*breathes in*
*breathes in*
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I dont get it, whats the problem?
The joke user's getting at is that they replaced the art of this card, who's appearance is based off of the winner of the last Magic Invitational in 2007
So? They changed the art in MM3 too
same artist
same artist
Happened to most of the other invitationals eventually.
I guess the joke is for it being a DCI promo?
It's the best looking of the 3 versions of the card by a longshot. Wish it wasn't so expensive.
My problem is that it doesn't look like a blue card
I guess the OP is a butthurt /pol/ retard that is looking way too deeply into this, and implying the artist has ulterior conspiracy theory-tier motives to promote Black people and have white people in stocks?
Thank god they blackwashed one of the most powerful and popular cards in the game, I was starting to worry about Wizards racist attitudes and their underrepresenting minorities.
Is the issue that they're black?
I don't play Magic, but I usually enjoy the fluff blurbs. When did they stop printing those?
Now kiss!
They stoped because the last guy they did it for (snappy) was such a turbo-autist that demanded the card be Blue in order to make hus deck stronger.
>Magic: The Gathering hired an African American "race and culture" consultant (blogger) to aid in the writing of a black character's "lived experiences," despite that character having no ties to Africa, America, or... Earth.
>Let’s talk clearly here: Kaya is our first Planeswalker who’s a black woman. As a baseline, we approached her as we would any other character. But we know that there are pitfalls specifically in representing black women in media, and we don’t labor under the impression that we know what all of them are or how to avoid them. Doing so effectively requires both critical and lived experience, and we don’t currently have anyone on our story team who has that specific experience.
>Goal one in hiring a consultant—level zero, nonnegotiable—is to avoid those pitfalls. If we set out to show you someone who looks like you or lives like you on a card, the absolute last reaction we want to elicit is “Ugh, not THIS again.” We believe it is both right and good to draw on experiences other than our own to craft our characters, stories, and worlds, and we believe it is mandatory to do so in a respectful way. Consultants help us do that when our own experience falls short. We hope to broaden our team’s demographics in the future, but our audience’s will always be broader, and so consultants will always have a role.
You dont have to agree with it but that doesnt make it any less real
Probably, but now that you've acknowledged it faggots are gonna swarm out of the woodwork to troll about it. Would have been better to just let it die quietly.
Is... is the joke that they made him black? Don't cut yourself on all that edge, OP.
they should do it for all amonket cards.
I honestly think this art is better than its previous iterations.
>Snapcongo Mage
>Snapcongo Mage
That was terrible and you should go sit outside. I bet I can think of better jokes while typing this post.
>Nappycaster Mage
Hey look it's a better joke than yours.
This guy is a fucking prick and deserved to get wiped off his card.
He tried to get in a land that could counter and that was just the least ridiculous of his ideas. He also got assmad when Snapcaster was supposed to be Red and went MUH BLUE until they changed it to shut him up.
From what I can tell most of these guys are kind of jackasses about their card.
MaRo said they didn't ever talk to him about making it red, just that he requested it be blue. You're making him out to be a bigger dick than he was.
The land was pretty retarded though.
Why do you say that? A lot of them haven't even been good cards. How many of you can name Terry Soh's invitational card without looking it up?
I get trying to make cards with black people on them..
why does it just look like the average pursesnatcher? this is supposed to be a fantasy game with demons and wizards and stuff. that's just some fucking dindu who looks like he's running away after snapping up a purse
people only got buttmad when the new art showed a black dude
didn't hear any backlash about this one either
implying those tards have played enough magic to know about shit like infiltrator and meddling mage
He's called Snapcaster Mage for a reason cracka jack.
Yeah that shit was pretty gay, I was asspained about Kaya too. I don't think these are comparable, though.
>I honestly think this art is better than its previous iterations.
Every invitational card is improved with new art because the old art always has some stupid fat nerd's head photoshopped into a fantasy image.
Only invitational card that had good art from day one was the Mike Long one, and that's only because Mike Long was in the background instead of the focus of the piece.
>why does it just look like the average pursesnatcher?
Explain. Without saying "because he's black".
>>Let’s talk clearly here: Kaya is our first Planeswalker who’s a black woman
>and as we know, black people aren't people and women aren't people either so we really needed to hire somebody to explain what the fuck they are and how they think
>dragons are totally people though
>Terry Soh's invitational card
Rakdos Augermage. I was playing competitively when he won the Invitational.
