>be in the hobby shop
>searching for pieces to your favorite roleplaying game
>these three strut up to you profusely
>"hey user want to join our vampire the masquerade group?"
What do?
Be in the hobby shop
Politely say, "No, but thanks for the offer. Good luck finding players."
Begin talking about Requiem to scare them off.
Sure but I get to be the dm, And no malkaviens.
Say yes and then instantly regret it.
Only if I get to be your sissy ghoul slave
Sure why not, what day?
"I'm not familiar with any of the lore or setting."
How willing and cool they are in giving me a crash-course, and how chill in general they are during that interaction, greatly determines whether or not I say yes or no.
"Yes, but if I guess which one of you was born with a penis, do I get to pick who I can sleep with?"
Meantime, please post goth chicks, God's gift to nerds, and the absence of which is our divine punishment?
Join their fucking group.
As long as I can play a Mage"
>tfw goth fag
I'm sorry, but World of Darkness did not age well. It was created for goths, and their age is long gone.
"Sure, it's not cross chronicle is it? And is it pre or post 1999?"
Was Fucking an adjective or a descriptor of the word group?
Only if they agree to teach me how to strut profusely.
Rolled 3 (1d20)
I've never seen the word profusely in conjunction with walking so I have to imagine they did some pretty dope moves just getting to me. I respond by laying down some cardboard and breakdancing in order to establish dominance. I will become the leader of their rhythmic goth clique.
Not really, but I do want to tongue-punch your fart boxes after your session ends. Call me.
Why would I game with those caked on trannies?
I've woken up in 1993 again, feels good
Ok guy but we play at my house and I'm a fat old married grog.
"All three if you have penises, right? Yeah I'll join."
Match their walking moves with my own set I learned from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
You trip when your baggy pants fall down around your ankles, exposing your micropenis and Betty Boop boxer briefs.
You are now crippled AND humiliated.
I dress very casualy goth in my everyday life (and tend to have a darker look in my work clothes) so I fit right in and get right to playing. I actually used to play Magic with a girl who looked very similar to the one on the left, minus the piercings. Goth can be cool if you do it right lol. Not all of us are edglords.
I forget walking animations exist in fighting games
Clearly both.
Maybe, when do you guys run? How you planning on running things?
Also, is that a uniform because it wont look nearly as good on me.
>it wont look nearly as good on me.
Don't be silly, you'll look great
>"Hell yeah! I've been trying to get a game together since high school, but never got the people for it. Catch me up on the plot."
For real though, I'd love to sit in on a couple sessions and see how the game runs. I've been wanting to play a Masquerade campaign since I grew up hearing stories of my sister's group playing a game of Dark Ages all the way up into Masquerade using the same characters. I'm 100% down.
Also they're immediately showing like ten of my kinks, so that can't hurt.
How is VtM, by the way? Is it actually any good?
Goth girls only want Trent reznor looking guys, good luck user.
>join group as Alalastari Masturetti master vampire
>use my Veeky Forums power autism to become master at the system
>become so much of a that guy they stop listening to nine inch nails, get over their self image issues and find a life that not only enriches they also enjoy
I assume that role is already taken by the middle one
Can I bring my boyfriend?
This is your DM tonight.
Run They're after your kidneys.
What do you mean by this?
Yeah, that's about right.
got the original of that image?
That's a 40 year old Japanese man.
I mean, is it cool if I bring my bf to the game.
It could basically be anyone with all the airbrushing
What are you, a freeloader? Make sure he brings some food too.
"Fuck it, I don't have anything to lose. Please tell me we're going Sabbat, though."
>If you're willing to have a new player at the table then give me a date, time and location. Should I make a character before hand? If so, are there any limits or circumstances I should take into consideration?
Externally, "Camirilla, Sabbat, or Anarch?"
>Internally, "ewww, pasties. A shame; you'd look hotter with a t-shirt. #3 knows what I'm talking about. Delicious mesh."
Yeah. I'm a fairly good cook. Any allergies?
Mana gave me the crash course in "fuck it, there is no gay". Malice Mizer Mana will forever remain eminently fuckable.
>dat Illuminati tv pv spot
>mana wearing flesh tone make up, glasses, labcoat
>strips it off to reveal latex catsuit
>my slutty professional woman boner was never stronger
Seriously. This upset me all throughout highschool. I didn't know who the fuck anyone else was, but somehow they all knew me.
"You're that kid who's always reading up on the bleachers."
"You're the guy who threw a chair at somebody."
"I've lived next door to you since the third grade."
Such bullshit.
How about some Catan?
>"You're the guy who threw a chair at somebody."
We've all done it, and I hope he deserved the righteous WWE RAW smackdown he got.
Classic goths didn't go for gauges or as many piercings, especially septum piercings.
That's entirely a neo goth thing, and it needs to stop.
I'm good, just waiting on L5R to be out.
>"You're the guy who threw a chair at somebody."
Clearly this started a school brawl and everyone knew it was you.
>When you throw a chair but they grab it and smack you with it
Good old days. Growing up in the third world was one helluva ride.
>Come in dressed as Abraham van Helsing
>Umm hey user... who did you come uh, dressed as?
>Say I'm a vampire hunter
>Have a small convo on non-vampire related things
>Go on to slay the girls in bed
Oh boy, a reason to wear my JNCOs
I don't even watch wrestling.
He was bigger than me, and the situation was escalating anyway. My choices were let the confrontation happen on his terms, or throw a chair at him from a safe distance.
It worked, I got in trouble, and people remembered me as that chair throwing guy for the next few years.
Which strikes me as weird, because you'd think it would happen more often. They're everywhere, heavy enough to damaging but with built in grips for easy throwing and light enough you can get a decent distance with them with and over the shoulder whipping motion. Its such an obvious first strike option.
