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What are some of your favorite adversaries you've used/faced in your Mage games?
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You can find those for most birds, though. Owls aren't unique. But on your problem with owls not being creepy:
Imagine, for a moment, that you went out into the bush with a torch. It's like 0230, dead quiet. Shined the torch around. There's thousands of little pinpricks, clustered around. You look at one closely - it's a wolf spider. Those pinpricks of reflected lights are all fucking wolf spiders. That's how it feels to run into an owl in the dark. They're damn near ethereal, the way they fly almost silently. They move in a way that doesn't seem *right*.
Keep this alt-right trash in your containment board.
Fought a pack of werewolves once. It went down exactly as you assholes said it would. Only it happened a year ago so it didn't scream autism at the time.
Was the Cockroach Pangaean a bro?
>It went down exactly as you assholes said it would
They got sent to the moon?
Haven't been up to date recently, any news on 5th Edition? Any Opinions on what we know so far?
>What are some of your favorite adversaries you've used/faced in your Mage games?
That splat is fucking pointless, I'd rather play a Mummy campaign with a politics focus
Or play a Vampire campaign in the Sahara
Garbage fire, basically.
It's only boring because the players turn you off from it, clearly. Grow a backbone.
Why spend time and effort trying to like a game I find terribly boring when I can just play other better templates ?
Not freaked out by wolf spiders either heh, I grew up innawoods. But I get your point. I can see how they have both positive and negative spiritual connotations surrounding them. Barn owls look ghostly at night, they really do, it was quite cool to catch them hanging around the barn and farm.
No, user, it is just boring.
I play WoD for horror and personal drama, not to project myself into saturday morning cartoon villains
I'd be less freaked out by the little bastards if they didn't manage to appear right next to me as if by magic.
That's probably half of it for Vampires. You see this little bastard out there in the middle of the night, there one moment, gone the next. And then your unlife goes to hell.
>take your censorship and intolerance to a place where free expression is less welcome
>Cult of the Doomsday Clock
Fuck yes! Brilliantly creepy, whoever concocted them, damn, just a brilliant idea.
Nigga that girl's midriff is showing. Rightfags would burn her at the stake.
You're thinking of muslims.
My players faces when they realized that time was just gone was priceless.
"ill just look back in time and see who blew the fuck out of this".....NOPE.
I would fuck em. All of em!
conservative muslims are very right wing though
And the only thing right-wingers hate more than leftists are right-wingers of a different flavor
same for left-wingers tbph
different flavors of left-wingers usually tend to work (or at least try to work) together at first, and it's usually the overblown individual egos that bring the whole thing down and create the hate
the result is the same (a bunch of pissed off faggots flinging shit at each other) but the dynamics aren't the same
in any case, pretty pathetic
Nobody gives a shit what kind of winger you are, you're all awful and whatever political nonsense you're spewing is off topic and stupid. /pol/ is the board for politics, tumblr is the website for whining about /pol/.
Well said, pupper
Back on topic, rather than focusing exclusively on mageshit, what are the best enemies you've faced or put up against your players ?
Also, did you whip up any bloodlines, covenants, agendas, courts or kiths (and equivalents for other splats) you're proud of ?
>rather than focusing exclusively on mageshit
You're going to be disappointed. My favorite enemies I've been up against were the Cult of the Red Word, a cannibal cult masquerading as a pleasant small town that worships an Abyssal entity, from the Boston book.
I've realized why I'm not really a fan of Mage, and it's because the Mage fans and VtM fans are very similar in their desire to throw out the themes of the game (that coincidentally also help keep a lid on abuses) and focus entirely on power mongering.
Even early mage, when you are coming into your own, you only have a couple of tricks that a determined attacker can break down and paranoia is sky high due to knowledge of what is out there and maybe right next to you isn't appreciated here.
I've run W:tF, and Pure are always my favored opponents, but other werewolves as a whole lead to the most electrifying situations.
The worst was the pack being jumped during a rookie initiation gone wrong, and the packs literally hunting each other in a mountain forest for the entire night. The players got surprisingly clever with their feints, but they lost one of their own when the player made a boner and pursued a fleeing pure who slit her throat on a blind slash.
>Cult of the Red Word, a cannibal cult masquerading as a pleasant small town that worships an Abyssal entity, from the Boston book.
You talking about the Prince?
I don't play that much Werewolf but I felt like apart from other wolvies there was not much in terms of worthy opponents for them... What would you use apart from that ?
>what are idigrams?
