Upcoming Content: Total War: Warhammer 2, WFRP 4e, unnamed hack'n'slash genre Warhammer vidya

Upcoming Content: Total War: Warhammer 2, WFRP 4e, unnamed hack'n'slash genre Warhammer vidya.

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Previous thread: What is it about fourth and fifth edition that makes them different than other editions, both mechanically and aesthetically?

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>Dat warwagon

Are Gotrek and Felix in TW:W yet?

I am Prince and Pilot.

Herohammer was great. I miss that style of fantasy wargaming.

You know how you can't copyright rules? Why doesn't someone just release 5th ed with new fluff and a new setting?

>A shitty one that doesn't make any sense or belong in Warhammer, which sums up half-breeds perfectly.

Halfbreeds aren't an issue in fantasy, because they're not massively widespread or focussed on. We know hey are a thing and they do happen, but it only serves to act as a function of character in most instances.

Also, having halfbreeds gives a good basis for arguing that vampirism can affect more than just humans.

Wait a second something doesn't add up.

Malekith met high king Snorri Whitebeard in -4000, yet Bel-Shannar meets Snorri in -2800 or smth.
I thought dwarfs lived centuries, not millenia

Dwarfs live as long as the plot demands.

Certain Dwarfs archieve a state of more or less immortality if they still got some unfinished business.

Does anyone have a link to 5th edition material?

Is there any footage of my Skaven bros yet in Total War 2?

Dwarfs can outstubborn death.

Old low quality but very detailed map I made a while back.

don't bother. Neckbeards get buttblasted at the concept of love overcoming all odds.

Only a neckbeard would contort the existence of halfbreeds to meaning love overcomes all odds.

>unnamed hack'n'slash genre Warhammer vidya.

Dynasty Warriors: Warhammer. calling it now.

>You must not pursue Karl Franz!

I would pkay that game and not regret it for a moment. Doubly so if it's more like Dynasty Warriors: Empires.

Question for /wfrp/ers and general lore fiends - a player of mine has been tossing around the idea of having a character that's essentially a soul possessing it's own body after a fuck up by a local cult - trying to summon a demon, but the soul they sacrificed just got trapped back.

I kind of like the idea but I'm not sure how it'll work in the setting. Any comments on if it could?

I like the halfling at the right of the picture pointing forward with a chicken leg while the rest of his bretheren hide behind a fence

Jesus, that colour scheme. Was this around the same time Chaos had it's "Red" Phase?

user everything had its red phase around this time. Honestly I find it very charming. After this period imo there was a decline in the art etc.

What the hell is that wagon with the dudes shooting out of it?

War wagon. Someone looked at a tower with gunmen on it and said 'slap some wheels on it' and called it a day.

I think 6ed had some of the best art, but I'm biased - I started with 6ed and my dad had an orc tattoo from that time on his back.

I wouldn't call it a decline, but the art certainly changed focus and sort of codified the setting.

Nice job. What were you making it for?

Too much love and peace requored, they should be murdering each other en masse.

Your thread is over here

Can non-humans be vampires?

We need a OSR wargaming community to pop up first

Yeah. There is a dwarf vamp. in one of Genevieves books.

Everything was red back then, even the shields and spear shafts. Especially the spear shafts.

>Red shields, blue wheels baby.
>Reikland all the way

I'm not wrong.

I disagree.

>world is an excuse for ceaseless violence
>let's add something that lessens the chances for said violence

>world is a fantasy settig used as a device to tell fantasy stories and sell miniatures
>let's remove something that gives room for more stories and sales

WFRP for life.

>selling miniatures

How many halfbreeds are mentioned in the setting? I can only think of the one from Gileads Blood.

Your mom is an ogre.

I don't think that counts as solid evidence for half breeds.

In the context of the novel, that story is being told by an old man who reveals he was the half-elf from the story. It's entirely probable that he was just exaggerating for the sake of a good story.

>I am actually half-halfling



Drachenfels LL W H E N ?


Lesser Lovechild.

Legendary Lord, the term for unique generals in TWW.

Does anyone have the source for the story of Angkor? I'm trying to figure out if it's canon or not.

I vaguely remember there being some fluff about the Kurgan, in the distant past, worshiping a great mammoth, and then some Chaos dude corrupted the Mammoth god and now all the other mammoths serve Chaos.

That's the one, I just want to know which supplement/book it came from

Forgeworld I think.

This is apparently an official PDF, even if it doesn't look it. Forgeworld stuff.


if WHRP had rules for it, would you want to try playing as a Dark Elf slave - with the idea being that it was possible to escape and make your way from there back to the Old World, down to Lustria, or wherever you could manage to go?

Eh, trying to be a human pet to a cute (and strong) dark elf like how gnoblars are pets to ogres seems more feasible.

So you'd want to spend the whole gaming being a pet? Sounds a bit boring.

As opposed to running into Lustria and getting eaten by a dinosaur?
How about an orc slave starting a rebellion?

Sure, not getting eaten by dinosaurs is safe, but the game isn't quite made for just living day to day lives or anything. A little risk is part of the adventure!

I guess you could do that, but why not have a human or elf slave start a rebellion? Then there's room for a bit more skullduggery and sabotage, and there can be an end goal beyond 'fighting shit.'


