Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Forbidden love no longer edition


>Grey Knights

>Konor Campaign: Chaos Rising!!!

>Check your local store's contribution to the Campaign.

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

Lion eljonson

1rd for chaos

first legion best legion

but who is worst legion?

>If I field 9 GSC units I can place 5 units in ambush, correct?

Tau are the best xenos.

Iron Warriors

The lost legion
That's what happens when you let a female be primarch

After Khorne's failed daemonic assault on Terra, the CSM codex says that the World Eater warbands are gathering as single force to launch their own invasion on Terra. The might of the World Eater will come crashing down of the cradle of mankind.

So this confirms that Terra will fall? Girlyman is away in Ultramar defending it from the Deathguard. Terra stands alone.

The fucking irony of this post is hilarious. 7/10 got me to reply.

What do you hope the next codex is? What do you want to see changed from your Index?

Hey Carnac.

nope 4.

"at least half the total number of units in your army must be setup on the battlefield."

And make our company banners decent.

Moon 2.0 is built entirely out of guns, and the system has its own battlefleet. Luckily, Khorne doesn't care from whence it flows.



Let me put my HQs on bikes or skateboards, god damn it.

>RGG is Raven Guard Guy or something. Some dude kept posting his purple bike army, and some other dudes got real annoyed. It wasn't a golden daemon army, but I've seen plenty shittier painted armies that weren't posted ironically.

Never forget RGG and his purple bikes

We need more 40k edits of animated gifs

Fuck off and contain yourself to the last thread and die with it.

This thread is for 40k discussion only.


Well, I can work with that.

Astra Militarum, more difference between regiments other than some unique characters.
Would be amazing to see something like chapter tactics for cadia/catachan/armageddon

So instead of ignoring him you reply to him and he will in turn reply to you and carry this shit on? Good work, genius. Fuck you.

Necron codex.I want them to explain what the hell are the C'tan and where do they come from.

Fuck you!
What army do you play?

That post is right though. Tell me, eurocuck, why are you so insistent on applying your socialist shithole laws to court cases in florida?

hey man, lets talk about plastic army men instead

Fuck you too, cunt, I'll smash your gob in if you chat like that to me again.

I play AdMech and Fire of Cryaxis never ever

Eat shit tau trash

New Great Unclean One when?

Necrons, not because they're weak (they're not IMO) but because they seem close to a monobuild at the moment:
>stuff to make troops not die/get up again
>triarch stalkers
>anything else you can fit into the points limit
Some dynasty traits and stratagems to encourage a bit more variety in necron armies would be good.

>all WAAC players have sold off their tau armies and riptides
>Tau get new codex
>Tau become the WAAC army of choice again
>WAAC players have to buy all those riptides back new

You just know that the Tau codex will allow Stormsurges to fire twice for a command point

Fucking Tau

>I have no idea how to play Necron and I'm completely fucking retarded
I agree

It's just gonna be another "WHAT IF" mystery with 5 different possible explanations that is a staple of 40k lore so nothing really gets resolved.

Just like they introduced that Guilliman was revived both during the mid-late 41st millennium and early 42nd millennium so they can have all campaigns and plot threads interlink at the same time instead of take place in a cohesive chronographical progression, because, get this, THE IMPERIUM HAS 5 DIFFERENT DATING SYSTEMS THAT MEAN THE PRESENT DATE OF THE DARK IMPERIUM GEN RANGES FROM 500M41 to 050M42 LMAAAAAAAAAAO

Dubs decide if I paint my quad las predator
Iron warriors
Black legion
Night lords

Who are this Tau you're talking about? The star?

I'll be fucking pissed if it does.
At this rate the "spend command points to win the game" meme is going to become true.

>GW doubles down on the dynasties bullshit


That's damn neat, you chucklefuck!
What's your color scheme?
I want to start collecting them and paint the like Hellghast

The c'tan are just beings which ate suns and ate souls, the precursor to tyranids

The few thousand custodes on Terra are more than enough to toss out a few angry manlets. The WE couldn't do it during the heresy, they sure as shit can't do it now

Sadly Mars because Cawl. I don't mind Stygies VII and the fluff they have.

Black Legion

Got pics?

Didn't Girlyman say that the Custard quality fell down ever since they stopped fighting and kept to Terra?

Nope. I don't have a camera, webcam or phone with one. I spend all my money on plastic crack. I'm hoping that, by the time Fire of Cryaxis comes out, that I'll have got the courage to get a Thanatar and put a blue LED in the Siege Mortar it has. Then I might get pics.

Man, Custodes that aren't entirely gold look pretty neat.

No, he said their understanding on military campaigns went down, not on fights. The Tribune just snorted.

They're a meme sub-faction.

Will be keeping my eyes peeled for that, user.
Have a good one!

T-thanks. Y-you too.

>playing night lords with tzeentch backup against IG
>Move Icon of Despair Raptors (3 squads), and a chaos spawn next to the commissar+conscript blob
>-5 leadership in psychic phase
>have Kairos Fateweaver conscript the commissar.
>commissar begins executing his own men
>Shoot conscripts with that -2 leadership weapon.
>Have commissar charge a different concscript blob or other unit to get him away from the conscripts.
>charge your night lords in

This kills the horde (except orks). Works for nids too.

That would actually work really rather well. Orange glows are pretty easy to do on swords and such, my Admech use them, although they have green robes instead of tacticool gear and grey. Bloodletter glaze works for eye lenses, too, as long as you're smart about the base layer.

