Board Game General.
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What's the most you would ever pay for a game?
What's the most you ever have paid for a game?
Board Game General.
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What's the most you would ever pay for a game?
What's the most you ever have paid for a game?
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First for never play with bots.
>What's the most you ever have paid for a game?
About $350 for StarCraft and expansions
>What's the most you would ever pay for a game?
Right now probably $200 would be max. Though I have an urge to get into LCGs so it might be more once I'm done.
>What's the most you would ever pay for a game?
>What's the most you ever have paid for a game?
I fell for a meme back in November and I'm seriously debating between keeping it as it comes in and saving it to scalp later.
And a propos LCGs does anybody know how's the Legend of the Five Rings? Never played it in it's former iteration but it seemed interesting to a magic player
I paid over £80 for Doom. Id probably spend £110 on a really high quality very well recommended game.
I very rarely get any play out of anything that is >30min 2 player games tho so it's still a stupid investment.
I played the Avalon game with 6 for the first time in my life last week and I'd like to hear some opinions from more experienced players.
With this player count isn't it a lot harder for bad guys to win?
We were 4 good guys with Merlin and Percival and it seemed as this gave us huge advantage (in a 4 player team, one guy knew exactly who the bad guy is, and 1 guy knew 1 good guy for sure, when Merlin stayed low it was just a blind 25% pick for bad guys to kill him).
Also the game owner every 2nd or 3rd turn knew who is a bad guy just deducing from the players chosen for the mission.
I don't think bad guys showed it on their faces, it seemed more like he automatically assumed correct choices from game mechanics and, surprisingly, he was always right.
Doesn't the special good characters, make the play a bit unbalanced?
can someone please explain this image. I want to play it.
The bad team must remember who voted what and when did his vote change.
Percival will always look at Merlin
Merlin knows who the bad guys are
If you see a player that votes a yes to a mission he isn't included in it suggests he's Merlin (also voting no to a mission that previously succeeded but contains a bad guy). If you see a person changing his vote it might be Percival taking cues from Merlin.
It's a hodgepodge of other game components designed to look cool, like the Cones of Dunshire.
Is there something like Campaign for North Africa but in a medieval fantasy setting with magic and fantastical creatures?
>it actually worked
Told you I could summon STEEV
Probably not, that level of simulation and time requirement is something you'll only find in wargaming. You could get the same effect in a fantasy setting by just having a very meticukous DM for any RPG though
>most will pay
I'm willing to pay current market prices for 1860 which is sitting around $200USD
>most paid
Cave Evil, $250USD plus $75USD shipping to Straya, I have no clue why it cost $75USD when similar packages from US would only cost about $40USD. the guy who sent it did the worst job of packaging and caused it to get damaged while in transit due to negligence
can't say I was too pleased about that
the largest epic fantasy wargames I'm aware of are Titan, Divine Right and Dragon Pass, but none of those are Medieval-themed. Sword and Sorcery (70s hex-and-counter from SPI, not the new dungeon crawler from Ares) is another possibility, but I haven't really looked much into it and I don't believe that it's Medieval-themed
Dragon Rage is Medieval fantasy-themed, but the playtime for that is around 90 minutes on average, maybe also look into Albion: Land of Faerie and Fornaldar: Nordic Saga
>Battle/Area control objectives only.
Probably wouldn't be horrible, might affect race balance a little, but go ahead and try it if you really want.
>Repeatable objectives.
This gives me a little more pause. This encourages players to attack the guy who is doing well, but it also encourages the guy who is doing well to turtle. And the possibility of pulling an objective that the map makes fairly defensible is suddenly a much more serious problem.
If you're worried about anticlimactic endings, you could always modify the win conditions to be X VP + Control of Mecatol, or require the winning objective to be a military one. Something like that feels like it would have less of an impact on the rest of the game.
Yeah, definitely at least those two.
>What's the most you would ever pay for a game?
>What's the most you ever have paid for a game?
desu I don't fuck around. My collection is hundreds strong and none of them are going to be overpriced toys. If you make your game that expensive it's because it's either a days long epic, it's just a pile of miniatures for manchildren, or it has some other stupid gimmick. None of which make a good game.
Or they're OOP or have small / limited print runs like Splotter.
Apparently you need to buy three core sets to have enough cards for multiple players
>citation needed
Comment starts at the 6:40 mark
>What's the most you would ever pay for a game?
You can pay people to game?!
>What's the most you ever have paid for a game?
