Twins they were.
Twins they were
Other urls found in this thread:
So, the one on the right is the one with the penis then, since that's the only one holding a beer.
Are those Eleanor and Genevieve? They scrub up well.
Yup, that they are.
Who? Google gives me nothing for names or image.
Saint Celestine and her two bodyguards.
Saint Celestine's Angel Adds.
Where did you find this btw? Can't see it on greemarines tumblr. Is there somewhere else he uploads?
>Sex and the Hive City
>Girls 40,000
>Gothic Girl
>Devout Housewives
>2 Broke Saints
A sister of battle wouldn't be so soft.
Living Saints such as Celestine are sent by the Emperor to battle when all seems lost.
The Emperor also sends prophetic visions to his loyal servants occasionally.
Living Saints aren't always in battle, sometimes they don't manifest for years.
I think we can guess where Big E sends the souls of living saints to "recuperate"
"Twins they were" indeed.
They are like anime characters, normally they look soft but then when it comes time to battle they POWER UP
Good then. If I can't rub my dick all over her battlle-hardened abs I'm not interested.
>You will never romance a living saint (or two) and make her feel alive again for one night.
Feels bad.
By the the throne my dick will unleash an exterminatus
That made my day along with the OP.
Yes my count as SoB is basically an anime/feminist joke army.
I just want to snuggle with them desu.
Sex would be welcome tho.
Didn't Saint Celestine basically Sailor moon her way into cadia?
So, is there any more of this? I'm curious where it's going. I'm asking for a friend.
>a sororitas will never feel you up
Why are we still here...
Just save up and rent a Dominatrix or two, it's basically the same thing.
Sauce on the artist ? Love his style
Just to Suffer
there's at least one guy on Veeky Forums who gets private Green commissions, I've seen other ones before here
You can, but only during battle.
>Hilt of sword
>The pommel of the sword is hooked
Because I'm not a pedo and don't want a sorotas mommy to give me heretical, humilation joi while Brother Tyroneus assfucks her?
SS is and will always be trash
No, for totally. Womens wants to dig their hooks in us. Therefore womens like the hooks.
You don't even know what /ss/ is.
Honey did someone hurt you?
>SS is and will always be trash
Hure mitsprache was?
Man I would kill for a mgs3 that was in the fox engine.
I think Kojima should make silent hills but call it something just off, like quiet mountains or something. Just to piss of Konami
Wow my nostalgia train took me to the most off topic place ever.
Sorry guys
Top tier
>You will never be a part of the pdf.
>Fresh out of training.
>You will never be on call when all the warp breaks loose.
>You will never help defend your planet from the archenemy.
>You will never fight hopeless battles and stage daring retreats.
>You will never lay in a bunker exhausted when you hear a crusade has arrived.
>You will never hear that Roboute Guilliman himself is leading it.
>You will never volunteer for the front to try to see him.
>You will never run into a traitor marine.
>He will never back you into a trench.
>A living saint will never rescue you.
>You will not stare in awe at her until the commissar slaps you over the head.
>You will never have your first drink of amisac with your surviving friends during the triumph.
>The Living Saint will never pass through offering blessing to the regiment.
>She will never pass your way.
>You will never stammer out "you're very pretty" as she compliments the bravery of your squad.
>Your face will never turn crimson as she laughs and kisses you on the cheek.
>You will never stand stunned as she walks away.
>Your regiment will never treat you like an un-official relic.
>Your commissar will never give you a "nice".
>Your legend will never spread through the Imperium.
>You will never sign up for the IG to try to see her again.
Why does this hurt?
>YWN have a Sororitas GF.
>YWN talk to her about how much to hate Chaos and Xenos.
>YWN have post purge sex.
>YWN fight back to back as Sororitas and Guardsman Veteran.
Life is truly suffering...
Is /ourguy/ lmao
>Why does this hurt?
Not as much as the bullet I'd inevitably catch.
Does anyone read slav runes?
>When the Slavs have this MASSIVE 40k Fanclub where they keep all their fanart, meme sand OC to themselves, even a fucking booru
>Meanwhile Veeky Forums's shit is all over the place, not hosted in centric image hosting sites, and hidden on Imgur compression and links on a barely maintained wiki
This is the worst fucking crime in the universe and it must be rectified.
Careful not to underestimate the slav lichs
damn greenmarine got really good. I still remember those threads where he drew 40k lewds for us before the janitors fucked it all up.
good to hear he's still going strong
link to booru?