Something like that yeah. But a custodes on an off day is still more than a berserker can deal with.
Besides, they've been on tours of duty for the last 100 years and got to shake some rust off dismantling daemons. They've got this

What is the best way to determine who goes first? Or is the system inherently broken because going first is too great an advantage? If that is the case, how do we nerf the first turn?

>He doesn't know about astropaths

>Spending 800 points to inconvenience 180.

Someone said that first deployment should count as movement and no deepstriking, that sounds fair enough


The 3+ player scenario has deployment by roll off then turn order decided by PL, LOWEST to highest, even if you're playing points.
I think thats pretty slick.

isn't it whoever finishes deploying goes first?
as for balancing first turn, you can't. White wins in chess due to going first unless white has no idea what they doing

>thinking these aren't units you would run anyways.

>decided by PL, lowest to highest
fuck me I'm always going last, despite building a fluffy army list I always get 120-130 PL for 2000 points, it's impossible to build an army otherwise since FW units have PL so overcosted, especially vultures which are 12 power for a 160 points model


>Spend 2 command points and the leadership meme is dispelled.

>memescript armies
>having command points


They need serious point reductions on some units.

It would be nice to have a semi competitive army, considering the meta here has already caught the conscript faggery disease....

Tau. I want a big rebalance in points costs for suits.

Commanders are too cheap, they're stupidly good for their cost, and make crisis suits a dumb choice. Broadsides are too expensive to be competitive. The Riptide is just shit all around.

A BS boost for Crisis Suits would also be thematic, 4+ BS feels a bit weak for their lore.

>baleflamer and prince weapons not xbox hueg expensive for no reason
>That warpsmith drop

Hell yeah

People usually go to dark on their black and thus make any effects really hard to apply.
I was thinking of making their cloth in blacks and greys, cybernetics in standard metalics then eyes orange and plasma blue while making use of extensive glow effects to make em pop.
Probably dirty up the bottom of the robes with mud and dustlike effects.

>He thinks Guard lacks Command Points.

Space Wolves.
Could have been sweet space vikings, instead are fur fags.

It better not. But even if it does, there's a simple fix. Never play against Tau. It's as easy as that.

>turn up to city store on their game/intro night
>nearly floored by the smell the moment I walk through the door
I'm going to the other smaller local one on Thurs, hope that's better.

No Obliterator point drop?

or are they buffing those useless fucks?

>tfw my local groups are all basically chads
Its an abstract kind of feel

Niggas never expect me to hit a brigade with Creed in 500~ points.
#14CP life

Assault 4 guns

They doubled obliterators shots though

The guns are assult 4 now
They get twice the shots each
Dakka dakka

Swap? I'm in Sydney and didn't know what to expect. I've been into this other one once before though during normal hours and the guys seemed pretty chill so I'm optimistic

Damn right! Now that Heldrake is pretty much a harassment unit it's nice to see it reduced in cost and with Warpsmith being cheaper to support him... I'm digging it!

You know, I used to think the whole smell thing was a meme until I went to a kill team tournament. Holy fuck it was bad. It was all I could think about.

I swear it was a tactic employed to put others off their game. If so, it worked.

Warpsmith cant support a heldrake: he cant even repair it

I dunno if you've heard but Obliterators get twice as many shots per model now

>Or is the system inherently broken because going first is too great an advantage?

I think the real problem is too many ways to alpha strike to a degree that the opponent can't recover from more than just going first in general.

the easiest way to balance tau right now is commanders become 100 points base and crisis suits become BS3+ while their cost remains the same. It does one thing, makes crisis suits more efficient for dakka but leaves equivalent points of commanders with more wounds.
Would also like to see marker drone points drop since pathfinders are too good.
Broadsides could use a point drop, kitted out they should be maximum the same price as a hammerhead
also anti-psyker relic from FSE needs to return, a 12" bubble for dtw would be perfect right now as well as fusion blades+onager gauntlet

As for my second army
Pick one and let me cry in my corner contemplating suicide as d-99 got squatted (yes d-99 is what Rick and Morty referenced in S3 Ep1) until IA15, oh and both named characters got removed (1 changed to and the other removed entirely)
such is the life of a guardsmen

I argued for a BS boost to suits before 8th and got shouted down for it, but I think it'll be more tolerable now that BS boosts from markerlights are harder to get a hold of, and ignoring cover isn't anywhere near as much of a thing. I don't know how well just changing the cost of Commanders will stop the spam without making it a pain to use them normally; I personally think a suit shouldn't be able to stack more than two of the same weapon to at least prevent quadfusions.

At least they wont have wasted time and money on paint.

Admec, I just want kataphron breachers to be good. They look so nice! Also maybe some more stompy robos or a flyer.

Why not?

That would probably be Agripinaa Skitarii, only with different undercloth colours.
My Skitarii are brighter, but I quite like how they've been going so far. The Sicarians are spiky enough that they get dirty just from the process of spreading the texture paint on the bases.

What's worse is my gf was with me and that was her first experience of this side of my interests kek

You know girl marine picture or not, I'd kill for rainbow warriors models with this power armour.

-1 penalty to hit and wound rolls on the first turn for the player that goes first.


This your fantasy blog or what

Nice lookin stuff, user!
I'll probably dip into admech when their codex drops

It's not a girl marine, it's the SoB Order that Veeky Forums made that fights alongside the Chapter they made.

>Veeky Forums made
Don't lump the rest of us in with you "people"