Rat Ogres, Prince on Griffon, even new models for swordmasters, Ellyrian raiders and sea guard

Honestly, i'd buy it

That was on FW's website before they released Tamurkhan.

>delves are americans
>helves are brits
>the true king of the elves turns out to be malekith all along

was this just GW trying to give another fuck you to its fans while burning down WHFB or is there meaning in it?

Probably not. The Dark Elves aren't really American/Canadian at all, and Naggaroth looks almost nothing like North America. There are mountains about where the Rocky Mountains should be, and the Hudson Bay, but that's about it - it's actually probably one of the more original locations in Warhammer Fantasy, as far as how close it is to its real world counterpart is concerned.

The real reason, as far as I understand it, is that GW thought it'd be an interesting twist, and for some reason the High Elves got all the kicks. Their gods were never really with them, everything had been fucked over for them, and their champions were all rendered false and base.

It's easier to see an orc standing up to a cold one, not so much an abused and starving human.

Can someone tell me which novel this is from. I read the end times books and oddly remember this scene being far less detailed and interesting

It's just the great lakes area. Cold, bleak, full of industry, and overcrowded human suffering.



It totally looks like the Hudson bay though - open to the outside ocean, the land around it kinda looks like that part of Canada. And even then, I honestly don't think a bunch of British folks would know or care that much about the specifics of American culture, let alone include it in their pretty European-focused wargame.

But WFRP does have rules for playing a slave?

Played something close to what you were suggesting, but as a warslave for a norscan raider party.

Sounds like it could work.

Ulthuan is Atlantis, you fucking mong. Albion is Britain.


Can you make a Dark Elf PC in WFRP 2e?

The munchkin in me feels like something could be utilized with a career that costs nothing to enter.

Use elf, replace longbow spec with rep. crossbow spec. Add specialisation Torture. Change language. Done.

Is Nurgle the only Chaos God who hates the undead? If not, then how much do Khorne/Tzeentch/Slaanesh and Chaos in general hate them?

Can a Vampire possibly turn to Tzeentch or Slaanesh if they end up deciding to make a pact with the Chaos Gods?

Don't forget
>see wife with at least 5 other men is mandatory for backstory

So why is the WHFB lexicanum in such a sorry state, especially when compared to the 40k one?

Unpopularity of WFB.

Hey they're new for me. I never really played elves

Harry seems to gate undead pretty seriously.

Drachenfels was undead...ish and seemed to have some sort of relationship with the Chaos Gods.

Walach Harkon became khornate doesn't he?

It's actually better in German, so it's mostly a problem of the mods.

I don't mind it too much though - they've actually been going through a flurry off adding old characters and bits of lore.

Walach Harkon became khornate doesn't he? There was Bloodquest crossover where Blood Angels were turned into Blood Dragons and went to fiht in Eternal Battle.

Not by default, but it's very easy to do:

Give them the Torture skill.

Change Specialist Weapon Group (Longbow) to (Crossbow)

So what's with some of the units in Norsca that has the frost bite trait? how does that tie into the lore?

I don't think it does, I think it's just a nifty mechanic added to make certain factions in the unit more unique.

so what, no monsters in norsca really has the power to give their enemies freezing boners? Then isn't that pointless on Ca's part?

I don't know off the top of my head trips, but sometimes CA has been tweaking the lore and mechanics. Like how Bretonnian infantry is shitty, but you don't use nearby knights to help keep them in line.

The frostbite thing isn't pointless - it's a mechanic that helps set the faction apart, and it probably would be fitting for some icy units. And it could potentially be reused for some Kislevite units in the future.

>potentially be reused for some Kislevite units in the future


>Bretonnian infantry is shitty
because they are peasants?

I can't recall any off of the top of my head from the RPG, and the RPG is where most information on Norsca comes from since it's never had a specific army in WFB.
It's not pointless any more then then making units of 100+ people instead of the 20-odd (or less) model units that were likely to be in the wargame.

They're just making a cool thing for the game, that's all. Nothing wrong with it.

The Bret infantry bit was just pointing out how the game, in a good few ways, isn't really like the tabletop. But yeah, they are peasants, though I kind of love them for it. They can do surprisingly well even if you don't have a Grail Reliquae handy.

There have been monsters in the lore, particularly those mentioned in the Ogre books, which are ice age beasts and dragons with ice powers. It's not unprecedented.

Speaking of, what happened to rhinoxes? All I can find now is mournfangs.

>grail pilgrim
>shielded with frenzy

best meat shield ever.

Any old grogs here know how much the army in OP's pic cost back in the day?

Men-at-Arms with Swords (Shields) cannot compete, and with a Grail Reliquae I've seen them keep fighting on into the single digits - even without it, they can be trusted to hold the line a lot longer than most. Even from a design standpoint they're great, since most Men-at-Arms look exactly alike, and they really stand out with their high collars and bright colors.

>unnamed hack'n'slash genre Warhammer vidya.
wait what?

Why don't the Slann just use magic to make an impassable mountain around the Chaos Wastes?

Daemons will dig through.

Because that wasn't the plan of the old ones.

Chaos Wastes would twist passages through those mountains, probably with skull-like gateways. Great job, now no one from outside can invade the Chaos Wastes, it's too well defended and fucked up on the inside anyway.

>Invade the Chaos Wastes.

How often has that happened?