Horrific alien spirits that would give even master mages a run for their money assuming they aren't a master of spirit
I was more referring to the fact that the thread question was worded to include only Mage
This cult sounds like a cool antagonist though, were those mortals ?
Pretty intense, that must have been a hard scene to manage.
And yes, the problem is the powergaming and the mage supremacy fags
The fact that Ascension and Awakening 1e lend themselves so well to it and that Awakening 2e was explicitly created with those two goals in mind makes it even worse
As for VtM, I never really got into it, for the same reasons
Then again, I'm sure with a good GM, good players and a good group dynamic, you can probably have a good Mage game, but the circumstances are exceedingly difficult to gather
>alien spirits
How the fuck is Masquerade anything like Mage the Wankening?
Hey DaveB can you give us some more lore on the Gaolers of Ialdabaoth/Ialdabaoth Codex. Both always seemed really cool
Power creep and the obsession of the players about end-game world-rending abilities
they're both superhero games
Well they existed as spirits of concepts no longer around now and then they were flung to the Moon by Father Wolf.
This was fine...until the mortals sent the Apollo 18 up there...then the Idigam came back.
No, other wolves are the most balanced fight in terms of engaging foes; other werewolves are simply great for brutal slug matches, especially with the houserules I made to beef up 1e wolves. Having the 2 opposing pack alphas, both in garou and rocking 11+ strength, dex and stamina, 6+ armor (and using the optional damage soak rules for armor points) and at one point ripping trees and 1k pound bolders out of the ground and throwing them at each other, it was a lot of mean fun.
For a moment, I felt that the game was FINALLY living up to what was advertised, savage, brutality on parade, the unstoppable wolfman challenged only by one of his own.
>the party's alpha won by blowing 4 points on Savage Might, giving him 32 dice to drop on a single attack
>I ruled he broke his fingers, all of them, wrist, and a bone in his forearm, but he damn near killed the pure alpha
>the pure alpha survived only because his pack immediately pulled together to bail him out and bargained with a *REDACTED* to heal him
>a month later, I gunned down the party alpha with a sniper from 200 yards, silver rounds
>still feel bad about that, BUT I TOLD HIM TO SURRENDER
Damn. That's some conspirationnist dream came true.
>were those mortals ?
Eh, kind of. They were twisted because a part of town (their temple) had become something like an Abyssal verge, and it twisted them. Iirc some of them had things like enhanced strength and durability, and at their very worst they were like humans morphed into an approximation of hounds.
I liked them so much because the whole thing reminded me of a horror mystery novel, with the whole pleasant yet creepy town with an evil secret thing. My character was a mystagogue, and that's how we usually got messed up with them. We would go with the Censor to find the shards, and more often than not the cult would be there too. They weren't terribly dangerous, but we didn't always come out unscathed and the way my friend described them and played them, it was always an experience.
The red word cult are all cannibal sleepwalkers trying to piece together an alternate time line to make it manifest. In this alternate timeline cannibalism is revered and they will be the nobility.
They range from hillbillies to uber rich.
How well do you think they'd scale if included in a Demon, Changeling or Vampire game ?
Would they be too much for mortal PCs ?
Both Masquerade and Ascension went up to 10 dots in their respective Disciplines / Spheres
Vampire did it first, with world eating Antediluvians and the obvious Caine
Mage came next, with even more ludicrous capabilities bordering on universal levels.
Naturally, this caused a great stigma among the two fan-bases.
The Magefags n' Vampirefags will never admit it, but, they have more in common than they realize.
Mage fans are still *slightly* worse, in my opinion.
There was that one blue guy in Changeling
Nice to hang around with, very charismatic but a tad incoherent in what he asked from his loved ones.
I remember he had a room full of animated body parts from his former wives.
Also they all have strange goals, like Lul'Aya wanting to put it in Luna's ass.
>My character was a mystagogue, and that's how we usually got messed up with them. We would go with the Censor to find the shards, and more often than not the cult would be there too.
That's Khonsu's, the new Obrimos Mystagogue Censor signature character's, original story in the Mage fiction
That is a weird goal.
What do they look like ? What are their abilities ?
They are basically mortals, the advantage they have is numbers. One of the scariest thing they are able to do is if they consume people inside their "temple" that person gets forgotten about, everybody forgets they existed. They suffer from a malady that eventually turns them into weird fang toothed hound like things, which the cult revere but use as guards.
Its hard to "fight" against an entire town were everybody is a cannibal and nobody even remembers exists (did i mention that). So they get to practice cannabalism fairly openly.
Lul'Aya is a hero and I would follow them into battle. Moonfuckers are still here, btw.
