What are yuan-ti like in your game?
What are yuan-ti like in your game?
Emotionless snek people that purposely let their empire die to allow them to control humanity more overtly in the future.
I switch around the names so they make sense
also haven't we had this same thread with the same pic before?
Yes, and multiple mods have decided it is not breaking any rules.
I like... Yuan-Ti and I cannot lie
All you other gamers just can't deny
Then when a snake slithers in
With a humanoid shape
And a paralytic poison in your face
You get stiff
not complaining user I just thought I'd seen it before
pretty hot.
Oh, you're that passive aggressive user that posts things he doesn't like that the mods have OKed over and over and over in the hopes it counts as spam.
That explains it.
is wolf san daijobu?
I don't have yuan-ti specifically, but I do have Serpent-Men. They turn folk to stone and infiltrate humanoid societies to bend them to their will.
Yes, I watched this as a kid:
Serpent-Men include the standard 5e yuan-ti as well as Medusae, Lizardfolk, and Naga.
That is how they eat, so yes.
That's where you're wrong kiddo. Sneks are very much for lewd.
I remember that cartoon, barely, but I remember it!
Mine are still mostly D&D style, but I try to make them less retardedly evil. Ideally, they should be naturally antisocial, with a predisposition towards stereotypically snake like behaviors such as deception, simple manipulations (objective oriented without complex social interplay, usually about one or two layers of thought deep), patience and opportunism, vanity, and a weak but not absent sense of empathy and remorse as well as difficulty in forming deep, long term, or complex relationships. Unlike many characterizations of ASPD, they are rarely reckless or outwardly impulsive.
I use a traditional yuan-ti hierarchy where the relatively few halfbloods are generally happy with their upper middle stratum but many purebloods, who are far and away the most common, chafe against being least amongst their peers. As a result, yuan-ti purebloods will often leave their society, because they see it as an obstacle to their own self interests. Most go on to be a blight where ever they end up, but many simply keep a low profile, and a few become contributing members of their adoptive societies.
As a result of the rather plebeian like power that purebloods hold, abominations try to appeal to their vanity using both individual flattery and frequent reference to their status as vrael olo. It is also typical for exceptional purebloods to be elevated to positions of transient social prominence, without ever being vested with actual power, since in private, abominations view them as both contemptible and dangerous in large numbers.
The yuan-ti that I have worked on so far come from two clans, or from !Africa and one from !India. The !African clan is rightfully regarded as the more dangerous clan to humans, as its primary culture and religion are actively centered around anti-mammalian revanchism for an ancient slight that might never have actually happened.
Although it would be cool if you could do it in reverse. Slurping up a lamia like an oversized noodle is a fetish woefully underrepresented.
Aren't Yuan-ti transformed humans?
in my game they are part of a secret conspiracy that controls most of the regions government. don't know their motives other than that though.
Same as FR, descendants of !notYig worshipers who ruled the earth once upon a time and had a massive empire, but got fucked due to climate change, and Dragons
Also, are maneaters in both senses of the word.
Snakes ARE for fucking, but you should resist. Since that's how the alien overlords get you.
>George gets a chick and I get a retard dragon. Fuck my life.
Aliens. With mechs. And laser guns.
And incubate eggs inside people.
But why?
choose your snek
>Yuan-Ti born as a human, had a huge rack
>Views this as "un-snake-like"
needs the statue of liberty crying
Why does the alien species from another dimension or whatever only reproduce with human men? Because the harpies have that going on too.
Because fetish
Fuck it, I'll just dump all of these
Mermaids are cute
>still no mod
Dumb agressive snek people only good for being killed in dungeons to prevent some nefarious ritual.
Hopefully soon.
I want to make red slime my wife
Hope you've got acid proof condoms.
>Aversion to mono-eye
Man they went to the wrong people.
95% of /tg would think they are beautiful
>obese autistic neckbeards
They really could care less couldn't they?
Plus not all of Veeky Forums is obese, I'm a lanky tall dude
>starving skeletal neckbeards
Time for Best Girl (Lala)
They could actually.
And finally best kobold
It's a small price to pay for all those other monstergirls.
Hey look it's the dude who thinks monstergirls are furry.
(I do get that it is actually a dog, but the Japanese think that kobolds are doglike, so monstergirl)
>covered in fur
What else do you need dude? Polt is furry as furry can be.
Cmon man you can only spend so long in denial before you drown. Nobody is saying monstergirls are furry, but polt? Polt a furry.
Psychopathic snake people who are also cunts.
There some kind of summer furry conversion campaign on or something? First Splatoon, tomorrow the world
Not a furry, and I give my case
A normal furry artwork starts with an animal and antrropomorophs it.
Kobold starts with a human and adds animal-like features.
Furries wish to be animals, and monstergirls and girls with features befitting a monster.
only because they didn't do a page with the monster that is Man
There is a line and the artist crossed it with polt. He could have done dog girl with paws if he wanted her to be more doglike, but he went full furfag.
When you add a snout to a human and cover them in hair it's still furry.
See: wakfu.
They really COULD NOT care less.
Saying they "Could" could less means they actually do care, how do dumbasses make this mistake?
For all intensive purposes it's the same thing, user
Don't you doggy dog world me in these diamond dozen circumstances, ya cunt.
Beating quota?
Beating meat
It's a reference to a cartoon of some kind, but I cannot for the life of me remember which one.
See I don't consider Wakfu furry
See with all these charts it seems like the artist really cares about character design.
With how radical the other monsters are I think he really wanted to stress the koboldness of his character.
Pandawans and ecaflips are full on anthro, user.
Just because I consider the cat in hat as one of my favorite movies doesn't mean it is actually a good movie.
>My Dick In the Cat In the Hat
I thought it was referee to Half-Life two when Barney mentions something about being behind on his beating quota.
How does that work, exactly?
That's still too much unfaithfulness cat, get the fuck out of my house and take your things with you.
I'm not seeing the connection.
Essentially the upper caste of their society realized that if they could manage to erase all traces of their existence as a race. They would be able to live on perpetually as myths, empowering the few yuan-ti that survived and allowing those individuals to get more leeway for their plans.
So she works in the kitchen?
Or is it in sexual way?
You see furries kind of are(I hate to say this) race traitors. It's like how weebs are obnoxious because they are obsessed with being Japanese, furries are obsessed with being animals.
This goes against what those two are like. They don't fill me with a desire of the artist to become a furry animal.
Having a snout doesn't make something furry, seeking to have a snout does.
It's like how I can play a sonic game and not be furry, but most of the fan stuff wants to be a hedgehog.
user this is dangerous levels of mental gymnastics. A snout is a snout. Whether the dog girl wanted the snout or not has no bearing on her being a furry.
I'm annoyed I can't find a good source for all these shorts. Everyone I find is incomplete or seems to be a compilation of trailers.
fake news, dogfucker
You're not a complete degenerate who's fine with getting cucked, therefore you must be /pol/
>covered in fur
>not a furry
Nigga wat? She even has six teats. I'd argue that makes Polt more furry than your average fursona bullshit
Mine are decadent philosophers and sorcerer-kings, for a very loose sense of king. They were created to rule the world by the Aaronic Serpents, but are generally too concerned with pursuing baser pleasures and trying to convince other people that they're actually wise and not just navel-less navelgazers.