$100 used Galaxy Trucker Anniversary
Honestly that's a lot and I regret it. I don't normally kickstarter and I am wary of investing a lot in a hobby where I don't have enough time nor friends to justify ANY purchases much less anything over $40. On top of that I keep winding up with games I thought would be amazing that are just meh.
it's not monopoly, that's for sure
I know we got people into deckbuilding games but haven't seen much about pic related and whether or not I should get it, don't let me down /bgg/
Nothing good can come of this.
>Bethesda's Fallout
Just bought Raiders of the North Sea, it's really fun.
I'm actually worrying less about the Asmodee monster, the fact CMoN grabbed the ASoIaF book license from under their nose and is publishing that minis game while FFG still holds the TV license means they clearly haven't figured out how to ruin EVERYTHING on their own yet.........
There was an old (and broken) hex and chit War of the Ring game
GMT is pretty good but I also haven't heard anything about the game, doesn't even look like a deck builder
can't wait for another app-required IP franchise game!!!!
What's the most you would ever pay for a game?
For the base game? Probably not more than $70, although $100 would be the hard limit. For getting all the expansions? No limit.
What's the most you ever have paid for a game?
Battlecon. I think I spent around $200 total on it, although you could argue that's split up between 4 releases.
what is this fun you speek of?
The most I've ever paid at one time was $70 for Doom (2016). If we are counting overall then I've dropped a few hundred on X-Wing I promise I can stop whenever I want
I think $70 is about the max I'd spend at one time for a game. Granted, that could change but either none of the more expensive games catch my eye or I know I couldn't find anyone to play it with
He means smug feeling of superiority vs. the unceultured nongaming rabble
>what is this fun you speek of?
It's when you play a game of no skill so you can feel smug superiority over your more intelligent brethren. (Take that, nerds!)
About £50, I guess: I paid £54 for Star Trek: Fleet Captains, but I also backed Ghostbusters at the base pledge ($90?)
Oh shit, you finally got fleet captains?
Did it live up to the hype?
We are currently developing a game that's somewhat like that, but obviously not on such an enormous scale. Should hit Kickstarter around this time next year.
I got it about a year ago... still haven't played it yet
inb4 shilling
Specter Ops guy here, I finished painting the last mini of the set, now I just need to paint the bases of all of them. I got a little tired near the end of this one so I started to take a couple of shortcuts to finish quicker
The Campaign for North Mordor?
Nice! You need to do a group shoot of the minis on the map. Doesn't need to be super close up, just give folks a frame of reference on how they'll look during play.
could be worse
Have you guys had fun playing adrenaline? I want a sort of tactical movement game that can play a decent amount of people. I've also looked at doom, but I'm not sure how I like the dice combat, especially if there are zeros on the dice.
I played it once and didn't like it. The game is so hectic it basically has zero strategy - between your turns literally everything can happen so long term planing is basically impossible, it's just an exercise in finding the optimal move now.
Thanks! I'll do that as soon as I paint the bases
I'd like to direct your attention to:
>I got a little tired near the end of this one so I started to take a couple of shortcuts to finish quicker
Meant to reply to instead of
You obviously have NOT seen what Veeky Forums has to offer in the way of bad paint jobs...
Next, perhaps only 36 coats of paint...
More like burger fett amirite?
Can anyone suggest a better bang for your buck Eurogame than this? Currently around $12, and it doesn't seem to have any glaring flaws.
I picked up a copy of that recently - I haven't had a chance to play it yet. (I'm also GMing an RPG every other gaming session with my regular group.) But so far it looks decent, and for that price it would be worth it for the parts alone even if the game sucks.
All I can think of when looking at the cover is how boring it would be to be a post-apocalyptic tour guide.
>All I can think of when looking at the cover is how boring it would be to be a post-apocalyptic tour guide.
I bet Sacajawea had a good time
ya cuz she was getting railed by that pure white dick the whole time
Alright, thanks for the advice, I am indeed looking for something less hectic than adrenaline.
That just means it's a better representation of a FPS, you should be thinking more tactical, not longterm strategic. Still think CGE overpriced the MSRP on it (but what else is new with them)
Is Cthulhu Wars Onslaught 2 worth it? That is a lot of money that could buy so many other games.
That's basically the crux of it. It's probably good, but it's probably not 4+ other games good.
Anybody playing Tyrants of the Underdark? Just got the chance to play with the expansions this weekend and thought they were an amazing step up. Also love this game to tears, I'll probably never play Ascension again
I could see this making a good game but I've got some serious concerns about replayability and themeing.
