WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General

Trying to remember to do it right edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?


>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

Other urls found in this thread:


Already fucked it up: Previous Thread: 54756432

Like Pottery....
Previous Thread:

Working on this hq again. What do people think I should do for the whip? Glowy green? Something else?

Almost finished my death guard rhino. Couple weekends of work went into this guy. Happy with the results tho. Took a risk and used a toothbrush to flick on blood marks, hadn't tried it before and rushed fucking everything up but it turned out well. Would recommend


So do you guys watch uncle atom videos?
I started watching him because of the light box on OP but goddamn, I've seen a many of his videos just for his voice, it's so warm and calms me.

I personally would go with the same purple used on the cloth to tie everything rohether. Too many random colours makes the model look disjointed. Unless it's something specific that really needs to be a particular colour, I'd keep the palette as limited as possible.

Thorn whip

>So do you guys watch uncle atom videos?
Not really.
He's got a good video about which army to chose though, I've posted that a few times when the inevitable 'what army is best' thread pops up.

I don't always agree with what he says. But at least he usually explains his opinions and is one of the few people that acts like a normal person on youtube.

I used to watch the terranscapes videos a while ago to relax and zone out to though. So if you are looking for something relaxing to watch I'd recommend those.

the blood on sides is good, but if you want to make it look like it ran over/impaled people, I would definitely recommend more blood on the treads and possibly on the lower front part of the hull, above and below the spikes

Having second thoughts about this marinelet lieutenant I'm building, /wip/; I thought the pauldron scroll would add some motion to the pose (like he's spinning to face something), now I'm not so sure. What do you think?

i think it is fine. just make it a captain. same points , more gear options, being a manlet is no issue, extra HQs for brigades. they are just better.

The assault squad set comes with one made specifically for pauldrons, but it's for the left one. The ones that come with the Tactical set are meant to be tabbards so they aren't as dynamic, but what you have looks pretty alright to me.

I like his videos but the content is just so retarded and basic.

>disco intensifies

Would probably work better if he was looking to the left

Took me all summer to do these guys

Slow progress on the Primaris Lamneters, but hoping to have marine #2 done soon enough. Decided not to paint squad markings but am pretty keen on painting up rank markings for Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains etc, open to ideas.

I feel like your Termagants need something on their back plates, cause those ones in the front left look like they're made of playdough from the picture

Use the official color if you want a canon weapon, otherwise I'd say either magenta or blue, so it doesn't clash with the scheme you've already established.

Painting Buddha really manages to both awe and relax me. His tutorials have value as well if you are looking to showcase paint.

Claws work but everything else is shit. Going to remove the leg nipple spike things on all the others but this is a test model so I'll do it to this one when it's stripped.

Thoughts on a skin colour?

I want to kit bash a DP for my Iron Warriors, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I do like the maulerfiend model but is it to big to use as a baseline?

does anyone have a pdf of this knocking about?

i mean it's really not bad, it does look like a slaaneshi daemon, if that's what you are asking but, too bad you didn't base it with Slaanesh grey, since Druuchi violet would
have been a perfect wash


I don't use GW paints. I could give it a light purple wash to see if that works.

Thanks for the idea

painting white is so time consuming.
It's time like these i'm happy that I don't play white scars

looking nice user
>inb4 you only get we wuz replies

Add Greenstuff flesh on the spikes/treads.

I want this marine to be voiced by Idris Elba
But yea, looks top notch, keep up the good work

In addition to multiple fuckups this week, some painting related, I completely lost the last breastplate for my Hellblasters.

So we're going to see if we can't turn mistakes into miracles.

looks like that'd make a great Iron warriors character of some kind

>I want this marine to be voiced by Idris Elba

Today we face the monsters that are at our door...

Do they have bolters and bolt shells in your world?

well it looks like my Apothecary has a name now

Oh you live in the UK as well huh? We have a lot of niggers moving in here, it's becoming a ghetto.



Old termie captain I made back at the start of 6th, I think it was 6th. Trying to not suck too hard at painting

Just bought an old metal Stegadon with plans to turn it into a Clan Pestilens-style Abomination. Any recommendations parts-wise?

Give it a big dino penis


looks very nice user
nice dubs u got there too buddy

I second this

dino's woulda had bird dicks too, not lizard dicks
gotta be historically accurate

Looks good for an old mini. Even coat for the most part and nice washes. Try to highlight for 8th.

I want to convert a second hand Tervigon into an assault vehicle of some kind for my renegade Primarines. Is this stupid?

Finished highlighting these Hellblasters' armor last night. Gonna paint up the plasma coils tonight.

Still working on getting stronger edge highlights -- just started painting again after ~7 years.

yes, do it anyway though.

Where can I get Raptors decals?

Sorry but that's extremely dumb. How's a bug supposed to become a vehicle unless you're going to use the head to mount on the front.

Just finished assembling my blood angel terminators. I need to still highlight and wash before they're finished, but how's this for old-school tournament quality?

Was going to take some ideas from little huts they put on elephant backs for archers to hold up in and shoot from, but in this case it'd probably be two mini bunkers or platforms on the Tervigon's back on either side of his vents, possibly with some people manning mounted turrets. Then maybe the driver sits at the base of his neck holding some chains to act as its reigns

Iunno, I'd just hate to not do anything with this Tervigon and my army is all infantry right now. Figured a quick brainstorm into making it usable wouldn't hurt too badly

You aren't orks.

Fuck me, pic forgotten

Stop being retarded, the model just isn't suitable for the army you want to put it in.

