What is the point of anything if azatoth is just going to wake up one day anyway
What is the point of anything if azatoth is just going to wake up one day anyway
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making a giant robot capable of destroying azatoth with punches and cheesy one-liners
Go back to your grave Jack Chick
Welcome to nihilism, where the universe will stop existing one day and life doesn't matter.
You'll get your T-shirt and a rope to hang yourself with (if you ever man up and do it) in about a week.
Can something that is part of the dream of creation build something outside of creation ? How would that even work
I mean I just don't get cthulhu games I guess, the setting doesn't lend itself very well to living an adventure if everything is ultimately pointless anyway.
>Can something that is part of the dream of creation build something outside of creation ? How would that even work
>I'd best not enjoy this party because the party will be over eventually
Eh, your story doesn't matter on the cosmic space monster's timescale, but that doesn't mean it doesn't matter on your ordinary human timescales. People are usually happy enough with that.
user, have you ever heard of false vacuum decay?
It's to give him a really fucking bad day.
>Azatoth wakes up
>Is immediately punched in the face by a robot that's bigger than he is
so, this is the power of the spiral
>I mean I just don't get cthulhu games I guess, the setting doesn't lend itself very well to living an adventure if everything is ultimately pointless anyway.
Well I'm going to die one day but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try to stay alive and well for as long as I can.
Azatoth will destroy everything one day but the point is that he doesn't destroy it today.
The adventure is keep humanity alive and unmolested as best you can. It's possible that our species will live out a long and happy existence and fade away naturally before some gribbly thing can destroy us in the worst ways imaginable. It's not a great possibility but it's enough of one to fight for.
The adventure is working as the underdog, using your wits and guts to solve mysteries and hold back the darkness another day. The point is that the outer things don't win in your lifetime. And that you'll have enough knowledge and tools to pass on to the next unluck bum to take up your mantle that he won't see them win in his ether.
How about some positiv nihilism.
We might all die one day, no reason to be a dick about it.
Might as well try to make azatoth sleep for a bit longer ...
>Can something that is part of the dream of creation build something outside of creation ? How would that even work
the robot cancels the apocalypse, obviously
Good question!
Ask yourself thus-
All of the GOO's and Outer Gods are brutally honest, correct?
And all of them are hyperintelligent.
And Nyralathotep is one of the first of them all right?
If this is the case, then why is it they are organized in a manner to promote and spread cults dedicated to their worship which is something directly encouraged by Nyralathotep whom- is the only one of their kind ever known to actively Lie?
Like, you imagine a legacy countless eons of time spent in evolution, development and understanding above what mortal man can process, and at the apex and center of it all, there's this little shapeshifter who says it's the will of the thing that made you, claims it can speak to it, despite it only partially existing in space, and this thing, like you is hyperintelligent, except that, for all the generational knowledge you've gained, understanding of all that is and your alien nature, you never ever once performed any act of sophistry ever.
As in, Nyralathotep is literally the first Liar on a cosmic memetic sxale.
And it's goal is to end the universe.
So it goes around influencing matters all of it's offspring are involved in it meet these ends.
And it lies.
Did it ever occur to any of the Great Old One's and the other Outer Gods that this little shapeshifting shit is actually a Reverse Makuta from Bionicle?
What would be the point if he didn't?
Existence isn't meaningless just because you're gonna die, only faux nihilist edgelords think so.
Existence is meaningless in-and-of itself. There cannot exist any possible meaning that is not wholly arbitrary. No matter what. Meaning is not an intrinsic property of anything, it is something we ascribe to things and occurences.
Azathoth waking, sleeping forever, neither is different from the other. Both are equally meaningless.
Optimistic Nihilism
Wrong giant robot user
Elder God Demonbane is the relevant choice
What's the point of anything if the heat death of the universe is going to happen one day anyway.
Nothing lasts forever.
I would advise a combination of Demonbane and Chou Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann driven by someone able to maintain a state of CHIM.
And also maybe the Getter Emperor and
Or Heat Death? Can you conceive the birth of a world, or the creation of everything? That which gives us the potential to most be like God is the power of creation. Creation takes time. Time is limited. For you, it is limited by the breakdown of the neurons in your brain. I have no such limitations. I am limited only by the closure of the universe.
Of the three possibilities, the answer is obvious. Does the universe expand eternally, become infinitely stable, or is the universe closed, destined to collapse upon itself? Humanity has had all of the necessary data for centuries, it only lacked the will and intellect to decipher it. But I have already done so.
The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet, there remains time to create, to create, and escape.
Escape will make me God.
Because sitting around doing nothing is boring? If I'm going to die eventually anyway then I might as well get enjoyment out of what time I have by making something of it.
There has never been a point to anything. I'm glad you've finally realized this.
It's like the Matrix. If Azathoth dies in the dream, he dies in real life.
