Ayy, what do you want in particular? I got the dragonoid from here: enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?468639-5e-EPIC-MONSTER-UPDATES
It is the "Repeater," a Monstrosity that is very powerful. I decided to have it take up a 9x9 square because it's stats were not mentioned.
The Skeleton Titan is a gargantuan sized creature with 390 hp, 30 strength, and one single attack that deals 12d12+7 damage and has a +17 to hit.
The Antimagic Wyvern is a major plot character that comes from icy mountains. It takes up a 7x7 square. Ignoring the werehuman qualities I gave mine, the base creature I drafted is as follows:
Antimagic Wyvern, CR 23
Gargantuan Dragonoid, Chaotic Evil
512 hp (25d20+250)
AC 20
Speed: 40ft, Flight 80ft
Statline: 30 10 30 6 12 10
Saving Throws: +17 Con, +8 Wisdom
Skills: None
Damage Immunities: Cold, Force; non-legendary Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage that isn't Adamantine (yes, it is immune to most magic weapons)
Senses: Darkvision 60ft
Languages: Understands Common, but does not speak
Features: Immune to all 6th level spells and lower. Has advantage on all other saving throws against magic and has resistance to magical damage.
Siege Monster: Double Damage to structures.
Multiattack: One Bite, Two Claws, and can use it's stinger against something behind it. All attacks are made with a +17 to hit. Bite deals 7d10+10 piercing, the claws 7d10+10 slashing, and the stinger deals 7d10+10 piercing and forces a DC 25 con save or take 14d6 poison damage and are poisoned for a minute (repeat saving throw at end of turn). Half damage otherwise.
Screech (recharges 5-6): DC 25 con save for everything within 60 ft. Deals 10d10 thunder damage and deafens for 1 minute (repeat saving throw at end of turn). Deals Half damage otherwise.