.
What are you a faggot?
for you
>t. GW shill
when will they learn?
He's a...customer?
it doesn't matter, there's a number of GW affiliates here that try to pressure other neckbeards to spend as much on GW as possible.
>How dare people talk about what they like on Veeky Forums , this is clearly some kind of marketing because I don't like it.
>implying I will run out of money by spending 30 buckaroos
get a job nigger
If someone on tg is successfully bullying you to spend more you should really ether take more control over your decisions and or spend less time on image boards
so if the guy has the Crux Terminatus does that mean we'll be getting Primaris Terminators
How anybody can hate MK4?
We all know which one is the best amour and who wears it like a boss
>10,000 years worth of development to make new Better Marines with Better Rifles
>can't figure out why bangstick not work