>wanting to lustily, violently sodomize a crazy bitch (who will probably like it) until she is leaking your hot, thick essence from at least 3 holes is strange
No, user, that is my goddamn fetish, and now I'm going to fap to nuns in latex.
Oh man that is some twisted shit right there
I am definitely going to throw my players in this mess, regardless of the campaign they're playing
You said they were in the Boston book for Mage ? 1e I suppose ?
Yeah, that was him. He was a cool dude.
Boston Unveiled, yeah.
>Yeah, that was him. He was a cool dude
You wrote Khonsu or your PC was the character upon whom he was based???
>What do they look like ? What are their abilities ?
These vary from Idigam to Idigam (unless they coalesce they look like formless multi-colored blobs.).
But they all have a ridiculously powerful ability to Essence Shaping to make Claimed, Hosts or other servants.
Yet with an Idigams specific Goal Based restrictions most of these make sense. Lul'Aya for example wanted to be a copy of Father Wolf to get with Luna, he knew that Father Wolf battled things that disrupted the Shadow and the he uses his Essence Shaping to make things that will disrupt these by their very existence so he can then kill them.
Also he never really go the look right. He wanted to look like Father Wolf, a great and mighty lupine, but his idigam nature to "improve" got the better of him. Instead he looks like a giant wolf with, among other things, barbed tentacles for fur, an impossibly long jaw filled with teeth from beginning to end, exposed musculature, and occasional other "improvements" if he feels like it.
Whatever they want to look like, and honestly, whatever they want to do. They're pretty monstrous, and come with a few unique abilities. Hit up the Werewolf 2e book.
No, he wasn't my PC at all. We was an NPC and we traveled with him to find the shards, since his own cabal had been wiped out. The Nemean lent our Cabal to him through me, probably trying to get us killed off since all but one of was were newcomers to the Consilium, and of course stirring things up, as players tend to do.
>forsaken has a bit about a crazy spirit want to fuck Luna in the ass
wtf I like Werewolf now
>nuns in latex
I see you are a gentleman and scholar
Thank you, my nizzle
So im my campaign, a scelesti master moros found out about the underworld place called the "Athenaum" were everything ever written and no written is held. He figured it would contain an entire full copy history of the prince of 100,000 leaves timeline and went to go find it, Que a race through multiple dead dominions with the pc's hot on his heels. Only to discover that somebody had blown the fuck out of it ages ago and destroyed an entire wing of the athenaum and caused the rule that no magic was permitted inside it.
It was a good excuse for a trip to the underworld for my mage players and they were genuinely scared that if he got his hands on a complete history and made it back to the material plane then the timeline would assert itself.
You can like Werewolf all you want
Just be wary of its players
Also some of them have really wonky Weaknesses.
Gamugur is injured by blessed wine. Gifmalu Igizalag really doesn't like people who are one fire and in pain (the two of them together is important, just fire or pain won't work), The Breeder died with the Unihar, Umum Wabalu Damu is hurt by people infected with Yellow Fever, Zul Sanak is vulnerable to the power of love, Lu’im Iduth has to obey people carrying bits of Apollo 15, Ansar-zalag can only be harmed by rocks from the Moruroa Atoll and Gagh-Azur is hurt by coral.
What do you do?
"I claw it"?
That doesnt work, what next?
"I claw it again"
ok so that fails, what do you do next?
"I claw it again"
Yep avoid them.
Bluebeard ?
Was he a changeling ?
>killing one of Luna's children with silver from a sniper rifle like some beast
I hope you got some serious penalties to your harmony and the local spirits should all hate you
What is this harmony stuff? You can't kill other werewolves?
tfw woofs have to fear sniper rifles. Poor woofs.
Wolves have to balance their spiritual and physical sides. Drift too much to the spirit and you become one. Too much physical and you won't be able to enter the shadow.
So does every mage that doesn't have a force field up and active
You guessed right !
He was a weakened True Fae living in the Hedge, capturing human women to marry them, offering them a perfect life and his unconditionnal love.
And then the story of the cabinet key etc...
My group (I was GMing) lived in a Changeling community that had four Courts and Kings, the Spring King being wed to a human woman (she knew about the Changelings). Bluebeard made the mistake of taking his wife hostage and my group was sent to apply in the recruitment campaign his servants had in the Goblin Market for people to prepare the marriage.
Unfortunately, they got stuck in his lair because most of his servants were Changelings that were pretty happy about their fate since he was a 'kind' master as long as they didn't disturb his wives.
They had to work with the King's wife to distract the Master and his spies long enough to steal his enchanted carriage and flee. It was a good game.