But user, that's the only reason he has. Here, have a black man from when this shit wasn't an issue.
Looks like a football player to me. Soccer. Whatever. He's clearly rearing for a kick.
Like, I would be shocked if the artist didn't use a football pic as reference.
>A lot of them haven't even been good cards
All of them tried to be format-definingly broken. Fortunately only some succeeded.
Makes sense of course. If you got to design a card, would you design some limited fifth-pick chaff that everyone forgets about? Or would you push it as far as it goes?
Forced diversity is much less of an issue when the whole set's concept is Fantasy Africa.
If the artist is white than this is creepy because he's probably got a major black fetish he's covering up. I can sniff this shit from a mile away and whites with black fetishes are worse than footfags.
I mean, I despise the forced diversity as much as the next guy, and I'm pretty sure any attempts at making another Jamuraa-esque setting would just be some horrendous we wuz shit, but let's be real, with how polarized politics have gotten, people would bitch even if it was perfectly fine. That's all I was getting at. I wish we could go back to the days of Mirage, it's one of my favorite blocks and they weren't so smug about their shit-tier affirmative action storytelling.
man even magic cards, nothing is safe from this culture war paranoia
It'd help if they didn't actively take part in said culture war. I'm not really sure what this card has to do with it, though. When I see the art director's notes about how it needs to be diverse, then maybe I'll worry.
>average purse snatcher
>arcs of magical energy spiraling around their arm
Where the fuck you live?
should have been mono-red
>ITT a bunch of people who don't play MtG complain about MtG
Hey moron,
>playing magic
He said this particular card, implying Snapcaster Mage in the OP. The post you linked is talking about a completely different card.
The issue is that Asians are getting cucked once again
Fantasy Africa following Fantasy Egypt following Fantasy India. Lotta darkness going on, and I'm not talking about the color wheel. Not to mention it's all about "muh human tribes" and not any genuinely fantastical worlds like we used to have.
Seriously, someone in R&D is pushing an agenda. You'd have to be blind to see otherwise.
>Brings in consultant to design first black female planeswalker
>Random art of a nameless black wizard
>Fantasy India
>Fantasy Egypt
>Fantasy Africa
We're getting Fantasy Mesoamerica with Dinosaurs and Pirates, user.
>>Fantasy Africa
Dominaria / Jamuraa
A whole 20 years ago, back when we got good blocks.
We often call it Blackcaster Mage or Football Mage because it looks like Soccer player from Brazil or something.
So just a shade lighter than black?
Also wtf Teferi was printed years ago. His first block was decades ago. Did Jamuraa somehow become less black because it wasn't mary sue garbage?
This is the best player designed card ever. Good but not overtly strong and well balanced for costs, stats and abilities.
They've gone on the record as claiming that Jamuraa (and Kamigawa, for that matter) didn't "respect" the cultures they were drawing from. What I assume that means is that they're old, reasonably original, and were written by white men, so they can't be any good.
>They've gone on the record as claiming that Jamuraa (and Kamigawa, for that matter) didn't "respect" the cultures they were drawing from.
got single fact to back that bullshit up?
Ranger pleases my balanceboner. The mana cost just feels perfect for the card.
The column came out around the time of Kaladesh, if I recall, but no, I don't have a link to hand. Feel free to correct me because it could've just been some random hipster writing for a website rather than WotC, but it's hard to tell the difference anymore.
When are the poor downtrodden underrepresented white men going to have THEIR turn to shine?
Why is Wizards allowed to victimize defenseless whites by prohibiting fair and equitable depictions of the white race in their fantasy illustrations?
I'd like to see source as well, considering Kamigawa EXPLICITLY tried to be as accurate as possible in regards to Shinto as a set theme, instead of just making theme park japan.
Complete with comfy doggo, the fucker aint bad in EDH either
>Kaladesh, the beach episode Plane where the revolt was fucking lame, the plane was pretty much just the city of Ghirapur itself, and ended up being underwhelming as fuck
Keep in mind that they were pandering to faggots like this guy (39:50)
>Wanting niggers on your magic cards.
No, just no.
Wow that guy has the Jewiest nose in the entire universe. I'm Jewish and not a single person in my extended family looks as Jewy as him.
>We have an autistic character
Well I'm glad that guy finally got the representation he was craving. Also, I call bullshit. We've had Urza since the beginning, and that nigga was autistic as fuck.