Everyone knows Goth girls only go for Chads, so that question is probably meant to cut you off if you accept their offer.
I would just tell the bitches to fuck off. That would make them even more interested.
>Goth girls only go for Chads
Then who do goth boys go for?
Goth boys
Also Chads.
My prayers have been answered!
Fair wanring though, you'll have to teach me most of the rules.
I'd say yes, because goth chicks are my weakness.
I might regret it later but odds are I could recover from the experience if things went terribly.
No, goth girls will work with you because you're a depressed outcast just like them, so the relationship will run smoother and last longer due to this connection.
I actually have been working out and trying to rock the Trent Reznor/Glenn Danzig/Modern Davy Havok buff clean look lately. I can't say it has had results but I also have been very focused on my job and school so I haven't really been getting out like I used to. I can say that I feel much better though, while also not having to hide my goth power level as much due to not looking like a total failure edgelord mallgoth.
Wish me luck user, I never thought it would be like this, I just wanted to bang cute goth girls and it all spiraled out from there.
fuck, kill, marry.
probably accept, but this is a pretty unlikely scenario to begin with
there is a reason I have no friends and I wish I knew what that reason was...
>the relationship will run smoother and last longer due to this connection
Until they find a Chad to cuck you with.
Then you cuck her right back with the same Chad
Nobody actually goes for Chads. Chads go for whomever they please and others move on with their lives.
>>the relationship will run smoother and last longer due to this connection
>Until they find a Chad to cuck you with.
It is better to have loved and have lost than never to have loved at all
What clan would they pick, Veeky Forums?
If you get cucked, chances are you have no one to blame but yourself. Either they are a huge bitch and you should have recognized this infidelity sooner, or you failed to hold up your end of the relationship. If someone stays with you, it has to be because you deserve it. Not because you think you own them.
Or you could be a dom and convince them you deserve to own them because they're submissive and emotional.
Works in my marriage.
The fuck is a chad
Toreador. It's always Toreador.
b-back the fuck off
This nigga gets it
If you find a sub who agrees with that, great more power to you. But thinking its gonna make you NTRproof is delusional. Getting a feel for the other person's personality before you get into anything serious and then making sure you put actual effort into the relationship is still the best bet.
malkavian, toreador, lasombra. in that order.
I didn't even know that I had a fetish for this sort of thing.
kill, fuck, marry
I mean, sure, random strangers in bumfuck nowhere town.
Oddly enough, I used to run with the local goth tribe, the wardrobe kinda stuck too, wound up in more group staredowns and minor scuffles with people with differing fashion sense and taste in music than I ever anticipated.
Stand. Knees slightly buckled, bow the back a bit, lower neck straight out parallel to floor, upper neck crooked up to support masturbation-famished skull, void of cheek fat or healthy skin around shrunken red eyes, which are gazing directly at the closest of the two tape covered breasts with a locked, hungry, intent. Mouth open a bit, breathing visibly rocks my skeleton slightly with each cycle, pull my lips together and swallow. Gulp. Breath a bit more, then wet my dry lips, continuing the glare.
Ignore all further prompts to engage or disengage, simply stare in silence, and eventually shift my focus to that ass as it walks away.
This means you're unaware of your surroundings and are around people more often then you think. When you leave a room, someone inevitably asks "Who is that guy? We see him all the time", then someone answers and voila, everyone knows your name and knows you as that weird guy they know little about aside from the few weird things you've done/have been rumored to do.
Source: I've been that guy through all of undergrad and now 4 years of grad school
Sure, why not
Goth chicks are easy and I dig the corpse-like pallor.
From left to right?
Its the only correct answer.
Sub who agrees with that line of thinking, reporting in.
I miss when my master had time for me. But I'll wait for him forever because it feels so good when he acknowledges me.
>strut profusely
More like slut profusely, am I right guys?
But seriously that is terrible phrasing OP.
Already happened to me. I went with it and it was a great campaign. Slightly different girls but similar. One was a stripper and I can confirm was female. If another was trans, then I don't know what happened at the abortion she got, because she was definitely preggers. The third who knows. VtM was a great game in its day and still is... IF you run it with the core rulebook and nothing else.
Btw I never fucked any of them. Though I would have slept with the stripper if I could.
Hot girls who are authentically goth basically no longer exist. Yeah there's cosplay and fetish models. And a few trailer trash landwhales. And oldgoths. But the scene where you'd have a 20 year old hot intelligent girl wearing a black minidress, genuinely interested in RPGs as an artistic medium, doing ffm threesomes to prove her politically-inspired bisexuality, and dating real actual nerds... those days are long past.
So if this happened to me and they really were chicks, I'd wait for Netscape to come out and then quick invent Hotmail or Livejournal and make billions while I could. Because clearly I'd been transported back to 1992.
It's hard to convey how hot these girls were back then, or how brilliant things were for gamers with even moderate hygiene and social skills. Those were good years. But Quirky Phase subcultures don't stay that way for long.
Daughters of Cacophony, in my experience. Like 5 examples come to mind immediately.
Codependancy. Truly the best quality in a relationship
what went wrong user?
In my experience, mental illness was a byronic pose that the goths themselves mocked. The most authentic goth in fiction is sandman's Death. Perky, hot, upbeat, pragmatic, smart.
It was only much later when the BPD landwhales showed up and acted the drama to prove how gothier-than-thou they were that the stereotype became true.
Your master actually broke up with you without telling you and is just using you for booty calls/validation.
You could still find them in the early 00s, but the scene has been more or less dead for a decade now.
>what went wrong user?
The Internet happened.
but the internet was around in the 90s
So very true. Goths were the most fun to hang around.