So like an elder kind of look? That might look cool. The back spines would be a pain to work around though.
Alternatively you could buy 30 termagants and use them together to start a tyranids force. Bringing back 10 gants each turn for free is amazing.

I've got a salvaged/stolen/makeshift theme going but you're right; I might be reaching too far with this one

I considered making Nids on the side before I got it. Maybe I'll just strip it and store it for later use

glad you followed my link user
Now you just gotta learn the right way to paint white. I made the same mistake my first time posting dudes here too

well maybe not first time, since pic related was my first time posting here

I'm starting a Tau army, group shot of the night's work before I head to bed.

You're doing a fantastic chapter though, if you can lighten that green a bit it'll be perfect. Show them off when you're done!

Hello Veeky Forums, I am just getting into 40k, and the last time I painted anything was as a child. I would prefer to not ruin any of my spess mahreens, so...where should I start with learning? I'm not blind, I see the links at the top, but as a complete neophyte, how do I get started?

Sweet Emperor thin your paints!

warhammer tv on youtube

look at a few of the marine guides that are similar to the colors u will be painting

then just branch out from there

Based Duncan will teach you the ways, drink deep of the well that is his knowledge

Just dont forget to Prime your minis, which I think he also has a video for

If you're using acrylic paints, you're not going to ruin anything. Can always strip the paint off. If you're worried check out some tutorials and work on the basics. You'll improve with practice, and don't try to get too complicated too soon.

Start with either a cheaper, simpler model, or one that you simply don't like as much!

If you want to do a canon chapter, you could also just search "how to paint [insert chapter here] on youtube. That could also be helpful for space marine techniques in general.

Lamentors are truly a nightmare to paint, I'm starting to regret this

Suffering is all apart of the Lamenter experience, brother.

Forgeworld? Its their chapter. You can make your own too somehow

Recently discovered the joy that is an eviscerator-armed canoness, so I had to make one for my growing Sisters army.

look wot i got

Hot glue when?

I would think that blood on the treads would pretty much turn instantly to brown mud as the vehicle drove on. While the blood on the chassis and spikes would stay "clean" for a bit longer.

Gorgeous Rhino, user.

That's a triceratops. (or at least it's in that family)

Spellcrow sells fur capes that can be easily attached to the back of any marine.

I'd switch the scroll with some flowing purity seals

This isn't Reddit you faggot. If you want praise for purchasing something and taking a photo fuck off some where else.

How do I go about painting burgundy?

sorry it upsets you, i thought wip would like to see an unusual model, even before i start painting it. ill let you know as i start painting it, which wont be for a while, since im working on another project at the moment.

There's something weird about Tabletop minions. About a year ago e got basically no views, now suddenly he's getting a shit load, but during that time he didn't produce very many videos. Something weird is going on where he suddenly became popular and my only possible answer is he sucked a lot of dick at cons to get circle jerks going among popular people.

His videos are very basic, he doesn't really say anything interesting and he has no real talent.. so what gives?

Terranscape is /r9k/ autistic but his videos are enjoyable. He does some great work but at a very slow pace.

Any one got any recommendations for build videos? like 10+ video series where a guy builds the kit and does stage by stage updates as he goes. I've been considering picking up a go pro and recording similar things when I have my new work area set up. That or a pair or camera glasses and just flick them on and start shit talking every time progress is made on a project.

Oh boy, it's another Reddit meme.

Neck yourself and do us all a favour.

>Bitches that someone posting content is not the right kind of content.
>Proceeds to not post wip.


Oooh-- is that an official model that I wasn't able to search up, or a kitbash?

Fresh off the Earth Caste assembly line. Hopefully I get at least one of these guys done tonight, although that might be optimistic.

>Has posted multiple pictures and comments in the thread but you can't tell because it's an anonymous image board.

You have to go back.

Point to them fgt :^)


Nice autism. Also thank you for giving two of my wip some (you)s.

wuts with this reddit meme
im pretty sure people would post unboxings and shit of minis and w/e in wip since forever, its just few and far between.

Shitposters know no bounds.

It's cancer. This is pretty much the only thread on Veeky Forums about working on minis and getting shit done. Everything else is playing pretend as a gay elf fighting a dragon. What do you think happens when you remove the "working on" part of this thread? It no longer has a reason to exist. It becomes "look what I bought", where people are praised for purchasing model kits rather than working on model kits.

If you let this shit go then you will end up with a slippery slope which turns into /soc/, but the cam whores hold a box of Space marines by their cheek as they take the selfies. Go take a look at the mini communities on Facebook or Tumblr some time, it's full of women doing exactly that. It's the Xbox controller licking of out hobby.

Say no to free attention for being a consumer. Say yes to hard work and nice miniatures being painted.

except its been like that for who knows how long and no ones cares because it only happens like twice a year

You must be fun at parties. Tell us more about the integrity of little plastic toys.

>Everything else is playing pretend as a gay elf fighting a dragon
Do you know what this board is for?




some flaming homosexual posting a picture of their -whateverthefuck- is still posting on topic

until they start using a tripcode they are a free citizen of WIP

save the reddit namecalling for when we see someone's face/they start using a tripcode
thats when its against the rules and or cancerous

Fuck off faggot. This has never been a happy place and you're the cancer ruining the board when you claim it is.

Cancer grows when you ignore it. Either you respond to it and punish the behaviour or it will become more common and acceptable.

Please don't take credit for others peoples work.

This is the kind of retard who populates this thread.

I hope you can find harmony and happiness in your life.

Best of luck.