Idigam, ridden, spirits gone awry..
Oh you sweet summer child.
Not true, matter mage can have silly armour, which is immune to AP.
Time mage wont get surprised.
mage armour that adds to defence vs firearms, gluck with your chance dice?
etc etc etc. So many ways a sniper rifle isnt a problem for a prepped mage.
>muh prepped mage
Kill yourself kid
What are the biggest problems with White Wolf games? Why is there so much hate in Veeky Forums about WW RPGs?
user every Mage has 9 Gnosis, infinite Mana and 10 dots in every Arcana right out of chargen, you know how this works. They also have the ST give them all his notes so they can prep for everything.
It's like you don't even play Mage, seriously.
You really don't have to go to such extremes. Any Mage who has an inkling that they might be in some kind of danger could use low level Time or Fate spells to probe for what kind it could be, so they could prepare accordingly. Even if they themselves don't have 1-2 dots in Time or Fate, there's a good chance one of their Cabalmates does. You also don't need an active Force field to defend from a sniper. Matter can turn your clothes to armor. Space can, well, warp Space so that things travel around you. Mind can make you imperceptible, or be perceived as someone else. Fate can make you so lucky a bird will poop on the sniper right before he fires, causing him to flinch and make the bullet stray wildly off course. You could hang spells and give them conditional triggers with Fate, so that you'll have a protective spell up the instant you're fired upon. There are more ways.
You don't even need to know your in danger to prepare like this. You just need to think you might be.
It doesn't help that Masters of the Art was just a shitty book, even outside of the Crunch. Like, I kind of get what they were going for, but the game breaks down almost completely at that point unless you're awesome, like Imperial Mysteries. Even then, the reason IM worked was because magic fundamentally changes in how it functions at that level power level.
You think it was another werewolf did it?
It Was TFV
The biggest problems is it's initial view which has stuck as being a DRAMA game for DEEP, ANGSTY people/goths.
It's earlier wacked out mechanics hurt it as well, and again, is a view that is kept even if it does't apply.
>What are the biggest problems with White Wolf games?
Being chained to a shitty dicepool system.
>Why is there so much hate in Veeky Forums about WW RPGs?
Because there were several high-profile incidents involving WW's products and crazy people flipping out and murdering others in the 90s. It attracted try-hards and edgemasters who then went on to shit the game up for a while, they were then followed by a group of tumblr idiots who are currently trying to use the game as a vehicle for many of their political views.
>What do you do?
>"I claw it"?
>That doesnt work, what next?
>"I claw it again"
>ok so that fails, what do you do next?
>"I claw it again"
That's offensive.
Sometimes woofs will also try to bite it.
In Veeky Forums? There really isn't. These threads have a few trolls. People just don't care enough about WW games aside from wanting something to point at and mock, because they're perceived as the lowest common denominator. That mostly comes from the larp pictures that turn up sometimes, as well as the constant sidebar politicking and the vascillation in tone between superhero games of owod and the I AM SO SAD WOE IS ME you see in the new.
There's a widespread perception of WW games as being
>90s murders
Really? Do you have any examples?
Or attack with the Klaive, but that's pretty much all three options.
>"Ferrell told people that he was a 500-year-old vampire named Vesago, a character he created for himself after becoming obsessed with the role playing game Vampire: The Masquerade."
I know there were also some inspired by W:tA, but I can't seem to find them at the moment.
Wow, your alt-right board limits speech? Almost like that's why no one likes you.
You mean the ones who are actually playing Thyrsus mages, right?
Oh, so every mage has time or fate spells?
Learn to read Veeky Forums posts, redditor. The poster he was replying to was trying to censor his speech here, and send him elsewhere, he was responding by suggesting that individual would be happier in a less open medium.
>Learn to read Veeky Forums posts, redditor. The poster he was replying to was a /pol/tard trying to stir shit up
Hey I fixed your post for you.
You can't read all that well, can you? Try again, and this time really pay attention to the words.
This why I try to fling out ideas that would make flavourful Mages...Like Rac Shade, the Changing Man!
I do this mostly because I think Mage can be a good game if you don't try to go to fast too quickly.
You realise you're being baited, right?
Hard to tell. Some people are indeed that stupid, unfortunately.
You do realize the point of a sniper rifle is to kill someone who isn't aware that they are in danger right? Unless you are saying that a mage taking a walk to buy some groceries has a armored clothes or a warping space bubble around themselves at all time
Am I reading Mage's Withstand right? Someone gets hit in the face with a firebolt, reduce the potency of the bolt by their withstand? Or are combat spells just 'instant damage'?