ITT: cards that make you frown
ITT: cards that make you frown
That's not how you spell smile
Stop seizing my thoughts! I Mulliganed just so I could have these thoughts. And here you are, seizing them turn 1.
>ITT: cards that make you frown
To this day, we still do not know what the fuck Ashiok was doing here, and what Dack was after, do we?
Something about MUH RNG probably
Lightning Helix, cheap bullshit and fuck everyone who uses it
Slap an incredibly weak spell on to an incredibly strong one at the cost of both together and you get just a good card. It's far weaker than Lightning Bolt.
Dude you need therapy
I hate this card.
Can't find some way to bounce the creature, destroy the enchantment, flicker, sacrifice it for some other effect, or make use of abilities other than attacking or blocking?
I mean, it could be worse. Journey to Nowhere gives you none of those options at the same cost. Most removal just outright gets rid of the creature. Pacifism gives you the chance of getting out from under it.
My group play casual, no real competitiveness between us. So I play decks I like, b/r bloodthrist, golgari zombie decks etc, so I don't have an easy way to get rid of Pacifism. And one of my friends has an all white angel build amd uses these in that. It's just for fun, but when I get a 5/5 Gorehorn Minotaur taken out of action before he can even attack I get salty lol
Run a few Indrik Stomphowlers. Both those are green/X decks, Stomphowler is a big fat green creature from Ravnica that solves your problem. Alternately, other forms of enchantment removal that is on a body. Acidic Slime, for example.
Both are creatures that have been printed a bunch and are cheap as hell - and since they're creatures they aren't dead draws otherwise.
And I'm talking as a casual player myself
Nice, thanks for that. It should fit well with the Golgari deck. My black/red bloodthirst deck is much more singleminded though: smash EVERYTHING. I recall some Red card being a lower power creature that destorys artifacts, I don't see why there can't be one for enchantment too
Red doesn't hit enchantments - that's just something it cannot do. Green can, though, and there's a few that can do such - I just listed the two creatures that have been reprinted the most.
Reclamation Sage would probably work well enough for your purposes though.
Of you're playing red and don't like your creatures being Pacifism'd, Fling them at your opponent to punish them for pacifying the creature instead of killing it
>Ashiok is drawn to Theros due to the influence dreams hold over the plane
>strikes a bargain with Phenax, plunging two of the polei into war in exchange for becoming impossible for the gods to detect
>as a pet project, plunges the entire plane into a nightmare so horrifying a new god is born, Cacophony of the Dark Cities
>when Ephara kills the newborn god, settles for plan B: first casting a spell of eternal sleep over all of Theros and turning the plane into a personal playground\
>Dack enters the scene to prevent this
>and that's where we left off
Red smashes artifacts all day, can't interact with enchantments at all though.
Why would Dack give a fuck?
Dack takes issue with the idea of condemning a world's worth of people to everlasting torment.
>Fat creatures
>Needs an out to Pacifism
Shit nigger, how about a Fling or two?
Even if it's not optimal, I still running these things as a two-of in monored Goblins.
Even with 18 lands, putting out a repeatable 2-6 (average) damage for 3 mana every turn is damn useful. Plus, it helps prevent excess land draw once I'm already set.
Is there any reason why Charbelcher is bad or annoying?
It's part of a 1 turn kill deck.
Yeah, but that's impressive in of itself.
Combos are one thing, but a 0 land first turn kill? I honestly wouldn't even be mad because of how genius that is.
Fuck this card and "my whole library is in my hand now" bullshit.
cabal therapy
It's because he's a thief I think. People own treasures. If people get fucked getting treasures is more difficult.
Fuck off, Timmy. You projected playing your Craw Wurm so hard, Helen Keller saw it coming
We wuz spells n shit
This fucking thing - if only because the person that plays it, plays it in a deck that was designed to abuse it.
My literal favorite card and card art. It's janky and fun and, honestly, what Mythics were originally supposed to be, via their original design ideas.
Removing the other player's ability to even meaningfully play the game is a shit idea in the first place, embraced only by the lowest level of human garbage. If you want to beat somebody, actually play them in the game instead of playing your own solo game and just declaring victory.
>Spells responding to spells isnt interaction
>Swinging bigass wurms at each other? THATS interaction
Fuck off, junior. Learn to play with efficient threats and use a deck that doesn't folds to removal.
You know exactly what he meant. Counters are just used by combo players to buy time until thier 100% non interactive DONUT STEEL game winning combo comes online. They're a bit of token interaction to fulfill the larger goal of making the game as non-interactive as possible.
remove until victory isn't really all that interactive
>I play my thragtusk!
>Mana leak
lmao @ ur life nerd
Yeah, because Tempo isn't a thing, right?
>removal must only be used when I want
>not counterspelling counterspell
Get gud, scrubs.
That deck doesn't look too random to me.
If you don't like being interrupted without a response, stick to Hearthstone.
>I'm bad at Magic: The post: The motion picture
>Modern UW Control
>Modern Jeskai Control
>Modern MonoU Tron
>Standard UR Control
>Standard UW Monument
>Legacy StoneBlade
>Legacy Grixis/BUG Delver
>Pauper MonoU Delver
All of these decks play counterspells and none of them use combos to win. What now, friendo?
Counterspells are played by anyone who enjoys interaction in the game
>you can't play the game because my card says so
go die
if you actually think this is what counters are you oughta kys
If you hadn't played a card in the first place, then I wouldn't have been able to cast a counterspell. Your the one insisting have to sit there and jerk off and over your shitty tribal combo deck
But without counterspells how do you stop a combo player's game winning combo?
Combo out yourself in the first place.
I've been saying for years that the ultimate expression of a MtG game is two combo players who never actually exchange a word or interact, but simply race to see who combos out first.
Those who fight combo beware, lest you must play combo. When you tutor for your spell, the deck stares back.
Not as bad as Counterbalance due to the global effect, but still a card I hate seeing. I was playing legacy burn, reanimator, and Torpornaught against a friend's new brew, and he blew me out with this card alone. It played similarly most games. T1 Ancient Tomb, Chalice on 1. T2 City of Traitors, Chalice on 2. He then Petaled/Guided into Sneak Attack and Emrakul'd my face the following turn(s). Several games I couldn't play a single spell, and though I was laughing at the busted shenanigans he was pulling, it still sucked to get gimped so hard. It also reminds me I need to get more Shattering Sprees for my sideboards.
It's almost the last colorless mana artifacts I must get. Then, the universe!
XX can be Zero, right? Doesn't say not.
Work for spells with no many cast? Curious, no?
Sure. I've seen it a few times to get Lotus Petals out of the way (Vintage gets it way harder), but it's fantastic against those pesky Time Spiral suspend spells.
This works, and is the reason it's restricted in Vintage.
The only reason you dislike any of those things is because your favorite kind of deck loses to them. If you adapted to what is and isn't good before you got attached to cards, then you would have no problem with counterslells categorically.
How do you pay 7 mana in one turn?
Ever heard of a card called dark ritual? Just llok up leagacy belcher/oops all spells. Manaless dredge combos off without any mana sources at all
Oh I guess ill just scoop my red deck then.
Shit nigga. Just run destructive revelry
or, y'know, creatures.
Your stomping ground isn't a Russian foil version.
Do you want everyone to think you're poor?
You probably meant to post this.