They're putting a lot of emphasis on the "What will be the consequences of your decision!" when after 2 plays you're going to know the consequences of your decision. Will they make you make tough choices even when you know the end result or will it just be right or wrong, now you know exactly what to pick for what you need. You could design this to keep it interesting even when you know what the cards say and aren't just reading them on the fly but I doubt Fantasy Flight cares about replayability. They're fine with having you play it twice and then needing expansions to keep going.
Themeing wise, they're not just using Fallout in general, the base kit is 4 and expansions will supposedly add things from other games. This means rather than leaving the text vague enough to have your own stories, they're gonna bank on the idea that "Oh man! I want character X to appear! I sure hope they include character X!"
I dunno. 2/10 hype. I'm not offended by the branding or going to buzz word it up, and I like the idea of sandbox roads to victory like Xia, but not much hope they're gonna do much with it.
Yeah, I'm very, very slightly more optimistic after seeing the actual announcement, but I think you're identifying the right things to be worried about.
Fallout is one of my favorite gaming franchises. I'm intrigued, but I don't expect much from it at the time. I'll wait and see what the jury has to say.
The only Fallout game I'd play would probably be Sons of Anarchy or CitOW rethemed for New Vegas.
How much would I ever pay?
depends. Years ago I would have said a small amount.
Most I ever paid.
350$ for the Axis and allies 50th anniversary edition
About 600$ for Twilight Imperium for the base game. The 2 expansions. All the stickers, reprinted cards, and other shenanigans to make the Shattered Ascension mod work.
Maybe I went a bit overboard for it.
But so far we've played more than 10 games and many more coming.
I have the players that have the time and willingness to see a full game to the end so it's been worth. Plus the cost was always incremental. SO I never saw the full amount in one go.
I hate that I can still tell that was a Space Wolf.
And fucking hell, those pauldrons.
So, what games on kickstarter currently look worth backing?
>Most you've ever paid?
Around $2k for Kingdom Death and all its expansions.
No regrets.
>Most I would pay?
Varies. I usually balance artwork, box weight and initial game intrigue/playability against each other to figure out if it's worth the price. If I'm paying 50, it needs to weigh like it's worth 50 and have god art and to pull my interest.
Honestly, if it comes with cool fallout models for cheap, I'll probably by it.
You see, I'm most worried about the jury because the jury seems to not care about replayability. It'll probably make a strong first impression, but the longevity of it is my biggest concern.
>What's the most you would ever pay for a game?
hard to say. it depends mostly on how much disposable income I have.
>What's the most you ever have paid for a game?
$150ish for the Cthulu Wars Kickstarter.
Any custom scenarios for A Game of Thrones board game that are good?
There's only a couple expansions officially. Would be interesting to brew a Robert's Rebellion or Aegon's Conquest scenario, though some of those might require a modified map.
Isn't Axis and Allies not all that great of a game?
It would be more interesting if they did start date 1933 and no forced alliances.
It's sort of Risk++. So, okayish.
Really depends on the version you play.
There have been a lot of axis and allies game since 1982.
The smaller ones are really like user said, risk++.
When you start going into the bigger ones like, Axis and Allies 1940: pacific and Axis and Allies 1940: Europe, you end up with a pretty damn big board, and play time while still having a lot of flexibility for your strategy on the remainder of the game.
Most other axis and allies game, there's an optimal build to play and win. It makes the game fun for 3-4 games then it becomes unplayable because you can already see how the next 6 turns are going to play out after the first turn. Choices Becoming meaningless.
>You have to buy this this and this turn 1 and attack this and this otherwise it's GG.
After about 30+ games of 1vs1 of a&a 1940: global, we have yet to feel this however. (although there is some obvious railroad choices you have to do every game, like taking out France turn 1 with Germany.)
We still managed to come up with new and interesting strategies.
I would not qualify it as a very deep and intricate Wargame however. It's a good spring board for more complicated stuff.
It's clearly not the best, or deepest strategy game but for the money I spent and time/fun I got from it, I don't regret my choice.
We know how it works, look at how it went with fucking Monopoly Gamer.
Cult of the New gushes about it on release and creams their panties, ignores obvious flaws and dismisses any rational game discussion.
Couple of months in, flaws become apparent, Cult will still argue about the positive points, and will just go"hey it was fun while it lasted"
Then the new flavor of the month comes around and you never hear from the game again, Cult of the New is too busy gushing about the new toys.
My favorite deckbuilder. The board is horrible though. From the mostly unpronounceable names to the just general boring design. The expansions are really cool, though I wasn't very impressed with the discard mechanics.
most i would ever pay?
whatever it will cost me to grab Kingdom Death when I finally decide to pull the trigger on it.
most I HAVE paid?