I like to illustrate Azathoth:
1. The universe is contingent on Azathoth's dream-state and Azathoth is contingent on the universe and thus contingent on his own dream-state. Azathoth is dreaming the universe and he is the universe and thus he is his own dream.
2. Azathoth is mindless and non-rational and passively pursues his "goals" in the same way that a ball "desires" to roll down a hill.
3. Also like a ball rolling down a hill, Azathoth's impetus is to follow the path of least resistance to the point of lowest order and energy. That is, Azathoth's impetus is to cease to exist. Since Azathoth and the universe are contingent on each other, this means the universe will also cease to exist.
4. Azathoth is prevented from realizing this impetus by the outer gods who want to exist. They maintain his dreamstate knowing that if he woke up all realities and unrealities would immediately terminate.
5. Instead, Azathoth attains a vicarious annihilation by imbuing his impetus on all living things. Azathoth is the urge to kill and destroy and consume past our means, but also to reproduce because more growth means more death. Reality is Azathoth's temple and every atom within it worships Azathoth.
Everything that's ever happened is just an emergent property of God's eternal self-mutilation.
Azathoth isn't the universe.
Azathoth is simply something in the middle of the universe so powerful that in waking up, it destroys the universe.
Remember, in Lovecraftian lore, there's more than this universe. Yog-Sothoth goes far beyond what Azathoth can do.
But Azathoth is the Primordial Chaos
Azathoth = The Holy Spirit
Yog Sothoth = The Father
Nyarlathotep = The Son
"Out in the mindless void the daemon bore me,
Past the bright clusters of dimensioned space,
Till neither time nor matter stretched before me,
But only Chaos, without form or place.
Here the vast Lord of All in darkness muttered
Things he had dreamed but could not understand, While near him shapeless bat-things flopped and fluttered
In idiot vortices that ray-streams fanned.
They danced insanely to the high, thin whining
Of a cracked flute clutched in a monstrous paw,
Whence flow the aimless waves whose chance combining
Gives each frail cosmos its eternal law. “I am His Messenger,” the daemon said,
As in contempt he struck his Master’s head. "
If we go by the "geneology" drawing Lovecraft made (which while clearly not serious is one of the few hings we have that show Lovecraft's own though about how the Outer Gods relate to each other), Azatoth is the originator of Yog-Sothot (as well as Nyarlathotep and Shub-Niggurath; incidentally, Nyarlathotep is one step less remove from Azatoth than the others, which would make him literally older than space and time if we assume the standard intrepretion of Yog-Sothot).
This makes a lot of sense, and actually seems to settle one unanswered question that I've had with intrepetion of Lovecraftian cosmology, namely the role of Shub-Niggurath. Yog-Sothot is commonly thought to be the manifestation of the universe/multiverse and space-time, which makes sense: Azatoth dreams up the universe which is Yog-Sothot. But Shub-Niggurath is a being of similar caliper, and is even called "the wife of Yog-Sothot", but doesn't appear to have such a clear role, aside from possibly being the source/manifestation of life. But if the cycle destruction and reproduction is integral part of Azatoth's dream due to it trying to reach lowest possible potential energy via self-annihilation, then Shub-Niggurath may be the manifestation of that tendency, while also being the source/manifestaion of life due to the cycle of life and death.
What is the point of wiping my ass if I'm just going to shit again one day?
Because Azatoth is literally a reality-ending event in the same way that the heat death of the universe is a reality-ending event.
If you truly believe in that OP then your logic applies regardless of whether Azatoth is real or not.
The point is to be an entertaining dream.
Nihilists fail to consider that at some point we many be able to escape the universe or even create one of our own.
Let's put it this way: Nyarlathotep is a cunt. He's the cuntiest cunt to ever cunt. If the other old gods had will and volition enough to judge him, they'd say "wow what a cunt that guy is yeah?"
Looks like Pizza the Hutt aka fucking shit.
>babby's first existential crisis
You're even more delusional than they are.
Pain has a priori meaning.
You'll never convince yourself otherwise.
But you're welcome to try and ignore it. (Won't end well)
I really liked that link user
Everything ends user.
One day your universe will crumble and you will end as well. Stop trying to find a way out and go outside and live.
He's also one of the few gods that cares about Humanity (albeit in a twisted fashion)
>any giant robot more powerful than Aquarion Logos
Even Azathoth would kneel.
A strange sentiment to have on a board that's basically about constantly making up worlds that disappear after 2 weeks of attempting to gather a bunch of neckbeards falls apart
I don't really follow shitty mecha, but wouldn't "erasing the concept of eyes" cause problems on the pilot's end as well, or "erasing the concept of speed" pretty much undo the universe?
What's the point of posting bad threads on Veeky Forums if everyone is just going to blow you the fuck out anyway
I plan to live forever, of course, but barring that I'd settle for a couple thousand years. Even five hundred would be pretty nice.
