This is how I monk
This is how I monk
At least you admit that martial arts is fantasy unlike those idiots who are always pretending that it's real
He just threw the whole reel in the water.
oy vey
this is how I monk
This is how I revenant
This is how I describe NPCs.
This is how I necromancer
>this is how I monk
By being a third grade actor and an absolutely shit tier politician who betrays his country to communist China just to promote degeneracy?
Great kung fu RPGs go go go
>at least you admit that martial arts is fantasy
I'm not some weeb-tard or martial-arts fag, but:
This is how I Rogue.
I'm actually building a necromancer around him in my next game.
This is how I paladin.
This is how I Paladin
This is how I paladin
you take a DC 10 fort check every 24 hours to see if you die of edema?
Here's your (You) I guess, kid
Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting
Those kicks were fast as lightning
In fact, it was a little bit frightening
But they fought with expert timing
That's how EVERYBODY monks.
This is how I Barbarian.
but you're a tripfag who thinks his opinions matter
This is how I monk.
This is how I swordsage
Coolio. This is how I monk.
Bruce Lee himself has said he would defend himself with a gun first. His fists would be a last resort.
It's because his fists were more dangerous weapon than a gun
This is how i Monk
This is how I halfling monk.
This is how I bard.
And this is how I monk
I like your style
This is how I Tao
this is how I paladin
This is how I Rogue.
This is how I monk
One of the funniest game sessions I had, and certainly the most ridiculous, had our GM doing a sort of racist pastiche of every single stupid hong kong martial arts film in the 80s.
We were playing DnD 3.0, and we had to go to some kind of monastery for some kind of information on how to build something or other, but it's been a while and I forget exactly what it was. We go there, they're friendly, we eat a very simple meal, and we ask the head monk if we can see the scrolls.
Suddenly, the mood changes, and we need to "prove our worth" for such sacred knowledge. Proving our worth, it seemed, involved a near endless procession of monks, always 4 at a time (to match our party?) attack us at random while we wandered the halls. Our GM did this really caricaturish voice of the poor English speaking asian actor, and they would shout these nonsensical battle cries.
>Mighty Flying Cat Kick Form shall be your doom!
> Harmonious Earthen Toe is ultimate combat form!
>The Heaven and Earth Youth Association shall prevail!
etc. He had dozens of these fucking things up his sleeve, ready to roll, or maybe he was just ad-libbing them.