Scythe kickstarter edition. in canadian it was like 175 or some shit.
>hype cycle's a bitch
This is why I find I'm much more relaxed at conventions now that I've said no buying a game before it's been out at least 6 months, and ideally 12+. Ensures I playtest it outside the hype cycle, the negative reviews have started to come out, the hype reviewers are starting to say X has fallen flat and they've gone back to an old favorite instead. Best of all I'm never running to grab one of 50-100 copies of the new hotness for sale; have that extra cup of coffee instead, stroll in going to the used/ding&dent booths, grab Fire in the Lake for $28 because the shrink wrap is torn, it's a much happier way to live.
You see, I don't really trust you guys either because you take a ridiculous anti cult of the new stance as well, which is just as bad. I don't find myself holding as extremeist of views as that. I suppose I know what to look for, I'll get my make up my own mind when I see reviews what specifically to look for.
i sometimes wonder if FFG products are really only meant to be interesting for a single playthrough
I'd say the LCG/X-wing/Armada are the only ones that don't apply to this; but FFG also publishes the 2.0/deluxe edition of LotR: Confrontation, not-Dune, and a few others that're pretty solid. They do have more than a few games where there's issues that have to be solved via expansion or 2E
Serious question, what are the flaws of monopoly gamer, or is the flaw it being monopoly?
FFG products are made to make you spend money
It's reduced monpoly + mario kart rng take that + characters sold separately.
It's probably more enjoyable than pure monopoly, but still a piece of shit.
It's a roll and move with no actual decisions to make; if you had all the extra characters and each player had 3 and could choose to swap between that'd give you A decicion to make, but there's really not much there other than hope you roll good so you move faster/get coins/beat bosses.
If there's a publisher who doesn't want me to spend money I have yet to find them
>If there's a publisher who doesn't want me to spend money I have yet to find them
Reprint the fucking Civilization expacs already you FUCKS
Their earlier stuff wasn't bad. Hell, I really love Rebellion. It's mostly lately between Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition and Arkham Horror LCG where if you replay it, I hope you have 1 new person or no one will enjoy themselves and you better pretend you don't know anything because you'll probably solve the scenario. They learned their miniatures games make way more money than boardgames so they're out to make their boardgames require constant updating as well.
That's the best way to be, just have to hope the stuff that you end up wanting doesn't go out of print while it's in the cool down period.
By that I meant that many FFG products have a core set that's incomplete. It gives you a taste for the game but if you want the complete experience then you have you buy more of their products (looking at you x-wing, destiny, and every LCG they've made)
They're not even printing the base game anymore, why would they buy an expansion?
Honestly it started because I had such a small budget I wanted to playtest everything first, and it's much easier to do at cons (especially a year after the KS/release is over). The amount of truly good games that are coming out year after year, it's not a big deal.
Oh they've definitely gone the lifestyle game route, but that's the smart move with as much as they spend on production, and the fact they've had plenty of games that were only marginal successes. Plus if you buy the Star Wars license (or any other big money one) you're an idiot if you don't go lifestyle, it's expensive to buy those right and you know the products sell.
so like
what does BGG think of the DnD board games? I got Temple of Elemental evil but my issue with that is that the difficulty is fucking outrageous, it didn't help that we needed to switch out the included dice for one of my gamescience dice for the game to become, you know, playable, because the included dice was balanced poorly and was heavier on the higher number side
>Temple of Elemental Evil is rigged against the player
That's fucking beautiful.
Punishes you for dungeon crawling. You need to explore a new tile every turn in order to avoid drawing cards from the events deck, and nearly all events are negative. Most new tiles spawn monsters when placed and they invariably attack first, so you're constantly pushed forward and explore or get punished, then get into lots of fights that whittle you down.
It's just kind of frustrsting that the game sets the pace and you're just along for the ride.
I've wanted to play this game for a long time, but I don't have a play group that is solid enough that would play. Can barely get people to sit down for Terra Mystica. I understand with TI though, it's fairly daunting.
I swear I just looked at their product listing and didn't see Civ, either it's time for bed or a new prescription. Don't trust them it's on the boat though, they've been known to lie (and/or the Chinese manufacturer fucks up an entire batch)
Now give me my Twilight Imperium expansions!
anyone here own gloomhaven? is it good?
Why don't they reprint these. They're basically essential and make it a much better game.
Don't rule out the possibility of a new edition being announced this week
>this week
What's so special about this week.