No longer mere earthbeings and planetbeings are we, but bright children of the stars! And together we shall dance in and out of ten trillion years, celebrating the gift of consciousness until the stars themselves grow cold and weary, and our thoughts turn again to the beginning.
So did not see any other Cthulhu thread may I ask some questions.
What is the best podcast or playthrough of a Call of Cthulhu game that you have heard.
How would you run a Cthulhu style game in 5e?
How would you calculate sanity points without making it another stat?
Oh and does anyone have any good movies or stories from Veeky Forums to read?
No point but what you make, user.
As a side note, the universe is 100% doomed to nonexistence eventually in real life too. How far away that is will depend on the balance between cosmological constants. If they balance out one way, the universe will continue to expand faster and faster until everything is an infinite distance away from everything else. If they balance out the other way, the expansion will eventually slow, stop, and reverse itself as the universe collapses back to a singularity. If they balance out exactly even, the expansion will stop at some point and we'll just have to wait for the stars to burn out and darkness to engulf all creation as the matter that comprises all things gradually decays.
The universe WILL end eventually, and no record of anything humanity has ever done or ever will do can endure. But we can make our own meaning for the brief bit of time we exist in it.
>Escape the Universe?
One can only try and maybe succeed. It's the same with immortality.
"The struggle itself [...] is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy".
You are such a Beta.
Heat death of the universe which has been mentioned several times is a perfect analogy.
Literally nothing of note will ever happen again after it and all that exists or will exist will be gone and nobody would even be around to observe it. It sounds depressing but honestly you're gonna be dead by the end of the century and the best case scenario for humanity probably doesn't get us through even 1% of the remaining time til heat death anyway so we have smaller more relevant fish to fry.
This. It always bums me out that the nihilists people talk about are teenybopper edgelords.
You know what? Everything will end one day and be destroyed, there is no fundamental truth, and the universe doesn't care about any of us. We aren't special.
So no pressure. Yeah, people are really terrible sometimes. Most of the time, even. But that makes all those small acts of kindness more significant. Selfishness is arguably reasonable and expected; kindness is risky and carries no interest reward but is somehow pervasive. Accomplishments matter for the sake of themselves, not for the sake of an imaginary future when you're dead or getting "well done, son guy" from the galactic overlord
You have to realize rht Lovecraft basically criticized religion, to hom if any "God" existed he would be so powerful, massive and weird thar it would give san loss to everyone that saw it and that would not give a shit about humana because we are tiny
Only nyarly gives a shit about humans but just because he is cunt
>Only nyarly gives a shit about humans but just because he is cunt
Any phenomenal cosmic power that gets bent out of shape by the presence of absence of human worship has some serious mental issues.
Also yog sothoth liked to breed with redneck chicks.
Yog Sothoth and I have a lot in common.
What indeed
>Can something that is part of the dream of creation build something outside of creation
Yes, according to The Elder Scrolls
>How would that even work
This. Non-fatalistic nihilism that involves carving subjective meaning from nothing is based.
Somehow this manages to be the most retarded fan wanking thing I have ever seen. How the fuck would you even tell a good story with this bullshit?
Under rated post.
Marrying Shub Niggurath is humanity's only salvation!
Because much like the infinite demonbanes stuff it's limited to a once-in-a-lifetime-end-of-story finisher against a enemy that requires that exact amount of firepower to put down, majority of the time Demonbane is stuck punching and kicking shit and needing to outtrick its enemies because they're stronger than it.
I don't get it. Without any sort of analytical foundation, how can anyone take subjective meaning seriously? In what way does it differ from "sustaining a delusion for the sake of my emotional well-being"?
This sort of "optimistic nihilism" seems easy to sustain so long as your life is going alright-- i.e., as long as philosophical questions about meaning or purpose are fairly easily ignored. But what do you do when life mostly hands you suffering, with no particular prospect of respite? How does "optimistic nihilism" fare any better than regular ol' nihilism under those circumstances?
I also don't think anybody actually chooses what they find meaningful. As I've said before, if I could choose, I'd find gum meaningful; then fulfillment would never be farther away than the nearest 7-11.
I bet you're fun at parties.
Welcome to a complete misinterpretation of nihilism and, most likely, postmodern thought.
Please hurry up with that suicide, the more pseud's who remove themselves from the equation the freer the rest of us can be.
I was diagnosed with dysthymia when I was 16 or 17, and I've been on medication for it since then. However, it didn't lift much, if at all, until I was about 28, and it's unquestionably still with me, according to my psychiatrist and my (former) therapist. (Therapy proved ineffective.) I can't really remember what most people would consider a normal state of mind, so I apparently don't know what it's like to not be depressed, on some level; my belief in the existence of another state of being rests primarily on the implications of the diagnosis provided to me by experts.
I don't like parties. Of course, I don't really like much of anything else, either.
Don't forget over the top attack names.
The entire show was pretty stupid but it was the enjoyable sort of stupid. One of the best endings of modern anime though.