I'm really rusty on Russian, should have been studying this summer for another year of learning it. Though could give it a go if you really want a translation.
Russians are cool dudes. Get annoying when everyone ignores them or says they can't do anything. They have a really fun Warhammer community especially.
No 3D SOB...
Well here's a tumblr I found, don't know about the booru though
Every Russian person I've met (which is not a lot but still) has been an absolute great person to be around. Played in a band with one once.
>Don't trust the Abhuman in Apartment 23
post the other one with the inquisitor
That looks extra heretical to me.
Is that a photoshop? That looks like a child's head.
You ain't the only one.
I'd buy an HD Fox Engine remake of all of them for XBone.
I wonder if people realize that the Gemini Superior are -NOT- Elly and Gene?
Every time Celestine comes to a new covenant, she picks two lucky Sisters to commit sudoku in the name of the Emperor and they become the Gemini Superior for that particular battle. Once Celestine is 'done' with them, we don't know what happens - but Elly and Gene aren't present in the recent books.
She specifically is described as picking new Gemini Superiors to join her for that battle.
TLDR: They likely die permanently at the end of the battle, becoming soul food for the daemon that is Celestine
Is that the pool room from Hearst Castle?
Nah just a baby face.
Doesn't have to be human either.
Can we take a momment to take in the fact that Celestine is basically a Daemon Prince and her underlings daemonettes. Im starting to think the SoB should be marketed, along with the LotD as the emperor's daemons.
This makes me wonder. How well would the Legion and Celestine and her Sisters fight together?
Would they work together well and show the full power of the Emperor or would the Sisters get a little too weirded out and try to purge the Legion for being all Damned and what not?
Anyone else feel strangely aroused by Ephrael Stern when she appeared in TTS?
The extra F stands for FIRE.
>A legionare and a sister joyfully striding hand in hand across the battlefield while turning hordes of Chaos to ash
>A mirage of the Emperor stands above them in the cloud rooting them on like a proud father would
It'd be perfection
You've met those who managed to run away
>Their friendship and love of fire summons holy equivalents of Flamers of Tzeentch
Settle down Mr. Ward
Greenmarine is the best, 10/10, honorary aryan, husbando material.
Brother Demitrius is a lucky adept indeed.
[citation needed]
Gem Sup don't last. She clearly spends them.
Huh, interesting. This is from Shroud of Night yes?
I'd say its probably more likely that she can only keep them alive for a limited period of time, than she absorbs them.
Also now I'm wondering if their armor magically changes to gold? Or if thats just how GW's version is painted
I'm not sure on armor but yeah that is from that novel. Good read too.
Yeah given the twins died first then she revived them on cadia and how clearly they aren't around anymore... they probably join her soul or go to the emperor's table to feast.
If that's the case we can assume dieing is a part of becoming one... which means this page implies ritualistic suicide.
If we take both this and the OP image as canon, it's safe to assume that Celestine takes them out for a night of drinks and sexy fun before the end.
Just like a Slaaneshii would. Sounds like heresy to me.
Celestine vore....I need it now.
There is nothing strange about being aroused by the human body at PEAK PERFORMANCE!
The most important image is this. A literal Emperor-blessed dick.
wuts goin on here?
There's a wasted opportunity in bringing about more non-SM Imperial heroes back as Living Saints. Sure, the chick with wings and halo is nice and all, but I want to see an Emperor Daemon Prince of Guard shootiness.
Can you imagine a Kriegsman Imperial Saint?
Any examples?
Living saints are supposed to be incredibly rare
Isn't Macharius supposed to be a living saint? Did anyone ever do something with that?
No, he was made a saint after his death I think.
My understanding is that certain people are canonised as Imperial Saints while they're alive and they occasionally appear as visions etc after death but the only records of people actually reappearing after death to unleash the fiery sword of justice are Sororitas.
... Does this imply that Celestine gives her Angels anime hair as part of the process?
... She appears to have the ability to restore her chosen on the battlefield unlimited by amount of deaths, but it's unclear when the death of the Geminae is required.
I'd suck it.
The twins seem like a pretty unique situation. They were twins, each was a Canoness and both died during the fighting on Cadia. It seems weird that there'd be a set of circumstances like that with anyone else so I like to think they're somewhat permanent. Who else is she going for a Cosmopolitan with?
You are missing this post
They aren't permanent for fact.