He was autistically upset about it explicitly because it wasn't pandering to what he wanted. But wizards was also specifically avoiding doing what he wanted anyway, and also the plane wasn't what he wanted it to be by design, so. Assuming this is who I think it is.
He's an indian so.
And who might he be?
Or in the spirit of the thread, who dat iz?
>He's an indian so.
No he's not, is he? His name is Ari Levitch (Jewish first and last name) and he's from California.
Shivam Bhatt or however he spells his last name. He threw up a big stink about Kaladesh just using an Indian aesthetic as window dressing for artifact world rather than being a full blown india world and has been a part of the content creator community since. I'm not exactly sure who or what he did before then or where he came from.
Since it was that worldbuilding panel I assumed it was Shivam. My bad for being presumptuous.
You joke but we haven't had a white block since Ice Age.
Is the conspiracy agenda just that it won't be all white doods all the time?
Ravnica counts, right?
If they printed Mirage Block as-is today instead of Amonkhet, we'd be getting the exact same WE WUZ stuff. The only difference is less complaints about low power level.
Instead it'd be complaints about high power level and Wizards powercreeping, etc. due to things like LED
No, Ravnica is a multicultural mess. New York the Plane. Theros might count though.
>Theros might count though.
Nope. Mediterraneans aren't even white in real life to begin with.
It's a multicultural mess heavily inspired by east Europe though.
Also I highly doubt the person talking about Kamigawa was Japanese or even Asian for that matter.
It's always whites and blacks who think they know what's best for Asian people and try to suppress Asian cultures from actually being Asian.
A multicultural mess by definition cannot be a "white block".
Are you really implying dunkcaster mage is bad?
Modern day Mirage spoiler thread
>All these creatures fucking suck, what the fuck Wizards
>That diamond is balls except with madness, the cost is way too high, there's no point to it
>these tutors suck why don't they put them in your hand
>everything is out of color pie wizards has gone mad
>goddamnit maro now he's got his own card
>why doesn't flash grant flash
>these fetches are so bad, wizards is afraid to reprint the REAL fetches even this soon after Khans?
>wtf is phasing
>Phyrexian Dreadnought is going to be broken I just know it
>Why does Wizards hate Prowess so much?
Heavily inspired by multicultural messes. What part is Eastern European except for the fact that it has vampires and poor people?
>All of the names are slavic as fuck.
>Weird russian/polish mythology.
>devs stating that it's based off eastern europe.
>probably lots more.
Yeah, it's rather depressing how many people who talk about cultural inclusiveness and such will in same breath condemn all outwardly visible _signs_ of that culture as racist caricatures that surely can't exist in reality. It's like in their mind their own upper middle class white American college-educated culture is not a distinct thing, but some kind of a universal default state and if something deviates from it, that's not real, that's a racist caricature.
These are the sort of people who are uncomfortable in their skin if samurai, geisha, cherry blossoms, ninja or any of the things that people mentally associate with Japan - to pick an example - are brought up, because they think, apparently, that those things are insulting to the Japanese somehow. Like in their mind Japanese are actually all just upper middle class white people from Portland or something and evil racists invented all the things I listed to shame Japanese. It's bizarre.
This is pretty much exactly what would happen.
You do realize that the race of the characters are usually specified by the comission text, right? The fault lies with the art director, not the artist.
Sure, the names are a mix of different slavic languages but other than that there's barely anything slavic about Ravnica, they just slapped slavic names on stuff
I'm not willing to give white artists the benefit of the doubt.
Isn't this old news? We've known about this for years haven't we?
Honestly I can't help but feel it's just white people hiding their racism behind fancy words.
People are fucking dicks and no matter how righteous they claim to be always need someone to look down upon and sneer at.
So if it's not blacks it's hispanics and if it's not hispanics it's asians and if it's not asians it's some other group.
I learned this shit pretty quickly in high school when I was the fat kid and most of my bullies were "against racism and bigotry in all forms" and yet would harass me for just existing and throw shards of glass at me. If society allowed it they'd have been doing it to the black kids.
People are horrible.
When is the Camelot plane coming out with round table knights (all of them white of course) led by Arthur? We were kings, after all.
I like Snapcongo Mage.
I would prefer "SNAPcard Mage"
meddling mage became a black chick in alara reborn