>A Jarl and his retinue is a threat to a high level group.
>Bigger threat than ogres, giants and other monsters
Would this bother you?
>A Jarl and his retinue is a threat to a high level group.
>Bigger threat than ogres, giants and other monsters
Would this bother you?
Well, an ogre is 4+4 Hit Dice. I assume this guy is at least level 6 all on his own.
If they're strong enough to keep their hold in a land of ogres and trolls and monsters then they're bound to be tougher.
Not really, there's a reason he's the Jarl, and most retinues aren't going to be shitty either (or why would the Jarl want them)
The only things that stop a Jarl being a high-level adventurer are baggage and responsibility, but he gets to have nice home shit and a bigger group to hang about with
No, singular dumb monsters are not nearly as significant a threat as a group of multiple highly trained, intelligent warriors with political power.
I would go full autismo. Flipping the table, screaming at the DM, ripping character sheets, the works.
I would literally shit in my hand and smear it on the walls in pure rage.
No, smart enemies are more dangerous than lone brutes
Why would it?
Having well equipped and trained human enemies that are just as smart as the party, doing smart shit past basic pack mentality and predictable banditry is always a welcome relief, because at least its fun and challenging without just being "this thing gets away with being tactically retarded because it stronk, dont get too close because its arms are made of flaming knives and do 1/3rd of your HP unless you can con save, but you're going to be taking 2d6 fire damage every turn anyway unless you use a move action to stop drop and roll, have fun"
Much more interesting to have like 7 guys break up into groups of 3, with the biggest remaining in front of the party while the other two flank and spread out around the party, then peppering the party with javelins or something before they even try moving in so that you all have to split up or try to break out of the circle, giving at least a few of the attackers your backs.
Might even get to be frustrating if they're allowed to ready actions to throw javelins at exposed party members backs if they all start running in one direction without announcing that someone is covering the rear, but I don't even think you could get away with readying an action on something that vague so it should just be fun and challenging
Not at all. If I'm playing in a campaign with "levels", then clearly this is a heroic setting, and the Jarl and his pals are heroes too. They've probably been on tons of wild adventures, have cool magical weapons (just like us), and eat ogres for breakfast.